
joined 4 years ago
[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 4 days ago (1 children)

There is a very alarming claim that they're pursuing and potentially weeks away from a nuclear weapon. The west is just deranged enough and Zelensky as well to use such a weapon, however crude on Moscow. For the west it presents an opportunity to hobble and weaken an enemy while keeping their own hands clean enough that they think perhaps they will escape retaliation, that Ukraine will get nuked into nothing but that doesn't matter because it will have served its purpose.

Recently Zelensky zig-zagged back and forth on this, saying that they either needed to join NATO imminently or get nukes, one or the other, seeing as NATO is off the table this is perhaps a way to attempt to threaten his western backers but he may underestimate how much they'd in fact enjoy that.

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 38 points 4 days ago

Ukraine should have under supported by "US, France, UK, NATO, EU" at minimum on their side. The number of citations one could give for that support would not be mere allegations by one leader that are denied by both Russia and the other country but hundreds of instances of open admission to the media that this is what they are doing.

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 4 days ago

Russia the Yemeni people yearn for freedom and mutual trade and cooperation, please send s-400 anti-air defense systems. After all if the west can man air defense systems like patriots in Ukraine without being in a war with Russia then surely Russian crews can shoot down American planes in another country without being at war with the US. Right?

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 4 days ago (1 children)

The zionist regime has been murdering very, very, very effectively the leadership of Hamas plus Hezbollah for a few months now so it's not one of those things likely to be a lie. It's among the most pointless kind of lies to tell too as if it is untrue the enemy can just record a video showing them opening up a news website this afternoon and make them look silly and untrustworthy and incompetent. They certainly lie about casualties of the resistance's fighters because that's hard to disprove and same with their own casualties but sadly these kinds of claims are very unlikely to be false.

Fact is this is a real problem the resistance has. Leadership changes create chaos and opportunity. There's every reason to believe the zionists have some compromised assets they're trying to maneuver into place of leadership in these groups. Not necessarily outright spies but let's say compradors or incompetents who would either rather elect to lay down in the face of the zionists and give up their arms for a bad compromised peace that won't last OR make strategic blunders because of a bad way of thinking that leads to the same kind of loss or fragmentation of the resistance and power struggles which leads to weakness and more opportunities for strikes and elimination of planning and organizational/supply capabilities which if degraded enough take them out of the fight.

So while one decapitation may not work to destabilize a disciplined and ideologically committed group, with enough of them things can start to come undone and every time it happens it's a threat and crisis for the organization as reshuffling has to happen and in that reshuffling people make opsec mistakes, people chatter and talk, further mapping of the people and command structure of the organization becomes a threat as meetings occur, power struggles may happen, factional splits are widened, previously settled disagreements come out, and so on.

Just goes to show though that the US led by the genocidal Biden-Harris regime has no intention of actually forcing the zionist entity into negotiations with Hamas that lead to peace because you don't let your underling constantly murder the leadership who they'd in theory be negotiating with if you want peace.

So angry. This anger I will carry inside me towards liberals, towards Democrats, towards soc-dems and reformists and so on for the rest of my life. redacted

May we live to see the zionist settler state fall.

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 4 days ago (3 children)

I recommend for writing that people make frequent versioned copies as well. For example after some amount of pages or time spent I'll copy the file itself and rename it _backup to try and protect against corruption that happens to part of the file without being noticed and just to have the option of rolling back to a previous iteration or at least looking at it. It can clutter things up a little but if you like you can put the backups in their own folder somewhere. Though this is obviously no substitute for backing up to another device as this method doesn't protect you against your storage device failing, suffering corruption, malware, etc so it's more important to do that.

Sorry this happened to you OP.

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 4 days ago

It’s just full of ‘member this’ call back and line repeats word for word of iconic quotes just like Disney Star Wars. Soulless reanimated monstrosity living via 20th century nostalgia. Countless inconsistencies and breaks from precedent in the rest of the series.

Warning: spoilers of the plot of Alien Romulus

Tap for spoilerThe main characters are invincible and dodge aliens easily (making the creatures less frightening) until it’s time to get owned and die for upping the plot ante towards the conclusion. Token minorities murdered off immediately which is sorta more insulting than never having them in the first place in some ways. (Why is the main character once again a conventionally attractive white woman and her magic black robot man / servant who’s also a wind-up toy for contrived plot reasons (I swear it was invented for just one scene late in the movie and makes no sense)).

