
joined 1 year ago
[–] FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.world 1 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

That sounds even easier :)

Thank you, that’s very clear. I appreciate it!

[–] FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.world 3 points 16 hours ago (3 children)

Thank you, this sounds promising.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.world 2 points 16 hours ago (6 children)

I haven’t used an authenticator so this might be a basic question, but: when you say to share the code, do you mean each time we need to authenticate? Most of us keep our phones on silent so we mightn’t be good candidates for that.

Thank for the helpful reply. I don’t have the email option but as a last resort I could explore Google Voice options in the EU.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.world 3 points 17 hours ago (5 children)

The options they provide are SMS or Authenticator App. Does the latter count?


We are a group of hobbyists managing a mailing list. Mailchimp insists on SMS authentication to login now which has scuppered our plans to spread the workload.

Are there any free / cheap services that would receive a text messages and forward it by email to several people? If not, is there an alternative way to deal with this situation? We’re not necessarily attached to mail chimp but delivery is important.

[–] FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I don’t tell anyone I use this site in case they come across that stuff first. I just say I use a site “similar to Reddit”. I’m surprised that they don’t ask me the name but most of my friends don’t spend so much time online.

Oh, that’s fantastic. Thank you!

[–] FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.world -2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

It’s a pity about the name. Cultural appropriation of native Americans is an ongoing problem and this is just tone deaf.


[–] FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It depends how you define diversity. The overwhelming majority of content is for the white, Anglicised gaze. You could argue that there is diversity within that group but it is still narrow enough that the content posted is pretty repetitive.

IQ and Africa: a favourite combination for white supremacists.

I thought I was in my messaging app when I read the first sentences and was confused. I thought I was included in the “our evenings” 😆

That sounds lovely and relatable. I let my affection show in glances etc too or a brief hand on the shoulder. Whatever feels authentic at the time.


I’m happily serving a few websites and services publicly. Now I would like to host my Navidrome server, but keep the contents private on the web to stay out of trouble. I’m afraid that when I install a reverse proxy, it’ll take my other stuff ~~online~~ offline and causes me various headaches that I’m not really in the headspace for at the moment. Is there a safe way to go about doing this selectively?


I'm losing my mind. This old graphics tablet connects to the PS/2 port on an old PC for power. There's a separate serial cable for the actual data connection. I want to supply it power without needing to connect it to a PS/2 port, so an adapter for USB would be ideal.

I know others have achieved this but I can't find the details. Can anyone help? The search results are full of Playstations because it misinterprets the "PS/2" part.


I exported a Wordpress site as a static site and have been hosting that on Gitlab. I'd like to start updating the blog again and I'm wondering how to go about it.

For the blog, I've been adding/coding the entries manually, which I still prefer to using Wordpress. Now I have someone who needs to take over the blog and I need something more simple for them.

I've looked into DropInBlog ( https://dropinblog.com ) but it's way beyond our budget, so I've been thinking to either:

  • Give them git access and let them add a text file and image to a special directory when they want to post. Then I can have a script run a few times per hour which converts that into a blog post. I'd also need to update the blog index with my own code.

  • Let them use something RSS based with a nice interface and scrape that to generate the blog. Mastodon is one option, as is Wordpress. Ideally the blog they maintain would not be accessible to others on the web though. I don't want to split our SEO presence.

Does anyone have a better suggestion? The website doesn't use a framework like Jekyll or any of those. It's just HTML, CSS and JS.


I've tried a few options over the years, including SMB and NFS, XBMC as well as HTML with javascript I found online.

I don't have a large collection of music (fewer than 100 albums), so hand coding things was actually one of the quicker options to setup. That's despite then hassle of hand coding the URL to each FLAC file as well as the album art. But sometimes the javascript doesn't handle large collections of FLAC and each implementation I tried had different quirks so I've sunk a lot of time into that in other ways without a satisfactory result.

I've heard of Emby, Jellyfin, Plex, Roon and Servio. I just need something that's simple to set up and access. I don't need fancy features beyond the ability to play the music with a pleasant UI that can be accessed from the web (HTTP, not HTTPS). I'd be running this from a Raspberry Pi 3B which already has the lighttpd server running.

I'm also considering just getting a portable, 128GB FLAC player with a minijack connection and moving on with my life without getting involved in networking at all.

Any recommendations for an uncomplicated way to approach to doing this?

Edit: Thanks so much for the helpful and enthusiastic comments! I tried Navidrome and had it up and running in ten minutes thanks to this tutorial video: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=7V5UUJlSknY

I had to install docker-compose on the RPi. Then I got an error which turned out to be because I also needed a separate docker daemon which I installed following these instructions: https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/docker-tutorial/raspberry-pi-docker

In just 10+ minutes I had my music collection accessible from all my devices - thanks again!


Crossposted from https://lemmy.world/post/19723787

My Gitlab Pages site works well under domain.com but not under www.domain.com. The www subdomain leads to a 401 message: "You don't have permission to access the resource."

My DNS has a CNAME entry for www pointing to domain.com. When I asked the DNS provider what the problem might be they said "Please contact your hosting provider and provide us with the record needed to be set for www in the DNS zone. The changes should have worked already."

The reason I need this is that some old-school people visiting our website still type www. into the URL bar.


Some of my reminders are recurring and while I want them to appear in the app and widgets, I could do without another notification to wrangle with. I still want certain other reminders to trigger a notification.


I heard a kid today talking with friends about how they play the "battery game" every day to help them stay off their phone. The goal is simply to have as high a battery percentage on your phone as possible when you get home. Interesting, isn't it?!

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