
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 5 hours ago

The biggest thing that valve did that kept them in everyone's good graces is that steam's core functionality hasn't had any major changes in years. Dare I say, more than a decade.

It's a platform where you buy games, download them, and play them.

In the early days you still had to deal with all the bullshit, including third party launcher installs and crap to get things going, and over time, valve simplified all of that, making it easier than ever to take advantage of the core function of steam: buying, downloading, and playing games.

Literally the only improvement I can absolutely, positively credit them for, is making that entire process, easier, simpler, and quicker, than ever.

Sure, you can chat to people, track achievements, comment on your profile, comment on your friends profiles, buy and sell cosmetics on the market thing, even voice chat and I think they have a way you can stream your game to friends.... Not sure on that last one.

It's like Facebook, FB marketplace, FB messenger, discord, Twitter... And a bunch of other services, all huddled together to make a bastard child with the entire PC video game industry.... That's steam.

But the core mechanic that was always the main reason why steam was great, remains the same.

[–] 1 points 13 hours ago

Except fasting, sometimes to the point of death. Food is available but we can choose not to eat it.

Breathing can also be overcome by willpower and sapience, you can hold your breath as long as you like (until you pass out and you lose your sapience by way of being unconscious, and the autonomic systems engage which continue to respirate for you.

People have a choice to drink the same way fasting works.

Even fight or flight can be overcome. A notable example of overcoming some of the most basic instincts is the self immolation that some people have committed where they simply sit and burn rather than react in any other way (screaming, running, stop/drop/rolling, etc). There was a very public and newsworthy instance of this from a monk, who literally sat there, basically mediating while he burned to death.

Pretty much anything that you feel a drive for, can be overcome, as long as you have the sapience and willpower to overcome it. Autonomic functions are basically immutable, so something like breathing is impossible to stop if you are not conscious to actively prevent it.

Sapience and willpower can overcome any natural drive or desire as we see fit.

I will recognize that getting people to agree to do something on a mass scale is generally impossible. Like herding cats.... It's doubly hard when that thing goes against their more basic desires.

It's been known to happen, but the instances are few IMO. Something like reproduction however, without a law or government mandate, it would be hard to prevent people from making more people and growing the population. Most notable example of this is countries where there are limits on how many children you can have. They're successful, with some fairly horrendous stories of the consequence of non-compliance, and horror stories of what people have done to try to abide by the laws while still having what they desire (perhaps a child of a certain gender?).

One of the natural drives is to have children. Multiple of them. Some, like me and my friends, have chosen not to do that. Sapience > natural drive. Limiting how many children a person may have is difficult, as we've witnessed from the countries that tried it, so making MORE children because we have the room/resources for it becomes a more natural outcome if the population was suddenly cut in half.

Hell, if such a thing happened, and by some miracle my partner and I both survived the culling, I'd have a serious conversation with them about maybe changing our minds on the childfree thing. But that's a discussion that won't happen because Thanos isn't real and can't hurt us.

[–] 1 points 13 hours ago

Seems minor, but alright. You're entitled to an opinion on it, same as everyone else.

[–] 2 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

I basically don't write anything anymore. So no matter how "lazy" it might be, a dashed line like you suggest is a skill issue that I couldn't master at age.... 7?

I still haven't because I don't put pen to paper often, if at all. If I need to write 100 lines of the same thing, that's what copy/paste is for.

[–] 1 points 13 hours ago

My work doesn't afford me to be focused on a single task until completion. That's the nature of the job I have, and there's nothing that I can do, nor anything my manager can do about that.

Forcing myself into rigorous scheduling is a trap for my mind. If a task takes longer than expected (which is frequent because I'm also very time blind), then I feel like I'm running behind and I have to rush to catch up. If something takes less time than expected, I end up in the mental trap of "I don't need to do x until y time" so I go do something else, and that distraction usually puts me behind my schedule, back to the first problem.

I end up constantly panicked because I'm running behind all the time. At the end of the day, though I may have completed everything, and done so in a reasonable timeframe, the only emotion that lingers is the feeling of disappointment in myself, that I couldn't keep up with the schedule.

