
joined 4 years ago
[–] 17 points 6 hours ago

gotta reach people on their level

[–] 4 points 12 hours ago

side note: love sterling but they really gotta take just a moment to fix how washed out their video looks in post. just a touch of color correction and tone balancing would do wonders

[–] 6 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Energy is everywhere people. It's huge and filled all around us. I came into this room and looked around and said, "Wow, look at all this energy." This guy, Robert Boyle, scientist, smart man, brilliant man, he told me he said, "Energy is stored in a medium around us. It's the luminiferous aether." Lu-mi-ni-fer-ous, now there's a funny word. I think it sparkles but we can't see it, I don't know. But he knows, the guy in the lab coat this Boyle fellow. He knows it well and I think we'll see more and more people talking about it.

[–] 18 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

It was so intense, the anti-Muslim sentiment. I'm also in my 40s and I also remember it too well, unfortunately.

I remember arguing with my family why we shouldn't go to war with Iraq. I told them how it would kill tens of thousands of people (I was off by an order of magnitude). Iraqis and Muslims were referred to by them in slurs. Every bit of propaganda you've ever heard was mentioned. There was no getting through to them. It's probably one of the most radicalizing things I've ever seen first hand just how set they were in this. Like a switch had clicked on this topic and all you could hear was what was said in the news and from your worst coworkers in hushed tones.

But that's the kicker, these things weren't even said in hushed tones. You could be openly Islamophobic in public. You could use slurs in public against Arab peoples and get grunts of approval in the fucking grocery line at your local Piggly Wiggly. There was no mask. The only filter existed in liberal media and even then that filter was not N95, let me tell you.

What's strange is I did now an older guy who was a family friend who had retired as a sniper and decided to do the PMC (Private Military Contractor) thing in Iraq when it kicked off. Mostly escorting convoys and shit. You'd think he'd be hoorah but for him it was just a money thing. And when he came back he had more sympathy for Muslims and Iraqis. He had some wild stories and some people he worked with were actually Iraqi themselves (one guy was a former Mr Iraq body builder guy who sadly died in an IED ambush). I think Iraq either woke some people up to the humanity of the other or cemented it in their minds.

In rural areas it never really died. I moved away from rural Tennessee in '04 and Islamophobia showed no sign of abating. Talking to my mom/grandmother over the last year who live in North Tennessee and South Kentucky reinforces that. They still have that same fucking mentality. It might have cooled for a few years but all you need is some white people dying at the hands of a guy in a turban and the hate boils back over again. Really gross.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago


then vote on your ballot initiatives in my state we vote to enshrine abortion rights for instance

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

the person below you posted the green party support for a plan to infringe upon iran's sovereignty and relinquish aspects of their nuclear program to western oversight which in turn empowers and emboldens the zionists so before you claim they are antizionist please consider that they are, in fact, not. they might be outspoken against this genocide, which is of course, cool and good, but in the long term policies like that only strengthen the zionist position in the region

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

yeah, yikes, that makes the green party even worse of a LIB party imho

iran should not ever, and i repeat, EVER, abandon any pursuit of anything nuclear and in fact has a legal and moral obligation to development its own nuclear arsenal as a deterrent to the west. any effort to infringe upon this basic sovereign right is imperialist and must be vehemetly opposed by any self proclaimed socialist. any socialist who would support such a platform is also a LIB

[–] 21 points 2 days ago (4 children)

hate to break it to you but stein is, in fact, a LIB in very big ways and the green party is generally "china bad uighar genocide" so no thanks ill stick with claudia thanks

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

some people nasty

[–] 11 points 3 days ago

so my gramps was a total germophobe and in his defense he was putting on a brave face to help me with the vomit situation but the shit covered kid that wasnt even his blood was like, waaaay too over the edge for him

he was also a sailor in ww2 and was all tatted up with anchors and betty boop and shit so this 6'3" old guy with tattoos just looking down and saying that to this kid is so funny to me in hindsight

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

running a little water over your hands and then flicking it on the mirror before wiping your wet dirty hands on your pants doesnt count

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

white presenting


i watched a dude, who was alone, eating his burger get up from his table and walk into the bathroom with his burger, still eating it, then 3 minutes later come back out still finishing it off

this was before covid and i still think about it sometimes


Poverty. The answer is always poverty. Evacuation is not free and never has been.

