
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

I grew up on a farm along a small river called the Pomme De Terre and we didn't grow potatoes. But we did have a potato lifter to harvest the 1/2 acre or so we would grow for our own consumption.

There was also a small county picnic area in the middle of nowhere by the same name. And no one knew why it was there.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

When I spent a few years teaching in the local school, one thing I taught was a class on Design and 3D printing. The VERY first thing I always had to teach was "how to use a mouse" before I could even begin to start teaching CAD modeling.

I swear, smart phones and touch screens are a curse and pox on humanity.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

You were destined to die the day you were born. It's all just a matter of when and where.

But if you were born and raised in an urbane urban city, yep, the odds are probably pretty high you are going to be among the first to die.

But I do salute you wit Sir/Madam!

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I think 60 is the point when you realize you are actually starting to get old. You begin to realize that you really can't do the things you used to do. And the things you still do - you do slower and for not as long. Your hair is grey or starts falling out quite noticeably. Your body actually hurts just getting up in the morning. You go to bed earlier. Maybe you fall down because your balance wasn't as good anymore. Possibly a friend or peer dies from a heat attack. A Grandchild or two happens. AARP, (American Association of Retired People), starts sending you letters.

You are now truly and officially old.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Pro Tip for GenXer's: There is a point in life when you need to pick a Doctor that you like enough to die on. That will be the doctor that will take you through the last years of your life. And treat all those little miserable ailments like high blood pressure or urinary issues. Long term medical care, while it's often something that might not kill you outright, It will demand a lot of monitoring and medication to treat.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

Better than the mid 1900's.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

First, thank you for your concern. You are a good person and a credit to yourself.

I suppose mental therapy might be a path I could follow. But it's more a concern of getting COVID yet again and I'm old and in the high risk age group. And despite being vaccinated and getting boosters as needed, there is frankly no guarantee I won't get it again. It's not that I shun contact and interaction with others, I certainly don't. But minimizing contact with crowds is medically a good thing for me. And messing around in a town/city a lot is asking for trouble. I'm close enough to the end of life that I don't need the extra help in getting there - it's coming soon enough as is.

I did do therapy with a Speech Therapist, it's where I got the breathing device. They are oddly well qualified for issues like mine. But, evidently COVID can create a short circuit in the brain that physical therapy can help some but really can't fix according to my Pulminologist and the Speech therapist. And as far as just getting plain exercise goes, I live in a very rural part of a very large forest. And between daily chores, I spend copious amounts of time in that forest foraging until the snow flies and at this time of the year hunting. In fact, if it stops misting and the fog lifts this afternoon, I will be out with a dog doing some grouse hunting chasing after supper. I don't quit because of limitations. Quitting brings on death much faster. And I've seen that enough during my many years as a medic.

I hate the changes that COVID has forced upon me. But I acknowledge it's existence and I'm fighting it as hard as I can.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Level 12 Deathworld.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

I have no idea what movement these watches have nor do I care - I ain't buying one. But you can easily buy all the cheap, less than $20, Swiss made movements you want all day every day.

Just because it say Made in Switzerland doesn't mean it's the expensive best or even the equal to a well made Chinese movement.


After 5 years my trusty old textured plate is wearing out and I'm in the market for something new. I print PLA, PETG, ABS, and TPU. There are so many choices now and I need some guidance!

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

If you are using Bamboo slicer, you are pretty much using Prusa slicer since it's directly taken from that with minor changes. I've noticed I've been slowly migrating away from Prusa slicer, a fork of Marlin, to Orca slicer - which is a fork of Bamboo. The reason is Prusa slicer is now concentrating on updating for the new Mk4 and XL printers with a nod to the Mini. I'm still quite content my Mk3s+ and don't need all those new updates for printers I don't own.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Yeah as with any new gotta have technology, there comes a point where a great weeding out of less than efficient providers happens. And it's been happening to many 3D companies for a while now.

[–] 31 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Short answer is No. It suffers from many of the same issues of echo chamber, bias, and bullying. Just on a somewhat smaller scale due to fewer users. And never forget - Winter is coming. There will be a time in the future the bots will notice lemmee and come for it also.

But I suspect this is all a human thing. We are a contentious bunch at best and down right hateful at worst. We build communities only to poison and kill them in the end.


These "critical fire" danger warnings from NOAA are really starting to wear on me. Living in drought conditions for 2 years is killing everything. I watch the radar and there is rain falling all around me, but very few drops for this area. And living in the middle of a forest makes for uneasy sleep.

It might be our turn to burn like Canada.

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