That feeling leads to depression, which leads to me giving up on the entire system, after skipping it for several weeks and being "several weeks behind" on everything; and that leads to further depression.

If your scheduling thing works for you, awesome, I'm glad you found something that works for you, for the reasons I've stated and so many more, it does not work for me.

However, I recognise that you're saying this because you found what works for you, and it's brought so much order to the chaos that is normal for your mind from before; and you want to help others find the same happiness you have using this method. That's fine, and I hope your comment helps someone. I'm not that someone. I appreciate what you're trying to do here regardless.

I have my own solution now, and it's working quite well for me. My doctor and I built the therapy that I use to maintain order in the chaos of my life and mind, and I recognize that my therapy isn't going to work for others. Which is why I'm not saying what it specifically involves. I will say that medication is part of it. It works for me, and if anyone wants to pursue something similar, they should talk with their doctor about what therapy might be right for them.

I won't tell you that your methodology doesn't work, it clearly does. It works for you.

The only point I'm trying to make here is that, though it may work for you, it may not work for others, and they will have to find a different solution and/or therapy for themselves which works for them.

There is no universal solution for ADHD. For some it can be managed with mindfulness, scheduling, and a force of will, and little more. Others may need assistance in the form of gadgets, widgets, and thingamajigs (maybe fidget things? IDK)... Others may only need a small amount of medication to manage it, and others may need multiple medications before they see the results they're after.

All of these methods of therapy are valid for the people that benefit from them. Most of them won't work for most ADHD people, they'll have to find which one is going to work for them, and it's likely that one or more will work, they'll just have to figure out which one is the best for them by working with their doctor to figure it out. Hopefully that doctor is a psychiatrist with a specialty in ADHD; but I digress.

I've tried most of what you suggest and it did not work for me. That's fine. It works for you and I'm happy for that. The fact that I couldn't use that method to overcome my challenges, doesn't, and shouldn't imply that I'm somehow worse for it, or that I lack willpower, or that I can't make the hard choice or make the sacrifice to make it work. I'm easily one of the most willful people I know, even before I started my current therapy. The condition is simply more complex than a matter of having the willpower to overcome it. That may work for some, like yourself; or it may work for short periods of time, like it did for me; or it may not work at all for others. Everyone is different.

[–] 3 points 19 hours ago

Masters degree plus years of experience for entry level work.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (3 children)

The difference with ADHD, especially untreated ADHD, and the idea of "sometimes you have to force yourself to do something" is that, as a person with ADHD, trying to force myself to do stuff, without the assistance of medication, can often be a bit like trying to nail jello to the wall.

It might work for a short time, but eventually, it'll be laying on the floor, not doing what you want it to do.... Much like me.

The paralysis is very real and very strong. The contrary feelings fighting eachother in your head, one voice saying how important it is and that you need to do it, another that's breaking down the task into every motion required, so one job becomes a quintillion individual steps, which makes you feel overwhelmed and anxious at even the thought of trying to do the job, and another voice berating you for being a lazy fuck who can't even do the most simple shit, like get off the couch and do the thing.

In the end you just feel horrible, both about the thing you should have done and about your worth as a person, leading to depression, which exacerbates the issue further.

It's a cycle of violence that most ADHD people have suffered with for their entire life.

[–] 18 points 1 day ago (3 children)

This reminds me of a punishment homework thing I was given in my youth, I had to write out something a bunch of times, which was a shit punishment to begin with and only happened once in like, grade 3 or something. Maybe even grade 1 when we were learning to write, idk. Maybe it wasn't a punishment (it felt like one).

Instead of writing the letter "i" at the start of every line like I was supposed to, I just put a long line down the page to be that letter on every line.

The only part of this that I remember to this day is that I got it back with that line circled in red and the word "lazy!" Written next to it, with points off of the assignment for it.

That's literally the only thing I recall about it, that finding an "easy" way to write the same letter across multiple lines was lazy, therefore I'm lazy and worthless. I don't even remember if I passed or failed it, because that was less important to my young mind than being called lazy for simply trying to optimize my working time.

I dunno, but at this point I kind feel like that teacher was a bit of an asshole.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

I don't think anyone is saying that only rape victims should be able to get an abortion.

