joined 11 months ago
[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 7 months ago

I feel like whats desperately missing is a proper critique of capital.

If you reject it (bc "commies / tankies / Nth iteration of red-scare") you simply won't be able to understand the world, period.

Instead what you end up with invariably will be an "explanation" rooted in grave error, blaming an ethnic group, "globalists",...

Ofc by suppressing Marxist lessons the ruling ideology incentivizes this reaction (as does liberalism being rooted in metaphysics even)

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 7 months ago

Ppl might be reading this wrong (or am I?)

incident reported to OPCW by the Government of Syria

In this instance it looks like it was the Syrian gov who reported to the OPCW an incident where they were alleging the use of chemical weapons by ISIS against Aknaf group.

So it OPCW seems to say that the Syrian govs accusations are false

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 8 months ago

He even said Khamas

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 8 months ago

Emacs keybinds are fine, used them for some years. But once I tried modal bindings I never wanted to go back, "key-chords" just add strain.

Fortunately emacs has many options for modal keybindings, I prefer meow over vim personally

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 27 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Every president is Trump. Trump is the fucking face America always had. People who say Biden is better just don't want to look into the mirror.

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

You're right, it is not to be overexagerated.

But honestly partys bending to pressure from the base is amongst the best things we can hope for in a bourgeoise republic in the imperial core currently

From a German perspective the Irish situation looks like a major Win, we struggle from a completely marginalized perspective currently. Palestinian solidarity is niche and is facing huge state repression. A slim majority would probably support a ceasefire, but people are silent. All partys are Zionist.

Even the leftmost party is light years away from Palestinian solidarity, after initial dogshit reactions, they were able at some point to adopt a ceasefire stance while being booed by huge parts of the party. They don't call for a stop of German weapons exports to Israel, they call for Germany to put pressure on Qatar to, in turn, stop supporting Hamas.

Whenever we try to get them to helpnus with local ceasefire protests they make up some bullshit excuse while on a national level the criticize the gov for not pressuring Egypt enough to let the Gazans into Sinai like their only fucking job is to support Zionists in their genocide without people noticing.

And holy shit, Clare Daly, it is completely unthinkable how someone as based as her manages to be elected. I don't know what'd have to happen in Germany for that to occur

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Dreaming of a job, of creating surplus for your capitalist and thanking him for that opportunity, is shit.

Dreaming of labour however? Imagine you work in a Socialist society, whatever that means to you. However you imagine trustworthy Socialist leadership/guidance to look like, imagine it exists, you experiencing it, maybe you are a part of it.

Now ofc society still faces challenges, not everything is bliss. But people feel hopeful, encouraged by the changes they see happening around them. Changes, in fact, that they bring about with their labour. Housing being built, and populated. People being lifted out of poverty.

Maybe people come together in socialist meetings eager to engage, they feel their voices being heard, their needs being met. Maye they just want to connect. Without the alienating forces of capitalism people open up to one another, creating understanding among each other.

Renewable energy and public transportation advances. Maybe new means of production are envisioned. Reaction is on the backfoot. People unlearn the concept of externality, realizing we, workers on this planet, are all in this together and that that is the only way to progress. It sets in: We can't create prosperity through externalization, not through slavery, not by exploiting an externalized global south, not by dumping trash in an "infinite" ocean, not by pumping CO2 into an "infinite" atmosphere, not by pushing the burden onto a gender, race or religion.

As all externality vanishes even the backwards start to wonder why that is not a problem? There is no need for squeezing the life out of someone "other" and isolating ourselves with the fruits of their labour. With modern forces of production our labour creates plenty. Nothing is siphoned off by the ruling class, the ruling class are the workers, it flows to where people need it most according to a Marxist analysis.

Whatever you imagine your labour is directly contributing. Maybe you're a scientist and work on cold fusion or you optimize new ways to grow crop, without straining the environment through monocultures etc. Or you try to cure rare but harsh diseases whatever the case your funding isn't cancelled bc you are not making anyone any money.

Or you are a teacher or construction worker, only you earn a lot and you know you help give to the people what they desperately need, whats more the people know it too, they even build you statues and of course you, like everyone else can rest peacefully knowing they have their health covered by the labour of other people.

You are a gear in a machine, but not in an imperial war machine, but in a cooperative machine that cures cancer, educates, struggles against oppression and aims to liberate every single person to allow them to live their life summoning their creative, mental, physical potential.

I would love to work and work and work in such a world. Unfortunately we have to work towards such a world and that means working in a hostile environment which turns the work into struggle, which makes it so much harder.

But dreaming of labour I can understand

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

6 weeks? They held the trifecta for 2 years! From 01/09 to 01/11.

If you give the Dems a supermajority even more Senators will have "health problems" for way longer

Look, I know my instance gives it away, but from Marxist to self proclaimed angry commie: You are dead wrong comrade.

