
joined 4 years ago
[–] 11 points 1 day ago

They're pretty cool ngl

[–] 6 points 1 day ago

Infamousblt I am

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Most pop music actually is good despite people being silly about it.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

I'm just being silly that's how I do. I'll probably hear brat sometime somehow but honestly there's just way too much music to keep track of

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I am 100% a geezer I'm probably top 10% age on Hexbear

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Now I will listen to brat but only the Beanis remix

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

I think so but I don't know

[–] 11 points 1 day ago

Came to say this. This post is about the best fucking friendship that has ever existed in media as represented by Gon and Killua. Everyone should aspire to have a friendship like they have

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

I will listen to anime music I will not listen to brat

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Of course it's Joliet for absolute fucks sake


I was joke banned from chapotraphouse comm recently (which was funny and I am not upset about in any capacity) and today I went looking to make a post and realized it wasn't in my feed. Lo and behold the joke temp ban actually unsubbed me from the comm. Easy fix but I didn't notice and it doesn't really tell you.

Anyway if anyone gets joke banned or temp banned from a comm just remember to resub when your ban is up so you can resume lurking and posting. I did not know it worked this way so figured others should know too.


The shoes of the capital class.

Then they'll trip over their laces.

Then they drop all their capital.

Then we pick it up.

Now we the workers own the capital and Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism can be achieved

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/


Before you go "no I literally can't do that" yes you literally can and I'm gonna tell you how. There will be people in the comments who say no that's not a stock no that's not the way no not like that but they're wrong. You're not a Michelin Star Chef you're just trying to make something cozy with shit you normally throw away and anyone trying to stop you is reactionary. Just make it and enjoy it. I'm not expert so just use this as a guide to get you started, you do it your way and it'll be perfect just the way you like it.

Anyway here's what you need to do. Starting RIGHT NOW get a freezer bag or container ready and every time you're about to throw away some scraps, instead, put it in your container and put it in the freezer. What kind of scraps? Anything I don't care. Leek tops or potato skins or slightly off spinach or the part of the onion you didn't feel like cutting properly or jalapeno stems or apple cores or that leftover bit of fresh thyme that you forgot about after you didn't need the whole thing or some be peppers that you are like are these still good or just whatever. Shit can be raw or cooked or seasoned or sauced or whatever. It's not rocket science just put your scraps in the freezer it's fine they'll get all freezer burned and nasty but who cares you were gonna throw em away anyway.

Doesn't have to be veggies either can be meat, cw here for folks who don't wanna know but otherwise here's more ideas

CW for meat ideasBones or fat or shells or cooked or raw or trimmings or giblets or whatever look if you're gonna eat a dead animal don't you fucking dare throw any of it away without getting the most out of it okay?

Again it doesn't have to be pretty it doesn't have to be good it just has to be not moldy or totally rotten.

Okay do this for 6 months and then come back.

Hello from the past I guess it's been 6 months hopefully you got a bag or three full of random trimmings.

Put them in the biggest pot you got. If you're doing meat stuff put that in first without the veggies.

Cover the stuff with water.

Salt the shit outta it. Other seasonings too if you want I don't care it's your stock do whatever.

Stove. Cover it. Make hot. Simmer. Do like an hour before adding veggies if you're doing meat otherwise do the veggies for like 2 ish hours or something. It's not an exact science once it's been simmering for a while taste it. If it tastes like water add salt. Do this untill it stops tasting like water. Then keep tasting and looking at the veg once they're looking all sad and gross and it tastes really delicious take it off the heat. Grab tongs or a spoon or something. Pull out all the stuff you put in It's done congrats you made stock.

You can just eat it if you want just like this. Maybe with some rice or noodles. Or you can strain it if you're feeling fancy. You can put it into ice cube trays and freeze it and put the cubes in a container and later when you need some just pull some out.

