
joined 3 years ago
[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 9 points 1 hour ago

God I wish the tank in that picture would fire

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 6 points 2 hours ago

It doesn't have cheese in it

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 11 points 15 hours ago

Anecdotal but I only just saw a video of a guy in the IOF who apparently assaulted Muslim women and was called out by a black lady and pushed away by someone who came in as well (perhaps her husband?). He was being Islamophobic and it looked like he was about to say something racist to her and began getting in her face until her tall (husband?) stepped in and he backed off.

Anecdotal but felt it meshed with the other person's experience.

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 13 points 19 hours ago

Yes; this is the kind of stuff I want NSA staff or FBI being forced by management to look through to learn more about me.

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 7 points 21 hours ago

Yup, seen a lot of zionist rhetoric about the civilians not being innocent or not even being civilians (like Israeli president Herzog saying there are no civilians in Gaza, or an article by Dershowitz asking just how 'innocent' are Gazan civilians).

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 14 points 1 day ago (1 children)

From the river to the sea


[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 15 points 1 day ago

Hey, that's the joke that made me stop watching!

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 22 points 1 day ago

Also what a ridiculous strawman; it's literally America sending billions of dollars in weapons WILLINGLY to Israel; world peace would require other nations with any power to stop contributing to conflict (even though ironically it's us behind many of the world's conflicts), for Israel it's literally as simple as a call from the president and telling them to stop unless they want to end up like Libya, and to stop sending arms.

What a very childish strawman. How did our navy end up in (failed) conflict with the Houthis? They didn't magically teleport there, we sent them there.

If libs were acting in good faith, they'd yell at Kamala to STFU every time she defends Israel; in fact why don't they do that? If they're being intellectually honest, yell at her during her public speeches when she defends Israel to STFU; don't they want her to win? They should tell her to at least stop standing up for them and hurting her chances.

What utterly dishonest people.

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 46 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

In regards to this piece of trash:

Earlier this year, he ordered the destruction of the Canada Well water facility, which supplied 50% of the water in southern Gaza’s Rafah governorate, where much of the population had evacuated.

Wow, I hope you burn in hell you disgusting piece of trash.

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This isn't arable land, this is Europle land!

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

It's gotten so hard to laugh at this joke; saying libs are ghoulish is an understatement. The election hasn't occurred yet and the genocide is at final solution levels with Kamala's full cackling support, with libs openly laughing when protesters tell them what's happening.

[–] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 9 points 2 days ago

My car is white so I add some obligatory mayo


I've just seen a tweet about an IOF soldier harassing a person (family?) and telling them that this is his land, and before I could see more it just removed it right in front of me, and this isn't the first time an anti-Israel tweet has been removed from my home page right in front of me.

I know it also removes tweets I may not be interested in (no idea how it gauges that to be honest), but considering I check on anti-Israel content all the time, this absolutely would not fall under that; additionally people I'm actually FOLLOWING have their tweets disappear from my home page; why are people I'm FOLLOWING having their content be hidden from me?!


History repeats itself

Also looking up Southern Lebanese cities that Israel would have retreated from, I encountered this page about a 'detention' center (torture facility; content warning: descriptions of torture because Western secular liberal democracy):


Gonna check the Hebrew version of this page and see what Israelis are saying was actually happening there.

EDIT: Translating the Hebrew to English, we get:

In southern Lebanon, there was a barracks of the French army which was built in the thirties. After that, the building was used by the Lebanese army, until it came under the control of the South Lebanese army. In 1985 it was converted to serve as a detention center, a prison and an interrogation facility until the withdrawal of the IDF from South Lebanon in May 2000 and the dissolution of the South Lebanon Army. After the withdrawal, Hezbollah turned the prison into a museum[1]. Prisoners who stayed in the prison reported harsh interrogations and the use of torture. Among other things, it was reported Confinement cells with a height of 0.7 meters and a floor area of ​​0.5 square meters, about confinement in perpetual darkness, and about whippings.

Al-Khyam prison also had a women's wing for female prisoners. The most famous prisoner in the prison was Suha Beshara who tried to assassinate the commander of the SDF, Antoine Lahad.

