
joined 9 months ago
[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Haha, dunno about Garuda, but EndeavourOS is a tad difficult if you never used any Linux based distro before ! Granted it's easier to setup and maintain than Arch, but still...

This reminds me of how in the past the swimming instructor just throw you in the pool even If you can't swim... Some learned the hard way others were traumatized for life.

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Ohhhhhhh... That's way the Juicy Media Honest Government ad use it that much !

I like it and use it sometimes myself !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Not the whole code but only the part that triggers those flags. Not everyone is versed in C to "verify the code" himself... That's a stupid take, It's like saying to a toddler to change his diapers on his own when it's dirty.

Strangely enough It went from 1 trigger to 29 triggers after 1 update? Seems rather sketchy :/ In the past (pirated games/software) I would have ignored those warnings and add an exception into my firewall... But nowadays with all the crypto schemes and obfuscated code, I won't go near anything like that.

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

But my understanding is that you can set up the virtual machine to “capture” the graphics card when it is booted up, and “release” it when it’s done.

The word you are looking for is GPU passthrough. You can find some guides on the web.

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

I Gave it a try on macOS a few days ago because brew and python is a dependencie hell and way to much workarounds to make some scripts to work properly when specific versions of packages are needed...

Miniconda actually made it work fine, without to much hassle. I'm kinda impressed.

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 days ago (4 children)

VLC is still the best media player... But only on Windows systems. When I switched from Win->Linux I had to relearn a lot of new things that were common knowledge on Windows but work differently on Linux.

Specially Win11... Eewww !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Yep this would be the best option ! However, 450$ for laptop + drawing tablet? This seems like a dream offer...

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 3 points 4 days ago

Thanks for the mediaelch tip !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 1 points 5 days ago
[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (6 children)

Yeah and it depends. The fact that there is no easy way to search the fedi for similar posts right now is a bit cumbersome for sure.

I see a lot of new users post something that has already been answered a 10000x times (What's the best Linux distro? It depends !) And luckily there's always someone to give a mature and comprehensive answer to a new comer without scaring him or down voting him to oblivion. This shows that there are a lot of people who believe in Lemmy and are ready to repeat themselves to keep Lemmy alive and give new comers a warmly welcome ! However I have only seen that kind of interaction in the Linux/self-hosted communities... Most memes/ask Lemmy/political views/... Communities seems rather hostile on their own opinions and quickly become a cesspool of anger and hate :/.

Also a lot of people think because some communities have a lower user base they won't get any answer or interaction I was quite surprised to get a comprehensive answer and help in the bash@lemmy.ml community which has only 50 users/month !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I heard that after this scene he just disappeared and was never found?

If I'm right it was the population who fraught back their oppressive regime but I can't remember exactly when or where (if someone could give me some Info's here?)

It was a very very hard time for this country and this image was and IS a symbol for freedom.

If any historian could chime in :)

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

Hi there ! Sorry my English is not that good, but I'm doing the best I can !

Actually, I do not have a VPS. I use an old spare laptop as server which handles everything.

I have Wireguard barebone installed with a a second external wireguard interface and some iptables to send all traffic to ProtonVPN.

All my containers,on the same laptop, are directly reachable via this configuration and HTTPS is handle by Treafik with my self-signed local certificates (root CA with intermediate CA).

Eg: From my mobile over WiFi or 4G I can access all my containers where ever I'm. My endpoint in my Wireguard's confirguration (on my phone) being my home's public IP.

I hope I answered your question? If not I'm willing to give you a diagram of my setup, this will probably clear up the confusion/question? And will probably be way more explicit than my broken English 😄.


Hello again :)

I'm not talking about a broken wg connection, everything works as expect through the CLI and systemctl.

But the NetworkManger GUI in Gnome shows my Wireguard connection as it was "not connected" and when I click on the switch it actually disconnects my wg interface.

