
joined 1 year ago

This card game looks really good. There also seems to be a big, open source server:

It's not. Noncommercial limitatation makes it also not open source.

I also think they don't allow forking.

For example:

"ad": "FOR SALE - collection of old people call 253-555-7212", "iseven": false 

Not exactly like the title.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Is there a way to do something like this on KDE? I'm considering streaming soon, and I want to be able to share some windows, but not all, or only share a workspace/virtual desktop with my stream.

Is it possible to allow DRM content for just 1 website ( Netflix ) , while other websites on the same browsers are not allowed to do it?

I would use multiple firefox profiles for this. If you go to about:profiles or use the command firefox -P to launch firefox, you can view and create other firefox profiles. Each firefox profile is essentially it's own instance of firefox, complete with different history, extensions, and setting. You could have a "Netflix" profile and a regular browsing profile.



Alt Text: (For searchability): 3 part comic, drawn in a simple style. The first, leftmost panel has one character yelling at another: "@+_$^P&%!. The second comic has them continue yelling, with their hands in an exasperated position: "$#*@F% $$#!". In the third comic, the character who was previously yelling has their hands on their head in frustration, to which the previously silent character responds: "Sorry, I don't speak Perl".

Also relevant: 93% of paint splatters are valid perl programs

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I use Vanilla Music. It does folder play particularly in a way I want, where it adds the songs randomly into a queue, which shows me how many songs are left, lets me manually move them around, etc.

It also seems to have a lyrics search plugin, but I don't know if that means lyrics support in the way you want.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

As an alternative suggestion, consider using a linux laptop with a drawing tablet.

I use a wacom intuos s with bluetooth to takes notes on xournal++, although rnote should work as well.

[–] 42 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Not infinite ram. I'd say double ram, plus there is a noticable, but quick delay when switching to an application that was compressed by ram. But it's much, much faster than switching to an app that was swapped to disk.

Cachyos (arch based distro) does this hy default.

[–] 9 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I use cromite, and it's good, but the adblocker is unable to handle the more aggressive popups and ads, whereas firefox + uBO does fine.

Thus, cromite is my main browser and I use firefox for... other stuff. This setup is mainly because I'm too lazy to install Mull or another firefox based browser to be my main option.

Stallman doesn't seem to get that pedophilia is wrong because of the hierarchy of power, and the power imbalances between older/younger people, not because of some inherent wrongness about being attracted to a prepubescent person. This is shown by how he condemns some pedophilia, but is accepting of 12+/past puberty. (I despise this logic, because it would also make gay sex and sodomy wrong, as well).

I find this deeply ironic, because his primary issue with proprietary software is the way that it gives developers levels of power over users. From his article Why Open Source Misses the Point

But software can be said to serve its users only if it respects their freedom. What if the software is designed to put chains on its users? Then powerfulness means the chains are more constricting, and reliability that they are harder to remove.

You would expect someone who is so in tune with the hierarchies that appear with software developers, publishers, and users, to also see those same hierarchies echoed in relationships between people of vastly different ages, but instead, we get this. I'm extremely disappointed.

These failures to understand hierarchy and power, are exactly why Stallman shouldn't be in a position of power. Leaders should continually prove that they understand hierarchy and the effects of their actions on those below them. Someone who doesn't understand how their power could affect another, shouldn't be a leader.

Amazon has a "refurbished" program, where you can find lots of cheap thin clients and smaller form factor desktop machines.

However, the refurbished computers often have their SSD/HDD replaced with a crappy one that is unreliable, so I would recommend assuming that you assume that you will need to buy storage in addition to that.

But, overall I really like Amazon Refurbished because you get a better quality guarantee (warranty/returns), but a cheaper price.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Winlator is really just termux + proot + box64 + wine wrapped in a neat UI (+ controller support). You can, and people have set this up manually before winlator came along. You'll either need termux-x11 or vnc for the GUI.

Mobox is a similar project that does this automatically via a script... but I don't see a license in their github repo, plus they require the proprietary input bridge for touch controls., archive

As of 10/1/24 3:52 UTC time, Trixie/Debian testing does not have a fix for the severe cupsd security vulnerability that was recently announced, despite Debian Stable and Unstable having a fix.

Debian Testing is intended for testing, and not really for production usage., archive

So the way Debian Unstable/Testing works is that packages go into unstable/ for a bit, and then are migrated into testing/trixie.

