
joined 1 year ago

I was hit by a couple of SUV's in a crash while riding a bicycle to work 2/26/14. I have chronic spinal issues. I haven't really allowed hope to know me since 2017. A lot happened then. I kinda fell apart and had to come to terms with my limitations and disappointments from people I really needed to rely on. Hope became a destabilizing force; a danger I needed to protect myself from.

I've seen over a dozen neurosurgeons, and several pain management specialists. I've had physical therapy until I was broke. Never once did a doctor actually try to break down the problems or recommend someone who would. I complained about how I could be in tremendous pain just before a MRI but within a few minutes of lying flat, I felt fine. No MRI has ever shown anything major wrong with me. I even went as far as bribing the tech and radiologist with coffee shop gift cards and stuff to try and get them to take extra time and effort. Still nothing ever helped.

Today, I put on a corset thing for the first time. I haven't been able to turn my head left in over 10 years. As soon as I tightened this thing, I can turn my head left again and there is no restriction that I can feel. I haven't sat upright at a table in a straight chair in over 10 years, but I did so today. I was so elated about sitting there I wrote this stupid long reply to someone. I didn't know what to do with myself. Normally the pain would kick in and stop me, but I just kept going.

I'm laying in bed now out of habit and caution, but for the first time in many years I feel anxious about staying here, capable, like I could get up and do something without the punishment of major pain.

I feel like a scared abused animal nearly unable to move out of this mental space; to allow hope a place in my mind. I have no idea where this ultimately leads. My inner cynic wants to laugh at the ten years of my life wasted when all I needed was a simple brace; all those reputable doctors failing at something so fundamentally simple; that my own uneducated intuition eventually lead me here on my own.

I asked here when the idea to try this first crossed my mind. Y'all pushed me to try it. Thanks. I still hesitated for whatever reason, but now I'm trying it. I'm scared to even admit it, but this feels different, it feels like hope, and that is something I really needed.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 8 points 4 hours ago

Egg roll meets sweet and sour sauce.


A picture of the beach after sun down, light waves, sparse twilight clouds reflect an orange horizon chased by a lavender blue sky. In the distance a small rock jetty crosses the image faintly; origin unknown. Beyond, in the distant horizon, Catalina Island commands the Sol's interregnum in bronze silhouette.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 1 points 8 hours ago

Probably would work but I like to keep a little extra CO^2^ in solution when it settles and want to make sure there is no oxygen as I do not do extreme cleaning steps like I probably should.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 3 points 8 hours ago

Things have changed a lot since I painted. All of the paint systems I used have been phased out in favor of water based alternatives. Those changes largely stopped the way I did my work as water based colors require a very consistent and controlled environment like an advanced downdraft spray booth. I could control many behaviors with the evaporative speed of solvents and reducers in ways that are not possible any more. Now those behaviors (I assume) are handled with temperature, humidity, and a much larger feathering area for masking changes with less accurate paint. The funny part is that clear coat catalyst and solvents are the largest pollution and health hazard by far. The switch to water based color coats massively increases the overhead of a body shop, creates the need to have whole room IR heaters or integrate them into the booth, and then adds an extra panel to prep and feather the repair on every side. It amounts to a massive increase in the cost of auto body work that includes far more pollution and energy use just to say the most insignificant aspect, the color coat is water based. That is a big reason I stopped painting and why my experience is not exactly relevant to the present.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 3 points 11 hours ago (2 children)

I agree to an extent, but light is invisible. Colors are a frequency phenomenon and the same property in both instances.

Part of the art of mixing and matching paints for cars is abstracting the various spaces and focusing on each. I need to see the flat tone, opacity, coarseness and composition (metallics/pearls), layering (pearls), flop (how the color changes depending on facet angles and tint the tone of this independent of the perpendicular tone).

I'm unusual in this space as well. I specialized in very small repairs where I am mixing paints in much smaller batches than the minimum recipe supplied by the paint vendor for the original color code of the vehicle. I knew paints on a much deeper level where I mixed mostly by eye and intuition. I had many techniques, but overall, I had to know the tinting properties of around a hundred different colors and how each one would behave in combination with the rest. My skills were very much a matter of flattening my perspective and observing three dimensional colors as if they were a two dimensional abstraction with several little 2d bubble universe facets to play with.

It is a learned skill. I hired several employees over the years. It quickly becomes evident how a person thinks and their ability to see color on a level that most humans never encounter. Even now, I still know that white and black do not exist and are simply byproducts of other colors and properties. True black would be impossible to see, and white would be a blinding light source specifically tailored to the individual's vision spectrum and neural processing. I see colors and complex properties in everything.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 3 points 12 hours ago (4 children)

Oh but there are. I have painted cars and done automotive class airbrush graphics for many years. There is a ton to know and learn about when it comes to colors, matching, and expression.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 2 points 14 hours ago (4 children)

I prefer a middle ground. My favorite model is still the 8 x 7b mixtral and specifically the flat/dolphin/maid uncensored model. Llama 3 can be better in some areas but alignment is garbage in many areas.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 3 points 14 hours ago (6 children)

...but then you have to know the properties of color in your media too if you want to really match colors to a reference

Chippy (lemmy.world)

chippy (plural chippies)


  1. (UK, Ireland, Commonwealth, slang) A carpenter. [from 19th c.]
  2. (slang, Western US) A prostitute or promiscuous woman. [from 19th c.]
  3. (UK, Ireland, informal) A fish-and-chip shop. [from 20th c.] Synonym: chipper
  4. (Australia, slang) The youngest member of a team or group, normally someone whose voice has not yet deepened, talking like a chipmunk.
  5. (New Zealand) A potato chip.
  6. (demoscene, informal) A chiptune.
  7. (US) A chipping sparrow.
  8. (slang) An occasional drug habit, less than addiction.

chippy (comparative chippier, superlative chippiest)


  1. (Canada, UK) Ill-tempered, disagreeable.
  2. (Canada, sports) Involving violence or unfair play.
  3. (of wood) Tending to form chips when cut, rather than larger, more usable pieces of wood.
  4. (dated) As dry as a chip of wood.
  5. (archaic) Feeling sick from drinking alcohol; hung over.



