
joined 4 years ago
[–] pooh@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago (1 children)

We don't need a majority of marginalized people to go fash. We just need enough and I think the Democrats doing a genocide while most of their base still willing to vote for them is going to go a long way to legitimize fascist policies, especially if that party continues to choose the triangulation strategy.

To be a little more clear, I think this type of liberal fascism absolutely will continue. What I was trying to say is that I don't think we'll see an openly fascist government like in Nazi Germany where undesirables are hauled off to death camps, since I just don't think that really fits with present day US. The sort of thing we've already seen and continue to see will still be there, though, and likely will continue on its current trajectory.

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 20 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (8 children)

This is for the US specifically. Ok so I’ve thought about this A LOT and my best prediction, avoiding both wishful thinking and doomerism, is that I don’t think those who are openly fascist will be able to turn the country into Nazi Germany. The US is just too diverse and that kind of blatant fascism likely will only fly with a minority of white chuds. This is especially true of the younger generations who would need to be co-opted in order to enforce it, since old people are generally not the best when it comes to fighting wars, either internal or external. As it stands now, younger generations are increasingly more diverse and increasingly have shifted left in their views, which would make co-opting them difficult, and an example of this at the present time is the issue the pentagon has been having with military recruitment. They (the fascist right) really don’t have the numbers on their side. Remember when US marshals under Trump tried to subdue Portland? That was a complete and utter failure, and it’s only one city. Imagine if they tried that in every major US city.

So yeah, I could be wrong but I don’t think open fascism is likely. What’s more likely imo is a continuation of the dysfunction we’re already seeing, which means more stuff like mass shootings, terror attacks, etc. by chuds, more quiet “liberal” fascism that pretends the US is a functioning democracy, and potentially more Balkanization. The US is also going to be facing more and more pressure on the world stage as China passes it up economically and militarily. I think all this combined will lead to a worsening situation and increasing destabilization, but again I think open fascism isn’t all that likely to succeed.

For Europe I’m less certain, but some of the same arguments apply I think. The US is the lynchpin holding the current global order together, so once they start to falter, Europe may starting looking to boost ties elsewhere, such as with China and Russia who may have more to offer. Also open fascism in Europe would likely threaten the EU, which it seems would not be the best outcome for the ruling class, so I think they’d likely lean towards EU stability over nationalism in individual EU countries, but that’s just a guess.

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 10 points 1 day ago

I've been doing DIY (injections) since mid June at a relatively high dose and it's been great so far.

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 12 points 2 days ago (1 children)

How sure are we that this is a legit leak and not some kind of misinformation?

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 12 points 3 days ago

I missed the original post, but I can definitely sympathize with gender envy. For most of my life I've also never really been in women's spaces or been close to women other than the few times I dated, and even then it was weird because I wasn't treated like another woman, so I was still excluded, if that makes sense. The world of women was always something that to me represented a better, happier place that I would forever be excluded from, and that always made me sad. This distance also probably prevented me from coming out as trans sooner, since my ideas of what a woman was (what I really should be) were a bit nebulous. But then I realized I was trans and that all changed. Since I officially started transitioning I've been in boymode but allowing myself to act more feminine, which feels great, and women I interact with seem completely welcoming towards that as far as I can tell. Maybe it could help to start experimenting with being more fem on your own?

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 13 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

geordi-no Egg ads that sell eggs produced in factory farms

geordi-yes Egg ads that sell programmer socks and blahajs

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 13 points 4 days ago

Hide on an overpass and throw the cans at cop cars driving by


Source, which has other fun stuff: https://lyra.horse/

EDIT: I guess hosting it on hexbear messes it up so I replaced it with a direct link.

EDIT 2: THIS IS SUPER COOL: https://lyra.horse/antonymph/

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 17 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It incentivizes me to poop at work often and that seems like a good thing, right?

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 47 points 1 week ago

I remember being kinda terrified by TC69 in the beginning, partly because I was a lib and also because I was worried the new pronoun thing would mean I'd be forced to use male pronouns on the site, which... uhhh... bothered me, for some reason. lol. Now, however, I am fully indoctrinated into the TRANS AGENDA and clearly see the benefit that upholding TC69 thought brings to the site.

Also, I remember feeling a sense of happiness and hope whenever I'd log into the site and I'd see BrookeBaybee's latest I LOVE MY TRANS COMRADES post. When the rest of the world and humanity seemed so horribly shitty, it was heartening to see one person who dedicated time every day to making sure strangers on the internet feel loved. cri I still think about this pretty often, to be honest.

Earlier this year, when my egg shell was still yet unbroken, there was screenshot someone posted of the Onion headline about a trans ally coming out as trans. Seeing it... Gave me some thoughts, and I posted a comment hinting that maybe the headline was something I identified with. Cromalin responded with some kind and helpful advice about possible next steps and reading it made me feel a little more comfortable with what was going on in my head, and a giant crack appeared down the middle of my egg shell. Months later I fully came out as trans.

I'm very grateful to these people for their positive influence on the site and I hope they're all doing well right now. cat-trans

[–] pooh@hexbear.net 22 points 1 week ago (8 children)

They're doing cannibalism larping and they expect to be taken seriously for it?



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