It's so easy and it costs you basically nothing but the energy to cook and the salt. Otherwise you were gonna throw all that delicious flavor and nutrients out.

Don't waste your food folks use all of it you paid for it someone picked it.

You can do this don't let anyone tell you not to they're wrong and dumb go make delicious stock just for you you'll be happier and healthier for it. I'm gonna go eat some of mine right now as a base for some tomato soup.


One of mine (I have many yay neurodivergece) is when people say the phrase "a broken clock is right twice a day". The phrase is actually "a stopped clock is right twice a day." A clock that is stopped will definitely be right twice a day but a clock that is broken could be right multiple times a day or not at all depending on how it's broken. Maybe it's just a little slow running in which case it'll never be right. Maybe it's spinning wildly out of control so it'll be right a lot but still useless.

It annoys the shit outta me and it is so dumb it definitely should not. Anyway your turn.


Today it's... slightly tired but hopeful?

There's an experimental theater company in my city that does, well, experimental theater. Its very left and very not white and very queer and I really love it. I go often. I wanna tell you about it a little bit and I hope that's okay.

They do a show twice a week which is 30 plays in 60 minutes. If they don't get to all 30 in that 60 mins well, sucks for you, you didn't get to see all of them. The plays are all written and performed by the company themselves, and every week they delete a random number of plays from their list of 30 and write new ones to replace them for next week's show. Those shows are gone forever.

As you could guess, it's chaotic and unpredictable and fun.

Sometimes the plays are funny, sometimes they're not. They might be a throw away gag, or a lengthy story about the writers life, or a short sketch about something topical. You never really know what you'll get. The company promises though that they will never lie to you and that they will only perform things from their own experience. They hope you will be true to yourself too.

One time they threw creamed corn on the audience. Another they walked around the room and whispered their life ambitions to people in the audience and asked about theirs. Yet another they sat on the stage and knitted part of a sock while telling us how they got into knitting.

Sometimes they stick with you. Sometimes they don't. They're not all winners.

One that stuck with me was one I saw over a year ago now, and I think about it a lot. One of the gender fluid cast members rolled an overhead projector out onto the stage and the other cast sat in a semicircle around them with notepads. The writer would shout GENDER? and slap an overhead sheet on the projector. The sheet contained words with a theme. One was seasons. One was colors. One was feelings. One was birds. You get the idea. Between each sheet the cast wrote something down and then the writer would shout GENDER? and replace the sheet with a new one.

When they got to the end each cast member read out their list. One was Green Spring Somber Robin, another was Black Fall Happy Bluejay, etc. They were all different. They were all unique. But they all got to choose for themselves and we all got to be a part of it with them.

The writer then read out theirs, and just ended the play with "It surprised me when I started performing this one that every time I do this, I find myself answering differently." And that was the end of it. I think after that one is when they threw creamed corn on us.

At the time I wasn't really sure what gender meant to me either. Over time though my partner and I would look at each other and go "Gender?" and just say "today I feel like sweaty corn" or "today I feel like a hot pizza" or whatever we felt that day. And others would join in too just saying who they felt like in that moment too. It's become a fun way for us to validate ourselves and each other in who we are in that moment, no matter how serious or silly the answer is.

It was formative for me because some people wouldn't really change their answers, and some people would lean into it and have fun with it and come up with the silliest answer they could, and everything in between too. It became a way for me to identify with others in a way I hadn't really done before. Kinda made me look at gender differently too. Some folks pick one and they keep it forever and it's theirs and they're comfortable in it and that's okay. Others change it like the wind, shifting and ebbing and flowing with each new thing they experience, and that's okay too. Gender is a construct, we can all be whatever we want. Whoever we want. Whenever we want. Our gender is ours, it belongs to us, and that means it's up to us and only us how we choose to define it, and it's up to the rest of us to accept that and love that about both ourselves and each other too, no matter how the individual defines it. It's a part of our identity. It might relate to your biology, or not. It might relate to your pronouns, or not. It might relate to how you present to the world, or not. No matter what though it's part of you and who you are, and I just think that's neat.

