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[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Yes. To test their faith. They failed by supporting an anti-Christ.

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago

When I first got my Magic Mouse back around 2018, I swear I could use it while it charged. At the very least the touch surface still functioned but I vaguely recall being able to use the edge of my desk to try it to track. Somewhere along the way they disabled it from connecting while charging.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

That's not what they do they. They listen, then think of the sound bite that negates what they just heard. They are like these LLM AI's except it's not large. They over fit everything negative to either go into the bucket of lies or contort it until they can over fit into the genius bucket. They lack any grey.

It's why they are a cult.

It's no different than discussing science with young earth creationist.

The method is the same for both but to say there is not listening or thinking involved is inaccurate. The human mind does not require congruent thought.

[–] 40 points 1 day ago

That's really missing the point.

If a man rapes a woman and a child is born, the courts will give him shared custody. Choose to give the child up and the racist can block it and get full custody.

There is a depth there that has no legal equivalent where the victim is punished. Closest I can think of is if a burglar breaks in, you have to give them a room in your house for the rest of your life or you can just give them the whole house.

[–] 8 points 2 days ago (1 children)

⬆️ How to rationalize away dementia ⬆️

[–] 0 points 4 days ago

I assume you're talking about Rick Prime. They opened up a story arc and they closed it. They didn't drag it out into a whole season like other shows would have done. It was a single episode and then moved on.

I enjoyed the juxtaposition to Rick Potion #9 when they show them switching universes and Morty is lost. And then they don't dwell on that for rick, he just moves forward because it's just another fucked up adventure in a long series of adventures.

I think the way it was handled frees the show from being bogged down by all the various pieces of that story arc while also giving back story on how he became the Rickest Rick.

But also...

To Be Fair, You Have To Have a Very High IQ to Understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head....

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

The even bigger problem is holding ourselves to a higher standard than they do and setting the expectation that we will always do this while they've long ago lowered their standards that they never will.

This results in us wasting time and effort and leads to infighting for messaging that will never reach their side because they already dismissed the article, it is click bait for us not them.

So while we're over here pearl clutching over a random click bait article, they've already moved the conversation forward.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

Why is android superior then iOS, why, and how is it safer then iOS

It isn't superior or safer. Whatever you did to your phone to install spyware will not project you any bette by using android.

I'm not even sure what you could have installed that would break out of the app sandbox. It's likely to I have some device management profile installed, but even that seems unlikely. It's also possible your phone compromised but that's typically requires a state level attack.

I'm actually leaning towards drug use or carbon monoxide poisoning. Yeah, it is that weird and you sound that paranoid.

[–] 18 points 5 days ago (10 children)

I hate defending Trump, but

Then don't. You aren't obligated to defend him.

I disagree with his sentiment. Higher turn over on the Supreme Court is part of the proposed Supreme Court reform.

Defending him because "nuance" is stupid, he doesn't have any, why project it on him? What has he done to earn it? This is how narcissists maneuver -- people's eagerness to see their good side; it doesn't exist for the narcissists.

[–] 94 points 6 days ago (13 children)

He's truly a man of the people. Turns out the people of America are dumb.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (3 children)

This is copying a similar feature Apple added a while back.

Given androids hardware situation and love for collecting all the data l, I understand why people don't want to give biometrics to their Android devices.

With the data and access our smartphones have, a numerical pin regardless of length, should not be an option anymore.

I am surprised that neither platform is allowing voice authentication as a biometric. I'm not sure if Google supports it but Siri can already tell who is speaking.

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

It really is odd given how prolific their device launches are.

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