
joined 1 year ago

Because the US govt is composed of genocidal shits, that's why

[–] bumblebeehellbringer@hexbear.net 22 points 11 months ago

If you've ever wondered what you'd do in a genocide, the answer is whatever you're doing now.

wwiii has started. Help people.

My country's healthcare system

Fuck transphobia. You deserve better.

tw: sexual violence, forced birth

spoilerSoon they'll tying people down to tables, assaulting people, and forcing them to give birth. Fascism is in full swing and is only going to accelerate from here. Constant grown and the insatiable thirst for power means that the rich and powerful demand babies to turn into coerced workers. More and more people are going to be forced to become pregnant and give birth. These horrors are going to be more and more normalized. This isn't ok.

Imo this type of gendered violence is largely facilitated by the capitalism. As more and more wealth and power are extracted from the working class, the burdens on the working class are greater and greater, and things like homeownership and being able to afford having children are increasingly out of reach. The capitalist class responds to this by basically saying "Just have children anyways and be poor about it. Work harder and give me more profit and more coerced laborers." Like, a lot of people who don't have kids would like to, they just want to give their kids a good standard of living. But instead of allowing the common people to have the fruits of their labor, the capitalist class keeps those for themselves. And so the common people are left in this place where for many there's not money and time for relationships, homeownership, kids, etc. Men who don't have a good class and feminist analysis end up blaming this on women, and women who have any other options don't want to put up with these vile abusers. Men with violent incel energy don't stop having that energy once they're married, in a relationship, or sleeping with someone; instead, they'll continue to use their misogyny to blame women for the problems created by the capitalist class.

The labor of women, while downplayed in value under capitalism, is actually very vital to the system continuing. Women are expected to create and raise children, run the household, do a huge amount of logistical and organizational labor, and appease men and basically comfort them and ameliorate the negative affects of capitalism on the men. Women are expected to provide sexual gratification, emotional support, free time, meals, and a clean and pleasant living space, in addition to caring for the needs of children, organizing household affairs, and having a career. That's a lot. Women are one of the dumping grounds for labor under capitalism, expected to do the same work in careers as men plus all the other labor that is trivialized under capitalism, but very important for the propagation of capitalism.

I expect these types of gendered conflicts to continue. I hope people as a whole will figure out that the class element is important too. It would be great if we could have all genders of the proletariat working together in harmony to take back what capital has robbed us of, and establish a culture of consent.

Why don't you compare those numbers to the number of deaths caused by covid-19. Way more people have died or become disabled from covid, it's not even close. https://ncov2019.live/data

[–] bumblebeehellbringer@hexbear.net 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

To Othello: You are super cool and I really appreciate reading what you have to say. I really appreciate your perspective and all you give to this community. I hope the rest of us can make this a good enough place for you to stay. You deserve a good place where your comrades have your back. [/gen, angry on your behalf, hoping you stay]

To the white fragile people who were being assholes to Othello,: Raise your fucking standards for yourself. Read. Learn. Don't take out your fragility and big feelings about race on black people. Do you feel upset when a black person expresses feelings about race? Do some reading about the history of racism. Do some emotional work. Don't turn your ignorance and your feelings into a burden for black people. Don't take out your insecurities, your anger, your fragility, your fear on black people. Deal with it yourself. If you don't have the tools, find them. Research. Learn. And if you don't have the energy for that, then shut the fuck up.

To my fellow white people on this site: We have to do better about defending our black, indigenous, and people of color comrades on this site. Yes, it takes work to learn, it takes time and energy and discomfort and going outside of our comfort zones. But we have to do that work, and we have to do a better job. We have to collectively create a site where our black, indigenous, and people of color comrades feel safe, where they know we'll be there for them and have their backs. It's fun to shitpost, and shitposting is an important part of the culture here too. But we also have to do ongoing work to make it so that when we see racism, we notice it, and call it out. It might take the mods a while to get to delete and ban racism, but we should be there to back our comrades up and make racists feel unwelcome. An important part of leftism is making sure that we have spaces that feel good for our comrades to be in. We need to be able to create and maintain spaces that are supportive. With the federations having happened, there's been somewhat of a focus on bringing leftism to other communities, educating outsiders etc, but we also have to remember that gaining numbers by bringing in outsiders is not the only factor affecting numbers. If we bring in assholes, and then they drive out people from minority groups, then we haven't actually gained anything good. We need to create spaces where our black, indigenous, and people of color comrades can stay. And from my digging to try to figure out what this was all about, it sounds like some (or all? not sure) of the users harassing Othello were from inside hexbear. So we need to do better. We need to go out of our way to do the emotional work, educate ourselves, and actively look for racism on the site so we can stamp it out.

Yeah. The propaganda machine has told them covid is not a problem anymore, and that's what they believe. People are being brainwashed.

That's really rough. I'm so sorry.

[–] bumblebeehellbringer@hexbear.net 54 points 1 year ago (37 children)

The "Covid is over" propaganda. Covid is not over. It is still killing people, still disabling people, still giving people lifelong autoimmune conditions and other long-term health problems. "Covid is over" Is code for "Go back to work so the capitalist class can reap the rewards of your labor, no matter how dead or disabled you become in the process."

[–] bumblebeehellbringer@hexbear.net 10 points 1 year ago (3 children)

We also need lockdowns where people are supported in staying home long enough to eliminate the virus, regular and updated testing, updated vaccines, free high quality accessible healthcare, and changes to make workplaces safe - like letting people work from home; changing in-person work to be socially distanced, and unlimited paid time off so people can get medical care when they need it.

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