
joined 3 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 hour ago

It's a few different things combined:

  • Competent host: Sean Evans seems like a perfectly normal guy with above average charisma that isn't as manufactured as Fake Laugh Fallon or Waitstaff Abuser Cordon. The team also seems to do their research in terms of guests and tend to ask questions they didn't already just answer in another interview

  • Novel premise: Instead of the host asking raunchy or off cuff questions, the host asks mundane albeit obscure questions regarding the celebrity in question loses composure due to increasing spice. A part of the spectacle is seeing someone famous lose composure in a way that isn't in a public mental breakdown or substance induced rampage.

  • Generally wholesome: Or at the very least not mean spirited. Despite some dramatic sound effects added after the fact, the show is actually extremely benign and doesn't antagonize anyone. Fairly accommodating, if the interviewee is vegan they'll have vegan wings, if they don't eat processed food they get like fried cauliflower.

I get the appeal and have seen like 4 or 5 episodes.

[–] 4 points 2 hours ago

The "Who's your favorite kid?" "I'm gonna have to say Bart" line got a quick exhale out of me.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago

Talking to John Brown:

[–] 21 points 2 days ago

Please ignore the fact that I was too hasty making this post I initially forgot to include the photo

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by to c/

Comrade {彼得|bǐ dé}•{帕克|pà kè}, aka Spider-Man, went on to fight bourgeois terrorist Green Goblin with theory, fists.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago

Doing a whiteface minstrel show.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

There's no rules in the user agreement that says Owls can't play basketball

[–] 10 points 5 days ago

How else do you keep track of kills to call in a killstreak? Hezbollah should be able to call in a tactical nuke at 25

[–] 23 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Y'all be good

We have no information leading to the arrest of Hillary Clinton

[–] 7 points 5 days ago (2 children)

See, I grew up amongst normal atheists. I spent half my time with retired revolutionaries in a communist retirement community in Wuhan, China. The last of the elves to see the Light of the Two Trees of Valinor. So a lot more Maoist than the general Chinese population. Some comrades who were stationed in Shaanxi throughout the war(s), even some who participated in the long march.

After all, as l'internationale goes, 从来就没有什么救世主,也不靠神仙皇帝/Il n'est pas de sauveurs suprêmes Ni Dieu, ni César, ni tribun.

Some still held cultural beliefs that could be seen as a religious practice but it was not to serve any religion. Some who had seen the worst of the second war were more adamant that there are no powers above. I suppose if you witnessed Nanking during/immediately after WWII, you'd be angry at the gods for standing by and doing nothing. How good can the gods be if they stood by and watched when even the literal Nazi John Rabe had enough humanity to try and stop the slaughter? But understanding that the people have their beliefs was also a part of it. The most toxic and harmful parts were purged in the Cultural Revolution, who's to stop someone from joining the monks or having a statue of 观音 and lighting incense? The very people we fight for, the people who sheltered us during the Long March, the people who took up arms with us in the name of liberation. If the anti science, anti feminist and counter revolutionary aspects were purged, what harm is there in people observing holidays, praying and restricting their diets? To fast during Ramadan, to walk the path of the Buddha, to honour ones ancestors, to light fireworks to scare off the Nian, etc. Those things don't have to be toxic.

But upon moving to the west, atheism became Atheism, it was an identity. It was commodified and used to sell laptop stickers and books. It was a brand. To be Atheist is to debate Christians and buy Richard Dawkins books and share Hitchens' quotes and feel holier than thou. "In this moment, I am euphoric" sort of thing. To be Atheist is to be insufferable. Worse, they seem to just abandon the Christian part of Christian Chauvinism and just become Chauvinists. In some aspects, it's not only feeling smugly superior to the brown people believing in primitive gods or the "Moslems", it's to also feel smugly superior to Evangelicals, too. It's the next evolution of being a chauvinist. Critical support for their opposition of Young Earth Creationists and anti abortion dickheads, yes, but you cannot excuse their support for Western imperialism, literal and cultural, in the global south.

I guess in the end, atheism is a land of contrasts.

[–] 22 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Seriously, it's plain as day with a material analysis. The material conditions for the working class aren't improving either way, but the party with red hats have a (wrong) solution, to blame immigrants and the gays. People falling for fascist rhetoric are miseducated (yay American education system), disillusioned and desperate. A competent and well meaning political party could turn that anguish and contempt for the status quo into results, but Dems are neither of those things. In the end, they also serve capital.

