
joined 3 months ago

Today's game is The Evil Within. I wanted to stick with the horror theme i have going but wanted to pad something in between Alan Wake and Alan Wake's American Nightmare, so i picked this up. I really enjoyed it, if i'm hopefully still in a horror mood after Alan Wake II i'll probably continue this (Especially if i can't get my hands on the Silent Hill 2 Remake by then).

This Sewage tunnel in the screenshot really freaked me out more than it should have. i was fully expecting to get jump scared by something with the way this was designed, or at least have to run. I have to say this game does a good job of managing that feel. I always feel like I'm weak and being hunted despite the game giving me tons of tools to fight things.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

Thanks! I was working on cleaning up achievements for Alan Wake 1 al say, so Alan Wake 2 will have to wait for a little bit longer, but i'm excited to pick it up again!


Today’s game is Alan Wake. Tonight may or may not be the last Screenshot from Alan Wake depending on how Achievement Clean up goes tomorrow (I have to get most of the collectibles and that’s it besides some misc. stuff). I’m proud to say though I completed the entire game on nightmare mode. Even got the Gunless wonder achievement for beating the last episode without firing a single shot and the one for Special 1 where you don’t use a vehicle (along with all manuscript pages).

This screenshot is from Special 2. I took it while climbing up the lighthouse using the Freecam built into the game. This whole episode is a lot of fun. The word mechanics are great and I feel like it leverages the Dream like state of the Dark Place well.

Another part I enjoyed was this Ferris wheel segment. Idk why, maybe I’m part hamster, but I really enjoyed this and how everything seemed to be flipped on its head at some parts. Especially the part where I had to jump in the water. I was really unsure due to how water was portrayed in this game.

On a side note. Something was wrong with Dream Barry. Idk if it’s an intentional developer joke because the player would probably never see, or if my game is bugged or what. But Barry’s eye textures were replaced with his face textures. It’s not like this in Special 2, or in his normal model in the base game. So idk what’s wrong with him here.

[–] 3 points 23 hours ago

Now put it in an Altoids Tin

Hopefully one day I’ll be able to get to 2. Pre sequel I only play with my friend and it takes backseat a lot. Maybe after my Alan Wake 1-2 play through I’ll buckle down and play through Pre-Sequel with him

The world definitely shows its age with its game. Not that it’s a bad thing. Just kind of an observation.

A similar thing I noticed was the video files. I noticed they were blurry and blocky and then it occurred to me that the reason why was disc space limitations. That’s another thing that would rocket up the File Size.

I hope you enjoy your play through of AW. It’s one of my favorite games of all time!

In total time I don’t think I can get a solid answer because this isn’t my first play through on PC so the time is a bit muddled but if I had to guess maybe about 20 Hours considering Nightmare mode and going out of my way to get all the collectibles?

The DLCs are included in the PC and remaster too I think, so they are only DLC for the Xbox version which is why you may not have heard of them. They’re called Specials in the Game


Today’s game is Alan Wake. I finally started on Episode 6. I was hoping to clear it in one go and nab the Gunless wonder achievement too. So far I’m doing good. But I got stuck on this section in some woods where I don’t have any flares or flashbacks, and since I can’t use guns or I’ll lose the achievement, I’m basically at the hardest challenge yet I’ve had yet I think. On top of that my battery almost died so I put my console to sleep and plan to finish the last 10~ Minutes tomorrow and start on DLC 1 & DLC 2. The after that I think I might do American Nightmare before Alan Wake II. It’s not too long of a game so I should be able to clear it easily.

This screenshot I took right outside the Majestic Motell. I want to also use this to talk about the games awesome attention to detail as well.

While trying to avoid as many spoilers as possible, In one of the books we follow a protagonist who stays in this hotel, and he stays in the same room Agent Nightingale stayed in. He finds Agent Nightingale’s notes in the Air Vents while looking for a place to store his Dream Journal. Lo and behold. What do I find in the Air Vents in Agent Nightingale’s room?

Anyways, I love this game’s attention to detail. I really hope Alan Wake II has the same because it’s something remedy does well at on top of original gameplay imo.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Oh hey. I played through this last year. It was a lot of fun. I need to go back through and get all the achievements though. And play through the dark revival too

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I’m excited to get into Borderlands 2 once I finally beat Pre-Sequel. I’ve heard that 2 is considered an improvement over the Pre-Sequel


Today’s game is Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. Me and a Friend are getting ready for something tomorrow. So we were low on time. We ended up playing some Borderland to save on time. I played claptrap. I don’t have much of a story this time due to just not playing very long, so instead I’ll talk about the game.

I can see why this game was so well received back in the day. A lot of the humor still stands up well, at least imo, and the gameplay cycle is fun. One of the guns I had I could throw when I reload and they explode which is incredibly satisfying to do. On top of that Claptraps special perk is fun, especially when it irritates the people I’m playing with, such as one that makes them continuously fire according to my friend. Overall I had a lot of fun just playing around in the game with my friend and doing some side quests.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Ooh. I think that’s in my wishlist too. It seemed really appealing to the Engineer in my brain

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

I love the Chaos elements of 4. They’re such an improvement over 3. I think the only thing that makes me like 3 more is the brighter colors and the story

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Damn. I wonder what stopped it from being implemented

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Damn. If I had known that I would have picked up the first one on sale. Ig I’ll have to wait until the Christmas Sale

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

do you mind if i ask what game it is?


Today's game is Just Cause 4. I wanted to take it easy after an exhausting week of work. At this point i doubt i'll make much of a dent in Alan Wake II by Halloween, but it's better than burning myself out and not having fun.

