
joined 3 years ago

It would also be a shitty stable diffusion re-rendering of the urinal model.

[–] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Talk that talk Ulysses, SPEAKONIT!


It's REALLY bad on Steam, but on many online platforms (sadly even itch.io) there is so much damn shovelware. Not even "slop" something below "slop", sludge is the only word I can think of (no disrespect to Sludge Life 1 & 2, great games go play them). It clogs up online storefronts and really ruins searching games by tags.

It's really annoying that my personal favorite genre, "immersive sim" has been utterly flooded with these shovelware games. Unless I know exactly the name of a game, I cannot find anything worthwhile. Good games, small games, gems of yesteryear, all that sort of stuff is just hidden by this layer of sludge. I like to browse storefronts (digital and physical) and just check stuff out, get a feel for what's out there, but you can't do that when there is "XYZ simulator: prologue" every other item.

It fuckin' sucks. I really do think many real good games get lost in the sludge pit and have to hope that some internet video essayist/review or something discovers it by chance. I'm not saying everything is an undiscovered legend but I am saying, I can't even find games on most of these storefronts because the whole thing is flooded with effectively spam games.

(I then feel bad that these scumbags can get a game on steam and i can't even hack together a playable game jam thing, but that's a different post)

Damn that sucks. There tons of ways of talk about negative experiences and stuff without being a lib, shame they did not. Bummer.

[–] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 10 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I missed something, what happened? Were Hexbears not being cool commies? Being cool is like the number one rule of being a leftie internet dork. Ya gotta be cool.

[–] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's true. So much of modern apparel is way more expensive now and has never been of poorer quality.

Part of me still mad that Javik was technically a "DLC" character when he ought to have been in the base game from the jump. Then again that's part of the problem (even at the time, not even in retrospect) pre-orders and all sort of stuff. It needlessly fragmented games. Regardless I thought Javik was rad him basically saying "Are you people for real right now? Like seriously?" to everything was great.

[–] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I read i think the first couple volumes in college. I liked some of the humor and some of the themes, but I always find the "oh no I'm tied up all sexy like" sorts of jokes in comics/manga to be sorta lame. The comic has a surprisingly good supporting casts. I think the lover/boyfriend "Thugboy" was pretty good character in that there aren't a lot of good depictions of solid and generally supportive boyfriends in comics.

But Empowered was it's sorta like a "One Punch Man" before there was "One Punch Man". I think Empowered is fine. It was not for me but then again I tend not to like superhero comedies, but that's just me. Empowered is fine-ish overall, I do really dig the artstyle. Very manga meets superhero before things like My Hero Academia or One Punch Man.

Exactly dude! It has never made more sense to have split-screen/same screen co-op games. Shooters, beat 'em ups, Platformers, party games whatever (also lots of great accessibility features for those who need them), we finally have enough screen space to do really co-op properly and we all gotta just get in VOIP. Ugh, this future sucks man.

[–] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 11 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I will never forgive the gaming executives for killing couch co-op. We have never had better TV's and monitors in history and it's shame I can't share the space with the homies. Inviting people over for a game session ought to be a normal way for grown-ups to kick it in the modern age, but no. We all gotta hop on Discord and pretend to be together rather than just actually being together.

[–] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 17 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Reading the top 20 podcast list is fascinating. I'm rather surprised by the amount of pop psychology meets hustle-grind culture on there. The true crime stuff was expected, but the pop psychology/"Master your mindset bro™©®" is concerning but also explains a lot of the normie/mainstream stuff I hear and see online these days.

I think I mixed "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors" and "Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge" into one game. My bad dawg.

[–] LGOrcStreetSamurai@hexbear.net 9 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

The best we can do is get sold way overpriced DLC cosmetics in SF6. It hurts my arcade youth soul to see NightStalkers be done dirty like this.


Build your strength in whatever way you may but remember to properly repair and recover. Get your rest, keep your diet on point, that you may train again and go even harder. Keep training friends, let us all become our strongest selves (in every way one can be strong).


This kind of a public self-reminder, but I just want everyone to remember that fitness is literally a journey. It may not feel like to today or tomorrow, hell not even next month, but you're going to see positive changes and improvement. I mean this in the least "hustle culture" way, but keep grinding everyone.


After doing my budgeting for the upcoming month I was pretty saddened by how little my income seems to cover these days. internet-delenda-est .

I was curious and checked the existing inflation. It's not looking good. It's insane to me that over the last four years the cost of living has gone up approximately 22%. I think four years is a good period to examine, as whenever I hear "inflation is going down actually, it's gone down 2.9% since July! We are in a "cooling" period" actually " those people are usually referring to like maybe six month period at best. Also shut your dork-ass up man.

I checked a couple of different sites, some newspaper, some official US Government sites, and an economics site I'm like 96% certain some evil GOP-backed SuperPAC probably funds and they all seemed to say the same thing.

I'm not an economics guy, but one thing I have a vague understanding of is stuff like the Vampires and their ghouls thought COVID-19 conditions would extend forever. I'm not exactly sure of what they did or the mechanisms behind it, but it seems uniquely bad to have everyone's paying power reduced by ~22% (that's numbers probably higher for people who already in a bad spot). I'm sure it gets worse with interest rates and other fancy economic terms and devices I don't understand.

What is a person to do? I'm not even talking about hip and cool leftists of various stripes like us who at least have a framework for understanding why this everything sucks ass, but what about regular "normal™©®" people? I don't understand how people are making it these days. People with kids or dependents, people with medical needs for themselves or loved one, or people with any real complications in life? Just regular people trying to have a decent and upright life, how they supposed to make it man? I think about my younger cousins who are graduating high school or are in college right now and I think how are supposed to even get started?

