
joined 1 year ago

I used to search for a video file using spotlight and it would return several results and when it was a file I accessed more than a couple of times it'd be the top result. I'd see an icon of the application used to play the media type and the name of the file.

Nowadays, with the same keyword, I frequently can't find the file I successfully found before but also, even when it does find it, it doesn't display it anywhere near the top results, it's down in a section called 'photos from apps' which presents a grid of options, rather than a list, all of which represented by the VLC icon as it's my default media player but with NO filename. I have found it before because usually it's the one preselected, although not always. It's super frustrating not being able to actually see what's found. I think this is probably supposed to display photos as photographs or maybe videos using thumbnails, to make it easier finding an image compared to filenames given the name of the section 'photos from apps', but I'm not even looking for an image anyway and besides if I was and the thumbnails actually worked, I'd have to have typed the exact or at least similar filename to the image I'm looking for anyway making a visual search pretty useless.

To be clear, I'm not looking to get rid of the ability for spotlight to be able to search media such as videos or images, I just want the results of that search presented in the sane way they used to be back on High Sierra. (Probably persisted beyond that but I jumped from HS to Sonoma and now Sequoia).

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 days ago

I'm not quite sure why I ever used to have such an objection to it, it's great. Particularly nice if it's charred corn.

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

To answer my own question, I found this from googling https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408596960797-Disco-Elysium-The-Final-Cut-M1-compatible-version?product=gog

Which seems to indicate that it is, but you have to take some active steps to make sure that's what's run when you actually play the game. I find that a bit confusing but it sounds simple enough. I don't know what GOG galaxy is but I assume it's a storefront like Steam. Sounds like if you run by opening Galaxy and hitting play, it won't be the native version and will run through Rosetta 2 but if you run it from your applications folder it's the native version. This is a bit odd because that makes it sound like by default what you have installed is BOTH versions which sounds like an awful waste of disk space but maybe I've misunderstood.

After I bought the game I went looking for where to download it and found it in the games section of profile page on GOG but when I downloaded it, it was an installer that starts downloading the Galaxy thing. I can't imagine having any use for that and since I'll likely never launch what will at the moment be my only GOG game from there it's just a potential source of confusion so I clicked on the download backup installer option. Hope this ens up being native, I think the game is meant to have very modest requirements indeed in any case so if it turns out to somehow be running through Rosetta 2 I suspect it'll be imperceptible anyway.


It's way cheaper than the app store and Steam and Humble Bundle

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Maybe it's being a product of my environment but there are so few things that are currently private that I would want to have to do publicly. I don't generally really want to contend with other people or shared facilities more than I have to. I definitely don't want communal bathing. I can stomach public transport, which is already a thing, but then I tend to spurn it where I live more often than not because of the lack of viability and convenience. I guess I would say I wish that where I was specifically that transport was more communal than it is now. I don't see how it really could be though because of the nature of where I live and the lack of density and the bad urban planning that led to everything being very spread out, but it'd be nice.

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 days ago

I noticed a little folder icon had appeared just recently and that if I clicked it, it... listed all the tabs, so I guess that was the list all tabs button. I actually rather liked it but hadn't yet trained myself in to the habit of using it. I hadn't even noticed it's now gone, but curiously it seems like for me it hasn't really gone, so much as it's become a down arrow icon rather than a folder. Sounds like this change is to make it optional, meaning it will otherwise stay there which tracks with my experience, but why has it become a down arrow now?

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 days ago

Do you reckon it really would? Hopefully you might be materially better off for it if the system is working well, but would it really do anything about the drudgery or frustration, or unmet ambitions?


This used to be an option, now it isn't. I found command line solutions which would be fine, but they're all for scheduling sleep for set times, I want set durations.


When this feature first came out I immediately disabled it because I noticed you couldn't stretch windows across two screens. I thought I might try putting up with it, but at the time I found it made it damn near impossible to use Avid Media Composer effectively.