This one is going to be ACTIVE. Hope I can keep up.


I was thinking about trying some sewing for headphone covers and a strap. I can easily disassemble the existing materials and reverse engineer them. I would rather try to learn parametric iterative design of textiles and alter the fit of the pads based on a pattern. Anyone have any experience with this application?



copy of the video description text:Over the years, I've collected a lot of silica gel packages and regularly put them into my stuff, hoping that they will keep it dry. These tests showed me that there is more than silica gel in the typical desiccant packages and that if you don't properly dry them, they can even ruin your filament. Let's compare four different methods to keep your loose desiccant and your silica packages dry!

00:00 Introduction
01:19 What's inside a desiccant bag?
01:54 Sponsor
03:19 Clay desiccant
04:57 Indicating desiccant
06:53 The problem with desiccant
10:26 Get rid of your desiccant bags?
11:06 Drying desiccant
14:38 Drying in a microwave
16:40 How much energy does it use?
19:34 Drying the bags in a microwave
21:48 Do you damage your desiccant in the microwave?
23:18 Summary

I'm surprised Stephan did not mention that bentonite clay is commonly used for cat litter.


The participation seems way down recently. What did I miss?

Pastiche (lemmy.world)



  1. A work of art, drama, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist, usually in a positive or neutral way. (Coordinate term: parody)
  2. A musical medley, typically quoting other works.
  3. An incongruous mixture; a hodgepodge.
  4. A postmodern playwriting technique that fuses a variety of styles, genres, and story lines to create a new form.


  1. To create or compose in a mixture of styles.


  • Via French pastiche, from Italian pasticcio (“pie, something blended”), from Vulgar Latin *pastīcius, from Late Latin pasta (“dough, pastry cake, paste”), from Ancient Greek παστά (pastá, “barley porridge”), from παστός (pastós, “sprinkled with salt”). Doublet of pasticcio.


Cum (lemmy.world)

Etymology 1

  • Learned borrowing from Latin cum (“with”).


  1. Used in indicating a thing or person which has two or more roles, functions, or natures, or a which has changed from one to another.

Etymology 3


  1. Clipping of cumulative.

Etymology 4


Abbreviation of cubic metre. (ex: The density of cement is 1440 kg/cum.)

For further definitions omitted see: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cum

Why this one? Because I used it in a joke and some apparently did not know the primary use as a preposition.


This is mostly intended as a question for people with severe chronic issues of a magnitude that significantly alter their function to the point of relying on others for basic needs. However, anyone is welcome to reply. From personal experience this type of pain is hard to describe and hard for others to understand, especially the psychological side.

So I'm asking because I really don't understand how cannabis works for anyone as pain relief. I have also been on most available opioids and they largely have no effect. They only impact my focus in such a way that I do not care about doing anything or about the pain. It is like they impact anxiety, but that does not do anything for the underlying physical issue. In some cases like tramadol, I get so disconnected from my typical self awareness that I could spiral into a dumber version of myself like being in a figurative pit I cannot escape.

Seriously, I use a few games and the times it takes me to complete harder levels to gage how pain or meds are impacting my cognitive function. Long term I use the scope, depth, and my project completion capabilities to gage if I am acting like myself long term. This is what has pulled me off of several meds long term; I simply was not myself in capabilities. The meds made me care less about the pain, but I am interested in a more productive life, not caring less about the thing that is ever present. The only drugs that made the pain go away are the kind that require constant monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit in a hospital.

Am I an outlier here; simply more self aware of the way pain treatments alter the mind and only indirectly impact the real issue? Does caring less satisfy your needs? Is anxiety a large part of your functional life?


I have several gel ice packs to throw out and would rather make use of them if possible. Some leak and others have been collected for various uses (chronic health related). Is the gel the same stuff used for plant seed starters or anything like that?

Sure, I could search the web and find lots of people selling ads with their impractical MacGyver anecdotes galore, but that says nothing about what is practical and worth actually doing versus conventional alternatives.


A shower thought after my PT ride today was: Let's assume biology is the ultimate final technology to master after a complete scientific understanding of biology, chemistry, and physics is achieved in a very distant future, (full elemental cycles balance becomes possible and ultimate energy efficiency).

So my thought was, could it be possible to create a biological thing by influencing the forces that could create the desired outcome in deep time? Is it possible to define an ecosystem in such a way that one can predict how it will evolve in stages? Like the ecosystems of the dinosaurs are thought to have been far less complex than the world of today. If one were to predict the path of increasing complexity, could one predict an outcome or at least a spectrum of possible outcomes?

What kind of culture would it take to plan on this kind of scale? Like, if you appreciate the technology of today, it was the product of designs someone started several centimillennia ago, so we take pride in the future creations we make possible centimillennia from now. I'm thinking the primary application would be to assess the spectrum of a distant world to then tailor a payload that would terraform a world, but other note niche applications may be possible

Probably another dumb question to ask here, but whatever. It is the kind of marble that gets lost in my brain. I just had this idea of nature as a really bad technologist that only exists on geologic time scales. What if we figured out how to do the same job but better.

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