About the only good thing I have to say about it is they didn’t do the Prometheus thing that you see with many other IPs where a prequel has much more advanced looking tech in it than sequels that in real life were produced decades ago because of a desire to look futuristic for current audiences at the expense of consistency and feel of the universe. I liked that but it’s not enough to salvage it and is really probably just nostalgia slop same as Disney Star Wars so not sure it’s really a brave decision.

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I rise in support of the vetting.

It works. It works so well there are sore anarchists and left-libs on hex bear who will let people know they were rejected from here.

Sure it won’t stop a CIA officer who’s familiar with Marxism and determined to get an account (though even they will probably have to take their time). But it stops fascists who aren’t going to spend hours researching Marxism to give convincing sounding and organic arguments and it stops liberals who likewise aren’t going to put in the effort.

I do think perhaps the admins could offer an abbreviated vetting for those with an account here to get on prole wiki and perhaps vice versa.



Only 31% of Americans say they have confidence that the press reports news fairly and accurately

For the third consecutive year, the number of Americans who claim to completely distrust the media remained higher than those who trust it. The new poll, however, demonstrated a slight drop, with 36% of respondents expressing complete distrust versus 39% in 2023.

A large gap remains between Republicans and Democrats, with only 12% of the former expressing trust in media reporting against 54% of the latter. However, the partisan gap has actually been narrowing in the last couple of years. According to data aggregated by Gallup, in 2022, for instance, some 70% of Democrats expressed confidence in the media.

We must continue our efforts to educate the masses, increasing numbers of Democrats are becoming aware of the propaganda because of the water carrying for the zionist genocide of the Palestinian people.


The billionaire distributed the money to “fascists” through opposition figure Maria Corina Machado, the Venezuelan leader has claimed

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused tech tycoon Elon Musk of “investing” at least $1 billion in inciting violence in the South American country after the presidential election earlier this year.

Maduro was declared the winner of the July 28 poll by the national election authorities, though the US claimed that victory had been stolen from opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez.

During his weekly television program on Monday, Maduro alleged to have direct knowledge that Musk – with whom he has been engaged in a long-running public feud – had spent “no less than $1 billion” on “the coup d’etat, the fascist outbreak, the violence against the electoral process in Venezuela.”

The Venezuelan leader named his political opponent, businesswoman Maria Corina Machado, as the distributor of the alleged funding to “fascist” groups, claiming that the US government was ultimately behind attempts to oust him from power.

Following the vote in July, Musk accused Maduro of “major election fraud,” while the Venezuelan president declared the South African-born billionaire his “arch enemy” who “controls the virtual reality” created by social media. The two agreed to settle their differences in a fistfight, which never happened.

Musk has previously expressed support for removing foreign governments in pursuit of his corporate interests. In July 2020, he was challenged online with a claim that Washington had orchestrated a coup against Bolivian President Evo Morales so that his electric car company, Tesla, could secure access to the country’s rich lithium reserves. Musk responded with a post: “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Only somewhat IMO.

The US has mobile bridge units and rebuilding corps for crossing areas and exceptional experience in doing this kind of work over the past 70 years. Let's recall for example the battle at Lake Changjin so well depicted in recent Chinese cinema. The reason that Chinese forces didn't eliminate US troops there is because the US flew a bridge or parts of it straight from Japan to the battlefront to give them an evac route after the Chinese blew up the original bridge. That's the kind of force they're dealing with. So at best it slightly slows them down. Mining does a lot more but one must consider that the US and occupied Korea may not even try to use land routes for the first few weeks of conflict. In the original Korean war turn-about for the running dogs of imperial Japan/US was achieved via massive naval landings and use of air power. Given how much coast Korea has I think that's probably part of any strategy.

In my opinion it's as much about sending a message in the vein of closing off roads, burning bridges, that kind of thing of their resolve about the south being a hostile and threatening state.

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if these drones were flown by the CIA or another US agency trying to provoke some sort of reaction like this so they can use it as a pretext for more power for the military and more funding for themselves to stop those dastardly Chinese/Russians/Iranians whoever the cartoon villain of the week is.


Nicaragua has formally severed diplomatic relations with Israel, accusing it of “genocide” and military aggression in the Palestinian territories.

