
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (2 children)

I appreciate your perspective, but my focus is on enhancing our measurement of community activity; if you have a more effective metric in mind, I’d love to hear it instead of just pointing out flaws.


Hey fellow Lemmings,

I've been thinking about how we measure the liveliness of our communities, and I believe we're missing the mark with Monthly Active Users (MAU). Here's why I think Posts + Comments per Month (PCM) would be a superior metric:

Why PCM is Better Than MAU

  1. Quality over Quantity: MAU counts lurkers equally with active participants. PCM focuses on actual engagement.

  2. Spam Resistance: Creating multiple accounts to inflate MAU is easy. Generating meaningful posts and comments is harder.

  3. True Reflection of Activity: A community with 1000 MAU but only 10 posts/comments is less vibrant than one with 100 MAU and 500 posts/comments.

  4. Encourages Participation: Displaying PCM could motivate users to contribute more actively.

  5. Easier to Track: No need for complex user tracking. Just count posts and comments.

Implementation Ideas

  • Show PCM in the community list alongside subscriber count
  • Display PCM in each community's sidebar
  • Use PCM for sorting "hot" communities

What do you think? Should we petition the Lemmy devs to consider implementing this? Let's discuss!

There are 16M comments per day according to the observer website.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (5 children)

30k communities and 9M posts per day. I find the number of posts per day very hard to believe. Each community would have an average of 300 posts per day, and most communities are abandoned. Maybe it's the bot communities that repost all the Reddit posts that inflate the number so high.


Yeah because first of all, content had to be spread out across 562826 different communities for no reason other than that reddit had lots of communities, after growing for many many years. It started with just a few.

Then 99% of those were created on, and every new user was directed to sign up at

I guess a lot of people here are younger than me and didn’t experience forums, but we had like 30 forum channels. That was enough to talk about anything at all. And I believe it’s the same here, it would have been enough. And then all channels would have easy to find content.


Hey everyone! I'm curious about the number of communities on Lemmy and the activity levels within them. Specifically, is there a reliable source where I can check the total number of communities and the average number of posts per month? It seems like the number of communities might be quite high, but I wonder how low the post activity is across most of them. Any insights or links to resources would be greatly appreciated!


I often find myself browsing videos on different invidious instances or posts on various lemmy instances, and I would love to be able to create a "watch later" list or a "favorite" list that works across all of them. I don't want to have to manually import and export these lists between different instances, either, like I have to do on lemmy, invidious, etc.

I'm currently using a single bookmarks folder to keep track of everything, but I don't like this because it's a mess. I'd like to be able to create two or three different lists for different groups of websites, so that I can easily find what I'm looking for. For example, a favorite list for reddit, tumblr, etc, another favorite list and a watch for later list for invidious instances, and other lists for other sites.

Is there any way to achieve this? I'm open to using browser extensions, third-party apps, or any other solutions that might be out there. I would prefer a free solution, but I'm willing to consider paid options as well.

A bookmark can only exist in one folder at a time, whereas I want to be able to add a single item to multiple lists (e.g., both "favorites" and "watch later").

I believe the closest to what I'm looking for are, Pocket, Wallabag, Hoarder, etc.

I use Manjaro Linux and Firefox.


I want to create a collage of 20 screenshots from a video, arranged in a 5x4 grid, regardless of the video’s length. How can I do this efficiently on a Linux system?

Specifically, I’d like a way to automatically generate this collage of 20 thumbnails from the video, without having to manually select and arrange the screenshots. The number of thumbnails should always be 20, even if the video is longer or shorter.

Can you suggest a command-line tool or script that can handle this task efficiently on Linux? I’m looking for a solution that is automated and doesn’t require a lot of manual work.

Here's what I've tried but I only get 20 black boxes:


# Check if input video exists
if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
    echo "Error: Input video file not found."
    exit 1

# Get video duration
duration=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$1")

# Calculate interval between frames
interval=$((duration / 20))

# Extract 20 frames from the video
for i in {1..20}; do
    ffmpeg -ss $((interval * ($i - 1))) -i "$1" -vf scale=200:-1 -q:v 2 "${1%.*}_frame$i.jpg"

# Create collage
montage -mode concatenate -tile 5x4 -geometry +2+2 "${1%.*}_frame*.jpg" output_collage.jpg

# Clean up temporary files
rm "${1%.*}_frame*.jpg"

echo "Collage created: output_collage.jpg"

I used Google before, but since I degoogled, I only have my contacts on my Android phone. However, I would like to be able to access them on Linux too and have them synced.

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