Dems under Obama didn't not do anything bc of "enough Senators with health problems" but because they are beholden to their bourgeoise donors. In essence they are a party representing the bourgeoisie who only occasionally throw you a bone when they are pressured to do so

And you pressure them not by voting harder for them but by doing political work outside of both parties.

The harder you vote blue, the less they'll do for you!

A bit oversimplified but I like the ring of it so I'll run with it.

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

NaN makes for a better Chaotic Evil, QED could just as well be Neutral Evil.

However QED always stands in the bottom right corner, I guess that makes the author of this chart lawfully evil

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 10 months ago

True for all the lisps without explicit false (in the others its more or less a technicality)

Gotta love though that when lisp is concise it does so without overloading syntax

[–] TAVAR@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

that article

I thought you might have meant that, I just recalled the 3 sources and seem to have forgotten about the 3 components. I will repent and re-read.

I wholeheartedly support everything you say! The rest of this comment will be me agreeing with you. While that may be boring I want to express that it is not insignificant to me as where I live (a somewhat provincial city in Germany) it is next to impossible to find any reasonable opinions on geopolitics from people interested in it (aside from some people into who's understanding I have put significant effort in).

The word Geopolitics now is just an easy way to say “what’s happening in the world and why” and I don’t see any reason we can’t use it our own way

Absolutely. Before I took it out, I've had a paragraph in my second comment saying the exact same thing!

I also use geopolitics instead of imperialism exactly not to scare off people too quickly

A totally valid strategy, I do the same! The need to resolve contradictions in geopolitics (and the reporting on it) was what eventually led me to adopt a Marxist analysis why should it not work for others!?

On a side note: In Germany it is an incredibly long journey to arrive at one (has been for me at least).

I think one reason are the relatively okay material conditions many people find themselves in compared to other countries (in Europe but certainly the US). But I believe an important reason is that a Marxist perspective has been purged so effectively from public thought here ("Radikalenerlasse", "Congress for cultural freedom", transatlantic networks, etc.), which I believe one can link back to the importance of Germany in the cold war / capitalist Imperialist project. I believe (and hope) the situation is improving with English-speaking content becoming more prevalent on social media but it is often a long and lonely road, hence my appreciation for the sanity expressed in your opinions!

Or they suddenly start talking about the ‘globalists’ out of nowhere

Omfg, yes! It is frustrating as hell to finally see dissidence in public opinion and then realize it is channeled into this pit of inconsistent thought. Unfortunately such "globalist" commentators are much more prevalent when one first diverges from the mainstream liberal opinion. For what its worth the WEF is, of course, an institution worthy of opposition but it is a consequence of the problem and without it nothing fundamental would change.

It is so glaringly obvious how desperately people are in need of a critique of capital.

But what about a stronger NATO ...

This whole paragraph is on point and it again points to how people lack the holistic approach that a dialectic approach provides.

It’s funny you mention Trots [...] “what about the proletariat in both countries?”

I appreciate the tip of the hat to my Trot comment, lol. For what its worth: I agree. The problem this seems to be indicative of might be an inability to perceive remaining contradictions or an unwillingness to tackle them? The understanding of Marxism as a scientific approach and historical materialism as a progression that cannot be stopped at the turn of the 20th century. In that sense it is the same mistake that people stopping at "globalists are the root cause" are making, only that they happened to stumble across Marx. I have yet to read Mao on contradictions / reaction within the people, I am curious in his analysis in this regard though, I know I have a long way ahead of me too.

Having had these experiences I understand your desire of reaching more people outside of Marxist thought and I totally agree. Historically I've found myself, instinctively, wishing and working for a broad understanding basically with everybody I meet, being cautious to alienate nobody basically rallying for the biggest consensus possible for any specific strategic issue (From a US perspective this certainly sounds ridiculous, I hope you understand what I am trying to say). However this always kept me on the back foot and after the issue was resolved or faded into irrelevancy nothing remained to build on.

So increasingly I wonder if an "inwards" turn, an appeal to leftists (not necessarily Marxists yet) primarily is something more effective. Similarly to how Lenin made out the peasantry as the most likely ally of the proletariat, I wonder who the most probable allies are nowadays in Germany. Undoubtedly they must then be the main target of "communist propaganda", accepting that other groups might not relate and react with scorn and reaction.

Initially I added a couple paragraphs about my strategic speculations, but that is a huge digression so I saved them elsewhere. I guess I just really had to spell out my thoughts out on this.

But well, I’m still finding my voice and who exactly I’m writing for. But I can’t imagine a world where it’s better to have fewer anti-imperialist writers.

For sure! Best of luck in your endeavors, comrade!:) I'll see to it that I follow your development

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