
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 18 hours ago

Men look at their bodies and choose to only think with their dick

I should know, I'm a man

[–] 34 points 18 hours ago (3 children)

Aliens have probably intercepted internet traffic at this point and without setting foot on the planet have decided that it isn't worth the visit.

[–] 13 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Kidnap me, take me to an undisclosed secret location, probe my bodily orifices, water board me, hold me for several days or weeks and them dump my naked self back in some random location?

[–] 22 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The number of times I've seen this meme or variations of it and realize that there is a good number of people out there who never clean their air fryer

[–] 14 points 1 day ago (2 children)

In America ... they would have handed him a Samurai mall sword and a shotgun

German guy looks around at everyone eating their food with swords and shotguns

[–] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)
[–] 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I could agree .... but the gullible masses have no idea they are being manipulated ... while the trained and educated media managers and owners (and to a lesser extent the actual journalists) know exactly what they are doing and why

I can blame the listeners for being stupid ... but I still blame the messenger for intentionally misleading the public.

[–] 165 points 1 day ago (7 children)

She actually suffers from schizophrenia .... she also plays the part of the son ... she lives alone in her house.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (9 children)

You can blame the gullible listener to only wanting to hear what they want to hear ....

... or ...

You can blame the well trained, educated and directed media for promoting, highlighting and normalizing the idea of spreading semitruth and fabrication in order to push an overall agenda.

I'm no conspiracy theorist, I don't subscribe to dumb delusions of aliens or illluminati cults running the world ... but I do believe that there is a culture of highly trained individuals working in media these days who just knowingly spread extreme views and pass them off as legitimate enough to be debated. A politician like Turnip shouldn't be normal ... but a national media has made it completely normal to have someone as unwell, politically unstable and sociopathic as Turnip to be acceptable enough to talk about endlessly as if there is nothing wrong with him.

In this case .... I blame the messenger

[–] 15 points 1 day ago

HEY DONNY!!!! .... we need eight cheese burgers right now!

[–] 25 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Rage and reaction .... it's the only thing he's got going for him at this point

Just keep shit posting to the world and keep everyone talking about him in whatever context or situation ... it doesn't matter as long as we're talking about him.

And we are .... the campaign is working ... expect more shitposting, stupidity and insanity in the weeks to come.

Turnip may be dumb ... but we're all equally stupid for putting up with him and watching this dumpster fire and endlessly talking about it.

And yes ... I am guilty of it all too.


Another video test to see how well this one works ... this time a MP4 coming from a Pixelfed server at

I hope it works

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I just finished watching this German produced Netflix film and it was completely awful. If you are looking forward to this film, go watch it first if you want and skip my little review below.

spoilerIf you don't care and want to just take my word for it ... it is a waste of four one hour episodes, a total of four hours of content.

Everything inside the film and its marketing is an AI like production with all the sci-fi alien contact cliches and movie tropes from the past 20 years. A mysterious woman in space having an epiphany, hearing voices; a father with his daughter, a daughter with a disability, a father with a truckers hat, construction worker garb running in a cornfield, mysterious no-name SWAT team/soldiers, a nuclear explosion, helicopters, jet fighters, astronauts, the ISS, scientists, the desert, cityscapes, car crashes, car chase, secret agents, a plane crash, .... input all this into an AI program and ask it for a script and you'll end up with 'The Signal'

There is so little soul, sense or common logic in the film that to me it has all the hallmarks of a script and writing that was all generated by AI tools. If you look at the writers who put this together it is a group of four young writers with almost no prior experience in major film, yet they were handed the keys to a multi-million dollar production.

I like watching new films and I regularly take my chances at watching something new and different. This one was interesting but the more I watched it, the more I became suspicious that it was either written by a terrible dyslectic writer with little life experience ... or it was mashed together with an AI text generator.

One of the biggest giveaways that it most likely was an AI generated script was the corny voice over wrap up at the end of the film. I felt like I had just watched a four hour version of those Youtube auto generated AI fake film previews that are popular right now.


Don't worry .... it's not what you think it is ... I'm just getting into posting video content because I think it's fun.

