
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

It is possible, what you're looking for is a reverse proxy: it's an HTTP server that will listen to the standard ports for HTTP and HTTPS that will redirect traffic to the chosen service based on the domain name or URL.

In your case, every subdomain would point to your VPS's IP and traffic that's for mastodon.example.tld will be seemlesly proxied to your Mastodon container.

Do some research on Caddy or Nginx, and I strongly recommend you learn Docker Compose and Docker networking, it will help you make it easier to maintain everything.

PS: CNAME pointing to A record is the way to go. You can do it one better by having a CNAME entry for *.example.tld, but you better make sure that your reverse proxy won't proxy requests to an unexpected container when requesting a bogus subdomain.

[–] 2 points 18 hours ago


Mon précédent employeur aurait matché (Java et Angular) mais ils semblent ne plus recruter du tout, je suppose qu'ils subissent des coupures budgétaires depuis mon départ.

Sinon je pense à Agora Pulse qui ont une stack similaire et chez qui quelques-uns de mes anciens collègues sont partis (ils ont aussi tenté de me débaucher à plusieurs reprises haha)

Personally Meet hasn't worked in Firefox for weeks, unless I clear all my Google cache and cookies, where it'll work once and then no more.

I have Enhanced Tracking Protection set to strict and disabling uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger does not fix the issue, though I haven't tried lowering / disabling ETP.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

De ce que j'ai suivi, les X3D Zen 5 ne risquent pas de sortir avant janvier et les X3D Zen 4 ont déjà de meilleures performances en jeu que les Zen 5 non-X3D, donc je dirais de partir sur un 7800X3D, le plus équilibré des X3D Zen 4

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Parents, maybe? They are usually so concerned about children's safety, whether that's their kids or someone else's.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

J'ai vu au cinéma Lee Miller, un biopic qui suit un ancien modèle devenue photographe pour Vogue qui, après l'invasion de la France par le IIIe Reich, se donne pour mission de documenter les horreurs de la guerre. Ça se regarde bien, Kate Winslet donne une excellente performance (faut croire qu'elle a produit ce film dans l'espoir d'une nomination aux Oscars) qui n'est malheureusement pas suivie par les autres acteurs.

En parlant d'Oscars, j'ai regardé Central do Brasil, qui a valu la seule et première nomination d'une actrice brésilienne pour la catégorie Actrice Principale. Le film suit l'histoire d'une enseignante retraitée rédigeant des lettres pour des clients analphabètes dont le quotidien est bouleversé lorsque le fils d'une de ses clientes devient soudainement orphelin. Le duo se retrouve alors dans un voyage à travers le Brésil dans l'espoir de réunir l'enfant avec un père qu'il n'a jamais connu. Par ailleurs le parcours des personnages me rappelle quelque peu la relation entre Ellie et Joel dans The Last of Us.

[–] 9 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I already did back when Microsoft announced they would drop WMR, but it was (and still is) pretty experimental, with no controller support and 6DoF requiring external tracking.

[–] 15 points 6 days ago (3 children)

to keep Copilot off your desktop or learn Linux

For me it's one year to keep Windows Mixed Reality working. I'm still miffed that they pulled the plug with no alternative other than putting my headset in the bin and get a new one...

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Not just you, it is just a picture

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

J'ai bien compris qu'ils ont fait le lien avec mon numéro de téléphone, mais comment ont-ils obtenu ce lien ? Je n'ai jamais été client d'EDF et l'abonnement de mon logement est au nom de ma compagne (qui n'a pas mon nom de famille)

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

La nuit dernière je me suis fait réveiller par mon onduleur qui s'est mit à bipper suite à une coupure de courant dans ma rue.

Quand j'ai appelé ENEDIS pour les prévenir, mon interlocuteur a terminé la conversation avec un "Merci Monsieur Leroy". Or à aucun moment je n'ai donné mon nom et je n'ai à ma connaissance eu aucune relation commerciale avec eux, comment ont-ils pu lier mon numéro de téléphone à mon nom ?

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

It will end up being analogous to Uber and Lyft, and neither helps reducing the amount of cars on the road.

Looking for UPS suggestion (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/


I have been owning an APC Back-UPS BX1600MI for a little under two years and have been encountering issues with it recently: the battery failed in August, I had to RMA and the replacement one is stuck on battery power while plugged to the mains since last night.

From what I gathered online, this model is plagued with issues, so I'm looking for another one.

My requirements are:

  • Purchasable in the EU
  • Has a variant with FR or DE plugs
  • Can be monitored with NUT over USB or Ethernet
  • At least 900VA capacity but if I can get the same capacity as currently (1600VA) for about 200€ I would

Thanks a lot!

EDIT: The UPS is fine, it turns out my street's transformer had an issue and only provided 135V instead of the expected 230V, which means that the UPS was on battery for a valid reason. What lead me to believe that the UPS was at fault was that every other appliances seemed to work fine.


The relevant part:

"So [Piastri's overtake at Monza] wasn't an ideal point in my world, but also as a team. It's not how we should have gone racing there. I think clearer instructions of how we can race each other has been cleared up."

Norris was asked if he was running in second place behind Piastri in first, that his team-mate would "probably not" be expected to give him the win and gave a clear "no" when further asked if Piastri would be handing him victories.

"In general, [the new rules are] probably for lower positions but if he's fought for a win and deserving of a win, then he deserves to win," he added.

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