
joined 1 year ago

I just want to be part of the fun.

[–] 3 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Assuming the Asus has an intel 4000 igpu then the GPU in the t480, a UHD620 is quicker, and the UHD620 is later than broadwell which is blenders requirement, so I think it should run. It can run OpenGL 4.6 and blender only needs 4.3.

It’s not a graphical powerhouse mind, so I hope you’re not planning on massive models with loads of triangles as I imagine it’ll be pretty slow!

I’m sick of people telling me my dog doesn’t exist.

‘12 angry men’-ing every jury we can.

It’s crazy that the American legal system allows this. What is a conflict of interest??

us-foreign-policy this is going to be a troubling day.

I do think you’re right. The American voter loves a wartime leader. The public never forgave Biden for ending the Afghanistan war.

[–] 29 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Cmon…. Just one more little war. It’ll be fun, we’ll get all the boys together, fly some flags, drop some bombs. It’ll be grand. Really helps the economy too ya know Jack.

Ahh yes, history always begins on the day of the invasion. The western allies were wrong to invade France on D-Day as being the invader is always bad. There is never any preceding events that may give light to the motives of the attacker. For good or for bad. Libs ‘consider world events not just on in the moment vibes’ challenge: impossible.

There being no losses or gains in Ukraine is because Russia has changed its tactics, they’re now grinding it out until Ukraine collapses totally due to lack of material and manpower, not going for territorial gains. Despite this they’re still making strategically important gains in Ukraine. You know Russia has reclaimed a quarter of that land in Kursk back already don’t you? Also that it is a tiny region of land they claimed in the first place, 300 down from 400 square miles. Your vision of the future where Ukraine takes huge swaths of Russia and trades for occupied Ukrainian lands is never going to happen.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

You say, every small country should all just let their bigger neighbours get control over them without a fight, because “tHiS wAr Is aLrEAdy LoST”?

I literally did not say that. In fact nothing of what you’ve put in quotation marks is a quotation of mine. Truly you have a beautiful mind. I very much doubt you really care about other nations territorial integrity, in the way your argument seems to suggest, as I doubt you’re making the same arguments when America or other nato aligned nations invade other countries.

Regarding Russian military successes and failures, I think there have been heavy losses on both sides, and major humiliations on both sides. However given that Russia controls nearly a fifth of Ukraines territory and that number is going up not down, I’d suggest that they’re doing ok in terms of land gains. Which isn’t even the main objective of Russia in this moment who have pivoted to a war of attrition, which they will certainly win.

So back to my previous point, what do you think is going to happen? And given the inevitable conclusion, why do you want to promote the war in which you will be sending thousands of Ukrainians (and indeed Russians) to a futile death?

Stop it Bobby, if those liberals could parse information they’d be very upset.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I hate Labour. I don’t think anyone that voted for Labour voted for this.


They all seem to be either pointlessly obsessed with electoralism despite not even being able to convince their own friends and family to vote for them (like barely double digit total votes), TERFs (on terf island - surely not!), trots, or just so small that it’s just 1 person and their two sock puppet accounts on a Facebook page (also what is with the use of Facebook?!)


It turns out US Navy boats can’t handle rough seas either. farquaad-point

The US MIC really is showing us what they can do.


Hilariously full of cope article from an irrelevant former power.

According to Grant Shapps, the weapon could have "huge ramifications" for the conflict in Europe.

Press X to Doubt.

The laser was originally expected to be operational by 2032… ….the defence secretary told reporters while on a visit to Porton Down military research centre near Salisbury that he wanted to speed this up even further. "Let's say that it didn't have to be 100% perfect in order for Ukrainians perhaps to get their hands on it," he said.

Very funny assessment of the readiness and efficacy of this Wunderwaffe.

Any suggestion that UK lasers could be sent to Ukraine to take out Russian drones is optimistic.

Ahh the admission in the article that the whole notion of uk made laser weapons being used in Ukraine is just a nato fantasy.

In the same vain I’m looking forward to future BBC articles about how the uk is sending a battle ready gundam to Ukraine next week


Once again techbros find a new way to make the world worse. Now your toothbrush can be part of a bot net. Nobody asked for this, and the suggestion that it should be possible is utterly deranged.


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