
joined 1 year ago

Was talking about hot ones and how the premise isn't totally random for the states. Got to thinking about what celebrity interview shows exist out there that are actually fucking bonkers but my googling didn't turn anything up.

So anyone know of any truly weird premises that have been produced? Any language, any medium (TV, internet, etc), any year. Disqualifying factors would be, it can't be scripted (like between two ferns), and the primary reason the interviewee is there has to be for the interview (as in no game shows). It should also be primarily interviewing celebrities and important people, but that can be a soft rule.

(I'm especially hoping for some bonkers premises from Japan.)

[–] 5 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

Eating hot wings is a pretty standard food challenge in the states. Many local wings places were doing it long before this YouTube show. (Like "if you can eat this plate of ghost pepper wings you get them for free and your picture on the wall") I don't know much about the brand but they definitely were always planning on doing food related things based on the name "first we feast" and this idea makes sense. The interviews are otherwise normal and like I said have this guy who's a good interviewer. If you're curious, find a celebrity you like and watch that episode. Or you can just forget the whole thing because I assure you there are much weirder premises for interview shows.

[–] 7 points 2 hours ago (5 children)

I think the hot wings do a couple things, give them a sort of trajectory for the interview, make interviewee more vulnerable, and gimmick for brand recognition. The interviewer is also just really good at his job and asks interesting questions, so it could probably work without that stuff but certainly wouldn't have the notoriety it currently does.

[–] 6 points 2 hours ago (14 children)

Hot ones has some great celebrity interviews if you're into that sort of thing. This video is a very unfunny outlier.

[–] 6 points 2 hours ago

It doesn't immediately come across that way but it was definitely a motivating factor for him. He makes a comment about it in the video of this and has been claiming she never worked there for at least a few weeks.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I watched and enjoyed the first 2 seasons, haven't started the new one yet.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

There's the problem with being a reactionary. Grass is normal and good. Open fields of grass are native and healthy to much of the world. Maintaining a lawn of non-native grass is what should be discouraged. Please learn what the real issues are, beyond the surface level.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago

Nah, killing oil barons would be much more productive

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

My downvote wasn't in anger. It's more about the fact that this isn't a news article which makes it questionably breaking the rules of this /c/. Combined with the headline being serious editorializing via broad generalization of what the statement is. Not saying it's not true, just that it's a unnecessarily sensational.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It's very annoying how people add so much heated emotion into what are casual statements when they can't hear the tone of voice. It doesn't bother me enough to warrant a diatribe like I just received. And I obviously wasn't going to read the life story that preempts the actual recipe like is on every awful recipe site.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I did miss the recipe when I looked at the post initially, sounds pretty interesting. And I'm not trying to set some mandate of what food is allowed, I just think it's a bit played out for so many vegan recipes to be trying to approximate the non-vegan version, because it's always a poor imitation. I would rather have a tasty dish that can stand on its own without inviting the comparison, and maybe even attract people to it who wouldn't normally seek vegan.


Way late edit here, I agree with the disapproval of my statement. I was thinking about how LLM's kind of work the same way. Designed by humans to make something humans can already do but thousands of times faster. However "revolutionary" was very much the wrong word choice.


I saw someone say it was because she's supporting dems but that doesn't seem like enough for the amount of dunking I've seen. Did y'all think she was so far to the left that that would be a betrayal? I've typically thought of her as a progressive more than a leftist. Is there some statement she made I'm not aware of?


w(uh)man to w(ih)men


Don't vote for president if you don't want to, I get it. It's stupid we only have 2 options, especially when both are in mental decline and show little to no ambition to reduce needless deaths and suffering. Both want to move this country towards fascism, and both are creating a worse world they won't have to live in for much longer.

To those who see this and think I'm saying both sides are the same, I'm not. I'll probably vote for Biden in November because he's driving towards the cliff at a slower speed and at least does the bare minimum for marginalized in this country. Also Trump said some pretty racist shit last night. Still, to those who don't want to support either candidate for the reasons above, that's valid.

The point I'm getting to is VOTE DOWN BALLOT. Vote for your congress person and your senator, both federal and state. Vote for your city council and your sheriff and whatever bills there are and everything else. That's where the fight still matters. That's where you can make the most difference. The social justice you want to see won't get near the white house until it's represented in the lower offices. It doesn't matter who the president is if you get enough decent people in a position to stand in their way.

unnecessary addendumThat's the important bit but here's a some sort messages to a few blocks of voters. To Republicans and right wingers, you should reevaluate your positions because what you're supporting is stupid and selfish and often inhumane. To Democrats, if you get enough control over the house and senate it doesn't really matter if Trump is president, also recognize and correct the failures of your party please. To the leftists, please run for office and bring those ideas into the mainstream discussion, try to reach out to your community and to share rather than driving them away with self righteousness. Also, don't be bigoted, that goes for everyone.

Edit: I even said I was voting for Biden and the libs are still mad I think he sucks. Again, the point of this post is to get people to pay attention to the other things on their ballot. The president isn't as important or as powerful as we act like it is. And if you want better options, you have to support better options in races where they actually have a chance.


With most links it goes to the browser version which plays within Jerboa, but with YouTube video links it always takes me away to the YouTube app. Can it not do that please? Thanks


The snake (of the trouser variety) tempts Eve with the forbidden fruit (hanky panky) that she shares with Adam. The consequence of which is painful childbirth.

They're even specifically stated to be naked for this situation.


No weed, no alcohol, no caffeine, no meds, nothing legal or illegal.

If this describes you, how you doing with your rawdogging of reality?


I'm an adult considering a change of career. I have no relevant education or experience. I'm at least an hour away from anywhere that could be considered a major city and would not like to move. My only requirements are that I am actively helping our ecosystem thrive and I'm not dirt poor. What's a position I could reasonably obtain?


My college roommate had this little box that had 2 controllers and RCA'd into the TV that contained basically every game from the most important retro consoles. All the important consoles and games pre y2k. Including Nintendo, Atari, Sega, and maybe some arcade. I assume I can't get it through normal channels because of some of those roms are unsanctioned, but where might I get something like that? Thanks!


You may have to click some of the toots to see replies I made that weren't directly replied to

Edit: I just clicked the link and it looks so different in browser. I'm talking about my "discussion" with the enlightened truth sandwich


This probably isn't the best place for this but something I want to have been mentioned.

Obviously porn in general is fine, even the more risqué or honestly even unsanitary isn't really a problem to me. And yes I understand all the women are of legal and there's verification. But isn't this still problematic? They're being sexualized for the reason of looking like they are too young to be sexualized. That seems like a great way to encourage pedophilia. It's a gross concept, especially given the median age on this platform.

And yes, I've blocked it for myself because I'm too old to want to see that when I'm scrolling /all. But I still think it's a bad message to leave out there.

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