
joined 4 years ago
[–] 6 points 10 hours ago

It is a very US thing. Back in the 80's Reagan started an attack on public arts budgets in the US that never stopped. As a result US public arts funding is a shdaow of what it was a few generations ago.

[–] 6 points 10 hours ago

God's perfect fuccboi

[–] 3 points 12 hours ago

The most Shonen Jump of all possible games.

[–] 14 points 13 hours ago
[–] 18 points 13 hours ago (5 children)

My group calls it "Jank Tolerance" and breaks it down in to categories like "Slav Jank" for eastern European games with bizarre UI choices, weird bugs, and strange oversights in design, but it's worth it because there's often a different approach to game design and you get ideas that european/american studios wouldn't try. "German Sim Jank" refers to unrealistically ambitious German sim games that you tolerate because there's nothing else like them. "Indy Jank" is indy games where you deal with the bugs because the vision is there and you can put up with some issues for the experience. "Bethesda Jank", of course, pretty obvious.

Differences in Jank Tolerance can drastically change people's perception and enjoyment of a game. Helldivers 2 is my latest thing, so I'll use it as an example. People were upset that Chargers, a giant tank bug, would "ice skate". I could never figure out what they meant because it turned out that "ice skating" was just an animation error and a bit of physics engine jank. To me, so minor that I really didn't even notice, but for people who don't willingly subject themselves to Dwarf Fortress or Kenshi or similar weirdness it was a real, serious problem.

[–] 6 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (1 children)

FMV games

Wow I had forgotten those were even a thing. They were kind popularish back in the early days of CD-ROMs when game companies didn't know what to do with the unfathomably large 600mb of storage capacity.

Also waiting in the water to catch the guy as he falls so he doesn't splash is smoooooth as hell.

I mean, whatever, it's an interactive way to watch movies I guess? Detective movies in particular seem like they'd work well because you could have the player/viewer work out the mystery together with the detective in a psuedo-interactive way.

[–] 28 points 14 hours ago (4 children)

iirc among other things DaVinci was a fairly skilled siege engineer, which was roughly equivalent to being, fuck, idk. I don't think there actually are workers as valuable in modern times as siege engineers were in various historical eras.

[–] 63 points 14 hours ago (9 children)

What happens when you forget/never knew that publicly funded art was once a thing.

[–] 23 points 14 hours ago
  1. Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence.

  2. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

  3. Never turn your back on an enemy.

  4. Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth.

  5. If you can see the whites of their eyes, somebody's done something wrong.

  6. "Two wrongs is probably not going to be enough."

  7. Don't expect the enemy to cooperate in the creation of your dream engagement.[

  8. Don’t try to save money by conserving ammunition.

  9. Only cheaters prosper.

Some relevant selections from the 70 Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

[–] 13 points 17 hours ago

The ongoing genocide in Gaza has decoupled the election from horrifying political outcomes in my mind so i don't care. One Hitler, two Hitler. Red Hitler, blue Hitler.

[–] 2 points 17 hours ago

10,000 deaths to crunchy granola fascism i did not read the article.


Ask me anyrhing


The letter is Y.


Folks this isn't funny Randy went on a white water samba dance adventure cruise and hasn't been heard from since tuesday we're afraid he might have run away to Sweden without telling anyone.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

For those who don't know HAARP is a facility used to study the ionosphere in Fairbanks, Alaska. Since it came online in '93 CHUDs have been convinced that it's a weather control device.


This isn't really funny I just think the conspiracy component is funny.


It's a neat org. Hearing voices isn't really uncommon and doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you and they're trying to raise awareness of that. Check them out. Hearing voices, outside the context of serious mental illness, is just one of those weird human quirks that some folks have like the cilantro gene or ear wax variations.


I need to get some sleep, but

  • The extremely online lib comentariate are basically putting on an "I'm a bleeding heart liberal and I care about people costume" because they like being part of that culture. They like the food, the music, they like NPR, they like suits that fit and long meetings

  • The majority of libs are hopelessly lost. They're stuck in this hyperreal whatever the fuck of politics, culture, media. They care about people, or they want to care about people, but they're so mired in media lies and distortions they have no real concept of what is real - They're still seeing "40,000 killed in Gaza", they're seeing "Uighur Genocide". They're seeing their leaders go on and on about immigrants, or Hamas, or whatever teh fuck idk I don't watch their news. But the important thing is; They don't know what is or isn't real. They don't have the skills, allies, or knowledge to sift through the bullshit.

