
joined 1 year ago

I don’t care what the rules say

Then why would anyone care what you say? Why post this comment? Does your belief absolve you? Do you suppose ignoring a rule you don't agree with make you look "above it all"?

Honestly, be real brother, it just doesn't. This here's is a bad look and a bad take.

Do yourself a favor and reflect on this privately.

[–] 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Me: Man who's gonna read all that shit anyway? 50$ is 50$.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I don't have the luxury of being a single issue voter...

because you have luxuriously refused to rub the couple braincells together required to understand a single issue

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Ok knowing nothing else i absolutely want a transforming Woolly mammoth but.. Does it just turn into an amorphous shape?

If you love xfiles like i do but also like to make fun of what you love check out 'monster of the week' an xfiles comic that lampoons (with love) every episode in order of appearance. It's a great accompaniment to the camp that is xfiles

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Can you put up a paywall workaround?

Sous vide doesn't even need any fucking smart app certainly not enough to charge monthly... it's the most idiot proof way to cook something to temp.

[–] 30 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

What really upset me about that video was his refusal to recommend economic sanctions.

Those would be shot down too of course, but all he was willing to commit to was what, an absolutely useless finger-wagging? To state israel "won't get another dime" sure sounds empty to me when Biden can and will just go around Congress.

I don't know if ive got a point here, but i hated that video. it just felt like a new low

Less a necessarily bad person, and more an ideologically influenced one, I’d wager.

What does 'bad person' even mean?

he asked rhetorically

With all the respect i can muster, you are the one misunderstanding religion's purpose.

They are not.

If organized religion ever helps humanity at all it is through the good people it inspires to help, the good part of humanity it brings out. The people who focus on that aspect of its tenets would always be good.

But the book(s) and the men who wrote them are as full of power and venom as any other book, and the very idea that one is special by birth is disgusting and small. It is a venal thought shared by the religious and nazis alike.

The cancer is organized religion. There is no bad apple within its core to root, it is itself the problem.

and while the world will never be rid of its mind stifling influence, i will never stop dreaming of the shining day we grow beyond it

I see! Thank you for clearing this up for me

[–] 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I donvoted cuz representation isn't a thing. It isnt 'making up' for anything. It doesn't take time away from programming "fun" in. Everything op said was such an insipid, cataclysmically bad take that my finger hit the down arrow in self-defense, lest i be infected by his brainworm.

the very idea that it could is such a ridiculous assumption, it needs lots and lots of downvotes to help future posters understand just how bad a take it is. This could even help insure better posts can be made in the future by better people.


I'm working through the manifesto and i'm really struggling with chapter 3s Feudal and Petty-Bourgeois socialism section. It seems he's waxing a bit into prose, or i lack important historical context. Is there something i can read that will provide this? Barring that i would also love any links or recommendations to literature that helped you understand

Oh and if this is stickied somewhere i apologize for dumb

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