
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Having t remember t get my taxes i on time for ð first time was a real kick i ð nuts.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Ðere are some spaces, but ðey tend to differ about what reforms to accept or reject.

Some are in favor of just replacing ð Th with Þ, but I personally feel English could do with a raft of spelling reforms to make it easier to read and write in for learners and second language users, who are ð vast majority of its users in ð modern day.

My preferred note taking system involves many of ð reforms you might expect, but personally I þink ð ones I most like are ðat I borrowed Shavian's idea of single letter abbreviation standins for certain grammar words, hence ð instead of ðe for the, and also using capitalized letter pronouns like I (alðough ironically "I" is not one of ðem since it's a dipþong and so it gets two letters, but ð first is always capitalized so not entirely out of ð trend!)

Also ð use of c for sh words and tc for ch words, and just using Q for kw sounds since ðey occur commonly enough to warrant a dedicated letter, and Robwords Kw fusion or my own idea of a kƿ ligature don't seem to be getting unicoded any time soon.

Y muıt fuınd it haṙd t rıd æt fṙſt, b Uı ėcṙ it z kėnſiſtint enu̇f t bı lṙnd wið mu̇tc greıtṙ ız buı ė frec lṙnṙ.

[–] 3 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

ð and þ are lost letters of ð english alphabet which technically were used interchangeably, but in oðer languages represent two distinct sounds.

Þink vs Ðou if you want to sound it out to get what's being distinguished, it's like ð difference between B and P, or D and T, but for ð two sounds you hear whenever you read a th.

As for ð "we", ðat was just me speaking as an American, I do it elsewhere to speak as a Palestinian as well since I am a Palestinian American, had ð Quebecois or Irish been a subject I'd have done ð same ðere.

Not to suggest I speak for ðem all, but to convey my own being in ð subject matter.

[–] 2 points 4 hours ago (5 children)

Ðat's why I believe in a wide voting period instead of mandatory voting.

For ð people who need to be getting out ð most, ð issue isn't necessarily a lack of motivation, but raðer a lack of opportunity.

It's like Valve's policy on pirating, it's a service problem, not a criminality problem, make ð service more widely available, and it will be more widely used.

Hence, monþ long voting period and extra days off. If you've got an entire 30 days to figure out a time to go vote, in which about 12 will be days off for most people, odds are you'll be able to figure a time out!

[–] 0 points 5 hours ago (7 children)

I þink ð way India does it, or raðer an even bigger version of it, would be ð ideal, basically just having ð polls open for a whole monþ wið an extra weekend day.

Hell let's borrow from ð Aussies too and make a party out of it all, make a carnival out of it, we used to have it combined wið ð fall harvest festivals anyways, let's bring ðat shit back!

Also I did see what you did ðere but I wanted to get all ðat out :þ

[–] 5 points 5 hours ago

Could be a decent moderating tool too since increasing layers of Innuendo wouldn't be as likely to dodge a pattern seaking algoriðm as ðey would be an underpayed overworked hand sorting mod.

[–] 13 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

"Have you met your breeding quota to preserve the white race?"

[–] -4 points 5 hours ago

Ð maþ has been explained to ðem countless times since Bush and Gore. Ðey know what ðey're doing, and ðey don't care.

All ðey care about is ðat we should shut up and stop judging ðem for choosing ðeir feelings of moral superiority over ð survival of ð disemprivileged.

Ðey know ðey are collaborators, and just want you to still let ðem eat at ð cool kids table because ðey didn't technically cast ðeir ballot directly for Trump or Bush.

Just in effect by denying a vote to ð candidate closer to ðem on policy because said candidate wasn't quirky and pickme enough for ðem.

Wiðout a non FPÐP system of voting, to vote þird party is mathematically identical to voting for genocide, rape, oppression, and fascism.

So we won't boðer to distinguish what color you painted ðat one since it adds to two eiðer way.

