
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 30 minutes ago

A big one is "How does an instance change their underlying implementation?". Like how could a lemmy instance decide to migrate to become a Mastodon instance?

Currently that's just not possible, but it seems important for the long term survival of an instance. It seems naive to think that an instance will stay the same implementation forever. But ActivityPub basically makes this impossible.

[–] 5 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

Fuck mand, jeg var nødt til at finde citatet og var ved at dø af grin midt i det stille kontor på arbejdet 😂. Puha den var tæt på.

Så har vi altså valgt at lave et system, hvor man skal aflevere lidt mindre, end man gjorde før. Det er det, vi har valgt, og det fører selvfølgelig til at, dem, der tjener mere og afleverer meget og nu afleverer lidt mindre, ja, de afleverer så mere mindre end dem, der tjener lidt mindre og afleverer mindre, men altså så afleverer mindre mindre.

[–] 6 points 23 hours ago

Jeg fik set anden sæson af The Ancient Magus' Bride, som var okay men ikke lige så god som første sæson, måske bortset fra episode 6. Stadig meget pæn animation og godt soundtrack.

Nu er jeg gået i gang med Summer Time Rendering, en urban fantasy tidsrejse thriller. Det er jo lige min boldgade og jeg kan se nogle paralleller til Steins;Gate, selvom jeg stadig synes Steins;Gate er bedre.

Konen og jeg blev færdige med Rings of Power sæson 2 og er nu i gang med endnu et gensyn af Ringenes Herre trilogien (extended edition selvfølgelig).

Jeg har slet ikke fået spillet videospil på det seneste med alle de serier og film! Helt forfærdeligt altså /s

[–] 4 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (3 children)

Jo, det er jo generelt gode film og serier der får sequels og fordi den originale er god (over middel) så er der en rimelig sandsynlighed for at to'eren er dårligere (middel eller under), bare rent statistisk set. Men folk har det med at se den originale over middel og sammenligne med to'erens middel og konkludere at to'eren faktisk er under middel, selvom den bare ikke er lige så god som et'eren. Håber det gav mening 😅

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Helt enig. Tror hvis den stod for sig selv og LOTR ikke fandtes og var så populær, så ville der ikke være lige så meget kritik af serien. Folk elsker at hate på sequels af deres yndlingsting.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

As long as the reason for the ban says that it was personally requested, then I don't see why it would be a bad thing. Obviously being banned from another instance for legitimate reasons is a cause for concern and could lead to trouble in your own instance, but if it is clear that it was only because you requested it yourself, then it's fine.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

You should just switch to an instance that defederate those instances, or convince your current instance to do so.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

User blocking merely blocks their communities. You'll still see comments from the instance and you'll still see posts in other communities from their users. You'll also still have their votes influence your feed.

Defederation is the more proper tool to use. Individual user blocking is not effective.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

You mean you personally blocked them? You need to actually be on an instance that defederates them for it to mean anything. User blocking hardly does anything, it just hides communities from that instance, that's all it does.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

You really should join an instance that defederates from those instances. That is the way to actually "vote" on the fediverse, not via simple user blocking that doesn't actually achieve what you think it does, as the other reply points out.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago

I mean, lead them to instances that defederate hexbear for starters? Seems reasonable anyway.

[–] -1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Sounds hollow coming from an instance that doesn't even defederate hexbear.


For transparens laver jeg hver måned et indlæg om Feddit.dks finanser og andet af relevans.

I september måned modtog 996 kroner i donationer, fra,,, og et par anonyme donorer. Tak for det 🙂.

De 996 kroner overstiger de månedlige udgifter på 426 kroner (som er steget lidt pga. lager-omkostninger). Derved er kassebeholdningen steget til 7942 kroner hvilket giver en “runway” på lige over halvandet år.

Man kan donere til gennem Liberapay ( Man er også meget velkommen til at støtte ved at være en aktiv bruger og/eller fortælle andre om siden. Især det at fortælle andre om er vigtigt for at få flere brugere, da vi ikke kører nogen reklamer - den eneste måde andre kan opdage siden er gennem jer!


Som nævnt ovenfor er lager-omkostninger steget lidt. Lige nu er der en uploadgrænse på 5 MB, men den grænse er desværre også brugt til eksterne brugere og der er ikke rigtig en god måde at tillade jer (lokale brugere) at uploade mere mens man tillader eksterne brugere at uploade mindre.

Derfor overvejer jeg at sætte uploadgrænsen tilbage til 1MB som vi havde før. Det vil i praksis betyde at man næsten altid er nødt til at bruge en ekstern billedhost (fx hvis man vil poste et billede. Hvis man har nogle kommentarer til dette må man gerne sige til.

Som altid kan man stille spørgsmål ved at skrive i kommentarerne eller i privatbesked.


Det er virkelig en af de ting der vælter min skorsten. Nu skal man leve med Halloween-dimser, slik og kostumer i butikkerne i en hel måned og julevarer i endnu længere tid! Jeg bliver personligt lidt træt af det 😞


Se hele mit indlæg her omkring det:


I recently discovered an interesting (and somewhat disappointing, as we'll find later) fact. It may surprise you to hear that the two most upvoted comments on any Lemmy instance (that I could find at least) are both on and are quite significantly higher than the next top comments.

