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[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 29 points 1 month ago (9 children)

It's funny that none of the AI firms in the limelight are making any attempt to actually copy the architecture of biological neutral networks. Analog and neuromophic neural network hardware acceleration chips, ie hardware that mimics how biological brains compute, have both crazy energy efficiency and high performance. The only two firms that have actually been making a serious effort at developing such hardware are Intel and IBM. For both companies neuromophic chips have been r&d projects that have already had over a decade of resources poured into and will probably require at least another decade before producing something commercially viable.

It's also evidence that firms like OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and all the AI startups that are spouting off about working on creating actual AI are full of shit. None of them are working on developing hardware to run real neural networks able to emulate the type of intelligence human brains are capable of, ie dynamic, general, and realtime learning.

[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 30 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (7 children)

Honestly it's just a modern take on the "bread & circus" concept that goes back to city-states of the ancient world. It's not unique to the US and is even something socialist governments must account for, but with the US it sure seems like an entire cultural identity has been built around consumption of treats. Just look at what happened in the US when COVID caused mass media entertainment (television, movies, novels) to be delayed indefinitely along with restaurants, bars, and themeparks closing down.

Other than treats citizens of the US often have nothing, living lives that can be quite hollow. Atomization. Freedom where to others they owe nothing and are owed nothing. No community, protestant religion centered around the individual, family is extremely shallow due to being limited to the so-called nuclear family that often abandons relationships when children turn 18, and suburban living where people often don't even know their immediate neighbors.

[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It's basically the same class of ship the US, China, and Russia use as coast guard cutters. I often find it more than a little entertaining how most Navies outside the great powers label as warships what amount to coastal patrol vessels meant for civilian police actions in litoral water. Is something really a blue water Navy when you don't even have the ships to assemble a Navy strike group (1 cruiser for command & control, 3 to 6 destroyers, and 1 attack submarine)?

[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 33 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Up side is central African countries are extremely good at containing outbreaks once identified. It's the reason most of those countries handled COVID better than any European or American countries. Outbreaks of hemorrhagic fevers like ebola (horrific way to die, traumatic to witness) have a way of causing the type of mass psychological trauma that teaches entire generations to take shit seriously.

[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

I'll give it a try. I actually enjoyed Paragon before Epic shut it down, so I might enjoy this shooter-moba.

[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 25 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's meaningfully different in the US at least because these corporations are some of the most powerful on earth. Musk's companies are small beans in comparison because market cap is meaningless compared to actual revenue. He is fucking around with corporations that literally overthrow governments, kill disloyal people, and fund private militaries to advance their interests. The kind of corporations that US federal judges rubber-stamp even criminal rulings for.


[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 6 points 2 months ago

Even if turkey just started covertly supplying weapons, it would be a significant turning point. Turkey is one of the 4 major manufacturers and exporters of advanced military hardware. Like the US, China, and Russia— Turkey is one of the sources of so-called 5th generation military hardware.

Currently the most advanced weapons available to the resistance axis come from Iran. Iranian weapons are admirable, especially when one factors in the decades of sanctions, but Turkish military hardware is comparable to top end US, Chinese, and Russian military hardware. Would be high attrition military hardware like single use drones, manpads, and cruise missiles.

[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 20 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Wasn't be born in Philadelphia or something and lived in the US past his tenth birthday? Unless he renounced his citizenship at some point, he should qualify.

[–] WayeeCool@hexbear.net 33 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The US space program has always been privatized. The Mercury program was McDonald Douglas, Apollo program was Boeing, and the Space Shuttle program was Rockwell. Said companies weren't just the prime contractors responsible for design and manufacturing but also contracted for launch operations.

NASA space launch has always been contractors all the way down. The only thing that changed over the last couple decades is were the liability lies. The previous system of NASA being responsible for all the failure, held hostage by contractors, wasn't sustainable and under the Obama administration an initiative was launched to restructure things so all liability was on the prime contractor for any program. The old system was NASA contracting for labor and the prime contractor giving it their best effort rather than NASA contracting for a finished product. NASA now buys a finished product, a commercial relationship, rather than signing contracts for design services, manufacture, and launch operations that have no contractual guarantee the product will actually be delivered. This is why Boeing has actually lost money on the Starliner and SLS program rather than the previous situation of being able to hold NASA hostage milking more money as a reward for fking up.

