joined 1 year ago
[–] DV8@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

The sprint victory didn't look super easy and self evident though. And looking at Perez's results it's also obvious the red bull probably still isn't the best car on the track again.

So I still think this just means more actual racing and a very exciting championship, that is still his to lose.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

Discussions like this are always a good reminder that area descriptions are different across the world. I live in what is considered a rural area here(in a small terraced house where houses where already there when the Ferrari maps of the Southern Netherlands where drawn in 1780...). Farms everywhere. Behind the terraced housing and small apartments. Still have a population density of 500 people per km². And our public transport is shit outside of the typical congestion hours. Personally I wish they'd both put tram tracks down again with a dedicated track cars can't drive on and improve the cycling paths to be more safe. Guess I'm part of the problem driving an EV, but it gets me to work in 15 minutes. While with public transport it'd 90 minutes if nothing happens when I need to go from one bus to the other. And there simply are no safe cycling paths. (And no showers at work) Shopping I can do by bike or by walking though.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Interesting. Though I'd love to see more studies on this and especially ones comparing countries. I know that in Belgium it seems many EV owners also own solar panels and are at least more likely to also have batteries. And the rich people can actually afford to build more climate neutral houses with heat pumps. (As heat pumps here are more expensive than heating with gas which is less efficient)

Apart from that I always figured ev's are a great solution to local pollution: cars driving through streets, idling through intersections etc. Less so for global pollution though across their life they should still be better I thought.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 84 points 1 month ago (10 children)

This has been debunked, unfortunately, male cats do this too, and they don't teach kittens to hunt.

It is believed now, they simpltdo this because they want to bring their prey to their core territory. Which is also where you are.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

I suspect you're downvoted for stating false information. Even now it seems your supposed evidence is literally from suspicious (to say the least) source.

People following your advice expose themselves and their children to harm if follow your advice. Complaining about a downvote seems rather silly in that context.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4890836/ I'll quote from this link:

A number of different claims have been made about the possible health benefits that could hypothetically be derived from the consumption of raw milk. Recent scientific reviews by various international groups have concluded that there was no reliable scientific evidence to support any of these suggested health benefits.13–15

During pasteurization, there is no significant change in the nutritional quality of milk.16 Pasteurization does not cause any change in protein quality; minor levels (<7%) of denaturation of whey proteins have been reported due to pasteurization, but protein denaturation has no impact on protein nutritional quality. Pasteurization does not cause any change in the concentrations of minerals; minerals are very heat stable. Pasteurization may cause very minor losses (<10%) of vitamin C, folate (vitamin B9), vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and thiamine (vitamin B1). Of these vitamins, milk is an excellent source of only vitamin B12; milk has only low concentrations of most of the vitamins listed previously, which might show some minor losses on pasteurization. Pasteurization does not change the concentration of riboflavin (B2) (which is very heat stable) or fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A or E.15 Other factors like type of packaging material, light exposure, and storage time/temperature have much larger impacts on vitamin losses in milk. Feed (like pasture grazing) can greatly influence milk composition, and sometimes proponents of raw milk confuse feed-related changes in milk composition with those caused directly by pasteurization. Other milk-processing approaches, like ultra-pasteurization and ultra-high temperature, have only a minor impact on the nutritional quality of milk

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

While it's tastier raw, though that's subjective I suppose, no significant amount of nutrients are lost during pasteurization. Most minerals aren't destroyed by that heat. Bacteria and most viri are destroyed however.

The vitamins lost by pasteurization aren't that significant that it compares to the chance of contracting salmonella.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 11 points 2 months ago (17 children)

In combat sports there's a lot of derision for women who look too strong. Instead of complementing their training regiment and dedicated they get called ugly and a man all the damn time.

On the other end usually those same trolls will call women who train and still look feminine to be gold diggers training with so many men, that's for posting pictures of themselves training, making weight etc. And send them dm's offering money to be choked out.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 28 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

There's literally no information available to state she is intersex. This was put forward last year without any evidence by the IBA, run by a Russian puppet, 3 days after she defeated a Russian boxer. This federation had been under scrutiny since 2019 exactly because of corruption.

I'm all for being careful when talking about this and I'm not ascribing ill intent towards you. Just try to not repeat this base less propaganda that she's intersex, has xy chromosomes or something.

Personally I find this entire thing seems to be now supported and kept alive by people and organisations who want women to look and act a certain way, and any woman who deviates is not considered a real woman. And since I personally train a combat sport, and most of my women friends who compete also look strong, muscled and often like shaving at least parts of their hair off, they tend to look similar to Khelif. It'd be ridiculous to question if they are women, most of them already have kids fcol.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

I don't mean to give you unrequested advice so apologies if I come across as dismissive of your experience. I just feel like I can add some points that people in your situation might benefit from.

And that is to not chase love in itself. I found that as I got older I also accepted that I would grow old without a romantic relationship. Though I did invest time in my friendship relationships, and that did work.

While being somewhat saddened by it, I accepted that the chances of me finding love through dating apps was low, in particular because I don't want to have kids, which obviously is a deal-breaker for many people. So my approach there was to just try to enjoy the moment without expectations and without judgement. If I got a match I'd try to have a fun conversation, if it was fun I'd try to set up a date, and if that was fun I'd keep it going. Just going for having an enjoyable time at that moment without expectations. It made even the dates that weren't going anywhere long term enjoyable experiences, with the occasional opportunity for physical intimacy with someone who was on the same page about expectations. I could have lived like that but just got plain lucky this year I think. For me it still feels amazing to have happened so I'm not going to type lies and say it will happen for everyone. But I went into this relationship with no expectations either so regardless of what happens in the future I will treasure what is happening now, as I'm a relationship with the most amazing woman who adores aspects of me that would often be things other dates told me made me seem immature and obsessive.

So, you and people that relate to you, I genuinely wish you happiness and good things. In all aspects of life. But please don't give up on meeting new people if you can, you might make someone else happy just by existing. Or if not you could at least give them a nice date.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago

Oof, comparing track dominance between Leclerc and Stroll...

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I guess that's just the intentional innuendo I use about it. If you look up bjj memes (or Craig Jones) you'll find most people preempt the jokes insecure people might make about dressing up in lycra and wrestling with other sweaty men in a padded room.

[–] DV8@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

Cool! Yeah, they also have Ringen which also can be nice! I tried sword fighting a couple of times but I don't like the competition form of it (also I'm bad at it).


I know it's most likely a beginner question but it's what I am I suppose.

For extra context, I generally have about 6-10 hours to spend to game per week and I find I do enjoy the main quest but after spending a couple days only doing that it feels like I'm missing out by ignoring some of the side quests.

I only have 1 charachter so far and it's lvl35 at around the start of ACT2.

Will I lose out on powerlevel if I just try to get through the main quest first for now and look into doing sidequests afterwards? Am I making my life harder if I do sidequests first?

Right now I think I would like to be able to participate in the seasonal with a new class to try out, since it is still an expensive game and I want to feel like I experience more than just one class.

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