So, I'll ask again because many of you probably didn't get it the first time but I hope you do now.


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

A few days ago I broke my helmet again. This time I was going too fast on some gravel and sped across a turn that was sharper than I was expecting. I flew off my bike. I broke my third helmet. Time to get another.

I'm totally fine, nothing broken, no stitches or anything like that but I'm still pretty banged up. Most importantly though my head is fine. No concussion or head injury at all. Fortunately my partner is a first responder so honestly a great person to be around when you're in the middle of nowhere injured and they've been keeping an eye on me but I'm definitely past any sort of concussion danger period. I wasn't that worried anyway.

But that helmet gets to go in the trash and join its friends now. Missed but not forgetten.

I'm an experienced biker...and skater and hiker and kayaker and other stuff too. I've gotten myself out of stickier situations than this but it was very hot out and very sunny and I'd had a beer and a decent lunch and was near the end of my long bike journey and I goofed. It happens. And it's not a big deal because I had my helmet on.

The last time was a skating accident. It was wet and I forgot how slippery skates get when its wet. The previous time I thought it would be fun to ride down stairs. It is and I do it all the time but probably you shouldn't. At least not without a helmet.

I see people out all the time on all sorts of wheeled things without one and I feel so much anxiety for them. I'm not particularly clumsy or anything but if you do something long enough eventually an accident might happen. I wonder if they know the impact it will have on them and their loved ones if the accident happens to them. I wonder if they know how easy it is to prevent it from being as bad as it could be.

All of my accidents were maybe my fault but I know very few bikers who haven't had similar, either because of something they did or something someone else did. They're all okay too because they all wear helmets.

So comrades please just put a helmet on. Your brain is valuable because it contains a lot of who you are, and you're probably more valuable than you think. We all take care of our bodies and minds in so many ways so please don't neglect this way. Helmets are cheap, adjusted properly they can be very comfortable too. The right kinds can be personalized with stickers and messages and really become something special to you. Hopefully you buy one and you have it for life and you never need to replace it. But if you do need to replace it that's good too, because a helmet is so much easier to replace than you are.

Anyway I'm looking forward to buying my next helmet and I hope it lasts me longer than this last one. But if it doesn't I'll be glad to because hopefully it means I'm okay when I otherwise might not have been.

So please if you're going to be doing something that could result in a head injury, no matter how unlikely, just put on a helmet. You're worth it.


They should be allowed to obliterate any obstacle that is blocking the bus lane or stop without consequence.

I will accept no criticism for this idea.



It's so indicative of the entire party modus operandi. Talk about all the bad things they're doing while they're doing them, continue to do them anyway, and then celebrate that you did the bad thing as if it was a good thing.

It's madness. And they think we're the accelerationists


I haven't been polyam long enough to really form a strong historical opinion on this so I'm curious what Hexbears think.

Basically what I'm asking is; do folks in the polyamory community overall feel more ethical or less ethical these days, knowing there is a huge influx of people new to the community due to polyamory becoming a more culturally accepted thing in Western culture and media?

Basically I see lots of new people in the last year or two who "saw it on tv and wanted to try it. " Some of them no doubt are doing it ethically where others are clearly polybombing their partner as an excuse to cheat. So it's been tough to form an opinion on if polyamory in the media is helping or hurting the community at large.

Curious what others think.


Why the fuck does every food item have an "air puffed" version now that is also more expensive. THEY'RE CHARGING FOR AIR. They're literally selling air. It's so infuriating. Brings a whole new definition to "inflation."

I won't lie lots of food tastes better air puffed but also it should cost less. It's less food. I hate capitalism agony-turbo


Besides beating Nazis in the marketplace of ideas, define Combat Liberalism


What's the dumbest thing you did this weekbeanis

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