
joined 2 years ago
[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 11 points 7 hours ago

I think the joke is that there's indeed unequivocally just three, and that one of them still says four despite that fact, contradicting the readers expectations who normally for this format expects the middle thing to be something that changes with perspective (eg. 6 vs 9)

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

you’re not usually directly accessing/working on the hardware

I mean, you are. Sure, there's a layer of abstraction when doing tasks that require the intervention of the kernel, but you are still dealing with cpu registers and stuff like that. Merely by writing in assembly you are making your software less portable because you are writing for a specific ISA that only a certain family of processors can read, and talking with the kernel through an API or ABI that is specific to the kernel (standards like Posix mitigate the latter part somewhat, but some systems (windows) aren't Posix compilant).

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 53 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

Writing it in assembly would make it pretty much the opposite of portable (not accounting for emulation), since you are directly giving instructions to a specific hardware and OS.

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 days ago

Thanks! Yeah, typescript was just an example that I gave because it was made to tackle the perceived problems in javascript. I never used it myself and just mentioned it to explain the idea I was getting at.

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

toothbrush was talking both about free software and open source and you claimed that Stallman disagreed with the notion that free software must allow to be used without restrictions (which I misread as run in toothbrush's comment and only now realized that they weren't talking about running)

That's why I talked about free software, but I'm sure at least the commercial use part also applies to open source (since business is mentioned as an example in the point about discrimination against field of endeavor in the OSD)

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 6 points 5 days ago (3 children)


What is Free Software? - GNU project

The four essential freedoms

A program is free software if the program's users have the four essential freedoms: [1]

  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others (freedom 2).
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

I don't know however if it is illegal to use the source code without having bought the game first, so I don't know if toothbrush is correct with their point.

Something that I find could prevent it from being called free or open-source software is the fact that you are not allowed to make derivative works for comercial use.

You may not alter or redistribute this software in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation. This includes, but is not limited to, selling altered or unaltered versions of this software, or including advertisements of any kind in altered or unaltered versions of this software.

-- https://github.com/flibitijibibo/RogueLegacy1/blob/main/LICENSE.md

“Free software” does not mean “noncommercial.” On the contrary, a free program must be available for commercial use, commercial development, and commercial distribution. This policy is of fundamental importance—without this, free software could not achieve its aims.

-- https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html#selling

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 13 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I think they are talking about dogs that will be stationed and sniffing in the places where mail has to pass through to be sent to the correct destination.

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 16 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Btw, what is a non-local RSS reader? I have come across multiple that RSS readers that advertise being "self-hosted" and I'm confused about that since in my mind RSS readers are simply clients that periodically query different servers for an .rss file, so I'm confused about where there is anything to host besides the host of the .rss feed.

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (3 children)

I recognize you and your profile picture from some quite popular Luanti mods. :D I have a question regarding making content for Luanti:

I've been interested in maybe some day making a game for Luanti, but I don't really like Lua (I for example imagine that undefined variables evaluating to nil rather than directly throwing an error, identifiers by default being public, and absence of static checking of possibility of null dereference before runtime to be things that can cause quite some annoying bugs). Is there some popular X to Lua transpiler that you've heard people using? Something like what Typescript is to JS or Kotlin/Clojure/Scala to Java (not exactly the same thing since they all compile directly to jvm bytecode rather than java, but you get the point).

I hope I'm not insulting you by asking such a question.

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah I also never reached the end, though I imagine if playing multiplayer, with enough players and time, that then at some point there won't be any untouched land.

[–] Faresh@lemmy.ml 37 points 1 week ago



cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/13221450

This is a of a post made during a time where outgoing federation for lemmy.ml was broken. I hope lemmy.ml readers will forgive me for shoving my filthy little words under the shining gaze of their precious and observant eyes for a second time.

I have a Kindle Paperwhite (7th generation). (Stallman weeps) It appears people generally customize their kindle beyond Amazon's original design by jailbreaking it. But I was wondering if I could replace the entire system on the kindle by a new one, for even more hacking fun.