Issues preventing migration: ∙ ∙ Too young, only 3 of 5 days old

Basically, security vulnerabilities are not really a priority in testing, and everything waits for a bit before it updates.

I recently saw some people recommending Trixie for a "debian but not as unstable as sid and newer packages than stable", which is a pretty bad idea. Trixie/testing is not really intended for production use.

If you want newer, but still stable packages from the same repositories, then I recommend (not an exhaustive list, of course).:

  • Opensuse Leap (Tumbleweed works too but secure boot was borked when I used it)
  • Fedora

If you are willing to mix and match sources for packages:

  • Flatpaks
  • distrobox — run other distros in docker/podman containers and use apps through those
  • Nix

Can get you newer packages on a more stable distros safely.


cross-posted from:

I couldn't get any of the OS images to load on any of the browsers I tested, but they loaded for other people I tested it with. I think I'm just unlucky. > > Linux emulation isn't too polished.


I couldn't get any of the OS images to load on any of the browsers I tested, but they loaded for other people I tested it with. I think I'm just unlucky.

Linux emulation isn't too polished.


According to the archwiki article on a swapfile on btrfs:

Tip: Consider creating the subvolume directly below the top-level subvolume, e.g. @swap. Then, make sure the subvolume is mounted to /swap (or any other accessible location).

But... why? I've been researching for a bit now, and I still don't understand the benefit of a subvolume directly below the top level subvolume, as opposed to a nested subvolume.

At first I thought this might be because nested subvolumes are included in snapshots, but that doesn't seem to be the case, according to a reddit post... but I can't find anything about this on the arch wiki, gentoo wiki, or the btrfs readthedocs page.

Any ideas? I feel like the tip wouldn't just be there just because.


I've recently done some talks for my schools cybersecurity club, and now I want to edit them.

My actual video editing needs are very simple, I just need to clip parts of the video out, which basically every editor can do, as per my understanding.

However, my videos were recorded from my phone, and I don't have a presentation mic or anything of the sort, meaning background noise, including people talking has slipped in. From my understanding, it's trivial to filter out general noise from audio, as human voices have a specific frequency, even "live", like during recording or during a game, but filtering voices is harder.

However, it seems that AI can do this:

Although, it seems to only work on .wav audio files, meaning I would need to separate out the audio track first, convert it to wav, and then re merge it back in.

Before I go learning how to do this, I'm wondering if there is already an existing FOSS video editor, or plugin to an editor that lets me filter the video itself, or a similar software that works on the audio of videos.


cross-posted from:

I was watching a twitch streamer play the game pogostuck (A game similar in frustration and difficulty to Getting over it with Bennett Foddy — Don't Fall!).

They were also reading chat at the same time (usually out loud, as well). Multitasking.

Lots of sources (here's one) say that true multitasking is impossible. Rather, it's very fast switching, where there is a degradation of performance.

Knowing this, I naturally made it my mission to trip the streamer up with seemingly benign messages.

I was sharing some actual information about another streamer who beat another game, but a made a typo something like:

I remember a streamer beat the game a game ...

And I noticed how much more the streamer struggled to read this compared to previous, accidental typos (missing spaces, extra spaces, etc.). He spent a good 5 seconds on this message, and during the process, he fell really far. 😈

So I decided to do some testing. Inserting words, swapping them around, and whatnot, to see what tripped him up the most. Most typos didn't affect him.

There was one typo that tripped him again, where I said something like:

If it wasn't for a for

So it seems to be repetition? But I couldn't always replicate this with other forms of repetition.

Later on, I copied the two guards riddle, with an alteration:

One of the guards always lies and the other always lies as wekk. You don't know which one is the truth-teller or the liar either. However both guards know each other

Sadly, I didn't cut the part about "don't know which is truth teller or liar" out.

The streamer spent a good 5 minutes interpreting this puzzle, and eventually interpreting it as the original puzzle. Then, he was trying to solve a riddle, game, and read chat all at once.

He was stuck on the bottom until he gave up on the riddle (I revealed that I meant what I said when I said both guards lie). 😈

Anyway, that was a bit off topic but still relevant.

I'm wondering if any studies have been done on this? I know studies have been done on human's ability to read words with the letters partially scrambled, but what about typos?