Turning Off Incognito Mode (
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Everytime I look at small problems or big global problems, if you follow the money trail, it all leads to some billionaire who is either working towards increasing their wealth or protecting their wealth from decreasing.

Everything from politics, climate change, workers rights, democratic government, technology, land rights, human rights can all be rendered down to people fighting another group of people who defend the rights of a billionaire to keep their wealth or to expand their control.

If humanity got rid of or outlawed the notion of any one individual owning far too much money than they could ever possibly spend in a lifetime, we could free up so much wealth and energy to do other things like save ourselves from climate change.


I know many other seasoned Star Trek fans out there have probably experienced this one many times before. But I just watched this episode for the first time and the writing, acting and story just blew me away. So far it is by far one of my favourite scenes and episodes of the series so far. The dialogue between Bashir and Garak at end the of the episode is a classic.

I don't like giving too many details ... all you Star Trek pros already know what this episode leads up to. For those who don't, or haven't watched it yet, it is completely amazing episode to watch just for the writing and acting alone.

This is the first time I've been able to watch DS9 from beginning to end and although I'm still in Season Two, I'm completely loving it. So much of the conflict and complexities of war and its aftermath are still very relevant today and its amazing to see. Then they give you a breath outside of the politics and give you interactions like this with Garak and Bashir and I find it completely enthralling.

I know this may be kind of a fan favourite that's probably been stated many times before .... I was just so happy to see it that I had to share my enthusiasm.


For anyone wondering ... this is a regular daily post by Mr Stevenson Two over at ! ... a Canadian comedy show that appeared from 1988 to 1995 and starred actors Dave Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney and Scott Thompson

I love these daily images as they consistently remind me of the show.

But today's image reminded me of a renaissance painting.


Is it possible to place permanent info on newly created and existing communities?

Specifically just two small items:

  • date stamp of when a community was created
  • stamp of who created the community

I think it is helpful to permanently place a date stamp on when a community was created. It's also helpful to note who initially created or established a newly created community.

Just these two pieces of information let's everyone know immediately if a community is a long time well established base ... or if it is just a newly created alternate community that people are jumping on because of new developments. Sometimes communities are organically created because of real interest and they grow over time. Other communities appear suddenly when events are happening, like the Gaza war, middle eastern conflicts, or popular topics where there are many opposing sides.

I like being able to verify and check on instances and communities wherever I go now. Every time I see something new, especially when it comes to politics and news, I do a bit of extra work to verify the information and check who created it, when, where and why.

As of now, every new community just appears with very little information other than what is written by the community creator, or creators. There are some metrics on users but its a guesstimate as to when the community was started (there is no start date). And there is a listing for the current Mod (but no indication of who created the community).

The Mod log gives some information but again it is all info that is posted and generated by the creators and existing mods.

Creating and establishing a 'date created' and 'created by' permanent stamp on communities would give them more legitimacy and accountability to everyone that reads content on them. This info is also very important when events are unfolding and people are actively debating with one another in different communities.


I'm in Ontario and this past week I got a couple of messages from family and friends in southern Ontario that their sons/nephews/friends who are in the army are going to be sent to either Poland or Ukraine in the next few months.

It's really upset myself and my family because I have relatives who were war veterans who either died or were traumatized by war (in WWII and WWI). Most of my family and circle of friends all agree .... no one in Canada should be sent to any war / conflict / fight / aggression / whatever you want to call it in Europe.

One of them said that they were going to be deployed to Poland but then that recently got changed to Ukraine. The messages about this one soldier came from a mother who is a friend of mine. She said that her son told her that it would be a combat role for him.

I am not certain if the young son is making up stories for his mother (as they have a difficult relationship). I'm partly wondering if the young guy is doing some strange path of going to Ukraine just to fight in whatever capacity (whether as a Canadian soldier or just a plain mercenary) just because he wants to.

So after hearing two separate families suggesting that they thought their relative was going to be sent to Poland or Ukraine in the next few months ... is Canada sending ... or going to send troops to Poland or Ukraine? Or is this something that their families have to worry about because some dumb kid is wanting to join a war on his own?

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