It's been disabled in all the years since and I've never thought about it since until just recently where now twice in one month I've come across situations where something only works if it's enabled. One is for disabling the behaviour where fullscreening a video makes a second monitor turn black and now with Sequoia, the ability to use the native window tiling they just introduced.

I've always used magnet and then later rectangle to achieve the same and will probably just revert but I thought I'd try and give the native option a shot. I checked to see if that stupid shit with not being able to span windows has been fixed in the intervening period but it hasn't. Does anyone know if you can make it work with separate spaces enabled or at least why it works this way?

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I could only make a few pages in to the first chapter, it was hard to read, very, very detailed, which should be a good thing but I found myself losing track of where we even were or what the scene was about for all the detail. Once they started describing the buttons on the coat of one of the characters and how it had been the fashion some years prior at some point in the 19th century to wear them that way... I gave up. I'd like to try again some time but I can't see myself experiencing it differently. Curious about the 7 years in the making Soviet film adaptation, but its also 7 hours long.


I don't really buy games much these days. I was trying to see what games would work on Mac and was pleased to see a new Assassin's Creed game is coming out on Mac natively. I was pretty stoked with this news, I've never played any of the AC games but they've always looked good.

I thought I'd check the Apple App Store to see if there were any other AC games that might already be out and there was only one option (actually on some 'App Store Preview' thing not the actual app store), called Assassin's Creed Mirage. It was listed as free to play with in-app-purchases. I'm really just not participating in that, can't stand that shit. I don't think I've actually bought any Ubisoft games since the Nintendo 64, are they all like this or is that just some unfortunate anomaly? I noticed also that it'd listed them collecting data about me, which, WTF?

Keen to wait till November for AC Shadows but not if it's going to be any of that nonsense.


I love that game and it's the best RTS I've played. It seemed to basically rip off the CIV games heavily but simplify them and put them in an RTS context. Everything I loved about Age of Empires as a kid but much better and also spanning the ancient age to the information age.

I run an M2 max mac, which makes things complicated, but I'm open to jumping through some hoops if such hoops exist to make something that wasn't supposed to work on Mac, work on Mac, but would need to know if it even can be done for that particular game. Also obviously direct compatibility out of the box would be great.

I really don't want anything that's multiplayer only, as I'm unlikely to ever play online and prefer single player games

I really hate free to play games and just want to buy the game in its finished state outright that will stay the same for as long as I own it and then just pay for any expansions or new additions at my discretion if they get released.

I'd like it to have the same all of history spanning scope for tech.

I like there to be air units and navy units.

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Hey man, it's been a year but thought you'd be interested to know. I lost those Jabras and had to buy a pair of LG Bluetooth headphones to replace them. These ones do what I want them to do. On a given device with a screen and UI and Bluetooth capabilities, I can choose the headphones from the list of devices and so long as I've previously paired them before, doing so severs the connection between the headphones and any device they might already be connected and establishes a connection between the headphones that device I'm operating. For some reason it doesn't seem to work 100% reliably, often it seems to require one connection attempt to sever the connection and another to actually establish the new connection but other times it's all done in action. In any case, it seems it's technically possible.

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 12 points 5 days ago

I care, usually not very much, but somewhere above zero. It's good that they actually have something to talk about which therefore gives us something to talk about. Holidays overseas are a bit easier than kids because there's some relatability there but whatever they're talking about it's usually more the person talking about it that's interesting more than the thing. You're already friends, so you already enjoy their insights or way of talking about things and you've probably been there for a fair few of their important life events so it's nice to hear about the latest ones and how that's shaping then today as others shaped them before.

Because I don't have kids and wasn't on their vacation for me there is a natural limit imposed on just how interesting it can be hence saying I don't exactly care a whole lot, but it's usually at least enough to make sharing a beer more satisfying.

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I prefer to be the one doing the cleaning so I don't have to feel limited in what or how I cook in order to be considerate to the person cleaning up, otherwise it adds an element of stress I don't need and an artificial constraint.

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 3 points 5 days ago

I know you didn't really mean it literally but just to reiterate as others have done for other suggestions in this thread, this is very much an "if it works for you" sort of thing and definitely shouldn't be mandatory. I fucking hate gardening with a passion, I want absolutely nothing to do with it, though it's clearly very beneficial to others.