  • and then there's a tiny layer of dregs down at the bottom of the barrel of nerds and perverts, us, who are obsessive about politics and information, who talk to people across the world, who are reflexively hostile to authority enough to try and i hope to god succeed in trying to pull some kind of actual picture of what's really happening together.

But the Libs are paralyzed, unable to act, and trapped in their cycle of ritually voting then spending 4 years wondering why things aren't getting better because they either have no grounding in reality at all, or because they cannot tell what is real and what isn't anymore. It's not even just propaganda and lies, it's an inability to know that there is a real world that could be obscured by propaganda and lies.

IDfk, but there's some big scale, big picture fuckery happening that turns people in to whatever the fuck is happening out there. I'm goinjg to bed.


Trying to come up with fresh new slander for the KKKPresident and need some input.


KdF had a number of individual departments. The Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit) department was devoted to improvements in the workplace, from general hygiene to reduction of sound pollution. Other departments included the Sports Office (Sportamt), Adult Education Office (Volksbildungswerk), Leisure Time Office (Amt Feierabend), the Office for Folklore and Homeland (Amt für Volkstum und Heimat), and the Office for Travel, Hiking, and Holidays (Amt Reisen, Wandern, und Urlaub).

From the NATOpedia page on the NSDAP's "Strength Through Joy" office.

lt-dbyf-dubois Is... Mountain biking... Fascist?

I'm not even sure I'm kidding, htere are definite and steep class, racial, and cultural elements to outdoor recreation. Fuck, eugenics elements.


Dead Kennedy's go on chapo (not the band I want Kennedy's ghost to show up so Matt can grill him on the lead up to the Vietnam War.)

Fucking seriously, though, Kopmala is Jerry Brown's enfante terrible sent to Californicate the world in his Image CMV.

Fucking seriously though

[Verse 1] I am Governor Jerry Brown My aura smiles and never frowns Soon, I will be president Carter power will soon go away I will be Führer one day I will command all of you Your kids will meditate in school Your kids will meditate in school

[Chorus] California über alles California über alles Über alles, California Über alles, California

[Verse 2] Zen fascists will control you One-hundred percent natural You will jog for the master race And always wear the happy face Close your eyes, can't happen here Big Bro on white horse is near The hippies won't come back, you say Mellow out, or you will pay Mellow out, or you will pay

California über alles California über alles Über alles, California Über alles, California

[Bridge] Now it is 1984 Knock-knock at your front door It's the suede denim secret police They have come for your uncool niece Come quietly to the camp You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp Don't you worry, it's only a shower For your clothes, here's a pretty flower Die! On organic poison gas Serpent's egg's already hatched You will croak, you little clown When you mess with President Brown When you mess with President Brown

[Chorus] California über alles California über alles Über alles, California Über alles, California

We got Orb Mommy, we got eight flavors of neo-fascism on tap, we got a big wet TV president, we've got a KKKalifornia KKKop named KKKamala.

This is it. This is California Triumphant. They fucking won. Boomer Hippie "It's not my problem I want to be free man" bullshit has morphed and mutated in to whatever the fuck this is and now we're all fucked.



Like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AND CAN IT BE RESOLVED WITHOUT RESORTING TO THE barbara-pit CUCK PIT? Don't let the "Perfect" (not committing genocide) be the enemy of the "Good" (LITERALLY FUCKING GENOCIDE).

What the entire fuck is wrong with them? It's not just how could they do this, but how can they not see what they've become? Their whole fucking ideology is built around the idea that they're the good guys, the defenders of civil rights, the beacon of an enlightened, refined, civilized society. That's their whole goddamn thing, but now they've compromised and lesser eviled their way in to virulent, active support for fucking genocide WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!~?!~?>~!>?~!~!:~!>

And, and, all the fucking bullshit, for decades, about tankies being irredeemably evil because of genocides that didn't even fucking happen?


honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged honk-enraged


Some nerds were doing that thing where 40k fans are like "OH NO SEXZ IS HERESY!" when it's pretty definitively not and is basically one of the only things in 40k that isn't heretical (as long as you're not doing evil slannesh shit) and it got me thinking about repression of sex under "in bad country regimes".

And a whoooooooooooooooooooooooooole fucking thing in 1984 was how liberating and humanizing it was that the author's grungy middle aged self-insert was boning a 19 year old member of the Junior Anti-Sex League, and, like... America has several thousand different Junior Anti-Sex League and I'm not sure if the USSR ever had any? Like, yeah, maybe they did, but under capitalism Americans have literally convinced themselves they'll go to hell if they see a tiddy and the English famously just hate joy. So what the fuck was Orwell trying to critique with his "Junior Anti-Sex League" in spoooooky Stalinist England?

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