
joined 1 year ago
[–] Feyter@programming.dev 46 points 4 months ago

Of course they do. They want to keep control over monetization. They don't care about creators at all.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

No my initial point is, that if you are boarding with how to setup a VPN you are probably not the main user that TikTok is generating money from.

Plus companies will probably not use a platform that is banned in a country to target people in that country.

And plus if you are willing to just Google or look up a single video tutorial about what a VPN is or how to set it up you are probably above of the average Internet user today.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev 0 points 5 months ago

That's exactly what I just said? My grandma could just do it. That's no effort at all. Still so many people refuse to do just one little extra step or think about why something is not working anymore. That's just reality.

If people start questioning those things that would be a good thing. And again people not using a VPN is not my main argument here.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev -4 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Meanwhile people still arguing Fedivers will never succeed because it's to complicated to pick a server :D

If someone goes the extra mile to get informed about and use a VPN, this person is no longer the average user of TikTok. I'm sure everyone including a 90 years old grandma is able to setup and use a VPN on it's own, put it requires a change in mind that definitely impacts you behavior online for the better. So again would be a Win.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev -2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

It's directly controlled by Chinese government so please don't tell me TikTok would be out of reach... maybe for US Government :D It is only effective in spreading stuff that CCP supports or doesn't effect them.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev -5 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Just because it's much more common in those countries compared to USA or Europe to use a VPN it doesn't mean the average user there is actually using them. If there are even regions where it's forbidden to use a VPN (than that's highly concerning more than a TikTok ban or anything else!) it's even more unlikely the average user will have VPN access.

And again all of my other points I think are much more important in that thought process.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev -1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Sorry to say that but that sounds like a "Hitler built the Autobahn" argument for me. Don't be fooled TikTok is highly controlled and influenced by the Chinese government. Yes TikTok is promoting the oppression of the Palestinian people because this topic coincidentally proved to be quite effective in supporting Chinese government agenda and distract from their own problems. The voices of other oppressed people are still silenced on that very same platform, see almost every inner chines dispute.

And it's not that TikTok would be the only platform that Palestinian voices could be and are actually heard. You can speak about this on almost every other platform. Plus: if all this people would just leave TikTok and use the Fidivers instead this would be a double win for everyone including the other oppressed voices on TikTok.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev -4 points 5 months ago

Yet, despite that, it’s working as one. Effectively No it don't! It is a platform designed to get peoples attention and forward it to a scam add. Everything that goes beyond surface level is not suited for this platform and sorted out and even worst it's highly controlled by the chines government. This is not a platform for political discussion and public dispute. Maybe people think they could use it for that but that's a big mistake!

[–] Feyter@programming.dev 4 points 5 months ago

Thanks for being nitpicky, so I didn't had to.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev 12 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (14 children)

IDK is the average TikTok user really installing VPN software on it's phone? And if something is banned in a country companies are far less likely to put in effort in it.

So even if people can still use it, technically, TikTok lifes of selling scam shit to people... If you have the skills to install a VPN your probably also not falling for that stuff.

I actually see that as a win. TikTok is not a platform for political discussion or private communication (by design) so I don't hate the idea of it getting banned.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev 3 points 5 months ago

Sony has committed official drivers for PS5 controller under Linux. The experience with it is really plug-and-play... just that you don't plug it in.

Some people don't like the layout others prefer it. I use it myself on my Linux computer. So I wanted to name this option here.

[–] Feyter@programming.dev 12 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I think it's much more impressive that stuff that was added in 2018 and 2019 has a much higher probability of being deleted today than if it was added 2017...

Wonder if that has anything to do with covid and maybe new businesses models opened 2 years before failing and therefore websites of this companies disappeared.

Also I think it would be nice to see a graph of new websites being opened other the same time span.


Follow @godotengine@mastodon.gamedev.place for more fun 😊


I finally found the time and the motivation to get back into game dev and making videos. I trying out a shorter format mostly to document the progression of the project.

Maybe someone find it interesting at least :)


Hello my Gnomies (I hope this is the correct term for a person using gnome) do you know if there is a way to save a current workspace so it can be opened again later with same programs and screen composition?

For example if I have a program on the right side of the screen open and e.g. file browse and a terminal on the left side. So that I can save this and resume to the same view after rebooting or doing something else?

I imagine this like Tabs in blender, if you are familiar with it.


EDIT: As it turns out this is just how gnome is supposed to look and to get a permanently visible dock showing running apps and favorites I must install an extension like dash-to-dock

Thanks everyone to help me understand I was the problem here 🙂

After using Ubuntu for years I thought it would be a good idea to try out plain old Debian for the first time.

So I downloaded the live-Image setup a VirtualBox and started installing it... installation ran trough without any problems. But I don't see any panel/taskbar anywhere.

I tried to google this and best guess was that gonme-panel was not installed (how?) after installation I tried to run it by the terminal but it only trows an error "(gnome-panel:3427): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 20:24:58.712: invalid cast from 'GdkWaylandDisplay' to 'GdkX11Display'". So before I start digging into this I just wanted to confirm that I am on the right track and not just mixing stuff up. So does anyone have an idea what went wrong here?


A women sent her kid that was into programming to the grocery store and told it:

"Please buy 1 bottle of milk if they have eggs buy 2"

The kid returned with just 2 bottles of milk. When it's mom ask why it bought 2 bottles of milk, the kid said:

"Because they had eggs"

... Was the kid right?

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