According to a resolution passed by the National Assembly on Friday, the break in relations is a response to the “brutal genocide that the fascist and war criminal government of Israel continues to commit against the Palestinian people.”

President Daniel Ortega has instructed the Foreign Ministry to “abide” by parliament’s request and cut diplomatic relations with Israel, according to Vice President Rosario Murillo.

“We respect the Israeli people who demand the cessation of this massacre, barbarism, and crimes committed by the nefarious Zionist government and army,” the Nicaraguan parliamentary resolution said, calling the Israeli government “an enemy of humanity, which intends to spread its barbarism throughout the Middle East, endangering world peace and security.”

(archive link)

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Usually it should be NBC which stands for nuclear, biological, chemical.

I'm guessing here they meant atomic, biological, chemical.

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

One can only hope.


The WHO has recently declared Smartphones a public health problem.

It's interesting that the real problem here seems to be addictive and abusive algorithms deployed by social media and gaming companies but that's not mentioned because those are where the capitalists make their money and it's forbidden to interfere with their profit generation or point that out.

Instead they paint it as this vague addiction of which social media is depicted as merely a small part but the real problem is the hardware, the Smartphones and too much use and access to them. And the real issue is people are distracted at work (and school) and productivity is suffering.

And the solution is bans on use of smartphones at schools and crackdowns on use at work because we can't have the proles enjoying the addictive treats we've made to distract them from their horrible lives while they're supposed to be earning us money, those are for while they're taking 2 hours in their commute to get to work or for while they're at home too exhausted to cook or get up off the couch.

Just an interesting observation I had. I will be the opposite of shocked when they try and make smartphone lockers at work a thing or implement AI in cameras that detects smartphone usage outside of breaks and applies penalties.

[–] darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 2 weeks ago

India of course wants to compete against China's electric car market. The west will likely not allow them to displace domestic manufacturers in the US but the US may coerce them into opening plants in the US using their lithium supply to allow their brands to penetrate, the US also I would guess promises them to help drive out Chinese brands from global markets and to give those markets to the Indian firms or at least that's how the Indians will understand it and probably the desire of the US (with an intent to eventually take control of those companies or at least ensure western bourgeoisie own a huge chunk to earn most of the profits).

Regarding China's rise and partnerships with African states. While there are clear-headed leaders who understand the history of colonialism and reach for China, there are just as many mercenary leaders and those of a comprador, western-boot-licking nature in Africa who will taken some token debt relief in exchange for selling out their people and resources to the west. So China's ascendancy through win-win cooperation is by no means guaranteed. For that to work both sides must have long-term visions and understandings of history which is something liberals are terrible at in both directions (past/future).

Let us recall history and remember that the USSR was starting to make inroads with former colonies and victim nations of imperialism after the second world war and that the US used coups, installation of brutal dictators, ethnic conflicts they fanned the flames of, compradors, threats of economic sanction and later in the century terrorism and extremism to blunt this type of independent thinking that would have helped the USSR. That hope has been crushed before as detailed for example in William Blum's excellent "Killing Hope" book and in fact was systemically killed in the 50s through 70s with a new wave with new tactics of broad regional destabilization based off for example the Grand Chessboard type of thinking really taking root from the 70s to 90s.

The road for China is not as smooth of sailing as many like to sell it here. The US still has a lot of potency and strength coming right off the back of its era as a unipolar hegemon. That strength exists economically for coercion and sanctions, in military terms including its NATO navy and air force which polices the world and can enforce sanctions (also including hundreds of bases across the globe in nations that submit themselves to the US boot from Jordan to those in Africa itself even with the loss of the AES/sahel states), as well as dollar hegemony, and the fact they are the gatekeepers with the final say for access to the advanced and wealthy markets of the US/Canada, EU, and their occupied Asian vassals of Korea and Japan, as well as their southern hemisphere long-time colonies Australia/New Zealand which is a part of the economic strength but one that bears underlining.

