
joined 1 year ago
[–] localme@lemm.ee 9 points 3 weeks ago

I use downpour.com for drm-free audiobooks. They let you straight up download the mb4 files haha it’s awesome.

It’s such a win-win b/c I get to buy audiobooks drm-free and I get to avoid supporting audible which has terrible business practices such as locking authors in exclusive deals.

Also thanks for the ebooks.com recommendation! I was reading this thread specifically to see if anyone knew of a good place online to buy drm-free ebooks :)

[–] localme@lemm.ee 12 points 3 weeks ago

Well I’ll be damned. I can’t even with these people lol

And thanks, huge props for providing the receipts so quickly!

[–] localme@lemm.ee 15 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

That’s not a real ad right?? That’s gotta be KHQ team having some Idiocracy-style fun with their tweet… right??

[–] localme@lemm.ee 2 points 3 weeks ago

This is cool! Also I can’t help but see this as a meme format: “Me, at 7am vs 10pm” lol

[–] localme@lemm.ee 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Fyi - “Below the fold” is a phrase borrowed from print media, which for digital content simply means anything below the current screen viewport that requires scrolling to access.

[–] localme@lemm.ee 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I also noticed the reduction in operating temperature, which can help improve energy generation efficiency. Hotter panels produce less energy (generally speaking).

[–] localme@lemm.ee 2 points 2 months ago

And to continue the thought experiment:


If the Second Amendment had focused on ensuring a robust public education system rather than the right to bear arms, it would have fundamentally altered the course of U.S. history in several ways. Below is a thought experiment exploring how such a shift might have influenced various aspects of society:

1. Education as a Constitutional Right

  • Immediate Impact: With education enshrined as a constitutional right, there would have been an early and sustained national effort to establish and maintain a robust public education system across the country. This might have led to more uniform and higher-quality education from the earliest days of the Republic.
  • Long-term Impact: Over time, disparities in education quality between different regions, particularly between wealthy and poor areas, might have been less pronounced. The federal government would likely have played a more active role in funding and regulating public education, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their background, had access to a quality education.

2. Social and Economic Development

  • Economic Growth: With a strong emphasis on education, the U.S. would likely have seen more rapid advancements in technology, industry, and the sciences. A more educated populace could have driven greater innovation and economic growth, potentially making the U.S. an even more dominant global economic power earlier in its history.
  • Social Mobility: Education as a constitutional right would likely have increased social mobility, giving individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds greater opportunities to improve their circumstances. This might have reduced income inequality and helped to create a more equitable society.

3. Civil Rights Movement

  • Earlier and Broader Reforms: The focus on education could have accelerated the civil rights movement by empowering marginalized groups with the tools needed to advocate for their rights. If education had been a protected right, efforts to desegregate schools (as seen in Brown v. Board of Education) might have been pursued more aggressively and with greater success earlier in U.S. history.
  • Integration and Equality: A constitutionally guaranteed right to education might have led to more integrated and equal schools earlier, potentially reducing racial and social tensions and fostering a more cohesive society.

4. Political Culture

  • Informed Electorate: With education as a constitutional right, the electorate would likely be better informed and more engaged in the democratic process. This could lead to more thoughtful and effective governance, as voters would be better equipped to understand complex issues and hold their leaders accountable.
  • Civic Education: The emphasis on public education would likely include a strong focus on civic education, fostering a deeper understanding of the Constitution, the government, and citizens' rights and responsibilities. This might lead to a more active and engaged citizenry.

5. National Priorities

  • Education over Military: The shift in focus from the right to bear arms to the right to education might have led to a different national priority structure, with less emphasis on military preparedness and more on building a knowledge-based society. The U.S. might still have a strong military, but the cultural and financial focus on defense might be less pronounced.
  • Budget and Policy: Federal and state budgets might allocate more resources to education, possibly reducing funding for other areas, such as defense or law enforcement. This could have resulted in a more peaceful domestic environment with less emphasis on policing and incarceration.

6. International Influence

  • Global Education Leadership: With education as a constitutional right, the U.S. might have positioned itself as a global leader in education, exporting its model to other countries and playing a significant role in international education policy.
  • Soft Power: The U.S.'s commitment to education could have enhanced its soft power, building influence around the world not just through military might but through cultural and intellectual leadership.

7. Gun Culture

  • Different Second Amendment: Without the Second Amendment focusing on the right to bear arms, the U.S. would likely have a very different relationship with firearms. Gun ownership might still be prevalent, but without constitutional protection, there would likely be stricter regulations, and the cultural significance of guns would be diminished.
  • Public Safety: This could have led to lower rates of gun violence, fewer mass shootings, and potentially a different approach to law enforcement and public safety.

8. Modern Society

  • Higher Literacy and Education Rates: Today, the U.S. might have higher literacy rates and a better-educated population overall, with more people holding advanced degrees. This could lead to a more competitive workforce and greater innovation in various fields.
  • Less Political Polarization: A better-educated populace might be less susceptible to misinformation and political extremism, potentially leading to a less polarized and more cooperative political environment.


This alternative history, where the Second Amendment focused on education rather than arms, paints a picture of a U.S. society that might have prioritized intellectual and social development over military and individualistic pursuits. The potential for a more equitable, informed, and peaceful society is significant, though it’s important to remember that such changes would also bring their own challenges and complexities. Nonetheless, the emphasis on education as a constitutional right would have likely led to a profoundly different American experience, both domestically and on the world stage.

[–] localme@lemm.ee -3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Just out of curiosity, I asked chatgpt how a hypothetical 2nd amendment might have been written if it focused on ensuring the US has a robust public education system:

If the U.S. Founders had decided to focus the Second Amendment on ensuring a robust public education system, it might have been written in a way that reflects the values of education as a fundamental right and necessary for the maintenance of a free and democratic society. Here’s a hypothetical version of how such an amendment could have been worded:

Second Amendment (Hypothetical):

"A well-educated populace, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to receive a quality public education shall not be infringed. The government shall ensure the establishment and maintenance of a public education system that is free, equitable, and accessible to all citizens, providing the knowledge and skills necessary to participate fully in the democratic process and contribute to the common good."

This hypothetical amendment echoes the structure of the original Second Amendment but replaces the focus on a "well-regulated militia" with a "well-educated populace," emphasizing education as a cornerstone of a secure and free society. It also includes the government's responsibility to maintain an equitable and accessible public education system.

Kinda interesting to think about.

[–] localme@lemm.ee 3 points 2 months ago

Probably we need regulations and laws that require these massive online platforms to provide tools like this. Since they decided not to do it “voluntarily” anymore.

[–] localme@lemm.ee 3 points 2 months ago

Why take pills? Just pray the cholesterol away! /s

[–] localme@lemm.ee 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Fun fact: he’s younger than Brad Pit!

[–] localme@lemm.ee 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Right but why is this materially different than standard vote-by-mail such that they can challenge it in court?

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