Currently sitting in the Tampa Bay area while a category 5+ hurricane comes barreling at me. I'm in flood zone D next to E so I shouldn't have any issues there. In a building that is solid brick/cinderblock construction, built like a bunker. Don't worry about me. I got water, food, and enough fat to get me through the winter as they say.

The one thing I don't have is the hundreds or thousands of dollars it would take to drive 2+ states away and get a hotel for a week. I simply don't have it. Then you have all these people in places like Missouri or Montana posting this question about why people would not evacuate. We don't have the goddamn money. It's not hubris. We SHOULD evacuate. I don't see any of the people saying this offering up a spot on their couch. We should always evacuate... somewhere other than the house of the person who thinks we should, apparently.


could be better but honestly keep up the good work




No, seriously. Just like any system ours has loopholes and contradictions, we all know this. I think the left in America isn't focused enough on legislation that would almost certainly be challenged by SCOTUS which, in their decision, would open up an even bigger can of worms to overturn than to just keep in place.

I think the goal of this should not be to try and force a decision to uphold but rather to force them to swallow the poison pill and further harm the fascist project in the USA. Literally goad them into an overturning of whatever law you passed that requires such an opinion as to have broad sweeping repercussions. I don't have any ideas because I haven't thought much on it. However, I think there is some opportunity in this idea and enough people ruminating around it has potential.

It seems to me the rightwing kind of already engages in this. So why not the left? Isn't eroding the legal constructs of the capitalist state in our best interests?


An American citizen says to a Chinese citizen, "In my country we have freedom of speech. I can stand in my country's capital and scream 'Fuck America' and nothing will happen to me."

The Chinese citizen replies, "In my country we have freedom of speech. I can stand in my country's capital and scream 'Fuck Israel' and nothing will happen to me."


If you are white collar then it's going to "disrupt" your field.

I work in tech. I got laid off last year. I wasn't at Alphabet or Amazon or anything. Much smaller company. But AI "optimization" has ravaged the tech industry and not just programmers. Admins, database specialists, network specialists, developers, you name it. Our job market is absolutely fucked.

In my county, a major metro area in the US (like, top 10) craigslist used to be the place to get real job postings. If it wasn't a recruiter then your odds of getting a callback from a job posting there is pretty high. There are plenty of postings for other fields like mechanics and tradesmen and so on. For the few tech categories: nothing in the last month. Zero postings. Not even recruiter ads. Literally nothing. It's a wasteland.

I've been told to "go back to school." I'll be 41 soon. I'm still paying off my computer science degree. It's worthless. What else should I go for? Accounting? HR? These are going to be taken by AI, too. Will it be a mistake? Sure. They don't care. They'll do it anyways.

When I got my degree my wife and I were homeless. We just got back out of the hole in the last 10 years. I was finally building savings. It'll be gone in 60 days. She was laid off on Friday. Her industry is in property finance. Another gutted industry. She has to change industries, too.

What is to be done?


I want to throw out a quick tactic in rhetoric for this particular line because it is so common but is often bungled by comrades online and in real life and the counter is easy. Allow me to illustrate through a hypothetical conversation between a comrade (C) and a liberal (L):

L: I don't hate immigrants, I'm against ILLEGAL immigration.

C: Okay, what if I could pass one law that would get rid of all illegal immigration overnight and there would be no more in the future ever again. Once you hear it you'll understand exactly why illegal immigration could be eliminated this way. Would you support it?

L: Sure, sounds great.

C: I would make ALL immigration legal. Every immigrant would from now and forevermore be automatically approved and put through the process to longer term residency or citizenship status.

Posing your fix to immigration like this immediately exposes the lie that they don't hate immigrants. The next sentences out of their mouths will be why some immigrants are not worthy or how this is unthinkable (even though it has been the norm for 99.9% of human history). It's such an easy retort. It's leftist. It jumps right into the contradiction their ideology holds.

Now of course they will try and dig into details but it's important not to ever get bogged down in details of how such a policy would work. Of course, as a mental exercise for yourself it might be fun to think about but the details of the policy are irrelevant. The point here is they hate ILLEGAL immigrants. You can propose to get rid of the ILLEGAL parts. Would they welcome all immigrants who are LEGAL? No, of course they will not. It is important to keep reiterating, "but they will be legal and those are the immigrants you like."