It appears Kindle Paperwhites run on ARM processors, so there should be plenty of compatible software. However, it appears flashing the ROM of kindle only appears in the context of something called the Kindle Fire. Why is that? Is there any reason ROM flashing for the paperwhite kindles isn't common? The only reasons I could think of is that disassembling and reassembling the kindle paperwhite is kinda annoying (especially with the glue holding the case together) and that maybe not everyone has a board to externally flash ROMs. I've also thought that maybe the ROM is write-protected or that the software is signed and that the Kindle will refuse to boot off of anything that hasn't received Jeff's blessing. Is there any existing guide on flashing a custom ROM? Have any ROMs been created already?

Maybe my foolish self has not searched good enough and hasn't found the discussions on ROM flashing of other kindle models, but in any case I think it's good to have this discussion on here on Lemmy too even if it potentially already exists somewhere else on the internet, so that other fools like me may come across your wisdom and be enlightened.

If this is complete and utter nonsense what I'm babbling about, can I at least somehow download the firmware and software running on the kindle from the device, so that I may poke and probe it with my disgusting, dirty little fingers, defiling Amazon's intellectual property?

I hope that you have a good day and that the following days be good too. If I am stupid for even mentioning the idea of a good day, I wish that some day our suffering may end and that a good day be something we all can look forward to.


This is a of a post made during a time where outgoing federation for lemmy.ml was broken. I hope lemmy.ml readers will forgive me for shoving my filthy little words under the shining gaze of their precious and observant eyes for a second time.

I have a Kindle Paperwhite (7th generation). (Stallman weeps) It appears people generally customize their kindle beyond Amazon's original design by jailbreaking it. But I was wondering if I could replace the entire system on the kindle by a new one, for even more hacking fun.

It appears Kindle Paperwhites run on ARM processors, so there should be plenty of compatible software. However, it appears flashing the ROM of kindle only appears in the context of something called the Kindle Fire. Why is that? Is there any reason ROM flashing for the paperwhite kindles isn't common? The only reasons I could think of is that disassembling and reassembling the kindle paperwhite is kinda annoying (especially with the glue holding the case together) and that maybe not everyone has a board to externally flash ROMs. I've also thought that maybe the ROM is write-protected or that the software is signed and that the Kindle will refuse to boot off of anything that hasn't received Jeff's blessing. Is there any existing guide on flashing a custom ROM? Have any ROMs been created already?

Maybe my foolish self has not searched good enough and hasn't found the discussions on ROM flashing of other kindle models, but in any case I think it's good to have this discussion on here on Lemmy too even if it potentially already exists somewhere else on the internet, so that other fools like me may come across your wisdom and be enlightened.

If this is complete and utter nonsense what I'm babbling about, can I at least somehow download the firmware and software running on the kindle from the device, so that I may poke and probe it with my disgusting, dirty little fingers, defiling Amazon's intellectual property?

I hope that you have a good day and that the following days be good too. If I am stupid for even mentioning the idea of a good day, I wish that some day our suffering may end and that a good day be something we all can look forward to.


People who struggled with procrastination and have now stopped, what made you stop procrastinating? What do you think were the factors leading or contributing to your past procrastination and how did you stop or improve the situation?

Please don't answer with the "I'll tell you later" joke.


I don't see the backups in my drive, but I also want a copy of them on my desktop.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/410209

I have two questions regarding the election of the deputies to the supreme people's assembly in the DPRK.

In the English translation of the nation's constitution I'm using (article 34.) it says:

The Supreme People's Assembly is composed of deputies elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

And in the translation of the law document Deputy Elections for People's Assemblies at Each Level Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2010) (article 5.) it says:

Deputy elections for People's Assemblies at each level shall be done by the method of secret ballot. Constituents shall be guaranteed the freedom of voting for or against. No one may require the publication of the fact of having voted for or against a constituent, and may not place pressure on or retaliate against someone related to the vote.

And again in article 64.:

Votes shall be done by method of secret ballot. If constituents agree, they shall not make a marking, and if they oppose, they shall horizontally strike out the name of the candidate.

