
joined 4 years ago
[–] 15 points 2 hours ago

Taking Liz Cheney in will certainly bring the muslims and youth out to vote for us, the Democratic Genocidal Party. We are so good at this! jokermala

[–] 21 points 4 hours ago

I think it's both at the same time

[–] 32 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Shoot the Boer. Shoot the Zionist.

[–] 55 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (8 children)

Government announces it will ‘dissolve’ Argentina’s tax agency

The AFIP will be replaced with a new, reduced agency and over 3,000 jobs are on the chopping block

President Javier Milei’s government announced on Monday that Argentina’s federal tax agency, AFIP by its Spanish initials, will be dissolved and replaced with a new agency in accordance with its mandate to “reduce inefficient structures.” According to Presidential Spokesman Manuel Adorni, 34% of public service jobs within the AFIP will be eliminated. As of Monday evening, no details had been released regarding the new agency’s operations or what the move means in concrete terms for the country’s fiscal infrastructure.

“AFIP will cease to exist. In its place, the Collection and Customs Control Agency will be created with a simplified structure,” said Adorni in his routine press conference at the Casa Rosada. According to the Herald’s sister publication Ambito, he did not accept questions after the announcement.

The new and reduced agency, ARCA by its Spanish initials, will be a merger between two preexisting government bodies (the tax and customs general directorates, DGI and DGA by their Spanish acronyms). It will be led by Florencia Misrahi, a lawyer who formerly worked for Cargill and is currently serving as the head of the AFIP. “The Argentina of fiscal voracity is over. What belongs to every Argentine is theirs and no one else’s. No state bureaucrat should have the power to tell them what to do with their property,” Adorni added.

A communiqué released on Monday afternoon described the AFIP as inefficient and highlighted the termination of 3,155 workers hired under former President Alberto Fernández. The communiqué refers to the administration as “Kirchnerite” in reference to Fernández’s vice president, Cristina Kirchner, who is often targeted by government discourse.

Adorni claimed that firing the workers would lead to savings of around AR$6.4 million per year. Both the spokesman and the communiqué referred to their employment as “irregular,” questioning the legality of their hiring. “The creation of ARCA is aimed at reducing the size of the state, eliminating unnecessary positions, professionalizing the agency, destroying circuits of corruption, and improving the efficiency of customs collection and control,” read the communiqué.

According to the Herald’s sister publication Ambito, the AFIP Board of Directors said it did not have “objections with respect to the reduction of political positions,” which the government referred to as “high positions,” because that is a power reserved for the Executive Branch. However, it emphasized that “dismissals will not be tolerated on the basis of political origin.”


also ancaptain announced, out of nowhere, that the media attacked him and said he does not have sex with his sister or his dogs. Nobody ever claimed he has sex with dogs, but this is the current state of things.

[–] 11 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

Picture almost looks like AI generated

I'm losing my mind

[–] 62 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Fethullah Gülen, the leader of Gülen Movement, has died in Pennsylvania at the age of 83.

You may remember the Gülen Movement from the attempted coup in Turkey in 2016.

[–] 32 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Conditions are there for Lithuania to abandon their nazi path and rejoin the Cool Zone they were once in.

[–] 106 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

"Israel" spent years talking about how Hamas uses human shields when fighting, yet when they found Sinwar (actually, Sinwar found them) he was alone armed with nothing but an AK, a vest and a bunch of grenades. Sinwar proved them wrong over and over again, he was not in Qatar, he wasn't hiding in bunkers never coming out and he wasn't fighting against the enemy hiding behind defenseless women and children. He stood alone against an elite group of "israeli" soldiers that included artillery and tanks, he fought them even as a tank shell severed his hand and left him mortally wounded.., but still kept fighting, all by himself with whatever strenght he had left.

When you read the details about how "israel" got him, it proves that Sinwar, despite his age, was still able to fend off a much larger "israeli" force by himself with inferior tools, and only after they employed overwhelming firepower they were able to take him down. "Israel" will not win and destruction awaits for them at the end of the road.

[–] 60 points 2 days ago (6 children)

totally normal country where military jets (that consume thousands of dollars just to fly for a couple of minutes) and other resources are mobilized for a handegg game. the people yearn for the F-22 flyby while they drink shit bud light and watch a boring ass sport

[–] 44 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (4 children)

imo there is a relation between the absolute state of the bourgeoisie and it's allies and the architecture they live in. Like every rich asshole house looks exactly like that, almost feels like prefabricated crap that is devoid of character, color and features. I am willing to say that contemporary architecture produced in the hell that is capitalism is representative of the bourgeois tendency towards decadence.

[–] 17 points 2 days ago

Target rich environment

[–] 39 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

decadent genocide loving society will barely ban a nazi channel for just a couple of hours

my society would resolve this by shooting this motherfucker in the head minecraft and all his wealth will be distributed among Gazans.


Very unique image showing the use of barricades by the popular movements during the 1848 Revolution, in this case, in the city of Paris.

This image corresponds to the "June Days Uprising", which was a big urban revolt staged from June 22nd to June 26th triggered by the plans to abolish the Ateliers Nationaux (National Workshops). The Workshops was a government program in which work was provided to the unemployed by the French Second Republic after the 1848 Revolution, which happened in February. During the February Revolution, workers made clear demands to the Provisional Government: Right to Work and Organization of Labor, said demands were heard and passed by one of the members of the Provisional Government, Louis Blanc, a Socialist. Unfortunately, the National Workshops were finally abolished and in response the workers revolted.

The Garde Nationale (National Guard) was called in and the revolt was suppressed, leaving about 3,000 dead insurgents and about 3,000/4,000 were deported to Algeria. The defeat of this workers-led insurrection marked the end of a long series of events protagonized by Socialism in it's infancy, it also marked the final victory of Liberals over the "République démocratique et sociale" (Democratic and Social Republic) and soon it would form an alliance with the aristocracies around Europe.

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