How can I improve my distraction game (with plausible deniability of course)?


I was watching a twitch streamer play the game pogostuck (A game similar in frustration and difficulty to Getting over it with Bennett Foddy — Don't Fall!).

They were also reading chat at the same time (usually out loud, as well). Multitasking.

Lots of sources (here's one) say that true multitasking is impossible. Rather, it's very fast switching, where there is a degradation of performance.

Knowing this, I naturally made it my mission to trip the streamer up with seemingly benign messages.

I was sharing some actual information about another streamer who beat another game, but a made a typo something like:

I remember a streamer beat the game a game ...

And I noticed how much more the streamer struggled to read this compared to previous, accidental typos (missing spaces, extra spaces, etc.). He spent a good 5 seconds on this message, and during the process, he fell really far. 😈

So I decided to do some testing. Inserting words, swapping them around, and whatnot, to see what tripped him up the most. Most typos didn't affect him.

There was one typo that tripped him again, where I said something like:

If it wasn't for a for

So it seems to be repetition? But I couldn't always replicate this with other forms of repetition.

Later on, I copied the two guards riddle, with an alteration:

One of the guards always lies and the other always lies as wekk. You don't know which one is the truth-teller or the liar either. However both guards know each other

Sadly, I didn't cut the part about "don't know which is truth teller or liar" out.

The streamer spent a good 5 minutes interpreting this puzzle, and eventually interpreting it as the original puzzle. Then, he was trying to solve a riddle, game, and read chat all at once.

He was stuck on the bottom until he gave up on the riddle (I revealed that I meant what I said when I said both guards lie). 😈

Anyway, that was a bit off topic but still relevant.

I'm wondering if any studies have been done on this? I know studies have been done on human's ability to read words with the letters partially scrambled, but what about typos?

How can I improve my distraction game (with plausible deniability of course)?


cross-posted from:

docker-tcp-switchboard is pretty good, but it has two problems for me:

  • Doesn't support non-ssh connections
  • Containers, not virtual machines

I am setting up a simple CTF for my college's cybersecurity club, and I want each competitor to be isolated to their own virtual machine. Normally I'd use containers, but they don't really work for this, because it's a container escape ctf...

My idea is to deploy linuxserver/webtop, as the entry point for the CTF, (with the insecure option enabled, if you know what I mean), but but it only supports one user at a time, if multiple users attempt to connect, they all see the same X session.

I don't have too much time, so I don't want to write a custom solution. If worst comes to worst, then I will just put a virtual machine on each of the desktops in the shared lab.

Any ideas?


docker-tcp-switchboard is pretty good, but it has two problems for me:

  • Doesn't support non-ssh connections
  • Containers, not virtual machines

I am setting up a simple CTF for my college's cybersecurity club, and I want each competitor to be isolated to their own virtual machine. Normally I'd use containers, but they don't really work for this, because it's a container escape ctf...

My idea is to deploy linuxserver/webtop, as the entry point for the CTF, (with the insecure option enabled, if you know what I mean), but but it only supports one user at a time, if multiple users attempt to connect, they all see the same X session.

I don't have too much time, so I don't want to write a custom solution. If worst comes to worst, then I will just put a virtual machine on each of the desktops in the shared lab.

Any ideas?


So basically, my setup has everything encrypted except /boot/efi. This means that /boot/grub is encrypted, along with my kernels.

I am now attempting to get secure boot setup, to lock some stuff, down, but I encountered this issue:

Now I could sign the font files... but I don't want to. Font files and grub config are located under /boot/grub, and therefore encrypted. An attacker doing something like removing my hard drive would not be able to modify them.

I don't want to go through the effort of encrypting font files, does anyone know if there is a version of grub that doesn't do this?

Actually, preferably, I would like a version of grub that doesn't verify ANYTHING. Since everything but grub's efi file is encrypted, it would be so much simpler to only do secure boot for that.

And yes, I do understand there are security benefits to being able to prevent an attacker that has gained some level of running access to do something like replacing your kernel. But I'm less concerned about that vector of attack, I would simply like to make it so that my laptops aren't affected by evil maid attacks, without losing benefits from timeshift or whatnot.

I found the specific commit where grub enforces verification of font files:

But I don't really feel interested in creating and maintaining my own fork of grub, and I am wondering if someone has already done that.

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