The prison building was destroyed by Israeli Air Force strikes during the Second Lebanon War.

The State of Israel denied direct involvement in the management of the prison and claimed that the facility was transferred to the authority of the South Lebanese Army in 1988. Before the prison was transferred to the responsibility of the South Lebanese Army, the IDF confirmed (in 1986) that an American citizen captured by the forces of the South Lebanese Army was transferred to Al-Khyam Prison and was interrogated in the camp by two SDF members and an Israeli investigator in order to ensure that the interrogated received proper treatment[2]. However, in the affidavit[3] given by Dan Halutz on behalf of the Ministry of Defense, he admitted to some involvement of Israel, including the payment of salaries to prison guards and staff and the training of investigators.

In 2022, following a petition by human rights activists to the High Court, the Shin Bet allowed the publication of documents including documentation of torture such as electrocution, starvation and denial of medical treatment. Additional documents that the Shin Bet allowed to be published in 2024 show that a member of the Shin Bet supervised the SDF investigators and guided them

HMMMMMMMM.........HMMMMMMMMMMM..........Very interesting wording and speculation here! Also the omitted quote from the English article!


I've been removing from my list of youtubers/streamers/etc anyone who backs genocide (basically a good way of filtering out liberals and reactionaries (same picture meme)), and looking up Eckhartsladder I found a protected tweet that google (and the replies to the tweet) seems majorly to indicate he's against the genocide, and has been so since as early as the 10th of October 2023.

(for that matter, how is mandaloregaming?)


I'd seen this clip before but didn't know what the man was saying; there's so much pain in the man's voice.


Neoliberals championing war to bring women's rights to the global South nowhere to be found of course.

Then again their understanding of women's rights probably also states that if all the women and children in Gaza die, then Israel's breaches of women's rights disappears.

We accused Gaddafi of killing 10,000 people (it was a lie) and went to war with Libya to put a stop to it; Israel has killed at least 40,000 people (but realistically much, much, much more) and instead we send them weapons when they run out of said weapons to massacre Gazans with.


"Will this strike, in childish yet violent revenge, be too much for the 'international' community?" I ask naively.


Obviously I'm not including burnout as the fun in that is trashing opponent cars while you're racing; for myself I enjoyed some of the earlier entries in need for speed (never played the later ones) cause I could crash into other cars and knock them off cliffs and beat them around to give myself an advantage; I just don't know what draws people to say for example Gran Turismo vs.....I don't know, I don't know any other racing games. Other than the 'crashing into other cars' factor, I don't know what the draw to one racing game vs another is.


The Irish just keep winning


So many people back home who've been smeared thoroughly as being poor because of their own weakness or vices who absolutely could be like this awesome guy if only they had the opportunity. So many people robbed of the opportunity to excel and contribute to humanity's advance held back because less than 0.1% of the population have to have all the wealth and to keep people down.

Every poverty stricken addict, every homeless person, every hopeless poverty stricken drunk, every angry starving person, every victim of natural disasters; these people are all victims of injustice by a self destructive system that cons the people mere steps above these victims into waiting just a little longer, just another presidential term, just another four more years, just a little wee bit longer, telling them it'll all be okay soon, and if it just gives the appearance of leveling off, then this is the new reality and people are crazy for thinking it could be better; a system that gaslights people into accepting life as a disposable battery for the ultra wealthy.

We smear third world countries and yet there are so many third world countries that offer infinitely more for their people than ours does; we watch as so many more of our people, considered expendable, get expended.

How many people back home could've been phd holders? How many people back home could've become our greatest scientists? The addict who can barely stand up, addicted because life is miserable and he has no hope for a future, could've been one of our country's brightest. Where is our Mao?


Every accusation is a confession

EDIT: Oh, and as per one of the replies on this twitter page, the Israeli making this claim was born and raised in America but now larps as someone native to occupied Palestine.


Shameless, absolutely shameless.

It hurts to know that regardless of whether or not Israel falls, there won't be Nuremberg trials for these people.

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