
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Wizards of the Coast: "That's the spirit!"

[–] 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, there is no need for "final solution" style accountability here. This was a project that a single developer was working on when the stars just happened to align and drive a lot of attention to it at once. A commercially oriented website in the same situation would struggle to deal with it and be forced to take out loans in order to expand staffing and infrastructure capacity.

The phrasing of Ernest's initial post suggests that there is at least one exploitable vulnerability that spammers are taking advantage of and can't be openly discussed until the gates are closed. I understand the frustration and optics problem that comes with "easy and important fixes" sliding on the schedule (i.e. the topic of the other thread), but look at it this way:

  • Ernest is too slammed with work to be consciously creating more work for himself.
  • He needs the spam and bot problem to go away so ASAP so that it stops taking time away from him. This includes the missing moderation tools, spam/bot campaigns that are operating at a scale that those additional tools would have difficulty addressing regardless, and the issues he can't talk about yet that were hinted at above.
  • If he is waiting to push out a fix to problems that would greatly reduce his workload, there are very good reasons for it.
  • If he is not able to push out fixes that reduce his workload, it stands to reason that fixes unrelated to them are also sliding.
[–] 12 points 1 year ago

A hypersexualized Paladin whose test of faith is to invite admiration from all who observe him or her, but they’re not actually allowed to partake. Imagine an extremely vain god or goddess who not only wants all of the sexiest people alive as their followers, but wants them to proactively blueball the rest of the world with their piety.

Or just take the easy route: a good old fashioned fertility deity who approves of their followers sewing dem oats.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The people that cancel good people are shitbags.

Relativity remains a factor. One mob's shitbag is another mob's hero. One mob's wish for freedom of thought is another mob's moral depravity.

Cancelling is just an added nuance on gossip and dogpiling, and those have been around since we've been knocking rocks together. It happens whenever a person publicly acknowledges an opinion that angers a tribe enough to single someone out. It doesn't matter whether that person is a long-time resident or a passing visitor. The more it goes against their social values, the more popular it becomes in the gossip, and the more people share it with each other as the story takes on a life of its own. Details get changed. Maybe it started with a lie or misconception to begin with and grew from there. None of that matters when people start shunning you in public or knocking on your door with torches in hand.

The only added nuance of cancelling over traditional gossip is the pervasiveness of the internet, and the distance at which people can socially band together to shun you. Most importantly, gossip has never required someone to be a good or bad person. It just needs someone to be the target of a rumor (truthful or otherwise) that pisses a lot of people off.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

As others have already covered, everything we do comes with risk. Some people go through life without spending much thought on those risks, and if they're lucky they never have to deal with these things. Others let it weigh upon them heavily, and it's fairly evident that you fall into the latter camp.

You've caught on to the general theme though, which is that the more of yourself you put out there needlessly, the greater a possibility for negative things to happen as a result of that. I'm not going to ask you to wave a magic wand and become the type of person who doesn't worry about those things, so here are the best compromises:

  • Quality over quantity with your friends. Find some good people you can be yourself around, and don't stress over having fewer people that you hang out with than others. It's not a competition and it doesn't make you an inferior person.

  • Minimize how much you "put yourself out there". The internet wasn't around 25 years ago, and when it was young it was common sense to use an alias on the internet wherever possible. Use different nicknames on different websites to minimize the ability of casual bad actors to link your identities between different social forums. The possibility of database leaks doxxing the e-mail address you signed up with is still there, but thwarting the low effort attempts does a lot on its own. You can go through the effort of registering with different e-mail addresses as well, but there is a point of diminishing returns here and you need to decide where to draw the line for yourself.

  • Remove yourself from online discussions when it's healthy to do so. Assert your opinion, clarify your points if they need clarifying, and move on. Turn off notifications once you're past that point. Winning arguments on the internet is not realistically a thing that happens, and notifications on your mobile device from an argument will needlessly pull you back into a place of anxiety. Considering how little those mobile notifications contribute to your positive frame of mind, it's best to be rid of them completely if you ever find them having a negative impact on your day to day life.


  • Put yourself out there when you feel strongly that it is important to do so. Some causes are worth weathering the consequences, and you shouldn't let a fear of consequences completely cripple you when you feel strongly enough about something. Will your friends have your back if you stick your foot into it? Then go for it.
[–] 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

It means you aren't suited to run a public facing business. There's nothing wrong with that, but speaking as someone with a lot of social anxiety baggage there are things I'm equipped to do well and things that I'm not. I shouldn't let that stop me from opening a business if I really want to, but if I simply don't want to deal with the social rejection elements I have to accept that I'm better off letting someone else run that side of a business.