To meaningfully reform healthcare is to make workers less desperate, it will allow disgruntled and abused workers to leave their workplace and therefore dilute the power of the employers and to take away from the pharmaceutical companies. To meaningfully push through higher wages is to take away from capitalists at large. To meaningfully reform housing is to take away from landlords. To meaningfully reform prisons is to take away from the private prison industry. To meaningfully stop the genocide in Gaza is to take away from the Military Industrial Complex. They'll promise and pay lip service to those things but will never meaningfully change them.

They are not well meaning. One of the few aspects in which they are better is abortion and they fumbled that so hard, because they're also incompetent.

But no, to the diehard libs, it's because half the country are mentally ill. That's the only explanation.

[–] 11 points 6 days ago

This is the immediate aftermath of the sun finally setting on the British empire. Co-incidence?

[–] 17 points 6 days ago

Conker refers to the seed of a British chestnut, and is also the name of a game where you carefully drill a hole through the seed, feed a string through it, tie it so it becomes a tiny, organic wrecking ball. Your goal is to swing your conker at another child's conker until one of them breaks.

It's one of those old timey children's games like chasing a hoop with a stick or playing marbles or smoking cigarettes at the age of 9.


a method of shot composition where a character stares at the camera with a forward tilt, to convey to the audience that the character in question is at the peak of their derangement.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

(meat is in the image on the packaging, and there is chicken bouillon in the flavour packet)

Context: {北京|Běi jīng} Mala Instant Noodles is a Chinese instant noodle made in {南街村|Nán jiē cūn}, a Maoist village in Henan that refused to follow Deng's liberal reforms and remained communist to this day. The villagers collectively own the Nanjie group that guarantees employment and runs over 20 different enterprises, largest of which produce foodstuffs such as beer, flour, and noodles amongst other things. The workers are paid 30% of the profits as cash and 70% is re-invested into public works. Villagers enjoy free housing, electricity, gas, healthcare, transport and education from kindergarten to university/vocational school. Furniture and essential electronics are also provided to every household for free.


My proudest posting achievement by far.


{毛主义万岁|máo zhǔ yì wàn suì}


Note: this has technically been the law for a few years but it was not enforced, esp during COVID, nor did many smaller hotels have the software needed to even enter foreign names. Certain chains had a 3 character limit on the name field and because guests legally had to register their ID, they couldn't accommodate. Other short stay hotels wrongly assumed they needed special licenses to house foreigners like long term accommodation.


On the image:

"IDF Standard Issue"

"National warranty, no transaction fee"

"Suitable for shredding multiple top confidential documents simultaneously"

And in the comments itself:

"This product is portable, can shred evidence of war crimes AND embarass Israel on international TV? This is too good to be true"


"Can I still use it if I'm not having a temper tantrum?"


"I can't fault the guy for promoting an efficient Chinese product"

manhattan it is 2022, the libs say China will not recover from post COVID lull

manhattan it is 2021, the libs say China will not recover from harsh, extended COVID lockdowns

manhattan it is 2019, the libs say China will not recover from international backlash for cracking down on Hong Kong riots

manhattan it is 2018, the libs say China will not recover from international backlash over ~~Adrian Zenz's fever dream~~ the Uyghur genocide and Trump's trade war with China

manhattan it is 2016, the libs say China will not recover from an aging population and a lack of youth to replace them due to the one child policy and wasting money on an aerospace program

manhattan it is 2014, the libs say China will not recover from Xi's crackdowns on corruption and corporate greed, military spending and renewed efforts to claim the South China Sea

manhattan it is 2010, the libs say China will not recover from wasting trillions into a national high speed rail system


Leftists: imperialists are paper tigers, they may appear frightening but if you look closely, they're actually harmless. They are no where near as powerful as they project, they are in reality disorganised

The imperialists: The 16 year old kids we keep killing are master Shinobi and can cast genjutsu and teleport. They're so skilled in the art of deception they have embedded themselves in American society posing as taxi drivers and food delivery people for decades at a time.

According to a police report, Mealor and a friend were looking for his girlfriend near a harbor, at one point asking individuals on a docked boat if they had seen her. Muller, who was on the boat, allegedly told the victim he looked “sketchy,” the report said, and ordered them to leave before shouting racial slurs at Mealor, who is of Asian descent and blind in one eye.

“As the victim and witness walked away, the defendant called the victim a ‘cross eyed g—,’” the report said, referring to an offensive term used for Asian Americans. “The victim continued to walk away from the boat, and then heard the defendant call him a ‘lazy eyed g—.’”

Muller ran after Mealor and his friend, the report said. He knocked the friend to the ground before punching Mealor with a closed fist and knocking him unconscious, according to law enforcement.

Muller had previously pursued a “stand your ground” legal challenge, a Florida law that authorizes the use of deadly force in self-defense, but the motion was denied.

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