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[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 4 points 2 hours ago

Except the idea wasn't solely within those leaders. That was the major issue with reconstruction that followed. We weren't just fighting people, we were fighting an idea. We're still fighting it. We would only be so lucky to fully extinguish an idea by hanging a few thousand people from a tree.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 42 points 16 hours ago
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418 I'm a teapot
[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 15 points 1 day ago (1 children)

For the folks wanting to try something along the lines of "how is it illegal?!"

It's not the signing a document that supports 1A and 2A. That's not the illegal part. It's the requiring being a registered voter and having a lotto with cash money attached to it. Musk is perfectly fine to have a lotto for people who support 1A and 2A and want to sign a document saying so. He just can't attach "you must be a registered voter" to those terms and conditions, that's the part that makes it illegal.

All the other parts, if that's how he wants to blow his money. That's his money. But he just can't attach that one term to that process. Likely is that someone will ask him to drop the term and leave it at that. But if Musk starts being a penis about well then yeah, it's a Federal law and can be made messy if folks don't want to comply. It's likely why he's pulling this, this close to election day, figures that no AG would get it in front of a Judge fast enough. But I mean, get an AG angry enough, they can start making things happen on a faster time scale.

But yeah, there's not really a question about what Musk is doing if it's illegal or not. It's very much not legal. But the ramifications are likely for the State AG to ask Musk to drop that condition or get yanked in front of a Judge.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 2 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Nah it'll be like what we think of this kind of art.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 4 points 1 day ago

But we've invested too much in <> that we can't update <> otherwise all that investment in <> will be for naught.

— Tale as old as time.

It's double points if shiny new thing is an attempt to push old reliable thing out of the market. Because consumers love it when you do that.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 31 points 2 days ago (6 children)

Some unsolicited comments on this:

  • I would absolutely trade Dr. Bunsen Honeydew with Dr. Mario.
  • The Dr. Pepper position is just pure slander.
  • Dr. Horrible and Doogie Howser, MD is the true duality of humanity.
  • Zoidberg is suspiciously much higher along the Y-axis than I would personally prefer.
  • Dr. Dre, like I would forget, is absolutely a quadrant II candidate. There's just no way I'd put Spin Doctors high along the Y-axis than Dre.
[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 4 points 4 days ago

But even in the liturgical sense of benevolence, schism is a thing, and often enough that we literally made the word schism for that and everyone else just adopted it to means a break of different ideas that used to be one.

So even those of the same religion have over time turned on each other. There's just been no successful consolidation of organized power under a single person or dictum that stayed free of eventually violence to it's own members. Power always thirsts more power. That's been all of history.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 62 points 4 days ago (6 children)

calls for a “benevolent dictator” to run the US

These chucklefucks keep getting this part so wrong. No dictator stays benevolent for long. We've got something like 60 centuries of history to back that up. Eventually they demand unwavering fealty to their, and only theirs alone, lineage.

I feel like sometimes dressing up as Gandalf and smacking these idiots over their head and reminding them "only one who can bend them to his will. And he does not share power!"

Like for fucks sake this is such an ingrained human trait we're making fucking fictional stories based off it and needing zero additional information on why anyone would desire such a monopoly on power.

I swear the lot of these people have their heads firmly planted deep into their lower digestive tract.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 26 points 6 days ago

~~do as I say not as I do~~

Nintendo: Money! Fuck everything else.

All other attributes derive from that.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 26 points 1 week ago

When I get back to Washington that’s the first thing, we’re gonna — we need a reorganization of FEMA.

We JUST HAD ONE!! That was the Homeland Security Act of 2002.

And then they’ll tell you, ‘Oh, we didn’t send that money to the illegals.’ The hell they didn’t

That has been authorized by Congress the last three appropriations bills. More importantly, that money is for Customs and Border Patrol which for some odd reason, FEMA cuts the checks when it comes to SSP expenditures, why is that? Oh because that's just how the Homeland Security Act of 2002 works.

So the interesting thing here is that Congress writes a confusing method for how accounting works within a department and is then shocked that the manner by how funds get paid is so confusing. Who could have possible seen this coming? I guess 9/11 kind of clouded our ability to have foresight.


At any rate. The whole FEMA writes checks that CBP will cash has been weird ever since 2002, that you all finally have come around to "Oh gosh they're spending this on illegals" is just y'all's take on the oddity. But strange that "Oh gosh that's odd" doesn't seem to hit when FEMA is writing checks for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that was going on in 2017 to 2019. Nor when DHS Secretary requested Disaster Relief Funds for ICE to deport illegal immigrants, remember that one?

The thing is, FEMA being this bank account for various other agencies in the Department of Homeland Security only seems weird when it's distinctly shit y'all don't agree with. And let me be clear. I get it, we DO NEED to reorganize FEMA. I'm not debating that. But FEMA should not be a agency of DHS since twenty-two years ago, because this is the shit that happens when you mix agencies like this together.

And this is the thing, Congress knew that this kind of weird shit would happen when they originally placed FEMA into DHS, that was the entire fucking point. Y'all wanted to intermix disaster relief with border protection and all the various bullshit that's involved with the latter because then when you needed funding you could all gasp and go "WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO FUND RECOVERY FROM DISASTERS!!" And this guy hasn't shied away from that argument, he's just using the other side of the coin argument for this instance.

You all have created these weird interactions because it gives you cover when you need it, and a scapegoat when you want it. Burchett can continue to be a useless sack of shit that collects a paycheck and does nothing, just like DesJarlais. These fuckers go to DC, yell at a camera, collect their paycheck, and go home and in, DesJarlais' case, I guess to go impregnate some aide.

Tennessee second, fourth, fifth, and sixth district are fucking useless bastards that if they went into a bathroom in Congress and jerked off would be more than they usually do in a typical day. Anything they have to say should be treated with about the same dignity one gives bird shit on their vehicle's windshield. I mean the others aren't that great, but at least they have demonstrated some small ability to reason. Those four are a fucking lost cause.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 22 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I mean ever since XZ binaries are a no go. Like the trust is gone, the bridge is burnt, unless there’s like an insanely good reason, anything this heavy in BLOBs ought to be treated as suspect. Benefit of doubt isn’t coming back.

[–] IHeartBadCode@fedia.io 8 points 1 week ago

The number one person who mocks Trump the most is Trump.

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