
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 4 hours ago

Hoary bat. Very adorable.

[–] 1 points 9 hours ago

Listen to me... 39 Smaller than 61. Say it with me

39 is smaller than 61.

So let's get this straight, are you saying that the 39% are more substantial than the 61%?

My whole point is:

The idea that Democrats want to repeal the second amendment is fear mongering propaganda fed to the "muh guns" people by Republicans.

Democrats do not want to repeal the second amendment. It's not part of the platform, it's never been part of the platform in my entire life.

No, you can't just cherry pick a few opinion pieces and Amazon links as supporting "evidence" for your claim that Democrats want to repeal the 2nd amendment. A group of people is not a hive mind, it's a collection of individuals who have their own stances on every single issue presented. In the poll you posted, 8% of gun-loving Republicans wanted to repeal the 2nd amendment... Are they not Republicans because they disagree with the part on that issue? Do they matter? Of course they do, and it would be silly to deny it, but that minority does not determine policy positions for the party.

Democrats do not want to repeal the 2nd amendment, full stop.

If you said, "most of the people who want to repeal the second amendment are Democrats" I'd agree with you. If you said "more Democrats than Republicans want to repeal the second amendment" I'd agree with you, but saying that "The Democrats are hiding their desire to repeal the second amendment" is plainly false. It's not supported by the statistics, it's not supported by history. The only thing that supports it is a handful of opinion pieces and a few Amazon links.

Honestly, if you still can't understand this now, then you are either not representing yourself in good faith, or you are too far down the rabbit-hole to recognize logic or irony anymore. Either way, we should be done here. Unless you can come back with something substantial, like a recent (let's say, post 9-11) bill brought to the floor by a majority of Democrats in Congress, or a platform statement by Democrats setting a goal to repeal the 2nd amendment, or a poll showing more than 50% Democrat support for a 2A repeal, then your position, that Democrats want to repeal the second amendment, is not based in reality.

[–] 1 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

Your links are fucking laughable. No amount of Amazon shit, and opinions pieces are indicators of the platform for a political party. The most substantial thing was the 2 links to the same failed performance bill from 1994... Which was never intended to pass, it was intended to signal the alternative if we couldn't get an assault weapons ban.

You'd fucking know that if you were alive in the early 90' this "kid" was. You fucking lost, get over it.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

No, my rebuttal was that you posted a bunch of bullshit opinions pieces, 30 year old theater bills and a fucking Amazon link as "evidence" that the Democratic party's platform wants to repeal the second amendment.

Your whole argument that I think those people don't count as Democrats (a no-true-scotsman) you invented in your 2nd comment to me. In case you fucking forgot, here it is.

So those %39 aren’t really Democrats? Got it…

This is literally you, building your own argument and attacking it instead of countering the argument that I put forward. Literally that is the definition of a strawman.

From Wikipedia :

A straw man fallacy (sometimes written as strawman) is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.

Enough of this though, here is the DNC's platform for 2024

Feel free to look through it, and see what Democrats actually want to do, instead of believing bullshit republican propaganda about the Democrat platform.

Learn some shit, and then get lost. You're done here.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Look at that, you can't quote me, because I didn't fucking say it.

As for the name calling, you're the one lobbing false accusations at me, an insult beyond me calling you out for the stubborn donkey that you're acting like.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I'm pro-choice, but mostly anti-death penalty, isn't that a contradiction?

I don't really think so. A person's bodily autonomy and the state's power to execute citizens should not overlap.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (8 children)

Also you’re the one doing the no-true-scotsman by suggesting all of my links are not democrats…

Quote me, jackass.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (10 children)

that’s what I get from arguing with people who can’t back their shit up…

Says the guy posting Amazon links and duplicates of the same old failed bill from 30 years ago as evidence for their claims that the current Democratic party wants to eliminate the second amendment.

that's what I get from arguing with people who can’t back their shit up…

Says the guy who thinks that 39% of a group holds more sway over policy than the remaining 61%

that’s what I get from arguing with people who can’t back their shit up…

Says the guy who literally tried to build a no-true-scotsman strawman 2 posts ago, and then just did DARVO shit when they got called on it.

There's only 2 options here. Either you're a conservative troll...Or, you are using conservative troll fallacies to "back up" conservative troll propaganda, and you just can't recognize it.

So what's it gonna be?

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (12 children)

Woooo boy. I really don't need to say anything here. Your previous comment pretty much cements you as a conservative troll, and anyone that makes it this far down is clearly going to see it.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (14 children)

So those %39 aren’t really Democrats? Got it…

Strawman argument. My counter-point as a whole was not that everyone wants to keep the 2nd Amendment, but that Democrats do not want to repeal the 2nd amendment. It has less than 50% support in the party. To further express why you are attacking a strawman...

So those %8 aren't really Republicans? Got it...

Yea no… it’s only people who are antigun that find it vague…

I think the only people who find it straight-forward believe that any number of mass shootings, school shootings and random shootings is acceptable, as long as there are no more restrictions of any kind on their ability to purchase, sell, and use any weapon.

Also, most constitutional law scholars who had fucking doctorates in this shit find it vague.

Lol…yea cause 39% is so little.

Still <50%... Lol?

You mean are you going to keep whining because you don’t know history and think dems are pro2a?

Are you acting like you do know the history of 2A movents in the US? Don't make me laugh.

Anymore bullshit opinions pieces and Amazon links you want to spam here as "evidence"?

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Never heard this before...

As a sit pisser, I have no trouble pissing all my pee. That being said, I have heard that problems pissing while sitting is a sign of a swollen prostate and possible cancer. So my stand pissers should pop the occasional squat piss just to check their P-spot health.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

Depends on the airport, but usually yes.

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