The population of China+Russia is 1.5 billion but both are experiencing demographic problems from lowered birth rates so that's expected to fall (the west by contrast is all too happy to bolster its populations via immigration for purposes of exploitation and domestic labor discipline so isn't as vulnerable to the kinds of sharp drops Russia/China may be) and we must remember though China has done a great deal in lifting hundreds of millions out of absolute poverty and creating a thriving middle class that several hundreds of millions of those people are not consumers for various goods due to still lacking economic mobility as well as being adapted to say village as opposed to city life. A young Chinese person in a city is going to buy all kinds of goods but a Chinese person who is in their 70s, who grew up in poverty, who lives a simpler life in a village and who isn't terribly well off even if not in absolute poverty isn't necessarily a customer for an electric car company or for many other types of consumer goods that China produces. The real amount of people that China would have in a decoupling and 2-camps situation between themselves, Russia, and a few friends like Vietnam as a market for its production of consumer goods is likely more in the 800 million to 1 billion range which puts it roughly on par with the combined west of USA, Canada, EU/NATO, Australia, NZ, Japan, occupied Korea.

So then you have a situation of two roughly matched populations with one having the benefits of pre-existing hegemony and power and concentrated wealth as well as access to India a population of 1 billion to exploit selling western brands and making cheap goods for export to the west. So the road for China and BRICS (well BR*CS+ because India is all too happy to sell out to the west while pretending to be shrewd and getting deals) is a potentially rough one. We are looking at the strong possibility of a second full cold war or echoes of one at least with strong economic and trade barriers put up by the west and effectively two blocs plus bystanders who lean one way or the other.

There are positive headwinds compared to last time around after WW2 of course. The US is no longer an empire in its ascendancy phase as it was, it has (hopefully) peaked (if it hasn't it means the destruction and looting of China and barbarism reigning forever over humankind), there seem to be many in the global south who've learned the lessons of last century and want cooperation with China. China is exceptionally strong and well developed, the US is looking exceptionally winded in military technology for instance, the gap is widening somewhat in China's favor.

But the US and co can and still are going to put up a tough fight and China is still left contending with the fact that many in the west would rather nuke the whole world than let it fall to communism, than give up white supremacy and their own primacy and rule and thus left placating them and trying to stall for time and put off the confrontation and avoid provoking them too much. From such a position China cannot exercise its full strength.


Filed under: Decoupling is real and happening AND India is not really a friend to the global south but happy to join with the US to backstab China for some very limited gain of its own

New Delhi and Washington are seeking to reduce their dependence on China, which dominates the lithium supply chain

India and the US have signed an agreement to “expand and diversify” critical supply chains for lithium, cobalt and other critical minerals, New Delhi announced on Friday.

Both countries are seeking to overcome their reliance on China, which dominates the global supply of lithium, a mineral essential for electric vehicle manufacture and the clean energy economy.

The pact, signed on Thursday by Indian Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal, who is visiting Washington this week, and his US counterpart Gina Raimondo, will “leverage complementary strengths to ensure greater resilience in the critical minerals sector.”

The two countries are focusing on “identifying equipment, services, policies, and best practices” to explore, extract, process, and refine critical minerals.”

According to Reuters, Goyal described the partnership as multi-dimensional, encompassing open supply chains for materials, technology development, and investment flows to promote green energy. He noted that the US and India will need to engage with third countries, including mineral-rich nations in Africa and South America.

India has been exploring ways to boost lithium production, both domestically and in third countries. New Delhi is particularly looking to Africa to meet its mineral demands, especially Zambia, Namibia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ghana, and Mozambique. Several African nations have approached the Indian government, offering access to their resources in exchange for repayment of part of their development loans.


China currently controls nearly 70% of the global lithium supply, and larger shares of cobalt, graphite, and manganese – other minerals vital for green technology. India recently discovered lithium reserves in Jharkhand, Rajasthan, and Jammu and Kashmir, but does not yet produce lithium domestically, relying entirely on imports.

This comes off the back of the EU signaling it has the votes and has agreed to implement tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles in the bloc. China's electric vehicle makers are doomed to be excluded from the core west (population 750 million - 1 billion depending on if all countries eventually are pulled in or just EU+US) and confined to China and limited sales in various developed and semi-developed regions in the global.

(Archive link)


Not surprising from the company that had a rampant culture of sexual abuse and harassment, drunken "cube crawls", a "cosby suite" at their annual convention, protected sexual abusers for years and hired a former Bush administration torture apologist lawyer to defend them in a PR and legal campaign that ultimately led to them beating any legal consequences on technicalities.

Waze is owned by Google but was founded by people linked to the infamous isn'treali intelligence unit 8200 and is still developed in occupied Palestine by settlers.