I picked Just Cause 4 because it was the one i had installed. I have more nostalgic memories of Just Cause 3 and dicking around in that. But Just Cause 4 is a lot of fun too with the balloons and stuff. I ran around and did a few missions and tethered some guys and their cars to some Balloons. You're seeing the after effects here.

I also had a lot of fun strapping the boosters to the bottom of a car with balloons and getting in and turning it on. The car took flight and would crash into other cars. Has the same kind of chaotic feel as Red Dead Redemption and Wagon Surfing.


Today's game is Phasmophobia. Me and my Friend decided to celebrate finishing our midterms by playing this.

We found out we actually have turn on the motion sensors, and then i watched my friend stumbler out into the front yard and get choked to death (I took a photo of the ghost while it happening and got some extra cash though! So really who won?).

In another job my friend was bitching me out for taking photos because they're "useless". Jokes on him though because the $12 dollars we got after failing to guess right came from my photos of the sink.

Here's a bonus photo of my friend up in my face while i'm trying to steal a cat photo from the house:


Today's game is Lethal Company.

We recently got back into the game after a few updates. When we landed on this planet we were faced with what can only be described as the wrath of god and the U.S. air force teamed up, as my friend was nearly struck by an explosion. We barricaded the door of the ship until we figured out what was going on. The screenshot is of me peeking out of the barricade.

We also got Bee Suits which is the best part of this game. Sadly we lost them though when we failed to meet quota after getting hit by these weird insects, and then i had my neck snapped by this baby thing while backing away from the bugs. Right after the insects latched onto my friends face and killed him. Then after we could only afford one flashlight, so my friend went in while i watched the monitor. He got a ton of things but got killed by a plant man. We couldn't afford another flashlight so he went in blind and i had to navigate for him without one. He fell to his death.

After that we had to go back because we ran out of time and we failed our quota. We got the joy of leaping into the ocean though since we were going to fail anyways.


Today’s game is Zomboid. The screenshot is of a Shed that I built.

Me and my friend took Jerry and Cable to look for some Nails because we were running low and I wanted to get Jerry’s Carpentry Skill up by building a Shed (as all Suburban Dads do).

We went by a Storage Unit and ran through all the open units trying to find a box, but didn’t end up finding any. My friend did find a blue Taxi he ended up taking home and I found a storage unit full of Zombies I nearly died in.

We went next door to a Factory next and searched there too. We found 5 boxes of screws and also a few things of food we went ahead and took home. After that we drove home and I got to work on the shed.

Nearly 2 days of tireless work later of decimating the local ecosystem and sawing it into logs and I built this wonderful shed. I couldn’t put a roof on it yet due to needing a Staircase, but that’s okay. I still love my shed regardless.


Today’s game is Alan Wake. I got back to it and finished Episode 5. Tomorrow the power will be out and I’m hoping to clean through Episode 6 entirely and start the DLCs (possible thanks to my Steam Deck).

Episode 5 ramps up the difficulty a lot I feel like, but not to an unfair level. I think the only part I struggled with to an unfair degree was a jump while being chased by the tornado in the screenshot. The power plant is also really fun to play through because you can push enemies into powerlines to kill them.

I also found another red chair out of bounds in the start of Episode 6. The player could never see it in normal play through I think. I’m wondering if maybe it’s a twin peaks reference or a developer in joke.


Today’s game is Animal Crossing New Horizons. I was stuck in a car for 6 hours and when I got home just wanted to relax. So this is what I turned on.

I caught a tilapia I named Todd, and took this screenshot out front of my home after putting him in my home. I don’t spend much time on this game as I struggle with games that need commitment (I think that much is obvious though), so my game is not very far along even half a year in. I just got to the point where I can construct the house for the three villagers moving in today.

It’s a shame though I can’t stay with this game. Because I love the early game. Pole vaulting around is awesome and satisfying. The wild but chill vibes I get from the game are nice too. I have the soundtrack saved to my iCloud music library just so I can play it while working.


Link’s now been an indoor cat for 7 years


Today’s game is Zomboid. Me and my friend continued the adventure of Cable and Jerry.

We went and looted a farm building for crops and hoping to find a watering can. Sadly we didn’t find any but we did walk away with 8 sacks of stale potatoes. After that we decided to gear up for Louisville and make a journey to the Military Base there.

The car we were going to use had a broken window though so Jerry cruised into town and ripped apart all the cars he saw to get his mechanics up and then got into a scuffle with some zombies at the police station after they caught him stealing their car seats.

After that we spent all (in-game) night looking for a single fucking window for the car that wasn’t already destroyed in a wreck. Finally nearly a hour later we found the right one outside a school. I stole the window and sped off home to install it to our cargo car.

After that we packed the car and drove off for Louisville. We had to briefly make our car a train because the bridge was covered in burned out wrecks so we turned onto the railroad bridge. After merging back onto the highway and plowing our way through zombies, we made it to the military base.

It was surprisingly empty, but we loaded a ton of Ammo and Guns into the car and an extra generator. On the way back we made a trip to a gas station, filled up our Gas Tanks, we got lucky and found the Watering Can where we didn’t expect, and then robbed a liquor store and sped off because the alarms on the window called the horde.

Once we got home, I got to work leveling up my carpentry. I built a shelf in Cable’s rooms, and he put his pet Rollypolly he called Pipsqueak on the shelf. I took a screenshot of the shelf and if you zoom in far enough and look past the JPEG artifacts you may be able to see Pipsqueak (the gray speck on the bottom left corner of the shelf)

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