At least, not that I've seen.

I'm sure someone with a fence wedged up their arse is going to say that or something similar...

To anyone considering it: prosecuting and proving that something is rape in order to allow the woman to abort a pregnancy will take so long that the pregnancy will be over by the time you get a final verdict.

Terminating a pregnancy is a personal choice and it should not be something that needs some kind of excuse to allow. It's a personal and medical procedure, by dragging it into the public, you're going to invite all kinds of HIPAA issues and you'll be unfairly exposing someone's medical situation to the public. To put it simply: you will make a very private medical decision, into a public record, for no good reason.

To anyone still reading, if you don't already, please support bodily autonomy, and women's rights. I'm a guy and I approve this message. (Anyone who disagrees, can go to hell).

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

You're arguing that the highlighting is wrong, that it should include "after" in the highlight?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

We can't take it out, but we can over rule it with reason and logic. We can decide to do something that's not our "natural" choice.

I know plenty of childfree couples, yet our biological drive is to create children to perpetuate our genes in the species.

There's a lot of exceptions to the natural human drives that most people experience.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (4 children)

You mean 10 billion?

Large cities can have more than 10 million people, so I assume you mean the other thing.

Bluntly, half of the occupants of residences would be gone, and their stuff would be up for grabs. It would take a few years to stabilize afterwards, but it would mostly be business as usual for those who survived the snap (apart from the obvious mental trauma).

Enough homes exist for the number of people who live here now, whether those homes are condos, apartments, detached homes, townhouses, or otherwise. A lot of people would be able to move somewhere more permanent, because the housing market would crash pretty hard.

As we refill the homes the population would naturally return to the same level of growth we have seen previously.... So after a few years, maybe a decade, max, humanity would be back on the population train straight to 8B again for sometime between 2050 and 2075.

Humans don't really follow the same population rules as apply to animals, bacteria, or other organisms in general.


This is probably more of a Lemmy specific thing than what's normal on this community, but I posted on a community from and the mods there banned me from the community.

They didn't remove my post or message me about it. I only found out because when I was going through replies, I couldn't reply and I noted that my account is banned from that community.

I wasn't saying anything untoward or encouraging anyone to do anything illegal or anything like that. It was a comment about systems of government. I don't believe I put any emphasis on whether one was better than another, but the post was in a non-political community; so it should not lean one way or the other on the matter, and the post I was replying to introduced the political discussion, so I was on-topic.

The specifics aren't super important. What I want to know is whether there's a built-in system to inquire with the mods or something to try to get an official reply as to what rules they believe I had broken to deserve a ban, and whether that ban is permanent or not. I tried simply messaging one of the mods, but it's been hours with no reply.

Is there any way to find the information? Previously on Reddit, I would almost always get a message from the subreddit about what happened, what violation caused it, and allowed me to message the mods to try to argue my case, though, me getting banned on that platform was quite rare. This is my first time knowingly being removed like this and I don't understand the process here.

Can anyone enlighten me about how these things are supposed to work on Lemmy?


The 1.0 release date was officially announced as September 10th!

Also something about a toilet.

Mark your calendars!


So, I just need to rant for a minute about what's just happened. It's made me feel fairly disposable as a worker. I work in I.T. support. I help people who can't operate technology with highly complicated issues. I am highly skilled, well trained and I have a diverse set of understanding for technical issues.

Last year I took a new job. The old job was an MSP, or Managed Service Provider; if you don't know what that is; an MSP is the IT department for companies too small to have an IT department. That's the summary. The new company is both an MSP and an ISP as well as just about everything else you can imagine for IT.... hosting webpages, and all the associated nonsense, phones/VoIP, colocation (Datacenter stuff).... everything. Basically, when someone was signed onboard with this employer, we did it all.

Starting out, everything seemed fairly normal, a bit more involved, since we do more than the last company, but nothing too crazy. The part that irked me, is that as MSP, we own a client, we do everything for them, including, but not limited to all their computer/server/network work (which I expected), but also their phones, internet service, hosting, email, etc. everything.... which is a bit more than I expected, but I was managing okay.