Google as has been previously reported is on its own deeply in bed with the zionist intelligence and repression apparatus and its occupation military.

In this case they're licensed one of their key characters from their World of Warcraft franchise as a voice assistant in the navigation app as we near the 1-year-anniversary of the completely legal action by the resistance on Oct 7th to use violence to resist. As well as the 1 year anniversary of the start of a genocide against the Palestinian people and outsized aggression against sovereign states in violation of international law and acts against civilians outside of Palestine which violate international law.



cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/20775855

Israel conducted an unprecedented airstrike on Beirut’s southern Dahiya district on Friday evening in what Israeli media described as an attempt to assassinate Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Hasan Nasrallah.

The strike targeted and leveled six residential buildings. The Israeli army’s spokesperson, Daniel Hagari, released a video statement shortly after the strike claiming that the buildings contained Hezbollah’s “Central Headquarters.” Lebanese media reported that over 10 Israeli missiles were dropped in less than three minutes on the complex, situated in the Haret Hreik area in Dahiya. The Israeli army’s radio said that Israeli F-35 fighter jets dropped 2000-pound bunker-buster bombs on the residential buildings.

Lebanese first responders continue rescue efforts to pull out survivors from under the rubble. As of the time of writing, the number of civilians killed has not been specified.

The Israeli army’s radio quoted a military source saying that any person who was present in the targeted buildings “will not come out alive.” The Lebanese Health Minister, Firas al-Abyad, said that some of the buildings targeted were “full of civilian residents.”


The video-sharing platform TikTok has deleted three Arabic-language accounts of RT, without explanation. The measure comes as the Israel-Hezbollah conflict has spurred fears of a regional escalation.

RT Arabic, RT Online and RT Newsroom accounts vanished on Tuesday evening. The Spanish-language Actualidad RT account has also been blocked without explanation.

They had survived last Saturday’s purge of accounts belonging to RT International, Sputnik Afrique, Sputnik Africa, Sputnik International, Sputnik Brasil, Sputnik Mundo, Sputnik Indonesia and Sputnik Serbia. TikTok has not yet commented on the latest development.


TikTok is owned by Chinese company ByteDance, which has come under intense pressure from US authorities in recent months. Under a law enacted in April, the social network could be banned if ByteDance does not sell it to a US owner within a year.

I don't get this. Why give in to pressure from the US when they've already passed a law to kick you out?

It's not like currying favor with a ban coming from an executive branch organization that can be reversed with the stroke of one person's pen, this is not something that will be reversed because it can be trivially blocked in congress.

This is not good.

I know Bytedance /=/ China or the CPC but this is exactly why the US wants control of Tiktok in the first place, to control global narratives, to ban who they want, to alter algorithms to push US state dept propaganda, this is just a few steps short of that.

And they're functionally giving it to them by going through with these bans which would seem to impact users outside the US. So at this rate they might as well sell to the US. At this rate I hope they do get forcibly shut down and removed from the US so they have no reason at all to do this kind of censorship. (I mean ideally I'd prefer they win at the SCOTUS and get to continue operating and give the US the finger on censoring global operations).

At the very least they should split operations off and make the US/NATO operations one distinct legal entity, then another entity that operates outside those regions that the west have no plausible control over which wouldn't have any reason to ban these non-western counter-narrative sources.


Italian and Czech customers of Indian ammunition makers were diverting their shipments to the government Kiev, and Moscow has protested this to New Delhi at least twice.

The article is strangely written, it's a non-denial-denial on the part of India, they're acting offended but saying they've broken no agreements with Russia and didn't do anything wrong but they're not denying that they're shipping the Ukrainians shells.

The Reuters article in question via archive



Ukrainian troops in Russia’s Kursk Region have rounded up local civilians and placed them in “something like concentration camps,” RIA Novosti reported on Thursday, citing a Russian Foreign Ministry report.

When Ukrainian forces launched an incursion into Kursk Region last month, thousands of civilians were evacuated or themselves fled deeper into the Russian heartland. Some however, including elderly people and those with disabilities, were unable to leave, and their settlements fell under Ukrainian control.

According to a new report seen by RIA Novosti, those left behind were subjected to detention methods synonymous with World War II.

“In a number of territories controlled by militants, something like ‘concentration camps’ were created, which civilians who did not want or were unable to leave the territory captured by the enemy were forcibly driven into,” the report said, according to RIA Novosti. These claims were based on eyewitness accounts collected by the Russian Red Cross in Kursk.