[–] Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml 11 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Making the absolute best possible pizza you can, it's an obsession and sometimes it's actively stressful which you'd think would be bad for mental health but it's just the right level of stress and frustration and reward and relaxation and well, pizza, that it's something that the more I get in to it the more even the most unnecessary extra effort to get only the slightest improvement of the texture or the taste will seem worth it. I also really love trying to emulate ones that I've had and loved so there's kind of an end goal in so far as I can test if I think I've replicated or exceeded a standard I've set from my favourite pizza place. Doing it this way also opens you up to all the different existing styles you can try and then try to recreate. You could also invent your own if you're creative enough. You can spend big on fun equipment but you don't even have to because part of the fun is figuring out the smartest ways to achieve similarity of results with the resources at your disposal. I like making lots of notes to try something subtly different next time.

Whatever else is going on, I'm always in that zone when making pizza. The only problem with it is that it's a bit impractical. The best pizza tends to be at least a 24 hour long affair with dough made in the morning ready for that night so when you're super busy at work it's not easy to fit a good pizza day in there with all the effort and mess involved but when you can, all feels right with the world.


It doesn't really make any sense how this could possibly be related, and for that reason I don't rule out some other factor being at play, but the correlation has been pretty evident on all 3 occasions when I tried to do this and the absence of the same effects when I don't do this and instead do pre-boil the pasta all seem to point it being the relevant variable.

Assuming the no-pre-boiling somehow is responsible, the obvious solution to the problem is to just stop doing that and indeed I have for fear of a repeat of the horrible experience, but it's just that the ease and efficiency of the method is so appealing and I would like to try it again, but I also really don't want to gamble on that unless I can be pretty well assured that the results were unrelated to the lack of a pre-boil or if that actually is a plausible cause, I'd like to learn by what mechanism this could possibly play a role and why it doesn't bother most people.


I recently bought an external PCIe enclosure so I could make use of a specific PCIe device in an editing setup. One of the nice things about this particular enclosure is that it also happens to come with an m.2 slot for NVME drives as well.

Usually when I edit with my home set up, I'm provided with the storage by the client, and even if not, at the very least, video media, plus backups takes up a lot of room and NVME drives are expensive so I'd usually opt for something cheaper as the actual location for the footage and assets. I figured then that it might be take advantage of an NVME drive of a smaller, more affordable capacity and use it just as a location for video render cache that I just clear after every project wraps. The high speeds of these drives seems like it would be a good fit for this purpose.

However I've heard that SSDs, including NVME are famously short lived and have particularly short life spans in terms of number of write operations. Is that still the case and would the constant writing and clearing of relatively small video files actually be kind of the worst use of one of these drives?


My understanding between TB4 and TB3 is that they're essentially the same, it's just that the standard of TB4 essentially mandates that the device must do all that TB3 maybe could do. Minimum bandwidth is increased and I think I read something about power delivery minimums as well. This eGPU chassis I bought came with it's own TB4 cable, which is actually the first Thunderbolt cable I've seen that specifically says "4" on it.

I assume the reason they supplied this is because, given what it does, an eGPU chassis is going to need to support some pretty bandwidth for a GPU. In my case though, I'm actually using this chassis not for a balls to the wall kick ass Graphics card, but actually to allow me to attach an old and very humble i/o card from Blackmagic. It's currently working just fine for that purpose.

Thing is, the supplied TB4 cable is pretty short and the chassis along with the ATX power supply mounted on it makes for a pretty hefty desk-space consuming setup. I'd like to move the whole setup somewhere fairly far off from the laptop to save me some precious desk space. I looked up 2m thunderbolt 4 cables which I understand is the longest distance you can get for TB4 and still maintain bandwidth and while it's not too bad, the prices are high for a cable. It occurs to me though that since I'm barely using a fraction of the available bandwidth anyway, could I use other, cheaper, long cables. USB4 comes up a lot in my search for 2m TB4 cables for example. (although they are mostly from AliExpress so don't know how good an idea it is to buy from them). If the chassis has TB4 controllers in it, as does the laptop to which it's attached, can one just put a USB4 cable between them? Are they physically different?