As for the non-business elements of your question, all you can really do is conduct yourself in a way that you don't believe you'll find yourself regretting later. If you say something in a public place, especially online, consider it part of the public record. It can and will come back to bite you later. Assume your [morally positive family member here] is always watching.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

having people go out for original research is basically saying “Let people make up bullshit.”… not a good idea.

Yeah, I've seen what this does to fan wikis. There is a certain type of personality that thrives on having their version of reality be what is reflected in wiki articles, and they will revert any and all attempts to excise their personal theories. If admins step in to break up the edit war, it's clearly "favoritism" and "admins should only exist in service to the users and have no say in content". Some of these wiki addicts go out of their way to become the wiki equivalent of Reddit's supermods in order to ensure that they have the upper hand in these content disputes.

"No original research" is one of the core pillars of your ability to push back against delusional nonsense. If you're determined to live without it, you need to have very strong content standards in its place to decide the difference between objective fact and someone's conspiracy vomit. Good content policies save you from having to waste a bunch of time on bad faith arguments about why the content of your wiki pages have to abandon fact for massaging someone's ego.

(Somewhat of a tangent, but if you're bored you can look into a brief history of AlexShepherd's crusade against circumcision in the Silent Hill fandom. He's not the only person I've seen thrive on wikis who don't adopt an original research policy, but definitely the most entertaining read.)

[–] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I’m also here to expose bad excuses.

Not being able to help someone who is refusing to provide technical detail is a pretty damn good excuse in this industry.

If your goal is to expose the bad excuses of others, step one is to put in as much effort as you're expecting from others. :P

Edit for good measure: (links fixed, forgot about direct linking comments from outside of a lemmy instance)

  • Your instance was not federating with [1]
  • You assumed that the blame had to rest on because you had "eliminate[d] all the possibilities [you] had at hand". [2]
  • You made this post to vent about a bunch of unrelated nonsense and refused to provide technical detail that would assist the admins in troubleshooting. It's a given fact that your privacy is your choice, but it's also a given that you shouldn't be a dick about it if you choose to withhold details, even from PM. For the record, the information being requested was the bare minimum for an instance administrator to troubleshoot network interactions with a remote instance.
  • A random (but cool) third party identified the issue with your instance not federating. [3]
  • Instead of apologizing, you proceeded to act like you were entitled to that solution from the admins you wrongly accused. [4] You are not god's gift to the internet and they are not technical support for your instance.

There's no room for niceties here, you are either an asshole in denial or some brat who is too young to know any better. Sleep on it. Come to terms with that fact and make good on it, or don't. You aren't worth anyone's energy, and I'm only bothering with this summary for everyone else's sake. Your problem is fixed, it was never on's side to begin with, and somehow you are still acting like the failure of the admins to figure out what was busted with your shit is some Sherlock gotcha moment.

I am unaffiliated with and my toxicity does not represent the opinions of the admins. (but they're probably thinking it)

[–] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

In my work, when someone comes to me and assumes I or my team is screwing up because they “eliminated all possibilities at hand” 90% of the time, they screwed up and didn’t realize it.

Yeah, at that point the onus is on the person putting forth the problem to show their work. Start listing off possibilities that you've eliminated. You can have thirty years of technical experience and still be completely useless by assuming that you're just as smart as the person you're explaining the problem to.

"I did eliminate all the possibilities I had at hand"? Naw man, anyone dropping that line has only eliminated all possibilities that they can think of, and all of that supposed thinking about "all the possibilities" is worthless if they aren't going to offer it up as a starting point.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

She should be punished for mishandling classified information, as much as Trump should be punished for using an unsecured phone for his presidential duties. As we keep saying in this thread, it's possible to have a consistent opinion in all of this.

Next you have to prove that her servers were handled that way for the purpose of tampering with evidence in a court of law. Y'know, like people are trying to do right now with Trump? The problem here is the matter of proof. It's unfortunate for Trump that his lackeys were caught trying to destroy evidence and, y'know, left behind evidence of trying to do so, but that's what it takes to prosecute someone for that particular crime.

Let me reframe the question for you. Do we think Hilary and her aides should be prosecuted if evidence supported targeted tampering instead of incompetence? Yes. If it was deliberate, is it a shitty thing that she and her staff were not prosecuted because there was insufficient evidence to support a conviction? Also yes.

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