Of those detained, between 70 and 100 were taken to a school in Sudzha, where some of the fiercest fighting took place. Once there, they were subjected to psychological abuse and presented to foreign journalists, RIA Novosti claimed.


The US Navy’s elite special operations unit, SEAL Team Six, has been training to “help Taiwan” in case of a “Chinese invasion,” according to the Financial Times. The unit is most famous for the 2011 mission that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan.

SEAL Team Six “has been planning and training for a Taiwan conflict for more than a year at Dam Neck, its headquarters at Virginia Beach about 250km south-east of Washington,” FT reported on Thursday, citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter.

So far, the only hints of US plans for a potential conflict around Taiwan have come from Admiral Samuel Paparo, the head of the Indo-Pacific Command, in an interview in June.

“I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities so I can make their lives utterly miserable for a month, which buys me the time for the rest of everything,” Paparo told the Washington Post.


Western firms pulling back from China

Declining economic growth and the rise of other manufacturing centers in Asia are slowing investment, lobby groups claim

China is gradually losing its appeal as an investment destination for Western companies, according to reports released this week by the EU Chamber of Commerce in China and the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

The two lobby groups conducted surveys among investors and owners of businesses in China. According to their findings, many respondents have been consolidating their operations in the country and no longer see the Chinese market as a primary investment destination.

An annual poll by the American Chamber of Commerce shows that the number of businesses considering China as their top investment destination has dropped to 47%, the lowest in 25 years. A survey by the EU chamber shows that only 15% of respondents named China as their top investment destination, while previously the figure stood at 20%.

“Some European Chamber members have begun both siloing their China supply chains and operations, and shifting investments previously planned for China to other markets to increase supply chain resilience, take advantage of comparatively lower labor costs and hedge against future geopolitical shocks,” the EU lobby group stated in its report.

Experts from both lobbies suggest that one of the main drivers behind the trend is the slump in China’s economic growth. According to official figures, China’s growth slowed to the worst pace in five quarters in April-June this year, at 4.7%. Other factors are intensifying competition from local companies and the appearance of alternative manufacturing centers in Asia.

For instance, around 20% of the businesses surveyed by the US business lobby said they would be slashing investment in China this year, while 40% stated they would be redirecting it to countries such as India and Vietnam.

Many of those surveyed said China’s trade tensions with the US were also affecting investor confidence. Washington has been tightening economic restrictions and hiking tariffs on Chinese goods since 2018, when then-President Donald Trump launched a trade war with Beijing. Trump’s successor, Joe Biden, has taken a similarly hostile approach, despite Beijing’s repeated warnings that these measures violate the principles of fair trade. Around 70% of respondents in the survey by the American chamber called US measures targeting China the greatest challenge to the country’s economic growth.


Another westerner in China admits the west is full of lies on Xizang and that the people there and their culture, language, etc are flourishing.

Here are some bits I found personally a bit interesting:

They call me a liar because I was with the government and only saw what the government wanted me to see. But the government didn't stop me looking out the bus window, nor did they stop me going for long walks into downtown Lhasa, or downtown Linzhi. They didn't stop me interacting, and even dancing, with thousands of people in a village fair in Maizhokunggar.

Oppression exists in many places, I've seen it, and I even helped deliver it as a police officer in the UK, fighting miners who wanted a better life, fighting colored migrants who wanted equality, fighting white supremacists who want their country back. I was one of Margaret Thatcher's thin blue line, keeping "ordinary" people safe from those that in today's world would labeled extremists.

I know what oppression looks like and here's the thing, after extensive travel in China, I've never seen it anywhere. I didn't see it in Xinjiang and I certainly didn't see it in Xizang.

I saw kids who speak, read and write their local language. I saw adults dressed in their local styles. I saw ordinary people shopping, visiting temples and serving food in the streets and in restaurants.


I have some thoughts on this I'll post as a comment. But basically the predictions of their re-shoring being a total bust were nonsense. It doesn't matter at the end of the day if their efficiency is only 80% of that of their fabs on the island, if it's enough to be part of what supplies the entire west with all they need for laptops and smartphones and gaming consoles then it's enough to no longer need that occupied part of China or care what their actions taken against China result in as far as consequences.

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