Also when I try to edit my connection through

nmcli connection modify wg0 connection.autoconnect yes

and restart my wireguard connection with

systemctl restart wg-quick@wg0

It recreates a new wireguard interface.

While everything works as expected with the usual tools (wg-quick, systemctl...) the GUI seems "broken".

Someone else noticed or is this somehow related to my setup?

Debian 12 bookworm
nmcli tools 1.42.4


After interesting/insightful inputs from different users, here are the takeaways:

  • It doesn't have some critical or dangerous impact or implications when extracted
  • It contains the tared parent folder (see below for some neat tricks)
  • It only overwrites the owner/permission if ./ itself is included in the tar file as a directory.
  • Tarbombs are specially crafted tar archives with absolute paths / (by default (GNU) tar strips absolute paths and will throw a warning except if used with a special option –absolute-names or -P)
  • Interesting read: Path-traversal vulnerability (../)

Some neat trick I learned from the post

Temporarily created subshell with its own environment:

Let’s say you’re in the home directory that’s called /home/joe. You could go something like:

> (cd bin && pwd) && pwd


Exclude parent folder and ./ ./file from tar

There are probably a lot of different ways to achieve that expected goal:

(cd mydir/ && tar -czvf mydir.tgz *)

find mydir/ -printf "%P\n" | tar -czf mytar.tgz --no-recursion -C mydir/ -T - source

~~The absolute path could overwrite my directory structure (tarbomb) source Will overwrite permission/owner to the current directory if extracted. source~~

I'm sorry if my question wasn't clear enough, I'm really doing my best to be as comprehensible as possible :/

Hi everyone !

I'm playing a bit around with tar to understand how it works under the hood. While poking around and searching through the web I couldn't find an actual answer, on what are the implication of ./ and ./file structure in the tar archive.

Output 1

sudo find ./testar -maxdepth 1 -type d,f -printf "%P\n" | sudo tar -czvf ./xtractar/tar1/testbackup1.tgz -C ./testar -T -
> tar tf tar1/testbackup1.tgz 

My test folder.txt

Output 2

sudo find ./testar -maxdepth 1 -type d,f  | sudo tar -czvf ./xtractar/tar2/testbackup2.tgz -C ./testar -T -
>tar tf tar2/testbackup2.tgz

./testar/My test folder.txt
./testar/My test folder.txt

The outputs are clearly different and if I extract them both the only difference I see is that the second outputs the parent folder. But reading here and here this is not a good solution? But nobody actually says why?

Has anyone a good explanation why the second way is bad practice? Or not recommended?

Thank you :)


Hello everyone !

I have no idea if I’m in the right community, because it’s a mix of hardware and some light code/command to extract the power consumption out of my old laptop. I need some assistance and if someone way more intelligent than me could check the code and give feedback :)

Important infos

  • 12 year old ASUS N76 laptop
  • Bare bone server running Debian 12
  • No battery (died long time ago)

Because I have no battery connected to my laptop It's impossible to use tools like lm-sensors, powerstat, powertop to output the wattage. But from the following ressource I can estimate the power based on the Energy.

declare T0=($(sudo cat /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj)); sleep $time; declare T1=($(sudo cat /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj))
for i in "${!T0[@]}"; do echo - | awk "{printf \"%.1f W\", $((${T1[i]}-${T0[i]})) / $time / 1e6 }" ; done

While It effectively outputs something, I'm not sure if I can rely on that to estimate the power consumption and if the code is actually correct? :/

Thanks :).


My goal is to calculate the power drawn from my laptop without any electric appliance (maybe a worded my question/title wrong?). While It could be easily done with the top package or lm-sensors, this only work by measuring the battery discharge, which in my case is impossible because my laptop is directly connected to the outlet with his power cord (battery died years ago).

I dug a bit further through the web and found someone who asked the same question on superuser.com. While this gives a different reference point, nobody actually could answer the question.

