
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Yeah I think you need a dock though, or if you don’t have the money to buy a dock, I think you can rent one of those POD containers. Still trying to figure out how to connect to this guy’s computer though, they locked it and I don’t know where to DL the libs for it

[–] 6 points 7 months ago (12 children)

I guess there is going to be a split on this in terms of what people think. Obviously ride share drivers would love this, and since the only time I’m in Minneapolis is when I’m on business, it’s my company footing the bill, not me.

However - if it was me footing the bill, I’m sure I’d be much less inclined to take a Lyft/Uber. However, ending ops over this is stupid, because there will be people that will pay for it, business or personal. Let the market decide what’s palatable.

Everyone’s wallet is shrinking due to the rampant inflation over the past several years, and if you’re a full time ride share driver, it’s hard to cut even with the rising costs all around. Even before the inflation was hard. Vehicles don’t run on hopes and dreams and need maintenance.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

So BotW can play pretty well on Steam Deck now, TOTK on the other hand… it’s a mixed bag. Requires a lot of tweaking and even then you’ll see dips into the 20s for FPS and the occasional stutter. It’s playable, just not smooth. That said, the OG switch only performs just marginally better with the OLED Switch being the best of the three.

This is also coming from someone who has done a lot of tweaking for ToTK to make it work to a satisfactory level. There may have been some further developments in the past couple months, I haven’t tried since the start of the year

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Lived in 8 different states in the US - never had anything above 1 Gbps. Typically been 300-500 mbps, with only the past and current state state where I’ve gotten 1gbps. Poster is just assuming because we’re a first world country that we have good internet. We don’t. I hear Europe has better speeds than us.

[–] 11 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Throwing my anecdotal 2 cents in -

Married at 23 (wife just turned 21) straight out of college. We were both very immature, and we divorced two years later after she fooled around with her 55 year old boss. Left me devastated at 25 going on 26 thinking I was used goods. After a lot of maturing, a few more relationships, I remarried at 33.

It takes a lot of self reflection - because even though I could chalk up the previous marriage to “lol she a hoe” - I had piss poor financial skills, was very immature and lacked a lot of self confidence which manifested itself in toxic behavior all around. There are times I just cringe at who I was at that age. Not that I’m a perfect person now, I’m just more aware of what I needed to improve in myself to be a decent person and partner.

Part of it is the age old wisdom of learning to love yourself and figuring out what you like, versus just trying to mold yourself into the person you think your partner wants. And not to say that “oh I’m an asshole, They have to deal with it” but truly understanding what makes you tick and finding someone who loves and accepts that part of you.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Same. Indie games and emulators is what I’ve been putting a lot of my time into. I’ve learned that “AAA” studios are a lot like their alkaline counterparts - basically obsolete.

Valheim I agree. I did get a ton of enjoyment out of it on release, so it’s not really a matter of disappointment in the sense of fun per dollar, just disappointment in the glacial pace of updates. My feeling is that the Devs got their bag, then decided to just coast. It makes me wonder that if it didn’t explode in sales at the start, would they have put more effort into updates or would they have just given up. Guess we’ll never truly know

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Yeah… I don’t have high hopes for TESVI. After FO76 and Starfield, they’ve got a lot of trust to win back. I expect it to be the following;

  • Slow rise in hype after 2025
  • Sharp rise in hype within year of release
  • Honeymoon phase for first 5 days after release, criticism drowned out by fan boys
  • Collective realization the game is shit with only the most delusional still protecting/coping

That’s basically what happened with Starfield, and unless they prove otherwise, it’s what I expect for TESVI

[–] 11 points 9 months ago (7 children)

It’s interesting because I swear I buzzed by an article the other day with some eye roll complaint about there being too many games, and that’s why it was hard for games to sell.

There are a lot of games, but it means that people want to engage with games that are actually fun and aren’t soulless cash grabs or half baked early access with no real value or fun.

It’s just the basic “quality versus quantity” principle. Instead of shoveling out crap like Rise of Kong, Gollum, The Day Before, etc etc, just focus your efforts on a single good game. The only recent exception to this rule I guess would be Starfield, but that’s for Bethesda to figure out on how to salvage.

[–] 5 points 9 months ago

I’ve been slowly whittling down my subscriptions over time. At one point I think I had like 12-14 subs to various services, be it streaming, games, etc. But I was also up to my eyeballs in credit card debt and I had extremely poor personal finance skills and practices. When I met my wife, who was the exact opposite of me (extremely responsible with her finances, knew where every single one of her dollars was going), I knew I had to cut back significantly.

Right now I have the following 5 subs per month;

Apple 50gb data (1/month) YouTube Premium Family (22/month) Crunchyroll (8/month) Prime (15/month) ChatGPT (20/month)

Basically 66/month in hard earned dollars.

Prior to this I had the equivalent of an overblown cable package with all the bells and whistles, spending easily 350+ per month.

I don’t judge anyone who decides to save their money, because we’re getting nickel and dimed to death. And by decentralizing the cost of subs to the point where it makes an Applebees menu look small, it makes it incredibly hard to figure out where your dollars are going, and hard to cancel as you need to contact a laundry list of independent service providers.

My wife and I use YouTube and Crunchyroll as our primary entertainment sources, so we can justify those expenses. But all other sources (Netflix, HBO, Disney, Paramount, Hulu, etc) are so infrequent that we only sub for a single month if there is something we absolutely want to watch, and even then, we wait until the season is wrapping up so we can binge it in a week and then cancel the sub immediately.

Just my perspective on it, and if we didn’t watch YouTube almost every night, we’d probably just figure out a way to hack the AppleTV to circumvent ads.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

It’s like predicting a stock market crash. If you predict it every year for the rest of your life, you’ll probably be right at some point. Keyword: “probably”

[–] 7 points 9 months ago (7 children)

This is interesting to me for my use case scenario, specifically SteamOS.