For that matter, since my bandwidth needs are so tiny, could I just find cheaper, longer TB3 cables?


I don't know my terminology very well. I just bought this eGPU enclosure. It also comes with an m.2 slot I suspect that's probably what this 4 pin power slot is for.

I have a spare ATX PSU to power this thing with and it's not modular, the cables come out of the PSU box in a big messy bundle and there's no where to detach or attach cables. There's lots of different connectors that come out of this bundle but alas no square arrangement of 2 rows of 2 pins as needed by this chassis.

There are however 2 such connectors that are kind of joined together through a little plastic catch, but in a manner where you can slide them apart. It's clearly intended that you can be able to separate these if you want to, but them being attached to each other in the first place has me a little worried.

The cable from which they each branch has TKG written on it and each of the connectors has L and R printed on it respectively. If I separate them, I can definitely fit one in to the slot, but is there any reason one shouldn't do this?

UPDATE: It works!! Initially the chassis wouldn't power on but I discovered that if I simply don't plug in the 4 pin slot at all then it does. I'm pretty sure that slot is for powering an m.2 drive if you have one and that was one of the things that made me decide to buy this particular chassis so it doesn't look great but I'm hoping that if I actually had an m.2 drive to test it with, that plugging in that PSU connector to the 4 pin slot would work, but at the moment, when there is no such drive connected, the entire chassis doesn't power on. Even better still, the blackmagic card works!! This is great because the manufacturer actually responded to my email asking if it would work too late and I had already ordered it and they said it wouldn't work so the fact that it does is a big relief. Word of advice for anyone testing this with standard computer monitors instead of proper reference monitors like me, it might say "out of range" or similar on your monitor for a lot of standard video frame rates, but for testing purposes, I was able to get it to work at 60p. No good for a real project, but hopefully with a real reference monitor that wouldn't be an issue.


I have sequential downloads enabled on my torrent client, I have a download speed that is fast enough that the ETA for the full download of the media is shorter than the duration of the media itself, and I can watch it in IINA or VLC, but, unfortunately Jellyfin doesn't recognise any new media in my designated library folders until a decent amount of time AFTER the entire file is downloaded and has it's correct extension.

Is there some way to watch as one downloads using Jellyfin?


I occasionally do some paid editing work in my home suite. I use a MBP and I just use whatever storage I have left on external drives or buy new ones as the project budget permits. Most of the time, my work is done on-site using a production company's facilities so it's not a big time operation here at home.

I also like to download and watch video over my wifi to to TV or my phone in other rooms of the house (don't typically move the laptop much). I tend to use the laptop's internal drive for that.

I'm beginning to outgrow my storage for both purposes, but only just. I could continue as I am for quite some time, deleting media at home after I watch it, and buying physically fairly small drives to put away in cupboards for work. However, I'm thinking I could fix both storage needs for a very long time by spending a bit bigger (but not MUCH), and getting a proper RAID. My mind immediately went to NAS, but it occurs to me that, that mightn't necessarily be the most cost effective or efficient way to go given the limited scope of my needs.

My home network is very slow consumer equipment, and I have no ethernet infrastructure at all. I thought I could maybe just hook the NAS up to the laptop via ethernet but then at that point, isn't that just DAS with the extra complications of networking? Would I need a switch between the 2? My home streaming is just done over wifi, since everything is compressed media anyway.

If I buy a decent thunderbolt DAS RAID and expose it to the wifi network via the laptop, would the costs stack up in terms of power consumption and wear and tear of the expensive lappy (given it'd be powered on nearly constantly)? Are there NAS devices that I can directly attach to the lappy for editing, but leave on and connected to wifi for home streaming? Would it need any additional networking equipment in that use case? Can I run jellyfin on it? I feel like a NAS doesn't make sense but would like help puzzling this out.

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