How are people supposed to survive let alone thrive, when they have 1/4 less than they did four years ago? Also they didn't have enough four years ago to be frank. I'm also sure that this was like a zillion times worse for people nations under US sanctions, as I while I'm a US citizen I don't want to think we are the only people who exists, cause that's not a very cash-money thing to do.

Like what the fuck?

I'm not on some doomer-shit, more so on that "How do i find optimism in these dire times"-shit.


I just watched "Vampire Hunter D" for the first time. It rules, I can also see its influence in a lot of other anime, scifi, and other cool nerd shit. It's really a shame I have never sat down and watched it until now. It fuckin' rips!.

I need more animated films of that era that aren't made for the selling of toys. Doesn't have to be anime but really any sort of sleeper/underrated animated films from the 80s and 90s. I need more animated cinema.


What's the mindset behind forcing a user to create an account to view the media on a page? For example an artist I like posts their art on Instagram and Twitter but I can't look at it unless I create an account. What's the dumb corporate rationale behind this? I have seen this on so many sites you can't even see what's there without an account? Doesn't it just scare users away? I know it certainly does for me. If I have to log in just to view a page I don't want to view the page.


They are objectively on the highest of tier public workers. If you make a bracket of public worker they are automatic S-tier


Not even a "Start Here", "Locations", or something super basic like that. They really want you to deputize yourself and the local "Big Brother" super snitch. lenin-rage It really got me heated lenin-rage , slamming away on the keyboard helping a less then tech-savvy person input their information and upload their documents. At the very least I think I got them squared away, and helping others is cool.

The supposed vigilance against "Welfare queens" is so goddamn stupid. If we really actually wanted to protect local and state budgets, we would y'know at the very least do something about tax avoidance/evasion. Of course this isn't about budgets at all, just making public services as punitive as possible. The bandits of Neoliberalism attempting to coarse people into the workforce while simultaneously robbing the public wealth.

It just gets me so mad, katz are out here struggling and even trying to do the "right thing" and they are "supposed to do" and we go and it so fuckin' difficult to do so.

Be sure to check out the c/mutal_aid channel to help out some strangers, cause I'm pretty damn sure their local government isn't gonna do it.


This is a genuine question.

(Please pardon spelling or grammar mistakes I typed in a meeting at work. A meeting on a Sunday morning. Fuck work)

I know that college students can be “annoying” but I have noticed that everyone seems to hate college students. From conservative college educated business vampires and ghouls, to college educated liberal rainbow/pink/pro-black capitalism types. Even many online progressives (not sure what that term even means anymore) as well college dropout “dirtbag leftists” (I don’t know if that term is still in use, I’m not on Twitter and I don’t even listen to Chapo anymore) say that college is stupid. . Which just so odd because while I agree there is a ton to critique about higher education and academia as a whole it just seems to dismissive and weird to dunk on students for being students.

It seems to me that most people seem to Make a caricature of the college student. Everyone who was college educated (especially liberals) seem to make their college education to be some halcyon golden age but now it’s all fallen apart. Those people seem to believe college is just young adult daycare now but was some rigorous training facility for the leaders of the world in past.

It seems to me at least this is a weird expression of the US hated of youth and youth culture but also a weirdly kinda fetishists it simultaneously. My theory is we collectively dunk on college kids because we hate ourselves and who we have become and see them using their youth to do youth stuff. Exploring and expressing themselves in a way were unable or perhaps unwilling to do in somewhat similar conditions.

But that’s just a baseless theory, I got my degree in STEM not in humanities/social sciences. Real talk venerate the humble humanities and social sciences majors. while their degrees are also used for evil like everyone else’s they at least don’t have a “start-up” they are pitching.

When I got my undergrad in 2017 at state university most of the katz I knew were working +30 hours a week and/or living with mom and dad and still in crippling debt. Now that I’m returning to get my master’s degree (part-time to be fair but I do into a campus for the night classes) also at a state university I’m still seeing the same thing. A lot of these young people are working, doing education as well as trying to become adult. It’s a lot, and honestly i empathize them. They are playing a rigged game and it sucks so many of them take it so personally, it’s a lot pressure to put on a younger person.

I don’t know why the pop-culture narrative is that everyone who goes to school is a “fail child” or some trust fund kid. I met a few in my here and there while at school my first time but was mostly just regular people of all types trying to get a degree, though maybe I was in the minority as I was (and still am) a square.

All that to say why do we hate college kids? Why do we think they are all “blue hair baristas” or whatever other current derogatory pejorative is. It just seems really stupid to me that we dunk on young people for doing what we tell them to do. The whole cultural narrative is “go to college, have fun, make friends, get a good job” but they seem to only care about the last part. It’s not like their a lot of alternative pathways for them to try, it just seems so odd to me


I love the games (the Telltale games were peak), and I actually like like most of the individual members of the cast (aside from Kevin Hart, dude just is plainly unfunny to me), and I think Eli Roth can do a decent job behind the camera. However I know most certainly this will be a product/marketing platform in the shape of a movie.

Is the cinema landscape this bleak these days? Movie magic is being wasted on this slop. Goddamn.



It's very frustrating watching knowing that quite literally everything bad that they said would happen in this hearing does in fact happen. They even directly point out that more cops will not reduce crime. I know 1994 and 2024 are two radically different time periods but goddamn. This bill has was fundamental to the expansion of the carceral and surveillance state.

It's a really long watch but I think it's worth watching. It's very long and dry and boring, but it's very insightful. I have seen clips of this C-SPAN broadcast in many different video political essays and such and never have I seen it in its entirety.

I think about this not just as it's an election year, or not even really about the DNC; Instead, I think about this is respect to all of the people who were hurt when they cranked up the police machine to 11.

( Just a reminder this isn't just a POC issue either. "Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group...")

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