As with all rhetorical tools it will not convince most people. The goal with using rhetoric and responding to rhetoric is often not to convince the person you are interacting with. It is to put them in an uncomfortable position while appealing to an audience.

I like this one because it plays into everything most liberals and even many conservatives don't want to admit: their anti-immigration ideology is racist and they can try and hide behind the law all they like but they cannot once that shield is stripped from them. Of course, that means that this kind of rhetorical retort is useful in for some other policies as well. I often like to propose legalization when someone says they don't like the ILLEGAL aspect of something. They are almost always using that to shield racism, classism, or some other form of sociological bigotry.

Hope this helps.


Should be described as "human-made".

Women hold up half the genocide.


No, this isn't 1960. 2008-2023 is the date range. Only records were kept for people buried after 2016.

One of the bodies is a man who was hit by an off-duty officer. The PD said they could not identify him. His exhumed body had his wallet in his pocket with a state issued ID and an information card with his home phone number on it and current address. They charged his mother $250 to reclaim his body for a proper burial. That same woman had her brother killed by the same police department when they brutally beat him to death on the side of the road. A pig went to prison for it.

Death to Amerikkka. Fuck this demon cracker nation.


Over 16 years ago I fell in lust with my wife. She was an older woman and family friend going through some hard times in a relationship and I was a young man in my early 20s feeling lonely and getting over the hardest breakup ever. I heard about her troubles and reached out. Misery loves company.

We chatted for a while before she finally cut things off with her ex and I steered the conversation towards romance and sexual talk. Soon we were sexting. Sending nudes. We lived over 1000 miles apart. We would have phone sex regularly. Then, we planned a trip to New Orleans together. It was going to be our getaway. The day we were supposed to fly out everything was cancelled because Katrina made landfall.

Months later I made plans to travel to her and stay a week. My childhood friends that I still keep in touch with and father lived nearby but I was going to see her primarily. I stayed at her place that week. Our time together was AMAZING. Everything was dream. We cried when I had to fly out and I knew we were a thing and there was no returning to normal so I got right to making permanent plans. She was completely on board. We weren't in lust anymore. I loved this woman.

I told my family that I wanted to move back to her area to be closer to my friends and my father. I told them I was going to be her roommate because I had reached out to her and she had an extra bedroom at her place and could use the extra income (all true). Everybody bought it and we kept the charade up for a few years. We weren't roommates and it was almost everything I hoped it could be. The secrecy made it so much more exciting.

There was one problem. She is an alcoholic. Even in the beginning I knew but I never really grasped how bad it was. Her blackout drunk does not seem to be blackout drunk. She slurs words and stumbles around but is otherwise often pretty lucid. You know she's drunk but not in an "I won't remember any of this and will act like a fool" kind of drunk but she was totally that drunk. Often. When she wasn't she would be functional alcoholic drunk. I think in 17 years you could count the days she was stone cold sober on your fingers and toes.

Eventually we told my family of our relationship. It was a little awkward but it went well. They accept our relationship completely. After some years and many struggles (the 2008 crash left us homeless for a while) we were able to build up a life for ourselves. We are barren, so no kids, but after a few health scares for us both we got married. 10 years seems like yesterday and for all our struggles it really has flown by. I love my wife and it has been so worth it.

A few months ago, of her own volition, she got sober. I had tried to help over the years with that but it never worked. It's very hard to watch someone you love so much slowly kill themselves. It had caused a lot of dysfunctions in our marriage and we've gone through rough patches. I'm happy she is sober but the sober her is not who she was for the past 17 years. She is a different person now.

And I'm falling in love with that person. We talk almost every night. We lie in bed as naked lovers and hold each other and build each other up. My sober wife's bedroom preferences are not anything what her alcoholic bedroom preferences were. She is warmer to me in general. She is kind. This is not who I married. I think part of me misses that person but a much greater part of me loves this new person more. It's been 17 years and I'm courting her like we are dating anew. We are rediscovering ourselves and our sexuality together and I couldn't be happier.

I love my wife so much. She is named after a Greek goddess and my heart worships at her temple every day.

Sorry but no TLDR, comrades. If you want to know you have to read.


is just a tip jar for the staff, right

like surely none of the minimum wage workers are actually passing that along so the corporation that exploits them can use those donations as a tax writeoff, right

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