
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I maybe wasn't clear. I have SABnzbd setup with the provider correctly (got it to download one file I found successfully). What I mean is can I set the indexer websites to only show stuff that's avaliable from my backbone as I only have one usenet provider on the Omicron backbone.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I've seen torrents easily saturate 350 Mbps connections. Speed is actually one of the advantages of bittorrent protocol and has inspired things such as Windows peer to peer update feature.

I've actually been having problems with downloads from an indexer (nzbplanet) that don't download. I wonder if I have something configured wrong. I am not sure how to tell an indexer site what provider and backbone I am on.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

People keep saying Usenet has better speed but I am not buying that. I regularly match the speed of my internet connection.

As for avaliability I am not sure. I am aware that there is limited retention time with usenet and that their are multiple "backbones". How does this effect the avaliability of downloads?

This is also why peer block was invented. To stop people connecting to honey pots.

Yeah they have tried that before and never got it passed or implemented afaik. Honestly the people of my country need to burn half the government down and start again. It's just sad. Still doing better than the US somehow.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

I get what encryption does. I also understand why it doesn't make torrents safe. That's why I got irritated when people were trying to claim encryption is why usenet is safer, cause torrents have encryption too. Even if Usenet is safe the reasoning people used is bad.

I think I am the most worried about indexer sites as these are banned or blocked in my country. Weirdly enough the Usenet ones aren't blocked and I am wondering why. I believe they have some kind of loop hole.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Speed is not the concern with using a VPN. Having to pay for both is the concern.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Is it possible to get an infection and not notice?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If I could afford one of them then I wouldn't be doing this


I have been doing torrents + VPN for years now and thinking about switching.

Is usenet and debrid safe to use without a VPN in the UK? What about other piracy streaming sites?

From what I understand it's cheaper to use a VPN than have debrid + usenet + private indexers but I am not sure.

I have heard some questionable justifications as to why it's safer such as it being encrypted (torrents can also be encrypted). Are the index sites also safe? I have heard it both ways about this. Including people saying index sites are not encrypted which they normally are.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It's more commonly sold in England. Starsan was banned here for a while, and it's still hard to get a hold of, hence chemsan. Chemipro oxy is what I have found in a brew shop here and seems to work well. I might go back to that

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I don't live in the US


I have some questions and concerns

I have a batch contaminated with some VWP sanitizer. How dangerous is this? It's a sanitizer you normally have to rinse and I fucked up and got some in a brew. I don't know exactly how much and one bottle in particular has more than the others.

I am begging to question if it's safer for me to not use sanitizer at all and instead just use dish soap. Maybe I should switch to a different sanitizer? I am not completely convinced of the safety of no rinse sanitizer either and want to find some sources or more information about these things. There is a high chance I will end up making a mistake using these and I don't know what the risk profile is of different sanitizers. How dangerous is not using sanitizer at all?

Star san and chem san are somewhat expensive though I hear they last a while.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I am fairly sure you still need a VPN when using these services. Is there an advantage to this over using torrents and streming piracy sites?


Opened my first bottle of hibiscus mead. I think it needs longer to carbonate, or I might have not added enough carbonation sugar. Probably both.

It is pretty drinkable. This is reassuring given it was made using the cheapest available honey and is well under a month old. Voss Kveik yeast and good nutrients do wonders!

Definitely needs some refinement when it comes to sweeteners and acids. This was my first time using acids to balance a mead and I think I should have chosen citric acid or malic acid instead of tartaric acid.


Front Left - Orange & Mango cordial Front Right - Ginger beer from cordial Left Rear - Stawberry Jam Wine Right Rear - Cyser Bochet

Using the Bray Denard methodology for the bochet minus GoFerm (didn't have any at the time). Using Voss Kveik yeast from LalBrew for the bochet and the jam wine.

The two from cordial are using EC-1118 primarily because I had it lying around not being used. They also have added sugar - brown for ginger beer, white for orange & mango.

I will be interested to see how the orange and mango goes for two reasons: It had preservatives that normally prevent fermentation, and you don't normally use orange juice to ferment.


What liquid do people use for their airlocks?

I have been using water for a while but have recently seen people who think this isn't best practice and is likely to get infected.

I have also found out that the sanitizer I use breaks down over time so likely wouldn't be suitable. I have taken to using dish soap for now but don't know if there is a problem with this practice.

I am currently avoiding vodka because of the alcohol duty in my country.


I normally don't drink beer or ale because I find it too bitter. I have no problems with malt though (I actually think it's pretty interesting). Would I be correct in thinking that unhopped beer is less bitter?

Also does anyone have any advice for brewing my first ale? I have made fruit wine, mead, and cider before but never beer. I have some kveik yeast and spray malt from other brews that I can use so I am thinking of using that. The closest I have gotten to brewing ale or beer is making bochet braggot so any help is appreciated.


I thought I would ask some questions.

Who uses nutrients? What do you use them in and which ones do you use?

There seems to be lots of ways to use nutrients in things like mead, wine, and even cider. Many people even debate whether and when they are actually needed especially in the mead space.

I've even been blocked before for suggesting SNA (Staggered Nutrient Addition) is unnecessary or elitist even though it's a recent invention.


Made in a 5L demijohn.


  • 3x Seedless Raspberry Jam 420g
  • Lalvin EC-1118 yeast
  • Pectinase enzyme
  • Fermaid-O 10g

I believe now that this is more nutrients than necessary.

I have made other beverages before but never a fruit wine!

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