
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Aw man, sorry you're going through that. It sounds like you both just really need some space to calm down and process. I also get very snappy/aggro and tend to start fights when I'm anxious. I've pushed my partner away during health scares as well (I'm in therapy and always apologize after tho) When I do, it's never actually about my partner. It's me feeling anxious, wanting space, feeling guilty about receiving help and wanting to pull away and isolate to deal with my emotions. Don't take it personally and it's perfectly normal to snap back at someone when they're being a bit of an ass. You didn't do anything wrong. Hopefully your partner just needs some space to calm down.

Also, when you're both in a good headspace, it may be helpful to ask about why they want their mom to help them instead. He might be subconsciously guilty and not wanting to burden you.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yep, I just spent months agonizing over choosing a school program. I think our bodies tell us what we need if we listen. I was set on the "safe" choice, but as the registration deadline got closer I got more and more depressed and wasn't sure why. I came home one day and just collapsed on my bed and started sobbing because it didn't feel like "me" and I couldn't see myself being happy doing that for the rest of my life. But I didn't even realize how much I didn't want to do the program until it got so bad I couldn't control my emotions. I was trying really hard to force myself to be excited about the safe route but I just couldn't do it. I think our bodies tell us what we need. I was ignoring the twist in the pit of my stomach, ignoring how drained I felt learning the subject, ignoring the subconscious procrastination and lack of focus. I switched my program to what I really wanted to do and p much immediately felt relief. I feel aligned with myself, excited to start classes, feeling good about the job prospects and the types of people I'll get to be around. I literally feel lighter.

Some other people have made really good comments and suggestions about how to figure out what your gut is telling you. It's a bit morbid, but I like to pretend I'm old and on my death bed looking back at my life. How would I feel about the decisions I'm making right now? Will I regret not going for the harder thing I want more? Will I be happy to take the safe route? Did I waste my precious time that's now ending? Etc etc

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I've been lucky enough to avoid physical limitations so far, but I've done a lot of long-term travelling. Are you craving a bike tour specifically, or is part of it wanting to be nomadic/outside/survival mode for awhile? You can always go rubber tramping/dirtbagging with a vehicle, stay at campgrounds and bring a bike with you to go for shorter rides. Hell if you can walk decent and wanna get real rugged, there's always hitchhiking. I've met plenty of haggard old men with injuries and lives full of manual labor and drug abuse who are still getting around. There's a million ways to travel.


This was only my second year gardening, and first year with my own yard 😤 Everything is in containers. I struggled a lot with figuring out a good place to put containers that got enough sunlight. I was trying to avoid the front yard because I was worried about car exhaust and grossness getting onto veggies, but when I finally caved and moved everything to the front it started growing much much better. Lots of things also got chomped by deer and groundhogs in the backyard. I had hoped that big containers would keep the groundhogs out but I caught one climbing up onto the top and eating all the seedlings. Lots of failures, lots of dead plants. I tried to plant some native flowers in the backyard hoping to get them to spread to the empty lot behind us, but no success. A lot of seeds got eaten by birds.

I had better luck with both veggie and flower starts that I bought from the local farmer's market. I was SO CLOSE to getting sunflowers, the flower heads were coming out but then we had a big windy thunderstorm that knocked them over and they got all crispy after :( My only harvest this year are a couple of jalapeno peppers. I didn't start anything indoors this year, but I definitely see the value in it now and I'm hoping to get a rack with grow lights set up over the winter.

What about you guys??

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Ugghh right 🥴 I really like tracketpacer on Tiktok, she's a network engineer and does lots of memes. Senegodess Tech on YouTube does more general career videos, "day in the life" type stuff but she's fun to listen to. Oh and Julia Evans has lots of cute zines, some of them free, explaining computer science stuff. I listened to an interview with her and you can tell how excited she is to talk about 'puters and her love for them is infectious.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

It's all in notebooks still, I think I'll eventually make a Neocities page on it. I think WorldAnvil gets used a lot but it's more than I need rn. The comic is Wash-Run tho. Ty for asking! Do you have your music online anywhere?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

I like writing, drawing, painting, making comics, and I wanna get into Blender and game dev eventually. I have a big worldbuilding project that I have lots of other projects nested into. I have a webcomic that takes place in a small part of the big world, and sometimes I do paintings of the other areas that aren't in the comic. It's great because it's just filled with everything I'm interested in, and when there's a new interest, it gets thrown in there too :) I like traditional painting and only do digital for editing the colors cus I already stare at a computer screen all day for work, and then for gaming. Need a few hobbies that aren't on a screen 😓 I make my comic with sharpies and coffee, and like acrylic paint the best.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Oooo thank you !

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thank you!! I also found 2 girls one podcast, it's a lot of internet culture stuff and they have an episode about Lemmy

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Thank you for so many suggestions and taking the time to write up descriptions, really appreciate it 😊

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Oo this looks great, thank you!

[–] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm specifically interested in the overlooked history and perspectives of women, LGBT folks, POC and disabled people in tech though. Ofc not all tech podcasts should be political, I'm just interested in those things and am having trouble finding related media. I've stumbled on more right-leaning stuff while browsing Spotify though. I just don't wanna get jump scared by homophobia.


It feels like every time I find a podcast about security/networking/technology the hosts end up saying some pretty off-color stuff, or I look them up and they also host right wing podcasts. Are there any that are more leftist, hosted by LGBT peeps, or at least not actively bigoted ?

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