
joined 4 years ago
[–] 10 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

oh my GOD I love black cats so much

I have a reverse superstition, I think they bring great luck to people who are kind to them

[–] 8 points 2 days ago

awww give this boy a kiss between his ears in that cat kissing spot

[–] 50 points 3 days ago

there is no IOF soldier or zionist westerner who will ever have a tiny fraction of the grace, strength and bravery of the weakest Palestinian

[–] 47 points 4 days ago (1 children)

no need to put him in jail, next time he tries to shoot Trump his gun will explode like a banana peel and leave him with a scorched face and his hair blown backwards

[–] 36 points 5 days ago (1 children)

what do you mean? I gave it my ID number, now it's called ID IoT and it's totally safe

[–] 51 points 6 days ago (15 children)

CW: animal abuseSo, today here in Brazil a case made headlines: a nine-year-old broke into a vet hospital, tortured and killed 23 animals... I don't know what to say, this is one of the most brutal things I've read in a very long time, really fucked me up. How does this happen? How can a child be capable of such cruelty? Isn't there some kind of innate empathy towards other mammals? What the fuck is going on inside that boy's brain?

Man, jesus fucking christ... this world can be a very grim place sometimes sadness-abysmal

[–] 48 points 6 days ago (6 children)

Did she really say that? Lmao after all these months of courting the right she goes and says this objectively correct thing that will nevertheless set them off?

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Wait, is Vanced back online? I recall it having been abandoned by the developers, just like NewPipe

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Absolutely, although I imagine that it would be prohibitively expensive and/or illegal for them to do so. That's why I try to offset my leeching by seeding a ton of stuff whenever my PC's turned on

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I second the stremio + realdebrid recommendation, but with the caveat that it's pretty bad for the torrent network, since it doesn't seed... I use it, but I make sure to seed everything I download like crazy on my PC's torrent client

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

call me bby

I like adguard, it's not on the play store of course but it's easy enough to install and it makes a world of difference (uses a fair bit of battery sometimes though)

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

Well, I've been to a psychiatrist who will not prescribe me stimulants or even fucking ask me questions about how I'm feeling until I have a neuropsychologist's assessment that I have ADHD. He only prescribes me arbitrary amounts of Wellbutrin and sends me on my merry way. It helps with my mood but does fuckall for my focus, so what I do is drink a lot of coffee and chain-vape the whole day, but I don't know whether or not that helps or is simply a habit of mine.

What does in fact help me is to make much use of my Google Calendar to remind me of all my work commitments (I absolutely will forget them if I don't set up reminders) and if there's a specific thing I need to focus on, I use the Pomodoro method with some app for convenience. That is assuming I remember that I have a task to do and manage to muster the initiative to actually get started, which often doesn't happen.


Still one of my favorite pieces of satire I've ever watched and ever so relevant


Which Way, Western Man?


I spent the whole day at my workshop, making sawdust, logged off and enjoying a local holiday. I arrive home and see that at long last the cheeto is fired and then I decide to go over my daily allowance of Twitter just to check out what's going on.

My feed is full of the most radioactive shitty excuses for human beings, one after the other. I just opened it right now to check it again, and here's what I got, in this order:

Ann Coulter, Mike Pompeo, Kyle Rittenhouse, Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Mike Lee, Jim Jordan, Nikki Haley, Donald Trump Jr., Josh Hawley, Lauren Boebert, Donald J Trump Posts from Truth Social, Greg Abbot.

To what do I owe the pleasure of being presented with this absolute eldritch nightmare of a blunt rotation? Is this happening to anybody else? This is on my phone's Firefox browser, because I've reached the daily app time allowance, same as on my PC's browser.


Is anybody here familiar with this thing?

I'm talking to a psychiatrist to get assessed for ADHD, but in order to start treatment, if necessary, I'll first have to do this neuropsychological assessment called the WEIS test. It's expensive as shit, more than 2k, but seems to be the only way for me to get any kind of treatment. I can either pay that amount or wait 8-10 months to get it through my health insurance.

I did some digging and apparently it's this assessment of intelligence that can only be applied by qualified professionals. It frankly sounds like I'm about to get my brainpan measured. Have any of you taken this exam? Is it as stupid as it sounds? Has it helped you receive and/or validate a diagnosis?

Honestly it fucking sucks to me, having to jump through all these hoops just to have somebody listen to me and say "you have/don't have ADHD".


Folks, everybody's saying that Deep Purple plagiarized their greatest hit. Lots of Brazilians come to me and they say it, "Maria Moita was stolen!", they're all saying it. "They stole our song, and they made it purple!"


One of my students asked me this question and I did not really know how to answer her. She was referring to the kinds of "games" that children and sometimes adults play in order to make a decision, like other forms of flipping a coin, for example.

Here in my country we also do rock paper scissors, but we call it joquempô. We also do odds and evens, par ou ímpar, and a more extended version called dois ou um, "two or one", in which players present either one or two fingers, and then the ones who chose the same amount of fingers leave the game or become a team. This can also be done with up to five fingers, and then it's called dedos iguais, "equal/same fingers".

Are there any other such games in your country? My student really caught me off-guard when she asked that, I had never thought about this cultural aspect.

Also, I'm curious to know what you do and/or did as a child if you're not from an English-speaking country as well!


Aside from providing some of the most recognizable samples of all time, this song is simply an absolute fucking banger on its own right. That middle section with the flute is just sublime, good god


This game has so much soul, its gameplay probably feels dated as hell nowadays (haven't played it in years) but it's still in my top 3 best written games ever, along with Planescape Torment and Disco Elysium.

I first played it more than a decade ago and I still think about this poem sometimes.

With bony hands I hold my partner

On soulless feet we cross the floor

The music stops as if to answer

An empty knocking at the door

It seems his skin was sweet as mango

When last I held him to my breast

But now we dance this grim fandango

And will four years before we rest.

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