And most most relevant to my question in article 65.:

In cases where constituents agree or make a mark of opposition in their vote, no one may enter or look into the polling rooms.

All these articles seem to indicate to me that the vote is secret, and at the time of the casting of the vote no one else but the voter is allowed to be in the polling room.

However in videos depicting these elections we see some citizens entering the booth and casting their vote. This means there is a camera in the same room they are casting their vote. Doesn't this violate the principle of secret ballot stipulated by the constitution? One could argue that the citizen could have chosen to approve or reject a candidate in a separate room from where they cast their vote, but article 56. says this:

Polling rooms shall be set up by 3 days before the election day so that the confidentiality of votes can be guaranteed. The polling room shall have a polling box and writing supplies. Election halls may be decorated with things like flags and flowers.

If writing supplies and a polling box are supposed to be in the same room then that means that they are supposed to choose to approve of reject a candidate in the same room they cast their vote, so that means that in the video we are able to see whether they approved or rejected the candidate (one leaves it empty to approve a candidate and crosses out their name to reject), which means the principle of secret ballot was violated.

The citizens seen in the polling room all were wearing medals or pins, which leads me to believe they were members of a party or had some official position. Could that be the reason we see them, considering it's pretty obvious whether they are going to approve or reject a candidate?

Q: Why do we see citizens in the video casting their vote, if the ballot is supposed to be secret?

In many news it is said there is only one candidate per electoral precinct:

Where can I find a source for whether or not there was more than one candidate up for election in each precinct?

The document I mentioned earlier seems to indicate that there can be more than one candidate in a precinct up for election (otherwise why even make the election, besides serving as a census of the population?) (article 42 (Number of candidates for deputy to be registered at the electoral precinct)):

The number of candidates for deputy registered with each electoral precinct at deputy elections for People’s Assemblies at each level shall not be restricted.

If there was only one candidate up for election in each precinct, why weren't there more? Article 35:

Candidates for deputy for People's Assemblies at each level shall be recommended directly by constituents, or recommended jointly or alone by the Party or by social organizations. The person making the recommendation must inform the recommended candidate for deputy to the district election committee.

Article 36:

Candidates for deputy recommended for People's Assemblies at each level may only be registered as candidates for deputy in the relevant electoral precinct by going through a deliberation over their qualifications at a meeting of more than a hundred constituents. The constituent meeting for the deliberation on qualifications of candidates for deputy shall be organized by the district election committee.

Article 39:

The registration of candidates for deputy by People's Assemblies at each level shall be decided by the agreement of more than half of the participants at the constituent meeting for deliberating on the qualifications of the candidates.

Assuming that in article 35 "constituents" here means means members of the 100+ people chosen by the election committee (I'm assuming they are random citizens of the precinct, but I don't see anywhere anything about how those 100+ members of the constituent meeting are chosen, so this could be the source of my confusion), then citizens could bring up a potential candidate that they consider better represents them than the one brought forth by the DFRF. I would be surprised if that were the case and not have even a single instance where there was more than one candidate up for election (even if the country were to have an extremely unanimous view on who best represents them, I find it hard to imagine there isn't a single case where there was more than one candidate up for election).

If we consider that the potential candidate has to be approved with a vote with an approval greater than 50% by the constituents in order to be registered as a candidate, then maybe one could say that maybe there were more potential candidates brought up but in the end it was decided to approve only one person to be registered as a candidate. But wouldn't that be an abuse of the system? I am interpreting the role of that constituent meeting to be the filtering out of candidates that do not meet the requirements to run for election, not to choose for the whole population of the precinct what candidate should win.

Q: Do these elections really only have a single candidate up for election per precinct, and if yes, why aren't there more?


I have two questions regarding the election of the deputies to the supreme people's assembly in the DPRK.

In the English translation of the nation's constitution I'm using (article 34.) it says:

The Supreme People's Assembly is composed of deputies elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

And in the translation of the law document Deputy Elections for People's Assemblies at Each Level Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2010) (article 5.) it says:

Deputy elections for People's Assemblies at each level shall be done by the method of secret ballot. Constituents shall be guaranteed the freedom of voting for or against. No one may require the publication of the fact of having voted for or against a constituent, and may not place pressure on or retaliate against someone related to the vote.