What I’m trying to do is run an emulated Everquest server (lookup EQEmu). The community there has several methods of installation of the server, Windows, Linux, and Docker. The hurdle to overcome is the immutable file system, specifically when it comes to the database (MariaDB). I think I may have found a work around via Linux brew and installing MariaDB through that (which I’ve done, I just have to make the final connection). However the Docker setup, when running it on a separate distro is stupid easy. If they make this a Flatpak, it can potentially be the solution I’m looking for.

Really the end goal is creating a Single player Everquest. I have a dual boot with it operating via Windows, but would much prefer to have it on the SteamOS side of the house.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Edit: My bad. I did the thing where I read like the first two sentences and didn’t read the rest. Reading the rest of the reply basically acknowledged my refute.

The majority of this waste is coming from businesses that now need to upgrade. That’s why there are IT departments to figure it out for the tech illiterate. As long as they can open their email client, a text editor and excel, you’ve overcome 90% of what a business needs for their computers.

You are right, Grandma Jones with her 800x600 resolution screen, 10 downloaded tool bars and Microsoft Edge ain’t going to get it, but Grandma Jones is still using XP, a CRT and a Gateway Computer she bought back in 2006


For context - I’m working on getting an emulated Everquest server up and running, but hitting dead ends (probably due to my newness to Linux in general) and seeking some guidance from the community on what I’ve tried and best path forward.

My ultimate goal is to get it running on SteamOS - I have it fully operational on my actual server machine running Ubuntu, but trying to get it working here so I can just connect locally (i.e on a plane) so I don’t need to connect externally. Here is the situation and obstacles;

I've been trying for a minute now to get EQEmu setup on the SteamOS side of the house for ease of launching with client, but running into obstacles in several different directionns, and wanted to see if someone had some guidance on best path forwarrd.

First Route - VM - Linux Mint - Docker - I have a successful server up and running via Gnome Boxes with a Linux Mint guest OS - then docker and akkstakk running on it.

The obstacle - I can't seem to bridge the connection of the guest OS with host OS (guest can ping host, host cannot ping guest). If I can bridge (no pun intended) this gap, it'll most likely be the route I go

Second Route - Distrobox - Ubuntu When running Distrobox directly on SteamOS - I'm trying to get the linux install running - however there is a multitude of issues with permissions being denied. This is likely due to SteamOS' immutable system. To bypass it, it is possible to offset this via turning off read only. However, I don't want to pursue that route, as anything written to the file system gets wiped on update to the OS.

Third Route - WINE - Lutris - SteamOS Another route I've tried is utilizing WINE with the windows installer. I think this could help bypass some of the restrictions of the system while having it run on that.

Obstacle here: Running the .bat file yields the following message - mariadb-10.0.21-winx64.msi: File Not Found Installing MariaDB (Root Password: eqemu) LOADING... PLEASE WAIT... "sh" isn't a recognized shell. Please open an issue at warning: couldn't access "C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.0\bin": CreateFile C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.0\bin: Path not found. PATH not changed.

I tried manually executing mariadb and perl, but it still hangs up at both. I see that i ntuser, it's still not finding them.

So all that to say, trying to find a way to make this work. I'm the closest with the VM, but can't figure out the connection there. Distrobox would be a mess of troubleshooting, and WINE I feel could almost work if I could get the PATHs to work (maybe).

Any input or guidance is widely appreciated for such a niche request.


Wanted to post my experience so far for others that are in the same niche as me, as I didn’t find much on it looking around.

  • Prior to moving my SSD to OLED, I made sure I was current on updates with SteamOS, specifically I was in the Beta branch.

  • I also made sure to download the new APU/SD card drivers on my windows partition. Someone managed to find a wifi driver that works for Windows here -

  • Haven’t found a working Bluetooth driver yet for windows, so be forewarned on that

  • After the above, I just plucked out the SSD from the LCD over to the LE OLED model - as others have mentioned, be careful of the ribbon cable. I managed to bend back the protective plate enough to get at the screw holding the SSD in place, it was easier getting out than putting back in, but after about 5 minutes of carefully keeping the protective plate peeled back and making sure SSD was properly seated, was able to get screw back in

  • After initial boot with my 2tb SSD, selected the SteamOS boot, got into it, immediately ran another update, restart, and boot straight back to SteamOS.

  • I use Clover as my boot manager, so went into desktop mode and ran the tool, made sure to re-enable the efi partitions again and changed the theme.

  • Restart now brings me to the boot manager, selected my Windows 10 partition

  • On boot, it was oriented in portrait mode (sideways), super easy fix by changing back to landscape

  • Ran APU, SD card, WiFi drivers, everything with those are more operational

  • Windows still missing audio and Bluetooth drivers, but is otherwise functional

Figured to post this to make sure others know what to expect, overall much easier than I thought it was going to be.


So I recently moved from Stable to Beta to capitalize on Distrobox being added natively to the deck. I used Distrobox a lot late last year, then after I upgraded to a new SSD, went entirely fresh and stayed in Stable channel.

The problem I’m encountering, I can create a container (created 2 Debian containers and a Fedora container), but I can’t enter any of them. I tried removing and creating new ones to no avail. This is the output I get below. Wondering if anyone has encountered this or if it’s just me, or if there are recommendations on how to troubleshoot.

deck@steamdeck ~)$ distrobox enter debian Container debian is not running. Starting container debian run this command to follow along:

podman logs -f debian

[conmon:e] Include journald in compilation path to log to systemd journal Error: unable to start container "0abddd5ce95420fcfa7b670862258704a724fb270c18176d6e3602a2d99018c6": exit status 1

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