The comments in question are:

  1. This one from with a whopping 3661 upvotes.
  2. This one from with 1481 upvotes.

These upvote counts seems strange when you view them in relation to the post - both of the comments appear in posts that do not even have 300 upvotes.

Furthermore, if you go on any instance other than and sort for the highest upvoted comments of all time, you will not find these comments (you'll likely instead find this one from

Indeed, if you view the comments from another instance (here and here), you will see a much more "normal" upvote count: A modest 132 upvotes and a mere 17 upvotes, respectively.

What's going on?

Well, the answer is Mastodon. Both of these comments somehow did very well in the Mastodon microblogging sphere. I checked my database and indeed, the first one has 3467 upvotes from Mastodon instances and the second one has 1442 upvotes from Mastodon instances.

Notice how both comments, despite being comments on another post, sound quite okay as posts in their own right. A Mastodon user stumbling upon one of these comments could easily assume that it is just another fully independent "toot" (Mastodon's equivalent of tweet).

Someone from Mastodon must have "boosted" (retweeted) the comments and from there the ball started rolling - more and more people boosted, sharing the comments with their followers and more and more people favorited it. The favorites are Mastodon's upvote equivalent and this is understood by Lemmy, so the upvote count on Lemmy also goes up.

Okay, so these comments got hugely popular on Mastodon (actually I don't know if 3.4k upvotes is unusual on Mastodon with their scale but whatever), but why is there this discrepancy between the Lemmy instances then? Why is it only on that the extra upvotes appear and they don't appear on other instances?

The reason is the way that Mastodon federates Like objects (upvotes). Like objects are unfortunately only federated to the instance of the user receiving the Like, and that's where the discrepancy comes from. All the Mastodon instances that upvoted the comments only sent those upvotes directly to, so no other instances are aware of those upvotes.

This feels disappointing, as it highlights how Lemmy and Mastodon still don't really function that well together. The idea of a Lemmy post getting big on Mastodon and therefore bigger on Lemmy and thus spreading all over the Fediverse, is unfortunately mostly a fantasy right now. It simply can't really happen due to the technical way Mastodon and Lemmy function. I'm not sure if there is a way to address this on either side (or if the developers would be willing to do so even if there was).

I personally find Mastodon's Like sharing mechanism weird - only sharing with the receiving instance means that big instances like have an advantage in "gathering Likes". When sorting toots based on favorites, bigger instances are able to provide a much better feed for users than smaller instances ever could, simply because they see more of the Likes being given. This feels like something that encourages centralization, which is quite unfortunate I think.

TL;DR: The comments got hugely popular on Mastodon. Mastodon only federates upvotes to the receiving instance so only has seen the Mastodon upvotes, and other instances are completely unaware.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

For transparens laver jeg hver måned et indlæg om Feddit.dks finanser og andet af relevans.

I august måned modtog 252 kroner i donationer, fra, og et par anonyme donorer. Tak for det 🙂.

De 252 kroner dækker ikke de månedlige udgifter på 416 kroner (det skal dog ses i lyset af en meget stor mængde donationer i juli). Derved er kassebeholdningen faldet til 7362 kroner hvilket giver en "runway" på cirka 17.5 måneder.

Man kan donere til gennem Liberapay ( Man er også meget velkommen til at støtte ved at være en aktiv bruger og/eller fortælle andre om siden. Især det at fortælle andre om er vigtigt for at få flere brugere, da vi ikke kører nogen reklamer - den eneste måde andre kan opdage siden er gennem jer!

Nye administratorer og har indtil videre fungeret som moderatorer på tværs af forskellige fællesskaber på og har også hjulpet med at se ansøgninger fra nye brugere igennem.

I august måned har jeg udnævnt dem som reelle administratorer på Dette giver dem beføjelser i alle fællesskaber, inklusive dem udenfor og de vil også modtage alle rapporter, ligesom jeg har gjort indtil videre. Jeg er dog stadig den eneste med adgang til serveren og alt det tekniske. har på nuværende tidspunkt ingen formelle vedtægter eller styringsstruktur, bortset fra moderationspolitikken. Det kan dog være en god ide at tænke over den slags inden det bliver nødvendigt, især lige nu når der foregår en vis mængde drama omkring moderation og styring andetsteds. Hvis man har nogle holdninger eller kommentarer til hvordan en eventuel styringsstruktur/vedtægter bør se ud, så er man meget velkommen til at dele dem, enten her i kommentarsporet eller i privatbesked til administrationsholdet.

Som altid kan man stille spørgsmål ved at skrive i kommentarerne eller i privatbesked.


I just finished watching the first season. I really loved the vibe of the show up until the exam, but then I felt it really shifted in tone.

Suddenly it felt like a shonen anime. A lot of time was spent introducing a vastly larger set of characters who ultimately didn't seem like they mattered all that much.

There was a much greater emphasis on action and combat rather than a focus on characters and their relationship and Frieren's/Fern's connection to it all. Previous episodes frequently skipped combat entirely, only showing its conclusion (which was very refreshing).

There was also hardly any comedy, which was very common for the rest of the show. Instead, it got very serious, especially with people getting killed in the exam.

The pacing also just felt off - many previous episodes jumped entire months or even years, while the exam episodes might not even last a whole day.

I much preferred the start of the show and was a bit disappointed by this direction at the end. Am I alone in this thinking?

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