In March/April, things changed in my personal life, where I was having to drive my SO to work (she doesn't have her license, and we don't live in a place where she can reliably get a taxi/bus/other transportation), the problem is that her work is 3-11, where I work 9-5, in another city. So I tried to work with my workplace but they wouldn't let go of working from the office, so I ended up on an insane schedule of commuting to the office (over an hour drive each way), then leaving the office at 1PM, to be home for 2PM, to get her to work for 3PM, then GOING BACK TO WORK. I wasn't able to keep up with my workload.... in addition, I'm driving her home at 11, getting home at midnight, then getting up at 5-6AM to get a shower and do it all over again. I couldn't sustain that for any reasonable length of time, and I burned out. My doctor issued a notice to my workplace that I am unable to continue working for the time being, they accepted it and I went on disability as of early may, until now.

Currently, I feel much better, compared to when I was burning out in April, and I feel a lot better about going back. The SO has also been working on getting her license and her own car, so within a few months I won't have to even think about whether she can get to work or not, since she will have a car and her license to drive herself there. A week or two ago, I contacted my workplace to let them know I was ready to return. We had a few emails back and forth to resolve the matter of the doctors recommendation and disability diagnosis. Once all that was completed, I thought I was ready to go. Big nope.

I got word yesterday that instead of bringing me back, they're laying me off.

So not only did they have the callous attitude to force me to drive to the office and back several times a day to try to maintain a poor life scenario (I asked to WFH, which they absolutely could do, since they did it over COVID without significant issues).... but when I burned out as a result of their ridiculous demands, and took some time off, instead of welcoming me back and holding my position, they filled in the gap while I was out on disability, and laid me off when I was able to return.

I feel so abandoned. I won't complain about "where's the loyalty" because there's never been a time in my career where "loyalty" has ever been something I've felt that my workplace ever gave me; and all evidence I've seen says that companies have zero loyalty to anyone. Maybe one day in the past that was true, but it's definitely not been true for the entirety of my working career; but here I am, a highly skilled individual, with specific skills that will absolutely help the company succeed, that they know I have, that they're just going to throw away... and for what?

The excuse they gave me was financial downsizing, but it's a company of about 12-18 people, so it's not like my job was part of a larger dismissal of people, they've lost, laid off, or otherwise shed employees at a very slow rate. Some of my (now former) coworkers have said that several people who have voluntarily left their positions, have been replaced during my time away; but me? no. Apparently my knowledge isn't worth enough to them.

I'm currently on the hunt for a new employer. IMO, these guys are fools to throw away everything I know. The only challenge I face right now is finding someone who will see my value. IT support jobs are usually underpaid in my local area, and too many companies are going return to office and I'm not easily able to find remote (WFH) type employment. The jobs are there, but it's hard to find one that's worth my time. The core issue IMO, with the low pay, is that it's a non-union position, but if I can find a union job, I'm all in.

Wish me luck!


Looking for some advice here, I'm out to complete two things:

  1. restore saves from the games I played using the stock firmware to GarlicOS
  2. get two player/two controllers working for couch gaming over HDMI

Specifics: I picked up a 16G microSD for the OS, and a 64G for ROMs, pulled the original (kinda garbage) SD and replaced it with the 16G that I loaded with GarlicOS. I copied the relevant roms that I loaded onto the original SD to the new set and moved the save files ( .sav) over to the saves folder in the relevant subfolder. Launching the game results in a blank save. I can't continue the save.

For dual controller/two player, I haven't tested HDMI yet (on the list) I'm just trying to get controllers working at the moment; I have an Anker USB 3 hub. What works right now, is if I plug my Stadia controller in, it gets picked up, no problem. but my xbox controller will mess everything up. If I just do my OTG adapter to the stadia controller, it works, OTG to hub to stadia, no problem. If I either go OTG to the xbox controller, or OTG to hub to controller, it does not come up in GarlicOS. If I plug OTG to hub to both controller, neither shows up. I added waitForUSB (I also tried waitforUSB) file to the OS SD card, with no effect (the file still exists).