This seems a bit harder than I though and is actually related to the /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj files and though someone could give me a bit more details on how this works and what the output actually shows.

This is also related to the power capping framework in the linux kernel? And as per the documentation this is representing the CPU packages current energy counter in micro joules.

So I came a bit closer in understanding how it works and what it does, even tough I’m still not sure what am I actually looking at :\ .

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by N0x0n@lemmy.ml to c/hardware@lemmy.ml


Sorry for the bad posting :/. If someone is interested here is my actual post at https://lemmy.ml/post/12594067

Hello everyone !

I have no idea if I’m in the right community, because it’s a mix of hardware and some light code/command to extract the power consumption out of my old laptop. I need some assistance and if someone way more intelligent than me could check the code and give feedback :)

Important infos

  • 12 year old ASUS N76 laptop
  • Bare bone server running Debian 12
  • No battery (died long time ago)
  • Running a dozens docker containers.

Because I have no battery connected to my laptop I’m unable to use tools like lm-sensors, powerstat, powertop. But from the following ressource I can estimate the power based on the Energy.

declare T0=($(sudo cat /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj)); sleep $time; declare T1=($(sudo cat /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj))
for i in "${!T0[@]}"; do echo - | awk "{printf \"%.1f W\", $((${T1[i]}-${T0[i]})) / $time / 1e6 }" ; done

While It effectively outputs something, I'm not sure if I can rely on that to estimate the power consumption.

Thanks :).


Hi everyone :)

I'm slowly getting used on how to navigate and edit things in the terminal without leaving the keyboard and arrow keys. I'm getting faster and It improved my workflow in the terminal (Yeahhii).

ctrl + a e f b u k ...
alt + f b d ...

But yesterday I had such a bad experience while editing a backup bash script with nano. It took me like an hour to completely edit small changes like a caveman and always broke the editor when I used memory reflex terminal shortcuts.

This really pissed me... I know nano also has minimal/limited shortcuts but having to memorize and switch between different one for different purpose seems like a waste of time.

I think I tried emacs a few month ago but It didn't clicked. I didn't spend enough time though, tried it for a few minutes and deleted it afterwards. Maybe I should give it a second try?

I also gave Vim a try, but that session is still open and can't exit (😂 )! Vim seems rather to complex for my workflow, I'm just a self-taught poweruser making his way through linux. Am I wrong?

Isn't there something more "universal" ? That works everywhere I go the same? Something portable, so I can use it everywhere I go?

I'm very interested in everyone's thought, insight, personal experience and tip/tricks to avoid what happened yesterday !

Thanks !


First of all, thank you to all the amazing things you do for the self-hoster, FOSS comunity ! We won't be able to have those shiny things without you ! I'm not a dev and have just played arround with python (and I know how most of you feel about it 🤫) so I have very limited knowledge regarding programming languages.

I know whats a low level language (C, C#, rust?), general scripting tools and even heard about assembly. And it always baffles me how all those coding lines rule and make our microchips communicate and understand each other, but that's another story ! This is about golang !

As a self-hoster enthousiast, when I'm looking at a github repository, I always check the programing language used, even though I have no idea if those integrate well with each other or if it's the best programming language for that kind of application.

And everytime I see golang, It makes me smile and have a feeling it's going to be a good application. I know it also depends on the programmer skills and creativity, but all my self-hosted Go apps works like a charm.

Traefik is the best example, I never had any issue or strange behavior, except for wrong configuration files on my side,

Or navidrome a music server compatible with subsonic, also written in go, is working great and fast AF !

Or Vikunja, the todo app... and many more !

I'm probably biased because I have no idea of how the programing realm works, but I have the feeling that Golang is a certificate for good working and fast applications. Just to bad it's backed/supported by google (uuhhg)

Feel free to debate and give me your personal opinion of the Go language, if my feelings are right or Am I just beeing silly :).

Thanks for reading through 👋

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