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But if CCS operations leak, they can pose significant risks to water resources. That’s because pressurized CO2 stored underground can escape or propel brine trapped in the saline reservoirs typically used for permanent storage. The leaks can lead to heavy metal contamination and potentially lower pH levels, all of which can make drinking water undrinkable. This is what bothers critics of carbon capture who worry that it’s solving one problem by creating another.


Should international climate pacts require militaries to report the amount of greenhouse gases they release into the atmosphere?


Should international climate pacts require militaries to report the amount of greenhouse gases they release into the atmosphere?


A special conference on the sidelines of the UN Biodiversity Conference later this month has been called for to urgently address the crisis coral reefs face due to climate change.


Top 10 eco-friendly diving practices. Eco-friendly diving more than just following a set of rules; it’s a mindset to care for the ocean and its inhabitants.


Residents and marine scientists unable to identify pale masses, as myriad theories are blown out of the water


“This war is not a civil war, it’s a counterrevolutionary war against civilians,” says Sudanese organizer Nisrin Elamin.


"As long as the law is male, women must be outlaws." — Linnea Johnson. This week, Moira Donegan takes us back to Chicago in 1969, when an underground feminist collective got fed up with doctors, and started providing abortions themselves.


The Ghanaian government is set to repeal its controversial pro-mining legislation, following weeks of demonstrations against environmentally disastrous mining, including the threat of a nationwide labor strike.

In November 2022, the government issued LI 2462, a directive allowing mining in forest reserves, including biodiversity hotspots. Mongabay previously reported on how LI 2462 threatened to exacerbate the extensive harm from mining to Ghana’s environment. According to the Ghana Institute of Foresters (GIF), mining leases were granted over about 390,000 hectares (964,000 acres), a fifth of the country’s forests, in the year following its passage.


The ruling party introduced legislation to repeal LI 2462 in parliament on October 15.

[–] 20 points 1 week ago (3 children)

It would be great if these approaches would actually contribute in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case.

This is an article with some relevant info:

Climeworks’ “Mammoth” vacuum cleaner is not a solution to the climate crisis

Climeworks’ newest DAC plant, Mammoth, is purported to capture ten times the amount of CO2 as Orca; some 36,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. (...) If 36,000 tonnes sounds like a big number, it’s not: It equates to one one-millionth of our annual global emissions. Even if Climeworks and other DAC companies do build hundreds of these DAC plants, it would not equate to even one per cent of current annual global emissions.

From our world in data on CO~2~ emissions:

we now emit over 35 billion tonnes each year

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

May I add that these notes where provided to the NYT by the Israeli military?

Minutes of Hamas’s secret meetings, seized by the Israeli military and obtained by The New York Times,

So after all the debunked fabricated lies that Israel has spread thanks to the press during the last 12 months, are we supposed to take what the IDF gives in good faith?

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It looks like the U.S. Journalist Jeremy Loffredo was released

Although an Israeli judge granted his release from police custody, he was ordered to remain in the country until October 20, allowing investigators more time to bring additional allegations or to further interrogate Loffredo,

Israeli police had held Loffredo, an independent journalist from New York, on suspicion of assisting an enemy in war, a serious allegation that carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment or death,

“The claim that Loffredo and The Grayzone represent Israel’s enemy in wartime merely suggests that the Israeli government views the American people and free press as a legitimate target,”

The statement also called on the U.S. State Department to come to Loffredo’s defense, saying that the U.S. “has an obligation to defend its journalists who are merely adhering to their ethical obligation to inform the public of pertinent facts.”

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

One desired outcome — if the movement were to gain enough support — would be to deprive big-time polluters such as BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil and Shell of the funds they need to keep investing in new oil and gas fields.

In relation to the above passage of the article, here is what the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has to say about Chevron:

Chevron has been the main international actor extracting fossil gas claimed by Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean since it acquired Noble Energy in 2020. With its extracting activities, Chevron is implicated in Israel's policy and practice of depriving the Palestinian people of their right to sovereignty over their natural resources. Chevron’s extraction activities generate billions of dollars in revenue for apartheid Israel and its war chest, helping to fund the ongoing genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, as well as its regime of settler-colonialism, apartheid and military occupation. Chevron fuels apartheid and environmental devastation.

The BDS Movement issued a call to boycott both Siemens and Chevron in 2022, with campaigning around Chevron previously focused on divestment. Now, we are calling on supporters of Palestinian rights and climate justice to escalate pressure on Chevron by boycotting Chevron gas stations and gas stations owned by Chevron, including Texaco and Caltex. There are thousands of Chevron, Texaco, and Caltex gas and petrol stations worldwide. (...)

Edit: that's the article from January 2024

BDS movement Calls for a Consumer Boycott of Chevron-branded gas stations

[–] 27 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts || Council on Foreign Relations || 31 Mai 2024

Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I would argue that Zionists started killing children in 1947.

See: The Nakba: Five Palestinian towns massacred 75 years ago

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Israel’s siege now blocks 83% of food aid reaching Gaza, new data reveals

New data has revealed the scale of aid obstruction, and the consequential drastic fall in aid entering Gaza. This is driving a humanitarian disaster, with the entire population of Gaza facing hunger and disease, and almost half a million at risk of starvation.

Data analysis by organisations working in Gaza has found that as a consequence of the Israeli government's obstruction of aid:

  • 83% of required food aid does not make it into Gaza, up from 34% in 2023.This reduction means people in Gaza have gone from having an average of two meals a day to just one meal every other day. An estimated 50,000 children aged between 6-59 months urgently require treatment for malnutrition by the end of the year.
  • 65% of the insulin required and half of the required blood supply are not available in Gaza.
  • Availability of hygiene items has dropped to 15% of the amount available in September 2023. One million women are now going without the hygiene supplies they need.
  • Only around 1,500 hospital beds in Gaza remain operational, compared to around 3,500 beds in 2023 which was already well below sufficient to meet the needs of a population of more than 2 million people. By comparison, cities of similar size, such as Chicago and Paris average 5 to 8 times more beds than in Gaza.
  • 1.87 million people are in need of shelter with at least 60% of homes destroyed or damaged (January 2024). Yet tents for around just 25,000 people have entered Gaza since May 2024.
[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago

The IDF targets hospitals because they WANT to target hospitals.

They even gave a name to it:

Explainer: The Dahiya Doctrine & Israel’s Use of Disproportionate Force

The Dahiya Doctrine is an Israeli military doctrine that calls for the use of massive, disproportionate force and the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Thanks for sharing this cause what he says and what AP reports are quite different. And I'm saying that not being a fan of him, on the contrary.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

My experience with this title/article was similar but ended with me wondering what was I expecting from a title like that, and kinda laughing about it. That's mainly why I thought of sharing it, I mean sure the recipes seem great too.

Btw sorry you got disappointed tho, I hope not too much.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don't understand this logic. You claim that the US is supporting by all means a genocide because it's election year and out of fear of being called antisemites by the republicans? Therefore, after the elections this genocide will not be supported by the democrats anymore?

I'm sorry, this doesn't make any sense to me.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

I think that if the democrats win this election there is a decent chance the US could start slowly pulling support.

Why do you think that? Did I miss something perhaps? I haven't seen a hint from democrats during the past year up to now to support this claim. On the contrary, they actively send Israel tones of bombs and money to genocide Palestinians, and no matter what "red lines" the Biden administration puts on the matter, soon after they forget about them. And Harris (if I remember correctly) she said she will continue the same policy.

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