And again in article 64.:

Votes shall be done by method of secret ballot. If constituents agree, they shall not make a marking, and if they oppose, they shall horizontally strike out the name of the candidate.

And most most relevant to my question in article 65.:

In cases where constituents agree or make a mark of opposition in their vote, no one may enter or look into the polling rooms.

All these articles seem to indicate to me that the vote is secret, and at the time of the casting of the vote no one else but the voter is allowed to be in the polling room.

However in videos depicting these elections we see some citizens entering the booth and casting their vote. This means there is a camera in the same room they are casting their vote. Doesn't this violate the principle of secret ballot stipulated by the constitution? One could argue that the citizen could have chosen to approve or reject a candidate in a separate room from where they cast their vote, but article 56. says this:

Polling rooms shall be set up by 3 days before the election day so that the confidentiality of votes can be guaranteed. The polling room shall have a polling box and writing supplies. Election halls may be decorated with things like flags and flowers.

If writing supplies and a polling box are supposed to be in the same room then that means that they are supposed to choose to approve of reject a candidate in the same room they cast their vote, so that means that in the video we are able to see whether they approved or rejected the candidate (one leaves it empty to approve a candidate and crosses out their name to reject), which means the principle of secret ballot was violated.

The citizens seen in the polling room all were wearing medals or pins, which leads me to believe they were members of a party or had some official position. Could that be the reason we see them, considering it's pretty obvious whether they are going to approve or reject a candidate?

Q: Why do we see citizens in the video casting their vote, if the ballot is supposed to be secret?

In many news it is said there is only one candidate per electoral precinct:

Where can I find a source for whether or not there was more than one candidate up for election in each precinct?

The document I mentioned earlier seems to indicate that there can be more than one candidate in a precinct up for election (otherwise why even make the election, besides serving as a census of the population?) (article 42 (Number of candidates for deputy to be registered at the electoral precinct)):

The number of candidates for deputy registered with each electoral precinct at deputy elections for People’s Assemblies at each level shall not be restricted.

If there was only one candidate up for election in each precinct, why weren't there more? Article 35:

Candidates for deputy for People's Assemblies at each level shall be recommended directly by constituents, or recommended jointly or alone by the Party or by social organizations. The person making the recommendation must inform the recommended candidate for deputy to the district election committee.

Article 36:

Candidates for deputy recommended for People's Assemblies at each level may only be registered as candidates for deputy in the relevant electoral precinct by going through a deliberation over their qualifications at a meeting of more than a hundred constituents. The constituent meeting for the deliberation on qualifications of candidates for deputy shall be organized by the district election committee.

Article 39:

The registration of candidates for deputy by People's Assemblies at each level shall be decided by the agreement of more than half of the participants at the constituent meeting for deliberating on the qualifications of the candidates.

Assuming that in article 35 "constituents" here means means members of the 100+ people chosen by the election committee (I'm assuming they are random citizens of the precinct, but I don't see anywhere anything about how those 100+ members of the constituent meeting are chosen, so this could be the source of my confusion), then citizens could bring up a potential candidate that they consider better represents them than the one brought forth by the DFRF. I would be surprised if that were the case and not have even a single instance where there was more than one candidate up for election (even if the country were to have an extremely unanimous view on who best represents them, I find it hard to imagine there isn't a single case where there was more than one candidate up for election).

If we consider that the potential candidate has to be approved with a vote with an approval greater than 50% by the constituents in order to be registered as a candidate, then maybe one could say that maybe there were more potential candidates brought up but in the end it was decided to approve only one person to be registered as a candidate. But wouldn't that be an abuse of the system? I am interpreting the role of that constituent meeting to be the filtering out of candidates that do not meet the requirements to run for election, not to choose for the whole population of the precinct what candidate should win.

Q: Do these elections really only have a single candidate up for election per precinct, and if yes, why aren't there more?

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