
joined 1 year ago
[–] 17 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Power to them, I hope people support them however they can!

Ridiculous that this trainee stuff is still going on with Grill'd specifically - they've been in the news media for it since at least 2016 (earliest story I can find).

What this SBS article doesn't mention is that Grill'd has been known to drag their feet on progressing a trainee, to just keep them on the lower rate indefinitely.


In short:

The Department of Defence has confirmed Australia provided support for the US strikes on underground bunkers used by Yemen's Houthi rebels "through access and overflight for US aircraft in northern Australia".

The US said its strikes were ordered by President Joe Biden to degrade the Houthi weapons stores and send a message to "our adversaries", which includes Iran.

An Australian official said the support was "consistent with our long-standing alliance commitment and close cooperation, demonstrating the interoperability of our militaries".


In short:

Shaban Al-Dalou, 19, has been revealed as one of the victims of a massive fire which ravaged a refugee camp in the grounds of a Gaza hospital.

An Israeli air strike hit the compound in central Gaza in the early hours of Monday morning, local time.

What's next?

Shaban's mother also died in the fire, and his brother struggled to identify their remains.


Company behind PEP11 gas project says it has been recommended for approval

By Matthew Kelly

October 17 2024 - 5:30am

📷 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese campaigning against PEP11 on Terrigal Beach in 2021.

The government agency responsible for the administration of petroleum titles in Australia has recommended a controversial gas exploration project off the Hunter coast proceed, according to the company seeking the licence.

BPH Energy, through its subsidiary Asset Energy, is seeking an extension of Petroleum Exploration Permit 11, or PEP11, which extends from Port Stephens to south of Sydney.

The project site is in Commonwealth waters 26 kilometers off Lake Munmorah, which is about 35 kilometers north of Prime Minister Anothony Albanese's new home in the Central Coast suburb of Copacabana.

Federal Industry and Science minister Ed Husic said last month that, based on the material provided to him, he had formed a "preliminary view" that the PEP11 permit should not be renewed.

The minister's comment was applauded by environment groups and local MPs who have been opposed to the project for close to a decade.

The government has provided the company with 1608 pages of material, which it has been asked to respond to before a final determination is made.

In a statement accompanying an update to the Australian Stock Exchange last week , BPH Energy said a copy of the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator's recommendation, which recommended the project be approved, was among the documents it had received.

The company said it appeared the recommendation was mistakenly included in the 45 annexures of documents.

It declined to provide a copy document to the Newcastle Herald for legal reasons.

Both Mr Husic and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources declined to comment on the recommendation.

NOPTA previously recommended the PEP11 exploration project should proceed in 2020.

Despite having the support of former resources minister Keith Pitt, former prime minister Scott Morrision sensationally intervened to stop the project in late 2021.

The decision was voided in February 2023 after Asset challenged the validity of Mr Morrison's decision-making authority in the Federal Court.

📷 Map shows the PEP11 zone in relation to the Hunter Offshore Wind project.

The latest application is being considered by the Commonwealth-NSW Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority.

Asset Energy has argued that the project is necessary to alleviate the national "gas crisis".

Chief executive David Breeze told the Herald last month that the company would again seek legal recourse if it considered its application had not been dealt with fairly.

"The need for gas has become much more critical," Mr Breeze said.

"NSW is suffering the highest rate of business insolvencies relative to past times, inflation is still at a high and the cost of energy is a key point there. It's critical that this project proceeds."

Surfers for Climate is among the groups opposed to PEP11.

"It shouldn't be understated that there is a toll being taken on coastal communities when they are constantly on edge about potential oil and gas activity off their beaches,"chief executive Josh Kirkman previously said.

"Australia does not need new oil and gas projects in our ocean, when the tide is certainly turning towards renewables and the electrification of our homes at scale."

The state government recently introduced legislation earlier this year banning offshore petroleum drilling projects, such as PEP11, in NSW coastal waters.

The legislation was driven, in part, by a significant public backlash against the PEP11 project.


In short:

Popular genetic testing company 23andMe is facing bankruptcy and may sell the genetic data of its 15 million customers.

Users have the option to delete their data, but the company can retain it for three years. Data that's already been sold to researchers may not be able to be deleted.

What's next?

23andMe's co-founder and CEO is attempting to buy the company's remaining shares to take back control.

Then, in 2020, there was a story about US police tracking down a murderer through members of his family who had done at-home genetic testing.

This effectively meant I had dobbed in our entire extended family for past and future crimes.

"The data is now integrated into the research of the big pharma company.

And there's another problem. There's a good chance that genetic data stripped of personal information such as name, address and date of birth can be linked back to the individual by combining it with other datasets.

23andMe's privacy policy also allows the company to sell customers' genetic data if the company goes bankrupt, is merged or acquired.

In fact, such an event has happened once already.

