
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Is this the one part of the night qualifies as merely mildly interesting?

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

DATA: I am puzzled, captain. This joke did not receive a single humorous reaction. However, I calculated with 99.987625% certainty that -

PICARD: Well, Data, there's more to humor than, well, data.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

This is a very personal question, and it's really just whatever you are comfortable with. I personally:

  • Try to be open about it and my experiences with friends, if only because I'm sure people had suspected I had it and I so wish someone had mentioned it. I'm willing to cut friendships if I'm judged negatively, but ADHD is common in my social circles so it hasn't been a huge issue.
  • Have been debating with my ADHD siblings how to broach the subject with my definitely ADHD parents. It's definitely common among my extended relatives, but I just feel it's not worth the fight.
  • Would be very guarded in a workplace. Accommodations for ADHD are hilariously trivial asks, but I'm skeptical I'll ever work somewhere I can (safely) get them.
  • Try to avoid the subject with older generations.
[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Look a flagpole


It is with great sadness that we are announcing our imminent closing this Friday, September 29th. This absolutely breaks my heart. We brought in an investor/partner. It was all a bit overwhelming for him so now he has made a decision to sell to another group of investors. Please look out for a gofundme that we will be posting soon to look for another brick and mortar location as well as a food truck. I will continue to post updates on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We will be open and functioning all week. Come by and support. Get your faves or call in large orders. We will be taking large orders throughout the week. Thank you all so much for your continued support throughout these wonderful 33 years. This isn’t the end for us! If we are able to raise enough through our gofundme, Shanae, Dima and I will be embarking on a new path to open something that we can call our own. Much love… Tamara, Jinan & Monib

If you manage to see this before 6pm on Friday, I suggest trying them while you still can. One of my favorite middle eastern places. Their makmor is like the only eggplant dish I've liked.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Standard Form 86
Revised June 2024

Section 30 - Video Gaming Product Record
23.1 In the last seven (7) years have you participated in any video gaming product?
[ ] YES [ ] NO

Entry #1
Video gaming product name:
Dates of use:
Provide nature of participation in this video gaming product:

Was your participation while possessing a security clearance?
Do intend to participate in this video gaming product in the future?
Provide an explanation why you intend or do not intend to participate with this video gaming product in the future:

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

This seems highly unlikely in the age of increased polarization. The number of independents has steadily decreased and there's a reason why "making her the first Independent to win a three-way statewide race in American history" would be groundbreaking. It's not like she endearing herself to either side.

Anyone have any analysis why this would be feasible? I just can't believe someone would look at, say, the republican primary polls and think there's 25-35% of them looking for a 'centrist' independent.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is already said, but it cannot be too emphasized: This is not your fault. This is entirely on them. Three months is far too short to evaluate someone even if they were secretly unhappy with your performance. It might be worth talking to an employment lawyer, but likely you'll have to take this on the chin. In the immortal words of the great Captain Picard: “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.”

As everyone has said, you can expect to get questions about it, and I would definitely have a prepared, rehearsed statement. Some recruiters and hiring managers make a big deal about these sort of things, some won't even care. Again: this is not your fault and do not be apologetic about it.

Five weeks is not a lot of time to get a new software job, even in a hot market. This is the unfortunate reality and I would start making contingency plans. If living in NYC remains a goal, then this is a setback but a far smaller one than it may seem right now. You don't have a mortgage or a family hanging over your head. Moving back to NYC will be in play, likely sooner than you think.

Spending time on career development is a good idea. Something with a firm outcome like AWS Solutions Architect is also good. I have the associate certification which I started working on while at Amazon. It hasn't really done much for me, but I'm not seeking positions where it would hold much weight.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

If you haven't I recommend reading a few books on management even if you have zero interest in going down that path. It will give you more perspective on what you should be expecting from your manager, which in turn should in turn be what you talk about during 1-on-1s. I like The Manager's Path by Camille Fournier, though it could use more focus on the 'why' instead of the 'how'.

The best manager I had used a shared private document, where he would dump important points and expected you to add bullets as things came up during the week. This "you drive the conversation" is a good approach and one I intend to use in the future.

  • What's really going on. A good manager should be aware people are inclined to present things as rosier than they are.

  • Anything you are unhappy with. They should be fighting to keep you around, and how happy you are is a key piece. The sooner they know something is wrong, the easier they can (potentially) deal with it.

    • I'm planning a career shift into an EM role, and plan on simply being upfront about the Gallup 12 points (actually 13+4). They shouldn't confine themselves to them, but if a report is ever unhappy about any of them then I absolutely want to talk about it.
  • What resources you don't have that you need to succeed.

  • What ideas you have for initiatives. New projects, tweaks to reduce pain points, so on.

  • Things from Above that you should be aware of.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

I'm not going to watch the video, but what's the procedure for switching between Linux and Windows? Usually you dedicate a GPU entirely to VFIO, with a 2nd GPU for the host OS (or run headless).

Anyway, will it work? Yes, minus some anti-cheat software. Will it be a simple solution? Well, once you get things stable, yes. The tech behind this is mature, but it can be a rabbit hole.

I would look into a non-Nvidia GPU for your 2nd PCIe x16 slot (x4, shared with the 2nd M.2 slot FYI). Good idea to check IOMMU groups before buying anything, but modern AMD motherboards are usually fine. Blacklist the Nvidia drivers and dedicate the 3070 to VFIO to make your life easier, and run Linux off the secondary GPU. Intel A380 might be a good choice. Do gaming stuff on Windows and stream via Parsec/Looking Glass/Moonlight+Sunshine; everything else on Linux.

