
joined 3 years ago
[–] 5 points 10 hours ago

His previous ones have mostly been excellent so I'll be excited to see how this turns out.

[–] 10 points 15 hours ago

Someone should be in prison for having this idea.

[–] 16 points 16 hours ago

I worked at a McDonald's in highschool and it was the hardest and most unpleasant work I've ever done. Other food service wasn't much better and call centers are a weird mix where you trade the physical labor with the dehumanizing factor of the customer not seeing your face. One of them once told a coworker that they hoped everyone in her call center would get pancreatitic cancer.

The racism you hear in a call center is also crazy.

CW racism

spoilerTon of "thank God finally a (white) English speaker" type shit. Plus, it's the only setting where I as a very visibly white dude have ever been called a racial slur (not like "cracker" a real one).

Technically the whole bear site NSFW because I can't have my boss knowing that I'm a communist

[–] 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)


Destroy Germany? Idk, I wish

[–] 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Yeah, I can't think of anything in modern history that feels like it set humanity as far back as the Soviet Union and allied socialist states collapsing.

EDIT: also, sorry if it sounded like I was trivializing the other collapses, I'm just not as familiar with them.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Yeah I remember them mentioning that a bunch of productive state owned enterprises got privatized and sold off to capitalists who then shut them down for being insufficiently profitable, resulting in mass unemployment, which also is incredibly awful.

The reunification seems like one of the the biggest non-war related disasters of the 20th century.

[–] 28 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (6 children)

It's been a long time (I think it was an old Proles of the Round Table episode?) but I remember hearing that when Germany reunified the West German state that essentially became the entire German state kicked people out of their houses to return the properties to Nazis and their descendants who'd had it seized in the aftermath of WW2 and German partition, so loath was the West German government to allow anyone to face the slightest consequence for being a Nazi.

EDIT: if anyone is interested in looking into this, the organization responsible was called the Treuhand I think? I believe it means Trust Agency or something like that.

Question 1: EDH at lunch with my buddies from work basically exclusively. Pre release draft events 1-2 times a year. I did play standard and draft current sets on arena for a while but I hate "daily quests" so I quit.

Question 2: Rain of Riches into Temur Battle Rage to exile half my deck temporarily, one card at a time and make Laelia into a 50/50 double striking trampler while she's attacking. Folds to removal or hitting my sol ring 3 cards in though.

I didn't think they could get me to root for a strike to fail, but here we are.


Uh, spoilers I guess for TNG season 2 generally and TMoaM specifically.

We're watching TNG for the first time (not counting seeing random out of order episodes when my aunt was watching me decades ago) and so far season 2 is definitely better, but the dehumanization of Data has been driving me up a wall.

This fuckin doctor who isn't Beverly Crusher consistently treating him like a thing and even being smug about it as she learns that she's wrong was bad enough to start with

But now we have this asshole calling him "it" repeatedly and saying that he's Starfleet property, doing the "well if one of Data's best friends doesn't make a sincere argument that he's a nonperson, I'll just immediately declare that he's a nonperson" etc.

Just unreal "justice system" brain worms. Oh is the question of whether this individual, who clearly has feelings and desires, deserves to have literally any personal rights more fitting for "saints and philosophers" you dumb lawyer hog

And finally the smug science nerd space fascist right here.

This guy's insistence that in spite of not understanding Data's construction at all basically, he should be allowed to vivisect him and poke around in his brain was absurd. Like, once people start asking him any questions about his plans for the experiment he immediately makes it clear that he doesn't know shit and hasn't considered the dangers to Data at all. The moment during the trial when Picard demands that he distinguish the traits that Picard demands has and Data lacks that makes only Picard sentient and he whines that the question is "difficult" holy shit I was funing. He loses the court case obviously but frankly I am mad that (and I know that TNG isn't this show) nobody shot him in the head with a phaser.


So I was just on SLS yelling at some lib that was complaining that the sub is not targeted at libs, but was actually left on left infighting because we "didn't propose solutions and were aggressive toward pro Kamala posters" or whatever.

When it started getting circular I reported them for genocide apologism and they quit responding (I assume they caught a sub ban) and then like 2 minutes later I got a permanent site ban for "harassment or bullying" pointing at a week old top level comment I made on /r/bisexual on a deleted thread calling for people to vote Kamala to stop project 2025. The comment was "I will never vote for genocide and fuck anyone who will."

Now I can't talk about ttrpgs or other similar shit on reddit, but that is what I get for communist-posting and nerd-posting on the same profile.

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