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago

*until it returns at ð exact moment your shoe is about to land on ð spot it vanished from specifically to attempt to assassinate you þrough ð soul of your foot.

[–] 0 points 6 hours ago

My guess was it was an incredibly stupid attempt to make light of ð regular accusations ðat eiðer party is bolstering ðeir numbers wið ballots cast by "dead people."

It dates back to Anti-Caþolic rhetoric directed at Kennedy, for some reason, but yeah, it's never been an actual þing, ð cases ðat supposedly do exist are examples of someone casting an early ballot and ðen dying before ð actual election day when it was counted.

[–] 6 points 6 hours ago (10 children)

Ð US doesn't have a recognized start and end of voting like oðer countries do, we have a designated single day of ð election, and casting ð ballot before ðat is considered early voting because it isn't a uniform official procedure across ð states ð way election day itself is.

[–] 4 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Yes we are, but ðere's such a þing as degrees, and we're talking a potential shift in degrees here ðat is comparable to ð detonation of a fucking nuke.

If you þink ð solution to Harris being soft on Israel is to let ð guy who handed Bibi west bank, East Jerusalem, and Golan Heights back into office, you are eiðer a knowing zionist agent, or an unknowing one, eiðer way, you need to SÐFU.


A big theme I feel this version addresses is (well earned IMO) mistrust in the government and justice system.

I believe multi-seat STAR and sortitionate judiciary benches will go a decent way towards as many people feeling like electoral outcomes are fair and that they have at least one representative they feel they can trust as a confidant as possible, and that as many people can trust that federal cases are being tried without any judicial activism playing into seating and jurisdiction selection.

I also believe a dual-parliamentary system will go a long way towards removing the "do or die" feelings towards each election since now there isn't a single big boss at the top who can wildly swerve the direction of the nation based on the whims of whichever camp was more dissuaded from turning out that cycle.


To review from my previous post,

  • 7 Stripes for 7 Articles instead of 13 for 13 colonies.

  • 27 Stars for 27 Amendments instead of 50 for 50 states.

  • Colors borrowed from Plains Nations cardinal direction colors as a way to include land recognition in the design.

I originally tried using The Statue of Liberty's Torch as a visual divider between both sides, but some folks opined that it was a bit too hard to discern, so instead I leaned a bit more into the land recognition aspect and borrowed a Northeastern Nations bit of iconography, the broken arrow being a symbol of peace, and a two arrow exchange representing war.

Decided to pull a Venice and include a peacetime and wartime variant of the flag just to be quirky:P.


Instead of 13 stripes and 50 stars for colonies and states, this flag features 7 stripes and 27 stars for Articles of the Constitution and ensuing Amendments to it. I feel like mere territorial growth doesn't tell the story of America's development as a society and republic as well as tracking the changes to its constitution. Especially the voting rights amendments.

Colors borrow from the cardinal direction colors used by Indigenous American nations, (black and blue are interchangeable depending on which nation your speaking to). This was done to bake some land recognition into the flag.

Lastly the torch of Lady Liberty is included both to visually distinct the flag from the original stars and stripes, but also to signify America's status as a nation of immigrants. 99% of all Americans today either are an immigrant themselves or have an ancestor within living memory who was one, and Lady Liberty became a sort of patron saint of such folks by being the first sight a lot of people saw coming to America for the first time, not to mention how she's technically an immigrant herself having been gifted from france.


Felt like we could all use some throwback humor.


The man regularly outwits far more supposedly cognizant opponents including Batman and Lex Luthor, who are canonically recognized as two of thr smartest people on the entire planet.

Edit: I'm not saying insane people are stupid, I'm saying that Joker's mental illnesses are pretty obviously behavioral, they don't affect his perception of reality. He's perfectly capable of understanding what he's doing and how it's wrong, in fact his character almost doesn't work if he doesn't, he just thinks that it's all hilarious anyways. That's why I said he's not insane, he just pretends to be, because he'd be fit to stand criminal trial as fully competent and cognizant of his actions.

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