With stock, I was able to use a controller (just the stadia controller), over USB OTG with HDMI, so I know that works, and it should still work. The Xbox Controller I'm using is almost brand new, it's an XBOX One controller, connected by a USB A to C cable, I picked up 10ft cables from Anker for the purpose. I'm fine with wired, but I also have a USB xbox wireless dongle for PC that I can't seem to find right now, and I'm wondering if that would do any better (and I would prefer this since it would be wireless).

Does anyone have any hits or tricks or information related to this that I can use to push this along? is the new series of xbox controllers not compatible? do I need to change the drivers or something to make it work better? I'm new to retroArch, and GarlicOS, and the 35xx is my first dedicated retro handheld. I'm refreshingly not new to linux or SBC's, so I'm very comfortable with making changes and taking chances. All my saves are archived on that original SD card, and I have a backup on my laptop, so I'm not worried about losing saves or data at all. If the controllers are not viable, I'm sure I can find something that works and pick that up, maybe something from 8bitdo.

Thanks in advance.


Two subreddits I used to be very active in were for techsupport and networking/home networking. Anyone know if there's Lemmy communities for the same?

Also, related, is there a way to list communities available from a specific instance? Like if I wanted to see all communities local to or something (that's not my local instance), can I do that? If so, how?

I'm still getting used to the fediverse way of doing things, I love it here, I'm just having trouble getting myself up to speed relative to all that I was subscribed to on Reddit.



Hello Lemmings.

This is something I've been thinking about for a while; basically, I want to move my zwave node away from my main HomeAssistant system.

I'll try to be brief; my current config is a single mini/micro system (Dell, I believe), Core i5, 8G RAM and an SSD, it's a ton of power for HA and massive overkill, I know. The problem is that the system is located in a remote room of the house, so the signal isn't exactly the best and I have some nodes that are linked through 2-3 other devices; I'd like to move the USB Z-stick to a more central location, and I don't think a USB extension is going to cut it. I have ethernet wire which is far more viable to get a connection across to the HA computer. I don't want to move the HA computer away from where it is, since there's backup power where it is; so my idea would be to use something like a Raspberry Pi (now that availability seems to be improving), connected by Ethernet using PoE (for power availability from the UPS). Provided I can get a Raspberry Pi, and all the related and required parts together, which should be fairly trivial; how would I connect the zwave dongle on the Raspberry Pi to the computer running homeassistant?

I haven't considered this before due to the pi being so difficult to get since I put together the homeassistant system. Ideally, I would want several of these systems placed at key points around the house so that I wouldn't need any of the zwave nodes to relay communications, but that's future plans more than anything - I would need to source several zwave dongles and get them all on raspberry pi's and get them working together.... So going about it towards that end would be a bonus; but at least I want to do some research on it and figure out if I can even relocate the dongle at all first. Any infromation to that end is appreciated.

I'm currently using ZWaveJS UI.


Hello Lemmings! I've been thinking about testing CEPH in my homelab, but to do it right I kinda want to build a cluster of systems, preferrably using SBCs to handle a CEPH storage drive each. Specifically, a single SATA disk would be preferred.

A while back I came across the ODROID HC1, which was perfect but I wasn't ready to pull the trigger at the time; the only thing I'd want above and beyond what the HC1 was capable of, is PoE to simplify power delivery. Unfortunately the HC1 is discontinued (and rather dated at this point), and I have yet to come across anything remotely similar. There are other boards along the same lines, like the HC4 from odroid, and others (often involving adding a SATA HAT to the SBC), but I'm not keen on that.

Essentially, I just want one drive per SBC, and build them into external drive-like enclosures with a single HDD each (3.5" is most likely), and just have a fleet of them. The idea would be to have a pair of "gateway" systems that are more robust, that can pull from the CEPH and portray that data as CIFS or NFS or iSCSI or whatever. Each SBC wouldn't need to be more than 1Gbps linked, but the gateway systems would likely be 10G linked off the same switch to take advantage of the bandwidth of the cluster.

Does anyone know of an SBC that's newer and similar in design to the HC1? Something newer/faster would be important, and something with PoE to power itself and the drive would be a nice-to-have (otherwise I'll rig up a high amperage DC rail for all the nodes so I can use a single "PSU" thing for it. If someone knows a better community to place this question, let me know.... still getting used to lemmy.

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