
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 14 hours ago

Ya the point of uni is for research so you'll get all sorts of random stuff, but they could do a better job explaining the real job prospects of their degrees since that's why most people go to school. I was too dumb at 17-18 to pick a path.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I usually split my time between reddit and lemmy when the community I want isn't active enough. I'll lurk reddit and post/comment on lemmy. (/r/leaves)

[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Lots of drivers pass too close and too fast, and the majority of the time they want to zoom past me only to roll stop through the next stop sign or wait for me to arrive at the crosswalk and press the light. They'll also stop if a car is parking, or another car coming in the opposite. Nah, they can wait for me on my bike or they can use another any of the 100 roads specifically designated for them.

Though, not all the time. If I'm taking the lane it's for a reason. It doesn't help when drivers then use that moment to ride up right behind me. Car drivers treat bikers like shit and expect to be treated like royalty.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Has anyone tried switching from coffee to caffeine pills and was it the same, better, or worse?

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I rarely go straight decaf (because I can tell) but when I feel like my tolerance is peaking I'll mix decaf into my regular beans in whatever ratio. It works fine for all brew methods.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

These are not imaginary uses cases. Are you generally critical of technology?

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Not really I'm more just presenting an alternate explanation. Don't mistake me for holding strongly to this opinion, but I do feel like calling OP out as a narcissist or whatever is an unfair snap judgment. People can be different and that doesn't make them bad most of the time.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

I guess it's less ambiguous than 'easier' but I'm curious what we'll actually get (from companies like Adobe).

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (3 children)

It's an explanation, those use words.


Basically title


Having troubles deciding like me? Reddit and youtube not helping? Just spend several hours researching and thinking about it like me! Here's where my thoughts have landed. I'm ordering the 3s 128gb.

MSRP: 512gb quest 3 ($679) or 128/256 quest 3s ($399/$549) + 5% tax

People on Facebook marketplace asking $200 for Quest 2, may include good strap on. Similar specs to 3s minus snapdragon gen 2 and passthrough colour.

Quest 4 rumoured 1.5-2 years, 2026

~500g is the weight of a 350 page book. Attach one to your face like I did to "feel VR". We are not on the moon yet.

I like comparing costs by looking at how much it costs per month.

Cost per month (year 1, year 2, year 3 including $50 apps each year):

$25/17/13: 2

$43/26/19: 3s

$56/32/23: 3s

$68/38/27: 3

If you sell 2 years from now, the total cost per month over 2 years is:

$11: 2

$20: 3s

$24: 3s

$28: 3

All of these fit into my 'entertainment' budget, but I don't expect to use it a lot, mostly for movies, and I don't like paying for storage. I get by, I always do. I had the Go and found it adequate. I intend to lend it out to friends and family for long periods of time. I think the headsets are still too heavy, and even though the 3 is an improvement in critical areas I think it's incremental and I know I'm going to want the Quest 4 or whatever comes next. If I were on the edge of my budget even considering this gadget then a used 2 would be a solid choice (eg. imo when discretionary spending is <$10,000/yr). The new processor in the quest 3s may extend it's life bringing the total cost down even though it loses the 3.5 jack for some reason.


Drugs, alcohol, and now coffee! I've used a variety of substances to self medicate while in a depressed mood. A few years ago I cut out cannabis, and I stay away from using alcohol when I'm down, but I have no limits with coffee. It seems like I can drink as much as I want whenever I want and it doesn't create the same problems it does when my mood is better.


Does anyone have a headset? What do you think about it in the context of your mental health?


This is my most needed feature in linux. I want zero 'connect/disconnect' sounds and if the laptop is asleep I don't want it to wake up in the middle of the night for no reason.

I have an infinite supply of Windows laptops from work but I hate them with a burning passion and I can't afford to replace my Macbook.

If someone can tell me what linux distro is the most silent and least annoying I will erase my entire Windows partition this weekend.


Here are some things I found in common between these two movies:

Alexandra and Corso

The jewel and the book

Lots of dialogue

Machiavellian horror



The Ninth Gate

  • Must watch


  • Average 90s movie

Another union question..

One major obstacle to forming a union are union dues/fees. I understand these are required to pay for legal, administrative, and compliance needs. I wonder how simple this could get to keep fees down. I know that if the agreement is missing sections the relevant Employment Standard statement takes over. How much of union admin can be automated? Anyone here work inside a union?


I'm hoping someone with knowledge of collective agreements and unions can help me understand why union members would agree to 2 weeks vacation. Doesn't a union hold more power for negotiation?

This is what I'm reading:

More than 1 year of continuous employment -> 2 weeks

From what I can tell this is less than most regular employers (maybe food industry is like that though).