Another fun fact is the US National Labs are also privatized and have been since the very beginning. National Lab scientists aren't even US government employees and their salaries come from whatever corporation has hired them to work at the lab. The US government owns the real estate and issues grants for the research to be done but the labs themselves are private sector operations, each one operated by a handful of corporations. It's why the US government never owns the patents from US national lab research.


Indistinguishable from regular clothing, all of the necessary components (microphone, lithium battery, etc) are woven into the fabric itself.

Under a contract from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), an expert team led by SRI research engineers Marcus Bagnell and Nicole Heidel, specialists in fiber technologies and collaborators at North Carolina State University and International Fabric Machines (IFM), a textile maker, will seek to incorporate a piezoelectric material into a fabric that acts like a microphone — a textile that can record audio. The key component will be piezoelectric threads woven into the fabric, which were demonstrated in Nature last year. The team will work to seamlessly integrate the sensor, along with its support electronics into a textile that closely resembles the ones used in off the shelf clothing. 

“When sound waves strike the fabric, it stretches the piezoelectric threads, producing an electric signal like the diaphragm of a microphone,” says Bagnell, who is principal investigator. “The fabric is essentially a drum. The sound waves bend the piezoelectric threads, creating an electronic waveform that can be recorded and played back.”

Pulling on the thread 

The project is known as “Smart Electrically Powered and Networked Textile Systems” — SMART ePANTS, for short. Eventually, the team hopes to fashion a whole garment — a shirt, pair of pants, socks, underwear even — that records sound. IARPA refers to these garments as primary clothing.


April 13 (Reuters) - Iran's state news agency IRNA said on Saturday that its Revolutionary Guards had seized the MSC Aries vessel it said was "linked to Israel" and it was being transferred to Iran's territorial waters.

A Guards navy special forces helicopter boarded the Portuguese flagged vessel and seized it, IRNA added.


Just over half of Amazon Fresh stores are equipped with Just Walk Out. The technology allows customers to skip checkout altogether by scanning a QR code when they enter the store. Though it seemed completely automated, Just Walk Out relied on more than 1,000 people in India watching and labeling videos to ensure accurate checkouts. The cashiers were simply moved off-site, and they watched you as you shopped.


Reddit plans to place a big chunk of its IPO shares in the hands of its users, an unusual move that could build loyalty but also comes with risk.

The company plans to reserve an as-yet-undetermined number of shares for 75,000 of its most prolific so-called redditors when it goes public next month, according to people familiar with the matter. The users will have the opportunity to buy Reddit shares at its initial public offering price before the stock starts trading, a privilege normally reserved only for big investors.

Ideally for the company and its underwriters, Reddit shares will rise in their stock-market debut, bestowing big gains on those who buy in at the IPO price. If the stock falls, however, it could anger those members of Reddit’s community—a group that, broadly speaking, hasn’t shied away from boycotts in the past.

Banks generally favor selling the bulk of an IPO to big money managers that tend to hold stocks for a relatively long time. Individual investors are viewed as more fickle and prone to selling at the first sign of weakness.


Privatizing the US national helium reserve. Gonna laugh when in a few years the government of another nation ends up owning it. Helium is dwindling finite resource that key technological infrastructure relies upon.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Two U.S. Navy SEALs are missing after conducting a nighttime boarding mission Thursday off the coast of Somalia, according to three U.S. officials.

The SEALs were on an interdiction mission, climbing up a vessel when one got knocked off by high waves. Under their protocol, when one SEAL is overtaken the next jumps in after them.

Both SEALs are still missing. A search and rescue mission is underway and the waters in the Gulf of Aden, where they were operating, are warm, two of the U.S. officials said.

The U.S. Navy has conducted regular interdiction missions, where they have intercepted weapons on ships that were bound for Houthi-controlled Yemen.

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