
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Yea 39% isn't substantial. Got it.

Like 90s hahahah.

[–] 0 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

instead of believing bullshit republican propaganda about the Democrat platform.

Lol yea....all my links and the poll was republican propaganda.

Learn some shit, and then get lost. You're done here.

Lol ok kid

[–] 7 points 19 hours ago

Add more mozzarella, no such thing as to much cheese.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Lol sure thing kid. You're entire rebuttal was basically "those don't count" yes you absolutely did say it. Stop acting like you didn't.

[–] 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You mean that people are annoyed that tankies like you, want to turn this into an echo chamber that's just like the right wing republicans...and that bothers you?

Edit: checking your history... yes you're a solid tankie idiot.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (7 children)

Lol literally you saying none of my links count, and that 39% doesn't count...fuck outta here with your double speak bullshit.

Also find it hilarious you're at the name calling rebuttal lol

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (9 children)

Says the guy posting Amazon links and duplicates of the same old failed bill from 30 years ago as evidence for their claims that the current Democratic party wants to eliminate the second amendment.

Yea a book and bills from Democrats...but it doesnt count.

Says the guy who thinks that 39% of a group holds more sway over policy than the remaining 61%

Lol head in sand

Says the guy who literally tried to build a no-true-scotsman strawman 2 posts ago, and then just did DARVO shit when they got called on it.

Rofl yea sure thing, it's sad that any criticism of the left, is met by the same "nuh uh" response as the right wing idiots. Also you're the one doing the no-true-scotsman by suggesting all of my links are not democrats...

There's only 2 options here. Either you're a conservative troll...Or, you are using conservative troll fallacies to "back up" conservative troll propaganda, and you just can't recognize it.

I'm not either, but you really should look in the mirror and ask yourself why your rebuttal is literally the same shit the idiots on the red team do.

So what's it gonna be?

It's gonna be, I'm getting tired of the deflection and you putting fingers in your ears... you're boring me now.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago (1 children)

So you claim the public doesn't count gang members as people. Or gang victims, because gang related shootings don't always result in just gang members being injured, quite often innocent people are caught up in it.

No the public assumes a mass shooting is a random act. Not a gang shooting.

But rather than being a racist jackass,

The fuck? No where did I bring race into this discussion, you just did...sounds like you're assuming only minorities make up gangs...

let's just accept the given definition of a mass shooting, Four or more people injured, not counting the gunman.

Or not, because there isn't really one.

See how simple that definition is? And no need to let racist bias pretend that some people aren't people just because a gang member was somewhere near the shooting.

Lol you're grasping here buddy. The majority of our shootings are gang related, meaning it was gangs doing the shooting. Not near the shooting, but you keep up that racism stick...

Four or more people injured or killed, not including the gunman. That's a mass shooting, and we had over 600 of them last year,

Again, that's what the GVA uses and it's how the numbers get pumped.

Congress goes with 3 or more killed even, not just injured.

Then you pretend that some gangs are worse than others. No, they're just better armed.

Lol not how that seem to think gangs are all the same, when they're not. Our gangs aren't hanging people under bridges like in Mexico, but sure it's the arms they have.

And the old "we have too many guns to implement gun control" bullshit. The vast majority of mass shootings are done with new guns, so simply stop selling new guns (and throw the CEOs of the gun companies in jail, but that's not for their reckless disregard for human life, all CEOs of major corporations should do a few years in jail)

The majority of them are had via straw purchases, which ...are illegal.

Also, you're ignoring things like Australia, where they had more guns than people, and after a mass shooting, they said fuck this, and did a huge gun buyback coupled with actual gun control. Now Australia doesn't have mass shootings. Amazing how that works.

Australia never had more guns than people, they also had a 60% turn in rate. And now they have more guns than before the forced confiscation. I've talked about this plenty before. 60% still leaves over 100 million guns in civ hands. Of which the majority will be kept by criminals.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago

Cool, that still wasn't what we're were discussing...

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (11 children)

Yea...not a conservative or a troll....but I guess that's what I get from arguing with people who can't back their shit going to call me a nazi fascist next as well?

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (13 children)

Strawman argument. My counter-point as a whole was not that everyone wants to keep the 2nd Amendment, but that Democrats do not want to repeal the 2nd amendment. It has less than 50% support in the party. To further express why you are attacking a strawman..

That's not what a strawman argument is, the original user stated that no dems want to ban the 2nd, I have clearly provided sources that state this is bullshit.

So those %8 aren't really Republicans? Got it...

This is a strawman, as it's not part of the original argument.

I think the only people who find it straight-forward believe that any number of mass shootings, school shootings and random shootings is acceptable, as long as there are no more restrictions of any kind on their ability to purchase, sell, and use any weapon.

Hey... another strawman....

Also, most constitutional law scholars who had fucking doctorates in this shit find it vague.

Yea no they don't, unless they're antigun, then it magically becomes vague.

Here there is an entire section dor scholarly comments.

Still <50%... Lol?

Lol yea cause 1/3rd is a tiny amount.....also straw man.

Are you acting like you do know the history of 2A movents in the US? Don't make me laugh.

Lol sure thing, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Anymore bullshit opinions pieces and Amazon links you want to spam here as "evidence"?

Ah left leaning sources that disagree with you are now ...bullshit...damn

[–] -1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

You sound like every republican out there. "Nuh uh, that doesn't count"... that's what you're doing right now. Completely downplaying that more than a 3rd of democrats want the 2nd repealed....but sure you keep thinking otherwise.

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