
joined 1 year ago
[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 5 days ago

Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

So many rulebooks! Which RPG is your favourite? I have always wanted to play them but was never able to convince enough people.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

How do you keep all the name straight? I have tried couple of times but that's where I got lost. Have been planning to start again, and make a relationship / characters chart as I go along, so that I can remember who's who.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 5 days ago

I didn't like how the books ended. Felt a bit anti-climatic to me. But at that point I was just glad that we got an ending.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 5 days ago

I can understand that. Journey before destination. They are some very good books, but unfortunately I like to have some closure. You don't always get that in real life, but at least in my books I want full stories, with at least some kind of ending.

Maybe if it becomes clear some day that 3rd book is never coming, which seems pretty likely at this point (just like I have come to accept A Song of Ice and Fire is never finishing), I'll just read it with the mindset that it's unfinished.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I really want to read The Kingkiller books, but not going to until the series is finished. Too many unfinished series in my life.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 5 days ago

I have only read a few, there were a couple nice ones, but IMO his earlier work isn't that great.

Though it could just be his use of archaic language that I can't get used to. But I remember liking some of his work that I have read before, so maybe I'll like his later work more.

Do share how the Goosebumps books are, I am constantly looking for books for my kids, that he can read now, and that I can get him in near future

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

It's on my wishlist, didn't like the game much, but the lore seemed interesting specially near the end of first game and in second game. Though having straight up Nazis didn't feel very creative, but maybe they make more sense in the books.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Heh, using it as falling sleep doesn't match with you finding it very enjoyable. 😀

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 5 days ago

"Across the Dark", D for Dark, D for Death. Yeah, makes sense that's the one you stumbled upon. 😀

[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

R. F. Kaung comes up often, should read something from him.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 6 days ago

Haven't read the series, but apparently you get crossovers in last few books.


Didn't get any reading done this week, so still reading:

  • Your Money Or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin.
  • The Passage by Justin Cronin

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Tor Publishing Group and Tor UK are delighted to announce a joint, multi-book deal for 10 more books from New York Times bestselling and Award-Winning author John Scalzi for a major seven figure advance. The joint deal for World English rights was brokered between Tor Publishing Group’s Patrick Nielsen Hayden, VP, Editor-At-Large, along with Tor UK’s Bella Pagan, Publisher, and agent Ethan Ellenberg, of New York’s Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency.

For more detals by John Scalzi: https://whatever.scalzi.com/2024/07/29/about-that-new-deal/


Still reading Your Money Or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin. There are some interesting points in it, though not implementing anything right now, just reading the book.

Finished volume 7 of Jujitsu Kaisen manga, by Gege Akutami.

Started The Passage by Justin Cronin. Saw it recommended here a few times, and ordered the trilogy, books are so much longer than I expected. Each book can probably be divided in 2 and still be on slightly thicker end of average book size. I am still at the start, only 60-70 pages yet. Getting a slight feel of Stephen King books. Let's see how it progresses.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Not much change at my end, still reading Your Money Or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin.

Also started volume 7 of Jujitsu Kaisen manga, by Gege Akutami.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Finished Killing Floor by Lee Child, first Jack Reacher novel. I really liked it. I had been looking forward to starting the series, so ordered first 3 books, but when I got the books they were pretty thick, and I wasn't sure if an action / thriller novel will keep me interested for so long, but I enjoyed it. Going to order a few more novels in the series.

Read Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch, first novel in Rivers of London series. It's an urban fantasy police procedural set in London. I was expecting something like Dresden Files, but it was pretty different, not in a bad way though.

Currently Reading Your Money Or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin. Started it in January but hardly read a few pages, started it again today and just finished the first chapter. Unlike some of the other "money" books I have read, this seems to have focus on getting away from consumerism, and figuring out when you have "enough". I have been thinking along the same wavelength these past few years, so it would be interesting to see how it takes it further.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Finished Defiant by Brandon Sanderon, fourth and final book of the Cytoverse series. Really enjoyed it. Recommended to all sci-fi fans. Though do keep it in mind that it is a bit YA-ish, so if you aren't a fan of that, you may not love it.

After that, read couple of books I got for the kid. Mainly read them to stay in the loop of what he is reading and how he is liking it. Also, it's fun to discuss books with him.

First was, the first book in The Breakfast Club Adventures, The Beast Beyond the Fence by Marcus Rashford (The footballer) and Alex Falase-Koya. The protagonist of the series is also named Marcus Rashford, so I am assuming it's named after him.

Second was Accidental Trouble Magnet by Zanib Mian, first book in Planet Omar series. We are reading her newer series Meet the Maliks and liked that, so started her previous series too.

Currently reading Killing Floor by Lee Child, first book in Jack Reacher series. Before that my only Reacher knowledge is from Tom Cruise movies, so enjoying the book now.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


I was pretty busy last week, so couldn't post the weekly thread. Sorry about that.

Since the last update, I finished Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson, book 3 of the sci-fi series Cytoverse. After that, I continued with the last novella Evershore by Brandon and Janci Patterson. Now reading Defiant, the fourth and the final book in the series.

Also reading Design Patterns, a classic book for software design. While I have read about these online and studied from other sources, I never actually read the actual book. So fixing that now.

What about all of you? What have you been listening and reading lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


A day late, but better late than never!

Finished Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher. Book 8 of Dresden Files. Loving how the series is progressing. How the characters are growing, and how the stakes keep getting higher and higher.

Currently Reading Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson. Book 3 of Cytoverse / Skyward series. It continues from after Book 2, and we haven't come across the events of the novellas yet. I am interested to see how they will cover those.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Finished Sunreach by Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patterson. It's first of three novellas written between book 2 and 3 of Cytoverse series.

Finished ReDawn, the next novella after Sunreach, by same authors.

Before reading these novellas, I considered them side stories, which may help expand the universe and give background info about other characters, but nothing big in main scheme of things, but the way story has progressed in these, anyone who miss these will missing out on a lot.

Of course, I have yet to read the next novel, so maybe it will cover some of the important bits, let's see.

After the novellas, I have started Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher, book 8 of Dresden Files. These novels keep getting longer, if I recall correctly, the first few were around 300 or so pages, this one is over 550 pages. Not that I am complaining, they are a fun read, but just an observation.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Finished Three Days to Never by Tim Powers. First half was pretty dense and slow, but second half, when things were getting obvious, and plans finally getting into motion, were very interesting, and was able to read them in just a few days.

It meets criteria for at least 3 different Bingo boxes, not sure where to place it. Would decide it later. ( @JaymesRS@literature.cafe We can do that right? Move them around different boxes after reading more books?)

Now I have just started Sunreach by Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patterson. It's first of three novellas, which are between book 2 and 3. (Well, third novella is generally recommended to be read after book 3, but that's a separate topic). It's a small book, so hopefully will be able to finish it soon.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

A regular reminder about our Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post

We will be unfeaturing those posts now, so they won't be sticky on the top anymore. They will be mentioned in each weekly thread though, and you can also check them in community sidebar.


Continuing Three Days to Never by Tim Powers, I was around first quarter mark before, but have crossed the half mark now. The books has gotten really interesting, will probably finish this week, if nothing comes up.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening lately?

A reminder about our Book Bingo. Take look, if you haven't already.


A very busy week, didn't get to do any reading at all.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening lately?

A reminder about our Book Bingo. Take look, if you haven't already.

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