
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

The term itself comes out of the Greek language, around 400 BC. It does not mean mass slaughter or genocide, it means the burning of animals.

In no terms it means anything near mass slaughter. The term though got a different meaning after the second world war, since we called the events holocaust. So, "" akschually"" referring to what happens in Palestine as a holocaust is factually wrong, since the de facto meaning of the word is a religious sacrifice of animals. In modern times the word is only used to refer to the german actions against Jewish people from 1936 to 1945.

Indicating what happens in Palestine is a holocaust is therefore only a comparison between germany 1936 and 1945 to Palestine.

Yes, it may be a genocide, it may be a mass murder/slaughter, BUT it does not even come close to what happened in germany. Therefore it downplays of the events in germany, which is not a good thing.

So, if you want a post it note

A Holocaust is a mass slaughter/genocide

But a mass slaughter/genocide is not a Holocaust.

By the way, my grandparents are still alive and first hand witnesses to what happened here, when the war ended they were 14 and 16 years old. And I have not heard them referring to what happens in Palestine as a Holocaust, neither do I expect them reacting nicely when someone would.

And tbh, wtf are we even fighting about.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

True, and I never said otherwise.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

If it was the same severity Gaza wouldn't be existing anymore since its whole population would be dead since around 5 months. Yes, its a mass murder. But yes, you can also distinguish between mass murder and a mass murder on an industrial scale. If you can't distinguish, I have a few history books for you.

[–] 9 points 2 months ago

It is not "pushed onto us". Its important to remember what happend in order to tell the signs and stop it from happening ever again. The narrative of "We are not responsible for it anymore and shouldn't feel any guilt" is a narrative mostly used by german right-wing conservatists trying to erase this part of our history out of the books and education.

[–] 19 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (35 children)


I'm a german citizen and i feel obliged to educate you on this topic. I still see the remnants and aftermath of the second world war every single day, living in this history rich country.

The holocaust was ordered in the last few years of the second world war, since it was good knowledge that germany would be loosing amongst german officers. That means approximately 6 mio. People have been killed in around 3.5 years (Yes of course people also died earlier on, but let's keep it easy). Or equal to: 40.000 people Per Day. So imagine your stadium, gone, every 24 hours. For around 3.5 years.

But thats not it. Those people got tortured, they got used for horrific "scientific" experiments, there were surgery's held on those people without any kind of painkiller (excuse me English is not my first language).

They were treated less than animals. They had to work in the factories for Hitlers war effort and did horrific jobs, often times loosing limbs. They were extremely malnutritioned, dehydrated, and kept awake forcefully by beeing dumped full of drugs like cocaine and crack. Many times, actually most of the times, they died from exhaustion. If anything was out of the ordinary or they seemed unfit for work, they got used for experiments and if they survived that, killed.

They sometimes stayed for years in those camps.

But the crazy thing about this is. It depends on how you count. In the second world war there were around 12-18mio. Deaths. So depending on who you ask, and what counts for you as a holocaust, for example being forcefully drafted into a military as say a 14 year old and told to run into machine gun fire, you could be closer to around 2 stadiums, per day.

Yes. A stadium full is mass murder, but its not a holocaust. And statements like these will make you hard to believe for many people. I know what you are trying to say. Its a lot a a lot a lot a lot of people. Yes. But if you compare it to the holocaust, thats something whole different.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

+1 for Fractal Define R5 - Absolute Beast

[–] 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

thats in Wuppertal, Germany

[–] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

igo3d is also giving them out if i remember correctly. I'll keep my eyes open for free tickets, if I find some i'll inform you


Will be someone at the Formnext next week, or does someone want to ask/know something specific from the people who are gonna be there?

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (6 children)

People in the US: Can speak English, sometimes Spanish

People in Germany: Can speak German, had Spanish & French in school, can understand most of dutch natively and have learned some Turkish from their friends



I wanted to secure my Proxy with Crowdsec. I followed this guide here:

Everything worked fine. But: When i go to the Crowdsec-Controler Server Dashboard, i get a notification that the bouncer for the proxy is "inactive". When i reinstall the bouncers it will be registered, and the bouncer will be online for a certain time. But it seems like its only calling the crowdsec-server ONCE, then going offline.

Has anyone had a similar error and can maybe give me a hint?

Thanks it advance!


Hallo meine deutschsprachigen Mitbürger,

die Menschen aus dem wunderschönen Österreich und der wunderschönen Schweiz dürfen hier gleich mal wieder aufhören zu lesen, diese Frage richtet sich nur an Leute aus dem namensgebenden Land unserer Sprache.

Ich hab eine kleine Frage zur Studienzulassung an Hochschulen/Universitäten. Ich weiß ich weiß es ist eigentlich ein bisschen der falsche Platz dafür hier, aber seit dem Reddit-Debakel kommt das jetzt einfach hier in diese wunderschöne Community.

Diese Frage habe ich immer wieder gestellt bei einigen Ämtern und FHs/Uni's und keiner scheint mir diese Frage richtig beantworten zu können.

Ich habe eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung und drei Jahre Berufserfahrung, mithilfe derer ich mein erstes Studium (jetzt ganz bald) erfolgreich abschließen kann. Dementsprechend habe ich bald endlich den offiziellen Bachelor of Engineering!!! Endlich!

Allerdings hab ich jetzt gemerkt, dass ich meinen Bachelor vielleicht mit einem Bachelor aus einem anderem Studiengang kombinieren will. Kurz gesagt: Ich hab noch nicht genug von der Tortur und möchte nochmal (Einen Bachelor machen).

Allerdings wird meine Zulassung dafür schwierig. Ich würde gerne wieder einen Bachelor of Engineering anfangen, jedoch ist meine Berufsausbildung und Berufserfahrung eher nicht so in dem Bereich meines neuen Bachelors. Heißt also: Kann ich nicht studieren, wenn ich den Bums über meine Berufsausbildung abwikel . Daher würde ich mich gerne darauf bewerben, indem ich meinen bald abgeschlossenen Bachelor da angebe.

Heißt also kurz gesagt: Qualifiziert mich ein Bachelor of Engineering dazu nochmal einen Bachelor of Engineering zu erlernen?

Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen! Tausend dank


Any future plans on developing lemmy video upload support?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

So. I thought about the potential of bad actors sniffing on lemmy data. In theory, you'ld have to trust your lemmy-instance hosted to not be a bad actor and every single server they federated with. That means, it should be really - REALLY - easy for a bad actor of even a nation state actor to set up an instance and just wait for the data of users to pour in.

Theoretically they could see all the posts you ever made, and, every post you upvoted. Which also gives clues on: When are you active, what region are you from, etc.

I mean - Maybe I'm too suspicious but tbh the more I read into this, the more I get a bad feeling about this...

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