I'm looking at forming a collective agreement at my workplace but seeing this result is discouraging.


The mood matrix (ie the Microsoft logo). A four quadrant grid to plot energy and pleasantness. Some charts have 100 emotions, others have 4. You can find one online, here are some example (,

Description Blue: Low energy, low pleasantness. This is where depression sits.

Red: High energy, low pleasantness. This is where anger goes.

Yellow: High energy, high pleasant. Festive.

Green: Low energy, high pleasant. Serene, content, calm.

Maybe you know this already. Maybe you also know that you can try to pair your activities with your mood. So why am I sharing? It's a prompt. I've heard of this before, never bothered to try it or never did it successfully. It's worth trying if you're struggling right now and have to work.

My week has been rough, mental health dropped of a cliff after being solid for several weeks. Monday, the usual, 'I can't do this right now' feelings. I'd usually grind through the day, nap with my phone on alert, take a long lunch, stop early and tell myself I'd catch up later when I'm feeling better. Mental health days right? Meanwhile I'm falling behind, having less than positive interactions with coworkers, making mistakes, and just generally making my life worse.

I'll try the mood chart thing, this time I have an LLM to help me think because I'm an idiot.

I only sort of want the day off, but I realize I might be on this roller coaster for a while. What can I actually do today?

1. Red Zone (Angry, Frustrated, Overwhelmed)

  • Urgent, high-energy tasks: clearing backlogs, problem-solving, making quick decisions
  • Use the frustration energy to push through stuck problems
  • Physical tasks: organizing, rearranging, building things.
  • Brainstorming: Pull out some paper, a web tool, or whiteboard and come up with ideas and plans. Explore solutions later if that's better.
  • Avoid talking to people, mute notifications

2. Yellow Zone (Anxious, Excited)

  • Creative work: Channel that restless energy into being creative
  • Wrap up projects, put a bow on it and then start something else that sounds fun
  • Planning: Outline projects, create to-do lists, or schedule future work.
  • Bring donuts

3. Green Zone (Calm, Focused, Happy)

  • Deep-focus work: Tackle complex projects, research, writing, meticulous and challenging activities, analysis
  • Collaborative tasks: Team meetings, discussions, problem-solving with others.
  • Socializing with colleagues, go out for lunch, call someone, bring donuts for people
  • Planning. I think planning goes everywhere except blue.

4. Blue Zone (Tired, Sad, Low Energy)

  • Low-energy tasks: Organizing files, deleting things, sorting documents, or simple administrative work, simple things, dull tasks that you've been putting off
  • Research: Tasks that require reading, learning, or reviewing information at a comfortable pace. Get cozy.
  • Planning: review work you've done recently

It's helping me get through this wave. Monday and Tuesday have been better than I expected, I've been productive and I don't feel worse.


cross-posted from:

In an interview with POLITICO, Cleveland-Cliffs CEO Lourenco Goncalves said the Ohio-based company produces the steel with the lowest carbon emissions in the world. But he said his company cannot persuade buyers, mostly in the automobile sector, to pay the price to cover the costs of producing more environmentally friendly steel.

Cars! Fuck em.


In an interview with POLITICO, Cleveland-Cliffs CEO Lourenco Goncalves said the Ohio-based company produces the steel with the lowest carbon emissions in the world. But he said his company cannot persuade buyers, mostly in the automobile sector, to pay the price to cover the costs of producing more environmentally friendly steel.

Dang. This looks like a problem.


What is the right attitude to have with drivers or cars on the road as someone who bikes, or walks, or uses another mode of transportation.

I'm looking to adjust my behaviour and want some opinions. How do you treat cars on the road (shared bike/car roads, bike lanes only)

I think there is a good case for adding 'friction' to the lives of drivers. But I'm less sure today. I'm conflicted. Friction comes in a variety of ways, but basically I think of it as me not contributing to the driving experience in a positive way. Eg. if you're a car rushing up to a stop sign with a light on a bike path... we'll I'm not pushing the pedestrian button. I can wait. Good luck turning left on this 4 lane road during rush hour :) I'm not like this if I'm a pedestrian.

Do communities like fuckcars encourage people to adopt a more extreme response to cars? Is the internet radicalizing me? Is it worth it?

The majority of the time biking is great and I'm happy to not be driving around, but sometimes I'm done with cars being cars: dangerous, entitled, and they stink and I lose my patience. Car blocking the entire road? I'm saying something. Car tail gating me? I'm moving to the center of the road until it's safe to pass.

I'm in a Canadian city. I've never had any incidents with cars and I've been commuting on my bike in bike lanes/roads for like 8 years.

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