
joined 2 months ago

Considering the stats at,

What is your opinion on "hiding among the crowd" versus "eternal polymorph"?

Just last week I did a drive clone for somebody who's disk reported a total runtime of over 9 years. The SMART stats only reported one pending sector and long spin up time but it was making noises that said otherwise.

The clone completed with only three I/O errors.

Stripping out the audio tracks for languages I don't speak reduces the file size a little.

I buried that hatchet long ago.

I would be seriously absolutely genuinely impressed if somebody pulled that on me, even today.

It would probably take less effort to uncover the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.

[–] -1 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

Once you've awoken to the Isreal problem, there's no going back.

Predict if you have C⭕🔻🆔 OMG alarm bells we're all gonna die! ... or the flu. Y'know, just the flu, tee hee.

Market: Successfully established.

I've enjoyed using Wayback Machine on journalistic articles where they try to retcon information, but the original copy had already been captured. The Ministry of Truth hates

[–] 6 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

Apple ever using open standards at all seems to have just been a historical happy accident.

and the people who make the content get compensated via ad revenue

We're assuming that the only possible goal is money. The people who make the content can also get compensated by enjoying the propagation of their ideas, just as one example.

and then repeat the whole process for every website you ever use

The thing is that you soon reach a point in which most of your frequently visited sites are already properly permissioned. After that, only newly visited domains need any special attention, and that's assuming you're there to do anything other than read some text or view an image.

[–] 0 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

The news sites that we have today are an inversion of what they should be. As a journalist, you wield tremendous power that is entrusted to you. Being able to set the narrative for millions of others is a privilege and, in fact, something that journalists should be paying to enjoy (e.g. footing the bill for web hosting).


And why was it only after you realized your Golden Girls directory ballooned past 200GB?


I would like to scale back my hosting costs and migrate one (or a few) sites over to a machine that I host at home.

The bandwidth is more than enough to cover the traffic of these small sites.

The simplicity of IPv6 has attracted me to the idea of exposing that server over IPv6 for hosting, while my daily machines remain on the IPv4 side of the stack.

I don't care if this means that the sites are reachable by fewer visitors, as the traffic has never been huge.

Am I going down a rabbit hole that I will later regret? How would you do this right?


How would you approach persuading a far extreme liberal toward center? What would you set as a realistic goal for a productive discourse? Would it be better attempt to do so in person rather than online?


How would you approach persuading a far extreme conservative toward center? What would you set as a realistic goal for a productive discourse? Would it be better attempt to do so in person rather than online?


The problem:

I manage computers for some loved ones from whom I now live several states away. All devices are linux environments and basically serve as home theater and light duty SOHO.

They have been running for several years without incident, but do require intervention for the "hard" stuff like major release upgrades. (And perhaps I like to slip some entertainment media onto their shared drive from time to time).

And I'd like to have an avenue to do this that doesn't necessarily involve planning a road trip.

Candidate solution(s):

Deploy a micro PC to sit on their network, whose sole purpose is as a headless SSH server. I would intend to SSH into that device, and from there SSH across the LAN to the necessary computers. The rationale is that I would only have one device answering the door, so to speak, at port 22, greatly simplifying port forwards and any need for static IPs.

With dual stack IPv4 + IPv6 internet service, would it be better that I attempt this through IPv6?

The micro PC would be scripted to retrieve the current public IP address every X hours and email it to me.

Another idea is to configure the immediate SSH box behind a Tor SSH hidden service or a I2P eepsite SSH. This way it would maintain a persistent, reachable address without requiring some cobbled together script & email IP notification.



Sad news for everyone. YouTube/Google has patched the latest workaround that we had in order to restore the video playback functionality.

Right now we have no other solutions/fixes. You may be able to get Invidious working on residential IP addresses (like at home) but on datacenter IP addresses Invidious won't work anymore.

If you are interested to install Invidious at home, we remind you that we have a guide for that here:

This is not the death of this project. We will still try to find new solutions, but this might take time, months probably.

I have updated the public instance list in order to reflect on the working public instances: Please don't abuse them since the number is really low.

Feel free to discuss this politely on Matrix or IRC.


Movies: I like to playback raw video files with a desktop video player. I settle for nothing less. I would gladly pay a few doubloons in exchange for a movie video file download but nobody offers this, (except for GOG that one time with a paltry selection of films).

Games: "Hey we released this new game buuuuut you're going to need to purchase an entire separate computer system we call a 'console' because we refuse to compile the game binary for PC OSes, nor provide the source for you to do so yourself"

I interpret distributors and publishers treating me as a second (or third) class citizen as carte blanche to acquire your content and make the necessary changes to make it work on my environment of choice.


I've seen tables flipped, tv sets punched through, furniture thrown. And that's just in the home.

How does one get to a place mentally where burning and destroying things, over a sportsball game seem a reasonable thing to do?


Ever since around 2017, I have not visited (or even seen) the contemporary Youtube site.

I had been using a combination of Invidious and yt-dlp (youtube-dl).

Just within the last year or two, Google has been making efforts to obstruct these tools. This can most clearly be seen with Invidious, currently suffering from a generic "This helps protect our community" error message.

It has got me thinking that Google might eventually succeed in extinguishing these islands of safety that I've so enjoyed.

People who still use raw, unmitigated Youtube today; how much of a hellscape has it become?


Is it good employer strategy to pay my employees just enough so that they can't save money, so that they can never walk away from the job?

Like, there is a threshold where if they are able to save X per month, they will eventually use that against you and quit at an inopportune time?

And if that threshold falls below state mandated minimum wage, what steps can be taken to mitigate this?


I've amassed a sizeable hoard, nearly all encoded h264 or h265.

The space savings made by AV1 are attractive, but I don't want to move on it until after I've acquired hardware capable of AV1 GPU accelerated decode.

Even then, the cost of reacquiring some works has to be weighed. Storage space gets freed; but how often do I actually revisit some cherished items?

Anybody else having to make similar evaluations?

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