[–] 22 points 1 year ago (8 children)

If you talk to people about homelessness, they will readily admit they just don't want to see it. If go to any cheaper grocery store you definitely are rubbing shoulders with people who use foodbanks. Food insecurity doesn't go away just because you have a roof over your head.

The rub is a foodbank in a grocery store will attract the more visible "unreliable access to showers" type of user, which would be unacceptable.


The timeworn real-estate maxim is “location, location, location.”

When the location is Ann Arbor, one of the least affordable places to buy a home in Michigan, “timing” may be even more essential.

Ryan Stanton, the lead reporter on a package of stories this week on MLive highlighting Ann Arbor’s surge in building growth and housing costs, knows this firsthand. He moved to the city in 2009, during a national housing crisis, and was able to find reasonable rent. By 2013, as the economy improved, he sensed he’d have to act if he ever wanted to be a homeowner.

“I saw prices going up and said, ‘If I want to stay on Ann Arbor, I can either pay escalating rent that I probably won’t be able to afford into my old age, or I could buy a house now and lock in a fixed 30-year mortgage.

“So that’s what I did. I saw the writing on the wall.”

That writing was a line chart that shows an arrow going up like a hockey stick. The house Stanton bought in the Old West Side for under $200,000 is worth double that now. And that’s still well under the average house price in the Ann Arbor school district – $623,000. Rents for new units in the city have crested $3,000 a month in some instances.

Stanton, reporters Lucas Smolcic-Larson, Sam Dodge and Makayla Coffee, and photographer Jacob Hamilton have worked since spring to research and report this insightful and illuminating journalism. Their stories, photos and data lay out a powerful collision of market dynamics, social policy and city culture – and the resulting consequences.

For one, all but the wealthy are getting squeezed out of Ann Arbor. That includes lower-and middle-class people, young professionals and families, and even employees of the University of Michigan.

That has pushed people into neighboring communities and made those areas less affordable: The Ypsilanti School District, long seen as a less-expensive housing option, has seen home prices rise 39 percent in three years.

Hamilton chronicled the quest of Jean Whiting, a young professional seeking a home under $300,000. She started looking in Ann Arbor but gave up on that after a home she considered making an offer on sold for $55,000 over list price. She moved down to Saline without satisfaction, and now is considering going as far away as Monroe.

“We do a lot of great data-based reporting on the real-estate situation in the county that paints a broad picture of unaffordability, but Jean’s personal experience really drove it home,” Hamilton said.

Stanton wrote of a study that showed 77 percent of renters in Ann Arbor are priced out of buying a home in the city. But even renting is getting less feasible for many – reporter Dodge found one home on campus shared by 42 tenants. While that is extreme, the market for newer units is prohibitive. A studio apartment in a new development on Main Street is more than $2,200 per month, for example.

Ann Arbor is in a building boom, and our reporting lays out arguments from some community leaders that the city needs even more. But Stanton says history suggests that alone may not solve the affordability problem.

“You got pro-density advocates who say you can build your way out of this – just keep building more and more and more and you can gain ground,” he said.

“But Ann Arbor has been trying to do that for 20 years and not really gaining ground. So, it’s beyond a supply-and-demand issue at this point. It’s probably going to take rent control and maybe a lot more public subsidy.”

However, progressive social policy has proven no match for capitalism – dating back to the 1960s, when hippie leader John Sinclair attempted to build an egalitarian culture in Ann Arbor. In 1975, he declared the city “a rich college town” and moved back to Detroit.

Some powerful forces are revealed throughout our reporting on this issue. The University of Michigan is growing, in both employees and students; the city, quirky and cultural, is a vibrant and desirable place to live; and its current population of 120,000-plus is going to continue to rise as fast as housing is built. Demand drives up prices, and Ann Arbor is an in-demand destination.

“It’s like everybody says – it’s a wonderful, cool city and lots of people want to be here,” Stanton said. “It’s hard to imagine there will come a day when there will be more housing supply than there is demand in Ann Arbor.”

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Keep working on those evil KPIs*, you'll get there.

*Not to be confused with regular KPIs, which are not required to be evil just usually are.


Can someone recommend a good resource for getting a neglected bike back into riding condition? What tools I need, what sort of parts I should check if they need replacement, so on?


Seek shelter and sombreros immediately! Naturally power is out here on the northwest side of AA.


What's a good, cheap, no external power GPU to buy for VMs? Want to chuck a few in my Dell R730 server to make my desktop VMs more usable. Right now have an old K620 for a Windows VM, seems like 1030s are a good bet since I have a bunch of low profile slots I otherwise have no use for.


I've thought it over, and I've decided the best next step for me is to shift from a software developer to a management role.

I've worked a lot of high stress, fast paced positions, mostly in R&D groups/companies, which I always excelled at. I now understand why I did well in that type of environment (undiagnosed ADHD), and how to be properly organized enough to perform in an SDM role (ADHD meds lol).

Honestly sitting in meetings for 30+ hours a week doesn't sound so bad anymore. Racing to get a lot of technical work done in a tight timeline now sounds miserable. I've had some amazing SDMs, and I'm confident I can be better at it than most I've worked under.

So: any and all thoughts, what books or resources would you have recommended to yourself, what companies or roles might be a particularly good fit.

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