And unlike passwords, phone numbers, email addresses and many other kinds of personal data, raw DNA data can never be changed.

[–] 17 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (8 children)

Crisafulli said he would also aim to change the full preferential voting system, which he labelled “corrupt”, back to optional preferential voting.

Under the current system, it is compulsory for voters to number all boxes on the ballot paper in order of their preference or their vote is not counted.

“Preferences should not be a thing in Queensland elections, and it won’t be if government changes,” he said.



'We declined': Newcastle Mums reject volunteer awards to make a point

By Damon Cronshaw

Updated October 16 2024 - 3:47pm, first published 12:30pm

📷 Megan Clarke, Kerrie McGrath and Claire Paterson, of Newcastle Mums for Palestine, declined volunteer awards from Sharon Claydon. Picture supplied

Three mums have declined a volunteer award from Newcastle MP Sharon Claydon to highlight the "daily struggles faced by Palestinians".

The trio, of Newcastle Mums for Palestine, attended a ceremony for volunteer awards on Tuesday.

But when Ms Claydon presented the awards, they declined to accept them.

Megan Clarke, a member of the group, said they "declined to shake" Ms Claydon's hand at the ceremony and "instead passed on three important documents".

These were: A list of children who died in Gaza since October 7; an Australian Centre for International Justice statement on "occupied Palestinian territory" and a study in The Lancet on the death toll in Gaza.

The mums group said that it would, under different circumstances, "welcome this recognition from our elected federal representative".

The group had done advocacy and fundraising work over the past year.

"Our own work pales in comparison to the daily struggles faced by Palestinians," Mrs Clarke said.

She added that the fundraising helped relatives of a Palestinian family in Newcastle to escape Gaza and come to Australia.

The group was concerned about a lack of "access to humanitarian visas" for Palestinian refugees.

"We do not do this work simply because we have the time to spare for a worthy cause," Mrs Clarke said.

She added that the trio did not take up anyone else's time when they declined the awards at the ceremony.

Mrs Clark said Ms Claydon had been "notably absent from all our community events held over the past 12 months, despite multiple invitations".

"She is yet to attend a local rally. She is yet to adequately acknowledge the presence of peaceful protestors, who gather outside her office twice a week."

Ms Claydon declined to comment.

More than 42,000 people had been killed and more than 99,000 injured in Gaza by Israeli forces, Gaza's health ministry says.

Israel says more than 1200 people, mostly civilians, were killed when Hamas terrorists attacked on October 7.

More than 250 hostages were taken into Gaza. About 100 remained there, while about 40 had died.


What a joke. This is so obviously just a PR move for the election. They have no intention of actually backing it up.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

The initial Israeli evacuation area was within 2 kilometres of the border with Lebanon. There seem to have been some expansion of evacuations since, but I believe it's still only within a few kilometers of the border. Estimates in March were that about 60,000 Israeli citizens remain evacuated (source: AP).

The IDF camp in this article is around 55 kilometres from the Lebanese border, and about 30 kilometres south of Haifa (a city which is not evacuated) (source: ABC News (AU)).

[–] 19 points 2 weeks ago

I wouldn't bother engaging. They're not commenting in good faith, they're just trying to annoy us and waste our time.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Wow, I had missed that:

The competitors were due to be revealed on Monday, but were delayed after a deadly attack was caught on one of the park's live feeds.

469, an adult male bear also known as Patches, was seen approaching an older female, 402 in the Brooks River on Monday.

He then attacked and killed her.

"National parks like Katmai protect not only the wonders of nature, but also the harsh realities," park officials said in a statement after bear 402's death.

"Each bear seen on the webcams is competing with others to survive."

Mike Fritz, a resident naturalist at which hosts the live stream, said 402 "likely died by drowning".

"We love to celebrate the success of bears with full stomachs and ample body fat," he said.

"But the ferocity of bears is real, the risks that they face are real, their lives can be hard and their deaths can be painful."

[–] 27 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) and The Cabin in the Woods (2012) (go in spoiler-free with this one) are both good comedy horror.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

You need it to not be cloudy, for starters 😆

But even if it's not cloudy, light pollution can also be an issue, so it might help to head further out of the city (see:

Basically, if you can't see the stars, you can't see the aurora.

The only equipment that can help you 'see' it better would be taking a long exposure with a camera.

EDIT: Apparently you're going to want to see some red on the map here:

[–] 15 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (4 children)

I wish anyone at the ABC had the guts to publish a headline as accurate as that.

I would say 'mods won't like it', but the sidebar for this comm doesn't actually have any rules so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago

It's because we've hitched our wagon to the U.S. and we're not allowed to say or do anything that'll piss them off. It'll only get worse with AUKUS, and arguably that's the point of it - to lock us in to dependence and obedience to the U.S.

[–] 30 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (5 children)

Labor and the Coalition have had a stronger response to this handful of flags and posters than they have to Israel killing 20,000+ kids.

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