joined 3 years ago
[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 18 points 3 days ago (5 children)

I'm over here doing both AND while medicated. Though most of the rage comes from bumping heads with people that don't have ADHD and keep pulling my attention away from shit. Sometimes the normal "hey check this out real quick shit is funny" or to dump a different problem/task on me. Because I am unfortunately the person that has fixed enough weird shit and they seem to refuse to remember stuff I have shown them (time after time after time). Which means I get stuck having to rush all the shit I was doing before the interruptions and end up staying later than everyone else to not forget what I need to do the next day.

I have begun giving a "me warning" to new folks to let them know that I might come across as an absolute asshole and very short with them at times. But that they should just be aware that I am not actually mad at them personally, and to be direct with me right back if I go too far and say something (like "too far man" or similar) as I will actually try to correct myself.

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 0 points 4 days ago (1 children)

If the other main Chromium based browsers can figure out (or keep in the instance of having their own extension stores) how to support for V2 extensions. Then it would be easier to recommend replacing Chrome to normies and other folks with those options. As one of the main issues comes down to lots of sites (especially stuff like school or work) doing the modern version of IE and are coded to really only work with Chrome.

I was advising customers to just use Edge if they needed Chrome for those reasons. And a lot of them did since it meant not installing extra programs. Though it is currently hard to recommend Edge due to MS seeming to find more and more "features" to add that make shit really annoying and scummy. It is like they are trying so hard to make it not worth using at all. So Brave and Vivaldi are the new options I tell people about.

Brave's main downside (IMO) is the crypto stuff maybe confusing/pointless for folks. Vivaldi's main downside (and upside for users that love it) is how overwhelming levels of customization settings. But they both don't have their own extension stores. Opera could also work since they have their own extension store. I hate how it and the GX version love to automatically set themselves to launch on Windows startup (fuck all of them that try to do this as well).

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I think Israel is the only entity that is doing basically everything possible to kick-start WWIII. As the Ukraine/Russia stuff is mostly being contained to Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, and parts of Russia. But Israel is openly starting new fronts in Palestine and Lebanon. Along with attacking Iran, Syria, and Yemen. And they are most certainly the most likely entity to be the next government to use nukes in war. The doctrine of kill everyone to not allow capture is far more scary than what has been going on in Ukraine.

Not to say that the forced conscription and arrests of draft aged (or even physically able) men isn't fucked (it very much is). But even the neo-Nazis in command of Ukrainian forces aren't taking that level of official doctrine of death to their own side. Their doctrine is more "you fight or die" (but not "we will also kill you if you are caught by the enemy) which isn't exactly "shocking" if a nation is on an actual defense from inside their borders. Israel is invading other nations and acting at more of an ISIS level of fucked up while yelling about how they are "just defending ourselves."


I am having issues getting results on searches because I get a bunch of results for doing a many ISOs to one USB (like Ventoy). Though I do get some results for hardware devices that can clone one USB to one or more blank USBs. But those hardware devices sell for hundreds of dollars.

I have a periodic need to update around 17 bootable USB drives at work. The drives are burned from ISO files (PC repair tools) and need to be updated with updated versions of the ISO. Currently I have to start each one at a time and is annoying (not as bad as some sys admins out there needing to do hundreds of drives).

So I was wondering if anyone knows of FOSS (or even mostly FOSS) plans/instructions for making a one to many USB clone hardware device using RPi or similar (I have a RPi 5 and a Pico W atm)? If a purpose built hardware device isn't around. Are there any FOSS software programs for Windows (my only real option at work) that can handle taking one ISO to burn onto many USBs? I am fine with it doing them one at a time if they are all plugged-in automatically or if it can do small groups of like four or five.

Just seems like out of all the different guides/plans/kits for things like RPi or similar-ish boards. That there would be something like those pricey one to many cloning devices. Thanks in advance to everyone that can point me to anything useful!

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 32 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sending US troops in any capacity seems to me that US hawks are wanting to increase the chances of US troops being killed. Which then means that the US can then justify sending everyone in that they want.

Use the excuse of "they attacked 'Merica" and do the same shit that happened in Afghanistan and Iraq (just with Israel "inviting" them in and as a "supporting" army). Which will of course ignore all of the US citizens that have been murdered by Israel.

They want so badly to bring back the "hero" trappings that WW2 had, but they will be siding with the fascists this time around. And would have "perfect" excuses to attack China and Iran via false flag shit (again using Nazi tactics). Hell, they might even pull-off something with Russia that can be used for the death spiral that NATO Article 5 promises. Be like all the shit that made sure WW1 would happen if literally anything popped off.

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 9 points 1 week ago

Good to see those Cuda Cores finally getting used.

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

I imagine that most nations would have started doing that extra stuff. Still good to be aware of it since it isn't something I think about often. And since my friends over there have a different process and might not know off-hand to mention.

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 weeks ago

That does sound like a pretty big difference, but I guess it makes sense given it has been so long since I went. The only other nation I have visited was Canada, and that was back when you just needed a valid US driver's license/state ID. I believe they now need a passport. Interesting to see how things like that change over time. Kind of like how we could go all the way into airport terminals to greet people you were waiting to arrive back in the 90s. The "war on terror" really pushed a lot of extra shit into travel.

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

What are they doing these days that is invasive (I have been wanting to go back to visit friends)?

The only time I have visited Japan was back in 2012 and all I remember was just waiting in a line and handing over my passport to a customs/foreign visitors person. I also might have had a paper slip with my dates of arrival and departure, that I wasn't bringing in more than $9999.99 in cash, and the address I was officially planning to be staying for the bulk of the time there (and name of my friend that was already living there on work visa). I don't remember ever being stopped to check my bags or answer addition questions. Though I might have just been lucky to have not been picked for additional checks.

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 34 points 2 weeks ago

It would be nice if they at least allowed for even being able to donate to the browser itself. All the options that I am aware of are either the paid extra stuff they have, or to the overall company. Which is annoying since I imagine that the current "donation" option means that the money is being used mostly for the upper execs and routed to the extra shit that already has options for paying subs.

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

I have been interested in trying out LoRA and just need to get some devices built. Though I am not as concerned about the super privacy part (thought that is nice). I am thinking that it would be good for emergency situations like shit that has happened with the south-east. Even if the communications would be limited to text, shit is good as long as I can use simple solar panels and battery banks.

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Kind of limited due to there not being an iOS version, but Briar is pretty decent. It was made to be usable in repressive areas by press and other groups, as well as in areas where bad weather has taken out cell and regular wifi. Can be used with phone data, but also offline via ad-hoc wifi and bluetooth. But stuff like Signal and SimpleX are more overall useful to more people (and I think SimpleX also supports offline local immediate area of each other like wifi and bluetooth but I don't remember atm).

[–] dRLY@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 weeks ago

With regards to right on red. It (legally at least) requires that you must first stop at the light. So if you are turning right the idea is that you are supposed to first check for active traffic and treat it as if it is a stop sign. If someone ahead of you is waiting to turn right and then goes. Then you are supposed to pull up and then stop again before turning. Though in practice a lot of people will at best treat it more like a yield sign and just roll through without stopping. In super low traffic times or places where traffic is a non-issue (like a rural road where as you pull up to the light you can clearly see open roads without anyone) then this isn't really an issue aside from learning bad habits. Though heavy traffic places are much more of an issue.


Saw this on an ADHD Memes account on X. Shit happens more than I would like to admit. lol

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